Summary policy CSP-N03, Non-profit organization
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Non-profit organization
Summary policy
September 3, 2003
Reference number
Key words
Non-profit organization
Policy statement
Under the Income Tax Act, a non-profit organization is an association organized and operated exclusively for social welfare, civic improvement, pleasure, recreation, or any other purpose except profit (for example, a club, society, or association). The organization will generally be exempt from tax if no part of its income is payable to, or available for, the personal benefit of a proprietor, member, or shareholder unless the proprietor, member, or shareholder is a club, society, or association whose primary purpose and function is to promote amateur athletics in Canada.
A non-profit organization cannot issue official donation receipts.
- Summary policy CSP-R01, Registered Canadian amateur athletic association
- Guide T4117, Income Tax Guide to the Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Information Return
- Registered Charities Newsletter, Issue No. 19
- Form T1044, Non-Profit Organization (NPO) Information Return
- Interpretation Bulletin IT-496, Non-Profit Organizations
- Interpretation Bulletin IT-83, Non-Profit Organizations - Taxation of Income from Property
- T2 Corporation Income Tax Return, T2
- T2 Corporation - Income Tax Guide, T4012
- Income Tax Act, R.S.C. 1985 (5th supp.) c. 1, para. 149(1)(l) and ss. 149(5) and 149(12)
- Date modified:
- 2008-08-26