Part XVIII Information Return – International Exchange of Information on Financial Accounts


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Part XVIII Information Return – International Exchange of Information on Financial Accounts

2016 - Version 1 - updated 2015-10-10



Required, 1 alpha
– Indicate the type of data being sent:
– O = Original
– A = Amendment
– C = Cancel

Note: 1– An original return cannot contain an amended or cancelled slip.
2 – An amended return cannot contain an original slip.
3 – An amended return can contain only amended slips or only cancelled slips, not a mix (as this will result in duplicate Document Reference Identifiers and consequently, will be rejected).

Required, 34 characters
– Enter the Document Reference Identifier of the slip that is being created.

Note: A new Document Reference Identifier must be assigned for each new slip whether it is an original, amended or cancelled. Each slip must have its own unique Document Reference Identifier, therefore a Document Reference Identifier can never be repeated.

Format to be used: CA–YY–BNRZ–SL–SEQ#
Example: CA–16–123456789RZ0001–SL–123456789
CA = Canada
YY = Taxation year
BNRZ = Filer’s business number (BN) RZ account, used in the summary (15 alphanumeric)
SL = Identifies that this Document Reference Identifier is for a slip
SEQ# = sequence number of 9 digits, created by the filer

– 34 characters (same format as for the Document Reference Identifier)
– Enter the Document Reference Identifier of the previously filed slip that is being amended or cancelled.

Format to be used: CA–YY–BNRZ–SL–SEQ#
Example: CA–16–123456789RZ0001–SL–123456789
CA = Canada
YY = Taxation year
BNRZ = Filer’s business number (BN) RZ account, used in the summary (15 alphanumeric)
SL = Identifies that this Document Reference Identifier is for a slip
SEQ# = sequence number of 9 digits, created by the filer


Required, 30 characters
– Enter the account number used by the financial institution (FI) to identify the reportable account (held by the FI’s client holder or payee). If the FI does not have an account number for this client, provide the unique identifier used by the FI to identify the account holder.

– Mandatory for FIs that have an account number (including alpha numeric identifier).
– If there is no account numbering system, enter “NANUM” for no account number.
– For example, the account number may be:

  • the account number of a custodial account or depository account;
  • the code (ISIN or other) related to a debt or equity interest (if not held in a custody account); or
  • the identification code of a cash value insurance contract or annuity contract.

Note: Based on the value entered for the Account Holder Type Code, below (1 or 3), complete the information/tags for either an individual or the information/tags for an entity/organization but NOT for both.

Required, 1 numeric
1 if the account holder is an individual
3 if the account holder is an entity/organization (corporation, association or institution, etc…)


– 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the tax jurisdiction of the individual.
– This tag is repeatable and can be entered up to 5 times.

Individual Taxation Identification Number
Required, 9 numeric
– Enter the U.S. Taxation Identification Number: the Social Security Number (SSN) or the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) of the account holder.
Note: If the SSN or ITIN is not available, enter 9 zeroes “000000000” and include the Date of Birth (if available) in the “AccountHolderBirthInformation” tags.

Taxation Identification Number Issue Country Code
– 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the country that issued the Individual Taxation Identification Number.

– 9 numeric
– Enter the Canadian Taxation Identification Number: the Social Insurance Number (SIN) or the Individual Tax Number (ITN) of the account holder (if available).


– Required, 30 characters
– Enter the first name of the person. If the FI has no first name information for the Individual Account Holder, enter “NFN” (for No First Name).

– 30 characters
– Enter the middle name of the person.

– Required, 30 characters
– Enter the last name of the person.


– Enter the year, month and day of birth.

– 4 numeric
– Enter the year of birth in this format YYYY.

– 2 numeric
– Enter the month of birth in this format MM.

– 2 numeric
– Enter the day of birth in this format DD.




– 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the tax jurisdiction of the organization.
– This tag is repeatable and can be entered up to 5 times.

Organization Taxation Identification Number
Required, 19 characters
– Enter the U.S. Taxation Identification Number: the Employer Identification Number (EIN) or the Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) of the entity/organization account holder.

– 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the country that issued the Organization Taxation Identification Number.

– 15 alphanumeric
– Enter the Canadian Taxation Identification Number: the business number (BN) of the entity/organization account holder (if available).


Organization Account Holder Name – Line 1

Required, 35 characters
– First line for the name of the entity/organization account holder (corporation, association or institution). If “&” is used in the name area, enter as “&amp;”

Organization Account Holder Name – Line 2

– 35 characters
– Second line for the name of the entity/organization account holder (corporation, association or institution). If “&” is used in the name area enter as “&amp;”



Required, 4 alphanumeric
– Enter one of the following codes to identify the Organization Account Holder Type Code:
– F101 for an owner-documented foreign financial institution with a specified US controlling person(s). If selected, you must complete the information in the “Controlling Person” tags.
– F102 for a passive non–financial foreign entity (NFFE) with a US controlling person(s). If selected, you must complete the information in the “Controlling Person” tags.
– F103 for nonparticipating financial institution (NPFI). If selected, do not include the “Controlling Person” tags.
– F104 for specified US person. If selected, do not include the “Controlling Person” tags.

Note: The Controlling Person tags can be repeated as needed for each reportable controlling person. A maximum of 16 controlling persons can be entered in one slip. You must use another slip if more than 16 controlling persons must be entered.

– 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the tax jurisdiction of the controlling person.
– This tag is repeatable and can be entered up to 5 times.

Taxation Identification Number of the Controlling Person

Required, 9 numeric
– Enter the U.S. Taxation Identification Number: the Social Security Number (SSN) or the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) of the controlling person.
Note: If the SSN or ITIN is not available, enter 9 zeroes “000000000” and include the Date of Birth (if available) in the “ControllingPersonBirthInformation ” tags.

– 9 numeric
- Enter the Canadian Taxation Identification Number: the Social Insurance Number (SIN) or the Individual Tax Number (ITN) of the Controlling Person (if available).

Taxation Identification Number Issue Country Code of the Controlling Person

– 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the country that issued the Taxation Identification Number of the Controlling Person


Required, 30 characters
– Enter the first name of the person. If the financial institution has no first name information for this individual, enter “NFN” (for No First Name).

– 30 characters
– Enter the middle name of the person.

Required, 30 characters
– Enter the last name of the person.



Controlling Person Address – Line 1
– 30 characters
– Enter the address: number of the building, street name, suite number, floor number, district name (commonly referred to as sector or part of the city) and post office box number.
Note: Postal Code, City, Province/State and Country Code are to be completed in their respective tags.

Controlling Person Address – Line 2
– 30 characters
– Enter the remaining address information from Line 1 if more space is needed.

Required, 28 characters
– Enter the name of the city in which the controlling person is located.

– 30 characters
– Enter the Canadian province or territory, the US state or the foreign country sub–division in which the controlling person is located.

Required, 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code associated with the controlling person’s address.

– 10 characters
– Enter the postal code for the controlling person (alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric for the Canadian postal code, example: A9A9A9; the USA zip code or other foreign postal code).


– Enter the year, month and day of birth.

– 4 numeric
– Enter the year of birth in this format YYYY.

– 2 numeric
– Enter the month of birth in this format MM.

– 2 numeric
– Enter the day of birth in this format DD.





Account Holder Address – Line 1
– 30 characters
– Enter the address: number of the building, street name, suite number, floor number, district name (commonly referred to as sector or part of the city) and post office box number.

Note: Postal Code, City, Province/State and Country Code are to be completed in their respective tags.

Account Holder Address – Line 2
– 30 characters
– Enter the remaining address information from Line 1 if more space is needed.

Required, 28 characters
– Enter the name of the city in which the account holder is located.

– 30 characters
– Enter the Canadian province or territory, the US state or the foreign country sub–division in which the account holder is located.

– Required, 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code associated with the account holder’s address.

– 10 characters
– Enter the postal code for the account holder (alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric for the Canadian postal code, example: A9A9A9; the USA zip code or other foreign postal code).



Required, 15 numeric
– Enter the account balance or value of the reported account (up to 13 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents). Example: one hundred thousand dollars would be entered as 100000.00
Note: The comma and the space, between the thousands and the hundreds place, are not accepted. This applies to all financial amounts.


– 13 numeric
– Enter the amount of dividends (up to 11 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents)

– 13 numeric
– Enter the amount of interest (up to 11 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents)

– 13 numeric
– Enter the amount of the total gross proceeds from the sale or redemption of property paid or credited to the account (up to 11 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents)

– 13 numeric
– Enter the “other amount” (up to 11 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents).
Example: Amount other than dividends, interest and gross proceeds / redemptions.


Required, 3 alpha
– Enter the ISO 4217 alpha 3 currency code.



Required, 15 alphanumeric; composed of: 9 digits, RZ, 4 digits (Example: 000000000RZ0000)
– Enter the business number (BN) RZ account that is being used to file Part XVIII returns with the CRA, that is the BN for the T5 group program account, as per Form RC257.
– If you do not have a BN, or you are unsure of your BN, contact our business enquiries line at 1–800–959–5525 to obtain one.

Note: This BN will be used to process the return and to access the list of incomplete records through My Business Account (or Represent a Client).

Required 1 alpha
– Indicate the type of data being sent:
– O = Original
– A = Amendment


  1. An original return cannot contain an amended or cancelled slip.
  2. An amended return cannot contain an original slip.
  3. An amended return can contain only amended slips or only cancel slips not a mix as this will result in duplicate Document Reference Identifiers and consequently, will be rejected.
  4. An amended return can be filed without any slips, to amend the Reporting financial institution or the Sponsor records.

Required, 2 alpha
– Enter “US” to indicate the jurisdiction of the tax administration to which the data relates (for U.S. reportable accounts) using the corresponding ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code.

– Required, 1 alpha
– Enter “F” for U.S. reportable accounts.

Required, 4 numeric
– Enter the tax year (Example: 2015)


  1. Enter the information of the person to contact for the reporting financial institution, if the financial institution is reporting for itself; or
  2. Enter the information of the person to contact for the sponsor, if the sponsor is reporting on behalf of the reporting financial institution.

Required, 22 characters
– Enter the contact’s name for this return: Contact's first name followed by surname. Omit titles such as Mr., Mrs, etc.

Required, 3 numeric
– Enter the contact’s telephone area code.

Required, 3 numeric with a (–), followed by 4 numeric.
– Enter the contact’s telephone number.

– 5 numeric
– Enter the contact’s telephone extension number.

Required, 60 characters
– Enter the contact’s email address.
Note: We will use this email address to inform you that your list of incomplete records is available for download on the CRA My Business Account (or Represent a Client).


Note: The applicable “Reporting Financial Institution” tags must always be completed.


Required, 1 alpha
– Indicate the type of data being sent:
– O = Original
– A = Amendment


  1. An original return cannot contain an amended reporting financial institution record.
  2. An amended return will contain an original reporting financial institution record, if no change is made to the reporting financial institution information. However, if there are any associated slips, they must be either all amended slips or all cancelled slips.
  3. An amended return will contain an amended reporting financial institution record, if there is a change being made to the reporting financial institution information

Required, 34 characters
– Enter the Document Reference Identifier of the record that is being created to report the information of the reporting financial institution.


  1. A new Document Reference Identifier must be assigned for each record whether it is an original or an amended.
  2. To ensure its uniqueness, the sequential number cannot be reused in the same tax year for the same BN.

Format to be used: CA–YY–BNRZ–FI–SEQ#
Example: CA–16–123456789RZ0001–FI–123456789
CA = Canada
YY = Taxation year
BNRZ = Filer’s business number (BN) RZ account, used at the summary level
(15 alphanumeric)
FI = Identifies that this Document Reference Identifier is for a reporting financial institution.
SEQ# = sequence number of 9 digits, created by the filer

– 34 characters (same format as for the Document reference identifier)
– Enter the Document Reference Identifier of the previously filed record that is being amended (for the reporting financial institution).

Note: This identifier must always refer to the latest record (Document Reference Identifier) that was sent. It will be used only to amend the information of the reporting financial institution.

Format to be used: CA–YY–BNRZ–FI–SEQ#
Example: CA–16–123456789RZ0001–FI–123456789
CA = Canada
YY = Taxation year
BNRZ = Filer’s business number (BN) RZ account, used at the summary level (15 alphanumeric)
FI = Identifies that this Document Reference Identifier is for a reporting financial institution.
SEQ# = sequence number of 9 digits, created by the filer


– 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the tax jurisdiction of the reporting financial institution.

Required, 19 characters
– Enter the Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) of the reporting financial institution. The identifier should be entered with periods as was issued by the IRS. Example: 98Q96B.00000.FI.124


<NameLine1Text> </NameLine1Text>
Reporting Financial Institution Name – Line 1
Required, 35 characters
– Enter the name of the reporting financial institution

Reporting Financial Institution Name – Line 2
– 35 characters
– Enter the remaining name information of the reporting financial institution from Line 1 if more space is needed.



Reporting Financial Institution Address – Line 1
– 30 characters
– Enter the address: number of the building, street name, suite number, floor number, district name (commonly referred to as sector or part of the city) and post office box number.

Note: Postal Code, City, Province/State and Country Code are to be completed in their respective tags.

Reporting Financial Institution Address – Line 2
– 30 characters
– Enter the remaining address information from Line 1 if more space is needed.

Required, 28 characters
– Enter the name of the city in which the reporting financial institution is located.

– 30 characters
– Enter the Canadian province or territory, the US state or the foreign country sub–division in which the reporting financial institution is located.

Required, 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code associated with the reporting financial institution’s address.

– 10 characters
– Enter the postal code for the reporting financial institution (alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric for the Canadian postal code, example: A9A9A9; the USA zip code or other foreign postal code).



Note: Must be completed only if the sponsor exists and it is reporting on behalf of a financial institution. The sponsor must have its own GIIN. If there is no sponsor, do not include the <FinancialInstitutionSponsor> tags.


Required, 1 alpha
–Indicate the type of data being sent:
– O = Original
– A = Amendment
– C = Cancel

Note: 1– An original return cannot contain a cancelled or an amended sponsor record.
2 – An amended return will contain an original sponsor record, if no change is made to the sponsor information. However, if there are any associated slips, they must be either all amended slips or all cancelled slips.
3– An amended return will contain an amended sponsor record, if there is a change being made to the sponsor information
4– An amended return will contain a cancelled sponsor record, if the sponsor information is being removed.

Required, 34 characters
– Enter the Document Reference Identifier of the record that is being created to report sponsor information.

Note: A new Document Reference Identifier must be created for each record whether it is an original, amended or cancelled. To ensure its uniqueness, the sequential number cannot be reused in the same tax year for the same BN.

Format to be used: CA–YY–BNRZ–SP–SEQ#
Example: CA–16–123456789RZ0001–SP–123456789
CA = Canada
YY = Taxation year
BNRZ = Filer’s business number (BN) RZ account, used at the summary level (15 characters)
SP = Identifies that this Document Reference Identifier is for the sponsor.
SEQ# = sequence number of 9 digits, created by the filer

– 34 characters (same format as for the Document Reference Identifier)
– Enter the Document Reference Identifier of the previously filed record that is being amended or cancelled (for the sponsor).

Note: This identifier must always refer to the latest record (Document Reference Identifier) that was sent. It will be used only to amend or cancel the information of the sponsor.

Format to be used: CA–YY–BNRZ–SP–SEQ#
Example: CA–16–123456789RZ0001–SP–123456789
CA = Canada
YY = Taxation year
BNRZ = Filer’s business number (BN) RZ account, used at the summary level (15 characters)
SP = Identifies that this Document Reference Identifier is for the sponsor.
SEQ# = sequence number of 9 digits, created by the filer


– 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code to indicate the tax jurisdiction of the sponsor.

Required, 19 Characters
– Enter the Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN) of the sponsor. The identifier should be entered with periods as was issued by the IRS. Example: 98Q96B.A0000.SP.124


<NameLine1Text> </NameLine1Text>
Sponsor Name – Line 1
Required, 35 characters
– Enter the name of the sponsor

Sponsor Name – Line 2
– 35 characters
– Enter the remaining name information of the sponsor from Line 1 if more space is needed.



Sponsor Address – Line 1
– 30 characters
– Enter the address: number of the building, street name, suite number, floor number, district name (commonly referred to as sector or part of the city) and post office box number.

Note: Postal Code, City, Province/State and Country Code are to be completed in their respective tags.

Sponsor Address – Line 2
– 30 characters
– Enter the remaining address information from Line 1 if more space is needed.

Required, 28 characters
– Enter the name of the city in which the sponsor is located.

– 30 characters
– Enter the Canadian province or territory, the US state or the foreign country sub–division in which the sponsor is located.

Required, 2 alpha
– Enter the ISO 3166–1 alpha 2 country code associated with the sponsor’s address.

– 10 characters
– Enter the postal code for the sponsor (alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric, alpha, numeric for the Canadian postal code, example: A9A9A9; the USA zip code or other foreign postal code).



Required, 7 numeric
– Enter the total number of slips associated with this summary.

Required, 15 numeric
– Enter the account balance or value of the reported account in dollars and cents (up to 13 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents). Example: one hundred thousand dollars would be entered as 100000.00
Note: The comma and the space, between the thousands and the hundreds place, are not accepted. This applies to all financial amounts.


– 15 numeric
– Enter the total accumulated amount of dividends, as reported on the slips filed with this summary
(up to 13 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents).

– 15 numeric
– Enter the total accumulated amount of interest, as reported on the slips filed with this summary
(up to 13 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents).

– 15 numeric
– Enter the total accumulated amount of gross proceeds from the sale or redemption of property paid or credited to the account as reported on the slips filed with this summary
(up to 13 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents)

– 15 numeric
– Enter the total accumulated “other amount”, as reported on the slips filed with this summary
(up to 13 digits for dollars, decimal point and 2 digits for cents)



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