CCRA Annual Report to Parliament 2002-2003


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Expected Outcome

Canadians receive an impartial and timely review of contested decisions through our redress system

Performance rating


Anticipated Result



Transparent, accessible, and consistent redress mechanisms promote fair and impartial treatment


Performance Expectations:

  • Maintaining or exceeding the high levels of transparency, accessibility, and consistency reported since 2000-2001.
  • Meet service standard for meaningful contact across all five program areas.
  • Maintain or increase overall client satisfaction rates, as measured in the Appeals Branch Client Survey.
  • Continuing to make progress in these areas every year, as measured against our current service standard and other indicators of performance.

Performance Summary – We have met our Anticipated Result, as demonstrated by the following performance against expectations:

  • maintained the high levels of transparency, accessibility, and consistency reported since 2000-2001
  • met an enhanced service standard for meaningful contact across all five program areas
  • made progress in these areas as measured against our current service standard and other indicators of performance
  • however, project to measure overall client satisfaction rates using the Appeals Branch Client Survey was delayed

We strive to provide a dispute resolution process that is accessible, transparent and consistent. These attributes help to promote fair and impartial treatment of our clients. To ensure that all clients are aware of their right to redress and how to access Appeals services, we advise potential clients of the appeals process and their appeal rights through our major tax, customs, and benefits forms.

Our last CCRA Annual Survey indicates that 73% of Canadians are aware of their right to file a dispute if they disagree with our decisions. In all, over 84,000 disputes were received during 2002-2003, and 67% of these were individual income tax filers.

To enhance the accessibility of redress, we initiated a project to review a number of options to modify the “front end” of the processing of objections. This project should lead to clients being able to file their objections via the Internet in 2004-2005. It will continue through 2003-2004 to provide sufficient data for evaluation.

To maintain transparency, we are refining our clients' accessibility to redress, and exploring ways to enhance client satisfaction. We raised our service standard in 2002-2003 to ensure that 85% of clients from each program area who filed disputes are provided with a meaningful status update within 30 days of filing. Not only did we contact overall 87% of clients within the stated time frame, we exceeded the targeted percentage in every program area.

1-1 Performance Against Service Standards – Percentage of Clients Contacted within 30 Days

In order to ensure fair and consistent treatment of clients, and thus enhance client satisfaction, we discuss our decisions with clients once the decisions are reached. This year, approximately 67% of our income tax clients agreed with the decision we reached, up from the 64% recorded in 2001-2002. Our 2003 Appeals Branch Client Survey will provide more information to assess how well we are meeting our clients' need for accessible, transparent, and consistent treatment.

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