2010-2011 to 2012-2013 Summary of the Corporate Business Plan - Maintaining Business Sustainability


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Maintaining Business Sustainability

Modern and innovative management practices and sound infrastructure are necessary conditions for the sustainability of the high-quality tax, benefit, and related services that we deliver on behalf of governments across Canada. The CRA endeavours to foster excellence in program delivery through responsible management practices such as effective accountability and sound management of enterprise risk, human resources, business knowledge, information technology, information and investment.

To ensure that we maintain the sustainability of our programs and services, we will undertake a number of initiatives over the planning period that are informed by our risk management practices and the specific risks identified in our 2009 Corporate Risk Inventory. The deliverables related to these initiatives can be found on the next page.

Key Deliverables - Improving our Human Resources Capacity
Develop our 2010-2011 to 2012-2013 Agency Workforce Strategy
Implement elements outlined in our Agency Workforce Strategy, including: a respectful
workplace, leadership development, employee orientation, and learning strategies for
key jobs
Bring on-board Ontario and British Columbia employees into the CRA as a result
of Provincial Sales Tax Administration Reform (PSTAR)
Key Deliverables - Information Technology Responsiveness and
Evolve governance for the Application Sustainability Program
Develop an interim risk mitigation solution to enable transfer of services from our
primary Data Centre to our secondary Data Centre
Partner with Public Works and Government Services Canada and the Bank of Canada on
plans for a new data centre facility
Establish a Corporate Security Strategy, which will include the Identity and
Access Management Project and the Internal Fraud Control Program

Key Deliverables - Accountability and Oversight
Reinforce management accountability and oversight with respect to internal controls
over financial reporting
Update our Strategic Investment Plan and implement an integrated project management
tool for major new investment projects
Advance our Enterprise Risk Management Program

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