CCRA Annual Report to Parliament 2004-2005


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Performance against Strategic Outcome

Performance rating


Strategic Outcome - Compliance with Canada's tax laws, and the effective delivery of benefits and other programs and services


Performance against Expected Outcomes
Canadians pay their required taxes and the tax base is protected
  • Compliance rates continued to be high, as demonstrated in the table, Estimated Compliance Rates and Indicators. Most individuals and businesses file their returns and pay their reported income taxes on time. We reduced the ratio of gross tax debt to gross revenue, and the inventory of tax debt greater than five years of age, and we exceeded our cash collection commitments to the Government of Canada, although the dollar value of tax debt grew. For reporting compliance, we focus on the small percentage of the population who pose the greatest risk to tax revenue since, in our judgement, incidence of non-compliance is relatively low, although in total it is financially significant.
  • We met or mostly met our most important service standards, including those for the timeliness of processing tax returns. We expanded our electronic service options. Our take-up rates for electronic services improved and we achieved a participation rate of 49.4% for T1 electronic filing for the 2004 tax year.
Canadians receive their rightful share of entitlements
  • We issued on time over 99.8% of all CCTB, GST/HST credit, and provincial and territorial payments, for programs that we administer, consistent with our performance last year.
  • Based on an internal CRA study, over 99% of benefit payments and notices were issued accurately.
Provinces, territories and other government departments rely on the CRA as a key service provider
  • We collected over $42 billion in taxes and administered 17 ongoing child benefit and credit programs for provinces and territories. We continued to broaden the scope of programs and services administered on behalf of our client governments.
Canadians receive an impartial and responsive review of contested decisions
  • We resolved most disputes administratively. The majority of our determinations that went to the Tax Court of Canada were upheld. The timeliness of our dispute resolution, specifically Income Tax, has steadily improved over the past several years. However, we need to improve the timeliness of CPP/EI dispute resolution. Continued effort is required to reduce the inventory of disputes and voluntary disclosure cases.
Internal services enable business lines to maximize performance and operations
  • Our strategic direction and the strategic oversight by our Board of Management was reviewed in our internal assessment of agency status. The Board has promoted results-based management.
  • We continued to improve financial systems and controls to respond to the recommendations included in the Auditor General's report on government-wide financial management.
  • While our HR reform is well under way, the Taking Stock review has identified some required improvements in the area of the Competency Based Human Resources Management system (CBHRM).

(in millions)

CRA Net expenditures

3 050 977
2 945 838

Met Mostly Met Not Met

1 See Performance and Data Quality Ratings for the definitions of the ratings used.

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