Tax Topics -- Partnerships
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Topics -- Partnerships
- T4068 Guide for the Partnership Information Return
- T5013-INST Statement of partnership income - Instructions for recipient
- T5013 Statement of Partnership Income
- T5013-1 Part IX.1 Income Tax Calculation - SIFT Partnership
- T5013-FIN Partnership Financial Return
- T5013SCH1 Partnership's Net Income (Loss) for Income Tax Purposes - Schedule 1
- T5013SCH2 Charitable Donations, Gifts, and Political Contributions - Schedule 2
- T5013SCH5 Allocation of Salaries and Wages, and Gross Revenue for Multiple Jurisdictions - Schedule 5
- T5013SCH6 Summary of Dispositions of Capital Property - Schedule 6
- T5013SCH8 Partnership's Capital Cost Allowance Schedule - Schedule 8
- T5013SCH9 List of Partnerships - Schedule 9
- T5013SCH10 Calculation of Deduction for Cumulative Eligible Capital of a Partnership - Schedule 10
- T5013SCH12 Resource-Related Deductions - Schedule 12
- T5013SCH50 Reconciliation of Partner's Capital Account - Schedule 50
- T5013SCH52 Summary Information for Partnerships that Allocated Renounced Resource Expenses to their Members - Schedule 52
- T5013SCH100 Partnership's Balance Sheet Information - Schedule 100
- T5013SCH125 Partnership's Income Statement Information - Schedule 125
- T5013SCH141 Financial Statement Notes Checklist - Schedule 141
- T5013SUM Summary of Partnership Income
- T106 Information Return of Non-Arm's Length Transactions with Non-Residents
- T1134 Information Return Relating To Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates (2011 and later taxation years)
- T1135 Foreign income verification statement
- T1141 Information return in respect of transfers or loans to a non-resident trust
- T1142 Information return in respect of distributions from and indebtedness to a non-resident trust
- Date modified:
- 2015-11-18