General Income Tax and Benefit Guide - 1999


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General Income Tax and Benefit Guide - 1999

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Line 120 - Taxable amount of dividends from taxable Canadian corporations

Enter on line 120 the taxable amount of all dividends from taxable Canadian corporations, as shown in box 11 on T5 slips, box 31 on T4PS slips, box 32 on T3 slips, and in the details area on T5013 slips. Report on line 121 any foreign dividends you received.

How to report

Enter the taxable amount of your dividends from taxable Canadian corporations in Part I of Schedule 4. You have to report your dividends even if you did not receive an information slip. If you did not receive one, you can calculate the taxable amount of dividends you received by multiplying the dividends you actually received by 125%.

These dividends qualify for the federal dividend tax credit, which can reduce the amount of tax you pay. Complete Method B of Schedule 1 to claim this credit. See "Line 425 - Federal dividend tax credit" on page 35 for details.

Special rules apply for income from property (including shares) one family member lends or transfers to another. See "Loans and transfers of property" on page 12 for more information.

Tax Tip
In some cases, it may be better for you to report all the taxable dividends your spouse received from taxable Canadian corporations. You can do this only if, by including the dividends in your income, you will be able to claim or increase your claim for the spousal amount (see line 303).

If you use this option, you may be able to take better advantage of the dividend tax credit. Do not include these dividends in your spouse's income when you calculate claims such as the spousal amount on line 303 or amounts transferred from your spouse on Schedule 2.

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