Northern Ontario Tax Services Office webinars


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Northern Ontario Tax Services Office webinars

The Northern Ontario Tax Services Office serves businesses performing scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED) in Ontario and Nunavut.

Free webinars provide a general overview of the SR&ED Program, explaining the eligibility criteria, what expenditures are eligible, and how to file an SR&ED claim. Our industry-specific webinars explain the SR&ED Program's eligibility criteria as they relate to a specific industry.

Upcoming webinars

Public webinar on SR&ED financial issues

This webinar provides a summary of the financial aspects of the SR&ED program. It is intended for financial or accounting staff already familiar with the basics of the SR&ED program. Attendees will be taken through the completion of a T661 Form and the calculation of Investment Tax Credits. There is no charge to attend. Pre-registration is required, as seating is limited.

Date: May 16, 2023 - English session

Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Eastern time

Location: Virtual via MS Teams

**Invitation to the MS Teams room will be sent out by email. If you need more information, please call 1-833-446-0929.

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