ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of Saskatchewan
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ARCHIVED - Information for Residents of Saskatchewan
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All the information you need to calculate your Saskatchewan income tax and credits can be found in the publication called Completing your Saskatchewan form. Complete Form SK428, Saskatchewan Income Tax and Credits, and attach it to your return.
What's new for 2006?
The income brackets and most of the non-refundable tax credits used to calculate your provincial income tax have changed.
The calculation for the Saskatchewan dividend tax credit has changed and can be found on the Provincial Worksheet.
An employee’s tools tax credit has been introduced for employees in an eligible trade occupation.
The Saskatchewan post-secondary graduate tax credit has increased to $850.
Form SK428, Saskatchewan Income Tax and Credits, reflects these changes.
Saskatchewan Sales Tax Credit (SSTC)
The SSTC is a program designed to improve the fairness of the provincial sales tax for low-income Saskatchewan residents.
The SSTC provides up to $104 for an individual, $104 for a spouse or common-law partner (or for an eligible dependant), and $78 per child (up to $156 per family), for a maximum annual credit of $364 per family. The credit is reduced when family net income exceeds $13,311. Families with net income between $13,311 and $37,579 will get part of the credit.
The SSTC is combined with the non-taxable quarterly federal goods and services tax (GST) credit into one payment.
To get payments under the SSTC, you (or your spouse or common-law partner) should apply for the GST credit on page 1 of your return.
File your return – You (and your spouse or common-law partner) should file your 2006 return(s) as soon as possible. The information you give on your return(s) will determine how much SSTC you will get starting in July 2007.
The SSTC program is fully funded by the Province of Saskatchewan.
If you have questions…
If you need more help about Saskatchewan income tax and credits after you read the publication called Completing your Saskatchewan form, call the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) at 1-800-959-8281.
To get forms, visit the CRA Forms and publications page or call 1-800-959-2221.
If you have any questions about the labour-sponsored venture capital program or tax credit Slip T2C(SASK.), contact:
Saskatchewan Department of Industry and Resources
3rd floor, 2103-11th Avenue
Regina SK S4P 3V7
Call: 306-787-8904
If you have any questions about the post-secondary graduate tax credit program or tax credit certificate, contact:
Saskatchewan Advanced Education and Employment
4635 Wascana Parkway
Regina SK S4S 7K1
Call: 1-800-597-8278, or 787-5620 (in Regina).
- Date modified:
- 2007-01-02