Who we are


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Who we are

The Charities Directorate is responsible for all program activities related to the provisions of the Income Tax Act regarding registered charities, Registered Canadian Amateur Athletic Associations (RCAAAs), Registered National Arts Service Organizations (RNASOs) and federal political parties (contributions to registered political parties or to a candidate at a federal election).

In particular, the Directorate is responsible for:

  • reviewing applications for registration as a charity, RCAAA or RNASO;
  • providing information, guidance and advice on maintaining registered status;
  • ensuring that registered organizations comply with registration requirements through a balanced program of education, service, and responsible enforcement;
  • developing policy and providing information, communication, and education programs for the charitable sector and for donors;
  • engaging with the charitable sector, other government departments, and other levels of government; and
  • supporting the Canada Revenue Agency's role in combating the financing of terrorism in support of the Charities Registration (Security Information) Act.

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote compliance with the income tax legislation and regulations relating to charities through education, quality service, and responsible enforcement, thereby contributing to the integrity of the charitable sector and the social well-being of Canadians.

Our Vision

The Charities Directorate will be recognized and respected by charities, stakeholders, and the Canadian public for its integrity, fairness, knowledge, and innovative service delivery resulting in client-oriented service and compliance.

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