CCRA Annual Report to Parliament 2002-2003


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Message from the Minister

I am honoured to table the CCRA's third Annual Report to Parliament, and I am extremely proud to be Minister of this dynamic organization. The confidence and trust that individuals and businesses have in the CCRA are a testament to the professionalism and dedication of all our employees.

Excellence in client service is the key to achieving and maintaining high levels of confidence in our programs and services, and compliance with Canada's tax and customs laws. Our progress in continuously improving service to our clients—Canadians, businesses and travellers—is the direct result of a workplace that promotes knowledge, skill, and a sense of commitment. We have established a reputation as a leader within the federal public service in the areas of Human Resources and Information Technology, and are enthusiastic to share best practices with our colleagues and partners.

The tax compliance rates in Canada remained high this year, underscoring the fact that our tax system is one of the best in the world. We also met many challenges, including implementing new customs initiatives under the Canada-United States Smart Border Declaration, while effectively responding to heightened threats to our national security and public safety.

As our performance demonstrates—from responding to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak to prosecuting GST tax fraud, from dealing with offshore tax-havens to protecting Canadians from terrorism at our borders—the issues that concern Canadians most are the CCRA's top priorities.

Elinor Caplan
Minister of National Revenue

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