Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2007-2010 - April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2010


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Sustainable Development Action Plan for 2007-2010

Appendix 1: Logic Model for the Sustainable Development Action Plan 2007-2010

CRA's Sustainable Development (SD) Vision - 15 yrs

To be globally recognized as a tax and benefits organization for best practices in sustainable development.

SD Long-term Outcomes - 12 to 15 yrs

  • We will achieve a sustainable environmental footprint of our operations, while conserving our use of natural resources.
  • We will achieve efficient and innovative programs, policies, and plans.
  • Sustainable development is part of our corporate culture.
  • We will achieve transparent management of results through triple bottom-line reporting (economic, social, environmental).

Goals - 12 to 15 yrs

  1. Reduce the effects of our operations on land, air, and water.
  2. Demonstrate sustainable service delivery of tax and benefit programs.
  3. All employees apply sustainable development in their jobs.
  4. Use of modern systems that support and maintain sustainable development.

Objectives (6 to 9 yrs) and targets (3 yrs)

Objective: To reduce waste and ensure efficient use of resources.


  • Expand solid waste management program
  • Expand green procurement program
  • Reduce use of office paper
  • Implement sustainable business travel practices
  • Reduce emissions from fleet
  • Implement building energy management plans

Objective: To comply with environmental legislation and regulation.


  • Reduce use and prevent release of hazardous materials, including halocarbons

Objective: Enable efficient and innovative program delivery.


  • Simplify the tax filing process
  • Simplify services to benefit recipients

Objective: Enhance partnerships to support shared sustainable development objectives.


  • Engage in partnerships that pursue business objectives, while contributing to sustainable development

Objective: Communicate our commitment to sustainable development to the public.


  • Increase the proportion of Canadians that feel that the CRA is committed to sustainable development

Objective: Demonstrate leadership and commitment to sustainable development.


  • Increase leadership and support for SD from executives and managers

Objective: Raise the level of employee involvement and support for sustainable development.


  • Increase employee awareness of sustainable development
  • Implement an employee commuting program

Objective: Monitor, measure and report on our sustainable development progress.


  • Strengthen the SD framework: SD Network, SD Champions, Environmental Management System, data management systems for SD

Objective: Assess the economic, social, and environmental impacts of our programs, policies, and plans.


  • Develop an SD Report Card (economic, social, and environmental indicators) spanning all CRA business lines

65 national activities - 1 to 3 yrs

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