Revised Form T1134, Information Return Relating to Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates
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Revised Form T1134, Information Return Relating to Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates
The purpose of this document is to communicate to the public the launch of the new Form T1134, Information Return Relating to Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates.
What's new?
Forms T1134A, Information Return Relating to Foreign Affiliates That Are Not Controlled Foreign Affiliates, and T1134B, Information Return Relating to Controlled Foreign Affiliates, have been combined into one form: Form T1134, Information Return Relating to Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates.
The new Form T1134 is in Summary/Supplement format. This Summary/Supplement format eliminates substantial duplication of information regarding the reporting entity. The T1134 Summary must be completed for each reporting entity. It contains information on the reporting entity, the form's certifier, and the reporting entity's organizational structure.
A T1134 Supplement must be completed for every foreign affiliate and controlled foreign affiliate of the reporting entity. Part II, sections 1 to 4A, and Part IV of the supplement must be completed for all foreign affiliates, and the rest of the supplement is only required for controlled foreign affiliates.
Note there has been a change in the administrative relief on filing requirements previously provided for dormant or inactive foreign affiliates. The new form now limits the administrative relief for dormant or inactive foreign affiliates to situations where the total cost of investment in all foreign affiliates is less than $100,000. Please refer to the filing instructions on Form T1134 for more details.
Additions to Form T1134 include: a single area on the top of the Summary sheet with instructions in regards to the functional currency election; a space to include a business number (BN) that the reporting entity may have for other reporting purposes; a space to report the country code of the reporting entity; a space to provide the number of supplements attached to the Summary sheet; a question on whether the foreign affiliate is a controlled foreign affiliate; a space for the currency code of certain amounts reported; and new lines under Part III section 5 related to subparagraphs 95(2)(a)(v) and 95(2)(a)(vi).
Other changes include: the clarification of the term “gross receipts,” which includes all receipts (such as loans) and not just income amounts; a link to the official NAICS codes on the Statistics Canada Web site; links to the country and currency codes from Guide T4061, NR4 – Non‑Resident Tax Withholding, Remitting, and Reporting; spaces for specific amounts of dividends received from each type of surplus pool; and spaces for actual amounts of the foreign affiliates' gross revenue, instead of selecting a set of ranges.
Reporting on the organizational structure has been modified on Part I, Section 3, of the form (Summary sheet) in order to obtain the information in a structured format; we have removed the option to submit a copy of the group structure in an attachment.
Form T1134 is available on the CRA Web site in a basic PDF version and in a fillable/savable PDF version. You can find both versions at the following link: T1134 Information Return Relating To Controlled and Not-Controlled Foreign Affiliates (2011 and later taxation years).
The fillable/savable version of Form T1134 consists of one Summary sheet and up to 20 supplements. If the reporting entity is required to file on more than 20 foreign affiliates, additional supplements are available through the T1134‑1 Supplement Package. The Supplement Package is also available in a basic PDF version or a fillable/savable PDF version.
Other information
The revised Form T1134 was released December 31, 2012, and is to be used for tax years that begin after 2010.
Commercial tax software used by reporting entities may contain the older version of the form. We encourage filers to use the revised Form T1134; however, we will accept older versions of the form on a short transitional basis up to June 30, 2013, subject to validations and requests for additional information, if necessary. Reporting entities that have already filed (for tax years ending after 2010) using the previous versions of the form will not be required to re‑file using the new version.
The form is due within 15 months of the end of the reporting entity's tax year (or fiscal period in the case of a partnership).
Currently, this form cannot be electronically filed. It must be paper-filed to the address provided on the back of the form.
For further information or clarification with respect to any of the above, please contact your Tax Services Office (TSO). You can find a list of TSO's at the following link: Tax services offices and tax centres - Addresses and fax numbers.
- Date modified:
- 2013-01-24