CCRA Annual Report to Parliament 2002-2003


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Benefit Programs and Other Services

Progress Against Areas Targeted for Improvement in the 2001-2002 Road Ahead

The 2001-2002 Annual Report identified areas targeted for improvement in each business line in a section entitled “The Road Ahead – 2002 and Beyond”. The chart below indicates the progress we have made to address the performance issues for this business line in 2002-2003, and adds new items that have arisen as a result of the evaluation undertaken in this year's report. Page references to additional coverage of these items in the Summary of the Corporate Business Plan 2002-2003 to 2004-2005 are provided, where applicable. The chart lists the specific immediate-term priorities for improvement we will be undertaking in 2003-2004, and indicates whether the item is a longer-term initiative to be addressed in the Summary of the Corporate Business Plan 2004-2005 to 2006-2007.

Targeted Areas for Improvement

Page ref. CBP

2002-2003 Status

Specific Priorities for Improvement in 2003-2004

Address in next CBP?

Items from 2001-2002 Annual Report

Continue to explore how to increase telephone accessibility for GST/HST credit calls up to the target level


Caller accessibility, 65% in 2002-2003 (a decline from 71% in 2001-2002), remained below our 80-85% internal performance target. The increasing complexity of calls due to implementing the GST/HST Credit Responsiveness Initiative may have been at least partially responsible for this decline.

Continue efforts to meet caller accessibility targets for GST/HST credit enquiries and improve service levels for benefits enquiries by exploring alternative service channels to provide clients with the required information.


Publish service standards for correspondence, account maintenance, and validation and controls


We implemented a 98% target for account maintenance adjustments in our field operations and continued work on developing this target into a service standard for 2003-2004. We also made progress in developing a service standard for validation and controls.

Finalize development of account maintenance and validation and controls service standards, and communicate them to the public.


Implement a new case management application for validation and controls activities for better project analysis, statistical reporting, and measurements of effectiveness that include additional targets, monitoring, and research


We continued development work on the validation and controls case management application, which will allow us to better manage and control workloads, production, and inventories, automate statistical reporting, provide detailed data for project and trend analysis, and track dollar amounts of adjustments.

A pilot project of the system is scheduled to start in April 2003, with full national implementation planned for fall 2003.


Continue to collect information on estimates of cost-savings to taxpayers that CCRA program administration entails


An external study of the National Child Benefit (NCB) initiative indicated that provincial and territorial child benefit programs appear to be cost-effective when using CCRA's delivery infrastructure, in contrast to having separate administration by jurisdictions.

Continue on-going work with federal, provincial, and territorial partners in the NCB community to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the initiative and the administrative costs associated with alternative program delivery mechanisms.

New Items

Refine our strategy to acquire new types of business to administer on behalf of provinces, territories, and other government departments


To improve service and reduce costs to residents, we are undertaking a Joint Services Study with Prince Edward Island to examine the viability of having the CCRA help administer additional provincial revenue activities.

Develop a comprehensive long-term strategy regarding our relationships with provinces and territories over the next five years. Continue to pursue new types of business with the provinces and territories.


On track

Mostly on track

Not on track

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