Board of Management Oversight Framework
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Board of Management Oversight Framework
Expectation (b): Program Evaluation - The Board must assure itself that the Agency has an effective program evaluation function to assess the long-term success of Agency programs.
Assessment Criteria
- Credible and neutral information is provided on program performance
- Requests for advice and guidance on results measurement are provided
- Evaluation information is used to inform expenditure/policy decisions and program improvements
- Evidence of innovation
Information Considered by the Board
In 2011-2012, the Program Evaluation Division (PED) continued to provide neutral and credible results-related information on existing programs to CRA management. They completed one Evaluation Feasibility Study, three Evaluation Frameworks and three Evaluation Studies. PED also responded to seventeen requests for advice, guidance or comments on results measurement issues. Client feedback about advice and guidance received from PED continues to be positive Evaluation recommendations have been addressed with action plans that will be followed up over the next few years by Corporate Audit and Evaluation Branch (CAEB).
Board’s Assessment
The Board considers that the Agency has a sound and well performing program evaluation function. As the CRA is a large operational organization, program evaluation is one of several sources of information that contribute to the Agency's assessment of its programs.
Expectation (e): Agency Performance Measurement - The Board must assure itself that the Agency has a measurement framework that supports the Agency's business priorities.
Assessment Criteria
- Agency performance indicators are aligned, comprehensive and not duplicated
- Performance indicators are in place to track progress on the Agency's strategic goals
- Evidence of innovation
Information Considered by the Board
Although the CRA has an existing TBS approved Performance Activity Architecture (PAA), a supporting Performance Measurement Framework (PMF) including performance indicators, the Annual Report to Parliament, and quarterly performance reports, the Board of Management identified performance measurement at the enterprise level as an area of focus for the Agency in 2011-2012. A stocktake exercise was conducted to analyze existing Agency performance measurement reporting documents and identify potential overlaps. Through branch consultation and the assistance of an external consultant, a model of Agency Performance Indicators was developed for presentation to the Board in July 2012.
Board’s Assessment
The Board agreed that the Agency has a range of performance measures in place to respond to different needs. The opportunity for improvement lies in reducing unnecessary duplication and establishing a strategic results based framework that draws on information from across the compliance continuum.
- Date modified:
- 2012-09-12
- Date modified:
- 2016-02-25