Tax Topics -- Canada Pension Plan/Employment Insurance (CPP/EI)
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Topics -- Canada Pension Plan/Employment Insurance (CPP/EI)
- RC4110 Employee or Self-employed?
- RC4120 Employers' Guide - Filing the T4 Slip and Summary
- T4001 Employers' Guide - Payroll Deductions and Remittances
- T4004 Fishing Income
- T4005 Fishers and Employment Insurance
- T4130 Employers' Guide - Taxable Benefits
- CPT1 Request for a Ruling as to the Status of a Worker under the Canada Pension Plan or Employment Insurance Act
- CPT8 Application and Undertaking for Coverage of Employment in a Country other than Canada under the Canada Pension Plan
- CPT13 Application for Coverage of Employment in Canada Under the Canada Pension Plan by an Employer Resident Outside Canada
- CPT16 Application For Exemption From Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan on Account of Religious Beliefs
- CPT17 Application for Certification of a Religious Sect Seeking Exemption from Coverage under the Canada Pension Plan
- CPT20 Election to Pay Canada Pension Plan Contributions
- CPT49 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and Iceland
- CPT50 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and Ireland
- CPT51 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles V to VIII of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and Italy
- CPT52 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VII of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and France
- CPT54 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Hellenic Republic (Greece)
- CPT55 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles VI to XI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and Portugal
- CPT56 Certification of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article V of the Agreement Between Canada and the United States
- CPT57 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Jamaica with Respect to Social Security
- CPT58 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 5 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of Korea
- CPT60 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Convention on Social Security Between Canada and Luxembourg
- CPT61 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social security Between Canada and the Republic of Malta
- CPT62 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles 6 to 10 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the United Mexican States
- CPT63 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands
- CPT64 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of the Philippines
- CPT65 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the federation of St. Kitts and Nevis
- CPT66 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 6 of the Agreement on Social Security Between the Government of Canada and of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- CPT67 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and Saint Lucia
- CPT68 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 6 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of Slovenia
- CPT69 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles 6 to 9 of the Convention on Social Secuirty Between Canada and the Swiss Confederation
- CPT70 Certificate of Coverage Under the CPP Pursuant to Article 6 of the Agreement on Social Security Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
- CPT71 Certificate of Coverage Under the CPP Pursuant to Articles 4 to 7 of the Convention on Social Security Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Kingdom
- CPT100 Appeal Under the Canada Pension Plan and/or Employment Insurance Act
- CPT101 Appeal of an Assessment under the Canada Pension Plan and/or Employment Insurance Act
- CPT111 Certificate of Coverage under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and Antigua and Barbuda
- CPT112 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles 6 to 9 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of Austria
- CPT113 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Pursuant to Article V of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and Barbados
- CPT114 Certificate Of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to articles VI to X of the Agreement on Social Security Between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Chile
- CPT115 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 6 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of Croatia
- CPT116 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of Cyprus
- CPT117 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article V of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Kingdom of Denmark
- CPT118 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article VI of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Commonwealth of Dominica
- CPT119 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 6 of the Agreement on Social Security Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Grenada
- CPT120 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 6 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Jersey, Guernsey and Canada
- CPT121 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 5 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and Belgium
- CPT122 Certificate of Coverage under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 5 of the Agreement on Social Security Between the Government of Canada and Government of Japan
- CPT124 Application for Coverage of Employment of an Indian in Canada under the Canada Pension Plan whose income is exempt under the Income Tax Act
- CPT125 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention on Social Security Between Canada and Spain
- CPT127 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles 6 to 11 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Kingdom of Norway
- CPT128 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 5 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the republic of Finland
- CPT129 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article V of the Agreement Social Security Between Canada and Sweden
- CPT130 Certificate of Coverage Under the Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles 7 to 10 of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany
- CPT136 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Article 7 of the Agreement on Social Security Between the Government of Canada and Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay
- CPT137 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles 6 to 9 Of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Czech Republic
- CPT138 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles 6 to 9 of the Agreement On Social Security Between Canada and The Slovak Republic
- CPT139 CPP/EI - Authorizing or Cancelling a Representative
- CPT140 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles IV to VIII of the Agreement on Social Security Between the Government of Canada and the Government of Israel
- CPT141 Certificate of Coverage Under the Canada Pension Plan Pursuant to Articles VII to X of the Agreement on Social Security Between Canada and the Republic of Hungary
- CPT142 Certificate of Coverage under the CPP pursuant to article VI to IX of the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and the Republic of Estonia
- CPT143 Certificate of Coverage under the CPP pursuant to article 6 to 9 of the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and the Republic of Latvia
- CPT144 Certificate of Coverage under the CPP pursuant to Articles 6 to 9 of the Agreement on Social Security between Canada and The Republic of Lithuania
- PD24 Application for a Refund of Overdeducted CPP Contributions or EI Premiums
- Date modified:
- 2015-03-09