ARCHIVED - Guide for Non-Residents and Deemed Residents of Canada - 2000


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ARCHIVED - General Income Tax and Benefit Guide for Non-Residents and Deemed Residents of Canada 2000

The information on this page applies to you only if you are a deemed resident of Canada.

Please indicate "Yes" on page 1 of your return to authorize us to provide your name, address, and date of birth to Elections Canada. Elections Canada will use this information to make sure that the National Register of Electors is kept up to date. Please note that your authorization is needed every year, whether your information has changed or not.

National Register of Electors

The National Register of Electors is an automated data base maintained by Elections Canada, containing the name, address, and date of birth of Canadians eligible to vote. It is used to produce electoral lists without having to conduct door-to-door enumerations, saving approximately $30 million for each federal general election or referendum. Elections Canada needs your help in keeping the National Register of Electors up to date, because every year there are significant changes to elector information for almost 4 million Canadians, including name and address changes and new electors qualifying to vote.

If you indicate "Yes"

  • You authorize us to give only your name, address, and date of birth to Elections Canada, for the purpose of making sure that your information on the National Register of Electors is up to date.
  • Elections Canada will not add your name if it is not already on the National Register of Electors. Instead, you may receive a letter asking you to confirm that you are eligible to vote and to authorize that your name be added to the National Register of Electors.

If you indicate "No" (or do not make a choice)

  • We will not give Elections Canada any information.
  • You will not lose your right to vote.
  • Elections Canada will not delete your name from the National Register of Electors if it is already there.
  • Your information may not be up to date on electoral lists produced from the National Register of Electors. If so, you will have to take the necessary steps to correct your information during an election or referendum.


Under the Canada Elections Act, information on the National Register of Electors can be used for electoral purposes only. You can request, in writing, not to be included on the National Register of Electors, or that your information not be shared with provinces, territories, municipalities, and school boards that use the National Register of Electors to produce their electoral lists.

Contacting Elections Canada

Let our symbols be your guide. . .

This guide gives information on the income you need to report and the deductions and credits you are entitled to claim on your 2000 return. It will help you determine your tax payable and any refund to which you are entitled.

You don't need to read the whole guide!

Beginning on page 16 with "Line 101 - Employment income" we will lead you directly to the information that may apply to you by using a symbol. Before you start, it is important that you:

  • read the general information on pages 6 to 14;
  • determine whether, in 2000, you were a deemed resident, a non-resident, or a non-resident electing under section 217 (see the definitions on pages 8 and 9);
  • locate the symbol (see below) that applies to your situation; and
  • as you complete your return and you come to a line on it that applies to you, look up the corresponding line number in this guide. If your symbol appears beside the line-number, the information for that line may apply to you. If your symbol does not appear, then the information does not apply to you.

Just follow the symbol that applies to you…

= deemed residents

= non-residents

= non-residents electing under section 217 of the Income Tax Act

This guide applies to you only if your situation is listed on page 7 under the heading "Is this tax and benefit package for you?"

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