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For incorporated organizations

The information on this page applies only to non-incorporated organizations. For incorporated organizations, go to Incorporation documents.

Applicants that seek registration as a charitable organization may be established under a constitution.

For registration purposes, a constitution must contain at least the following requirements:

  • the organization's name

  • the organization's purposes (also referred to as "objects")

  • a provision stating that the organization will be operated without purpose of gain for its members, and that any profits or other assets of the organization will be used solely to promote its objectives (non-profit clause)

  • the structure of the organization's governing body (the positions of those in authority, often referred to as directors; for example, president, chair, secretary, treasurer, etc.)

  • a provision that explains how the organization will replace its directors (for example, annual election by members, appointment by existing directors, etc.)

  • the effective date of the constitution

  • the signatures of at least three of the organization's directors


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