ARCHIVED - Payroll Deductions Formulas - 111th Edition Effective January 1, 2020
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ARCHIVED - Payroll Deductions Formulas - 111th Edition Effective January 1, 2020
T4127(E) Rev. 20/01
La version française de cette publication est intitulée Formules pour le calcul des retenues sur la paie – 111e édition.
This guide has been changed since the December 12, 2019 release.
Table of Contents
- What’s new for January 1, 2020?
- Chapter 1 – General information
- Chapter 2 – Personal tax credits returns (TD1 forms)
- Chapter 3 – Claim codes
- Chapter 4 – Glossary
- Chapter 5 – Option 1 – Tax formula
- Formula to calculate Basic Person Amount (BPAF)
- Formula to calculate annual taxable income (A)
- Formula to calculate basic federal tax (T3)
- Formula to calculate the annual federal tax payable (T1)
- Tax calculation formula for bonuses, retroactive pay increases, and other non-periodic payments
- Formula to calculate annual basic provincial or territorial tax (T4)
- Formulas to calculate the annual provincial or territorial tax deduction (T2)
- Formula to calculate the estimated federal and provincial or territorial tax deductions (T) for the pay period
- Chapter 6 – Option 2 – Tax formula based on cumulative averaging
- Federal Basic Personal amount
- Calculation of income
- Calculation of tax for the pay period
- Special situations
- Formula to calculate annual taxable income (A)
- Formula to calculate basic federal tax (T3)
- Formula to calculate the federal tax payable (T1)
- Formula to calculate provincial and territorial tax payable (T2)
- Formula to calculate the estimated federal and provincial or territorial tax deductions (T) for the pay period
- Chapter 7 – Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
- Formula to determine CPP contributions for employees receiving salary or wages
- Formula to determine CPP contributions—only for employees paid by commission
- Formula to determine CPP contributions for employees who were transferred by their employer from Quebec to a location outside Quebec during the year receiving salary or wages
- Formula to determine CPP contributions for employees who were transferred by their employer from Quebec to a location outside Quebec during the year paid by commission
- Special CPP situations
- Employee’s CPP basic exemption for various pay periods
- Chapter 8 – Employment Insurance (EI)
- Chapter 9 – Rates and amounts
- Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020
- Other rates and amounts for 2020
- Canada Pension Plan / Quebec Pension Plan 2020 rates and amounts
- Employment Insurance 2020 rates and amounts
- Claim codes for 2020
- Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A) and constants (K, KP) for 2019
- Other rates and amounts for 2019
- Canada Pension Plan / Quebec Pension Plan indexes for 2019
- Employment Insurance indexes for 2019
Changes since the December 12, 2019 release
The proposed changes to the federal Basic Personal Amount (BPAF), announced by the Minister of Finance on December 9, 2019 will be effective January 1, 2020. For your convenience we have provided a simplified version of the BPAF formula that is similar to the Nova Scotia BPA (BPANS). As administrative relief for 2020 employers may apply BPAF as $13,229 for all employees.
Is this guide for you?
Use this guide if you are a payroll software provider or a company which develops its own in-house payroll solution.
This guide has the formulas you need to determine federal, provincial (except Quebec), and territorial income taxes, Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions, and employment insurance (EI) premium deductions. The formulas also let you calculate payroll deductions for income sources such as commission, pension, bonuses, and retroactive pay increases.
The formulas used in this guide to calculate statutory deductions have been approved for purposes of the Income Tax Act, the Canada Pension Plan, and the Employment Insurance Act, as well as their related regulations and any amendments proposed to these acts.
For more information on income amounts that are subject to payroll deductions, see the publication T4001, Employers’ Guide – Payroll Deductions and Remittances.
If you have questions about the formulas in this guide, contact your tax services office or tax centre. For the address and telephone numbers of your tax services office or tax centre, see the listings in the government section of your telephone book or visit
Distribution of this guide
This guide is available in electronic format only.
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Payroll Deductions Online Calculator
For your payroll deductions, you can use our Payroll Deductions Online Calculator (PDOC). The calculator includes an option to help you make sure that enough Canada Pension Plan contributions and employment insurance premiums have been withheld for full-year employees.
It calculates payroll deductions for the most common pay periods, as well as the applicable province (except Quebec) or territory. The calculation is based on exact salary figures.
The version of PDOC released on January 9, 2020 applies the BPAF as per the proposed legislation.
PDOC is available at
Payroll Deductions Tables
Using the following links you can download the publications T4032, Payroll Deductions Tables and T4008, Payroll Deductions Supplementary Tables. You can also choose to print only the pages or information that you need. For more information on payroll, see our webpage at
What’s new for January 1, 2020?
This guide reflects some income tax changes recently announced which, if enacted as proposed, would be effective January 1, 2020. At the time of publishing, these proposed changes were not law. We recommend that you use the Payroll Deductions Online Calculator (PDOC), the publication T4032 Payroll Deductions Tables, or the publication T4008 Payroll Deductions Supplementary Tables, and the formulas in this guide for withholding, starting with your first payroll in 2020.
Comma-Separated Values (CSV)
We now offer the most commonly used rates and amounts from this guide in CSV format. To provide this service we have made the following changes: the claim code tables previously found in Chapter 3 have been moved to Chapter 9; the threshold tables previously found in Chapter 5 have been moved and combined with the threshold tables in Chapter 9; Canada Pension Plan, Quebec Pension Plan, and Employment Insurance tables have been added to Chapter 9; and Chapter 9 has been renamed to Rates and amounts. The CSV files are available at the T4127 Payroll Deductions Formulas website.
Federal Changes
Federal Basic Personal Amount
The federal Basic Personal Amount (BPAF) has been changed from $12,298.00 to the following formula and the new factors BPAF and NI have been created and added to the Chapter 4 — Glossary.
Where NI* ≤ $150,473, BPAF = $13,229
Where $150473 < NI* ≤ $214,368, BPAF** = $12,298 + [($13,229-$12,298) - ($13,229-$12,298) × Lesser of (1, (NI* – $150,473)/($214,368-$150,473))***]
Where NI* ≤ $150,473, BPAF = $13,229
Where $150473 < NI* < $214,368, BPAF**= $13,229 - (NI* - $150,473) x ($931 / $63,895)***
Where NI* ≥ $214,368, BPAF = $12,298
* Variable NI represents Net Income = A + HD
** If the BPAF has three or more digits after the decimal point, increase the second digit after the decimal point by one if the third digit is five or more, and drop the third digit. If the third digit after the decimal point is less than five, drop the third digit
*** Note that there is no rounding on this division
The federal Claim Code Chart and corresponding CSV file has been removed as the BPAF will be unique to each employee’s annual income. This new calculation is effective January 1, 2020, the CRA will allow a reasonable time for payroll systems to be brought up-to-date with regard to this change.
For 2020, employers can use a BPAF of $13,229 for all employees, while payroll systems and procedures are updated to fully implement the proposed legislation.
If the employer uses a BPAF of $13,229 for its employees, employees with net income above $150,473 can ask for additional tax to be deducted, by completing the form TD1.
The version of PDOC released on January 20, 2020 applies the BPAF as per the proposed legislation.
Canada Employment Amount Credit (K4)
The federal K4 calculation has been simplified. Factor CEA has been created and added to the Glossary. It’s value can be found in Table 9.2 Other rates and amounts.
K4 = The lesser of:
(i) 0.15 × A*; and
(ii) 0.15 × CEA
CEA is an indexed amount. See Table 9.2 Other rates and amounts in Chapter 9.
* For the Canada employment amount, A is the annual gross income from office or employment before deductions. Only include the amounts from office or employment, this is the same amount you normally report in box 14 of the T4 slip(s).
The CRA will allow a reasonable time for payroll systems to be brought up-to-date with this change.
K2 Glossary Definition
The Glossary definition of K2 has been updated. Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) and Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) are removed from the K2 Glossary definition because QPP and QPIP are not involved in the factor calculation of K2.
Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
For 2020, the maximum pensionable earnings are $58,700, and the basic exemption for the year is $3,500. The contribution rate for employees is 5.25%. The increase in contribution rate is due to the CPP enhancement.
The maximum an employee can contribute for the year is $2,898.00. The employer’s contribution is an amount equal to the total of the employee’s contributions.
For insurance companies that need the year’s maximum pensionable earnings before rounding, the amount for this year is $58,712.35.
Minor revisions have been made to Factor C to calculate CPP in the situation where an employee is transferred by their employer from Quebec to a location outside of Quebec. The Canada Revenue Agency will expect from employers their best efforts to comply with this proposed Regulation during 2020 calendar year. Starting January 1, 2021, employers should be fully compliant with respect to this Regulation.
Quebec Pension Plan (QPP)
For 2020, the QPP contribution rate for employees is 5.70%. The maximum an employee can contribute for the year is $3,146.40. The employer’s contribution is an amount equal to the total of the employee’s contributions.
Employment Insurance (EI)
For 2020 in Canada (except Quebec), the maximum annual insurable earnings are $54,200 and the EI premium rate is 1.58%, for a maximum annual premium of $856.36. In Quebec, the premium rate is 1.20%, for a maximum annual premium of $650.40.
The Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) maximum earnings amount is $387.79 for employees and $543.22 for employers. For 2020, the maximum insurable earnings is $78,500.
When an employee changes their province or territory of employment during the year but stays with the same employer, the maximum premium for the year will vary based on the province or territory where the first $54,200 of insurable earnings are paid.
An employee makes $30,000 of insurable earnings in Ontario, changes their province of employment to Quebec, and makes an extra $40,000 with the same employer. The employee’s maximum premium is calculated as follows:
In Ontario: $30,000 × 1.58% = $474.00
In Quebec: $24,200 × 1.20% = $290.40
Totals: $54,200 = $764.40
Provincial and territorial tax changes
You will find below the provincial and territorial tax changes effective January 1, 2020. The current and previous figures for the most commonly used rates, amounts, and claim codes can be found in Chapter 9.
Please note that that there is no change for Quebec, Nova Scotia or Outside Canada.
Indexation of the Alberta Basic Personal Amount and income thresholds has been suspended for 2020 and future years.
British Columbia
Provincial tax reduction
The provincial tax reduction for British Columbia is indexed and is calculated as follows:
- If net income is less than or equal to $21,185, the reduction is equal to the lesser of (i) basic provincial tax and (ii) $476.
- If net income is more than $21,185 and less than or equal to $34,556, the reduction is equal to the lesser of (i) basic provincial tax and (ii) $476 – [(Annual net income – $21,185) × 3.56%].
- If net income is more than $34,556, there is no reduction.
Newfoundland and Labrador
The Newfoundland and Labrador's Temporary Deficit Reduction Levy was in effect from 2016 to 2019. As a result the factor V2 has been removed from the calculation of T2 for Newfoundland Labrador for 2020.
Nova Scotia
Basic Personal Amount factor for Nova Scotia has been renamed BPANS in Chapter 4 - Glossary.
Ontario provincial surtax
The Ontario provincial surtax thresholds for 2020 are as follows:
- If the basic provincial tax payable (T4) is less than or equal to $4,830, the surtax payable (V1) is $0
- If the basic provincial tax payable (T4) is more than $4,830 and less than or equal to $6,182, the surtax payable (V1) is 20% of the basic provincial tax payable that is over $4,830.
- If the basic provincial tax payable (T4) is more than $6,182, the surtax payable (V1) is the total of 20% of the basic provincial tax payable that is over $4,830 and 36% of the basic provincial tax payable that is over $6,182.
Provincial tax reduction
The provincial tax reduction for Ontario has changed as a result of provincial indexing. When possible, you should implement the Y factor based on the total of the applicable amounts shown on the employee’s or pensioner’s Form TD1ON. If you do not use the Y factor, any over deduction of tax will be adjusted when the individual files an income tax and benefit return.
The provincial tax reduction amounts for 2020 are as follows:
- $249 for the basic personal amount;
- $460 for each dependant under age 19*; and
- $460 for each dependant with a disability that the employee or pensioner has claimed on Form TD1ON
* Since the tax reduction for dependants under age 19 is not shown on Form TD1ON, the employee or pensioner will have to provide the employer or payer with a written or electronic request to include such amounts.
The reduction is equal to twice the individual’s personal amounts minus the Ontario income tax. The reduction cannot be more than the Ontario income tax otherwise payable. There is no reduction when that tax is more than twice the personal amounts.
Prince Edward Island
The basic personal amount, spouse or common-law partner amount, and amount for an eligible dependant are increased with administrative relief. The amounts for 2020 are as follows:
- $10,000 for the basic personal amount;
- $8,493 for the spouse or common-law partner amount; and
- $8,493 for the amount for an eligible dependant
For complete information on personal amounts, see Form TD1PE.
The CRA will allow a reasonable time for payroll systems to be brought up-to-date with this change.
The Yukon K4P calculation has been simplified. Factor CEA has been created and added to the Glossary. Its value can be found in Table 9.2. Other rates and amounts.
K4P = The lesser of:
(i) 0.064 × A*; and
(ii) 0.064 × CEA
CEA is an indexed amount. See Table 9.2 Other rates and amounts in Chapter 9.
* For the Canada employment amount, A is the annual gross income from office or employment before deductions. Only include the amounts from office or employment, this is the same amount you normally report in box 14 of the T4 slip(s).
The CRA will allow a reasonable time for payroll systems to be brought up-to-date with this change.
Chapter 1 – General information
Rounding procedures
For all mathematical calculations in this guide, use the following rounding rules except when we specify otherwise.
For income tax deductions
If the figure calculated for an employee’s income tax deduction for a certain pay period has three or more digits after the decimal point, increase the second digit after the decimal point by one if the third digit is five or more, and drop the third digit. If the third digit after the decimal point is less than five, drop the third digit.
For Canada Pension Plan (CPP) basic exemption and contributions
Determine an employee’s basic exemption for a pay period by dividing the annual basic exemption by the number of pay periods in the calendar year. If the figure has three or more digits after the decimal point, drop the third digit after the decimal point.
When the employee’s contribution to CPP for the pay period has three or more digits after the decimal point, increase the second digit after the decimal point by one if the third digit is five or more, and drop the third digit. If the third digit after the decimal point is less than five, drop the third digit.
For employment insurance (EI) premiums
When the employee’s or employer’s EI premium for the pay period has three or more digits after the decimal point, increase the second digit by one if the third digit is five or more, and drop the third digit. If the third digit after the decimal point is less than five, drop the third digit.
Tax deductions comparison
When the tax deductions amount using Option 1 in this guide is compared to the tax deductions amount in the publication T4032, Payroll Deductions Tables, the amounts will not necessarily be the same. Any difference results from the fact that the amounts in the T4032 are based on:
- the mid-point of the range of remuneration under the “Pay” column;
- the federal tax credit for Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan contributions and employment insurance premium deductions is based on the amount determined in item (i); and
- the midpoint of the “Claim code” amounts on federal, provincial, and territorial TD1 forms is used, except for code 1 where the actual basic personal non-refundable tax credit amount is used. For claim code 0, no personal tax credits amounts are used when calculating the tax deduction amounts.
Chapter 2 – Personal tax credits returns (TD1 forms)
Federal Form TD1, 2020 Personal Tax Credits Return
Form TD1 was revised for 2020.
A separate worksheet, TD1-WS, is available for employees or pensioners who want to calculate partial claims for some of the federal personal tax credits amounts.
Indexing of personal amounts
Each year, certain personal tax credit amounts are indexed based on changes to the consumer price index. Since only some of the amounts are indexed, we recommend that you record separately in your payroll records each item shown on the employee’s or pensioner’s TD1 form. This will allow you to automatically increase the applicable indexed claim amounts when necessary. This also means you will not have to ask your employees or pensioners to file a new TD1 form when indexing applies.
You can use the following method to calculate the value of TC or TCP (personal tax credits amount) when indexing applies:
4. Enter the indexing factor that applies for the year**
* For Ontario only, do not include any amounts on line 2, since Ontario credits are indexed.
** Some changes to Yukon personal amounts are not directly attributable to indexing, because they have harmonized amounts with the federal values.
No indexing applies to Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Chapter 3 – Claim codes
You have to deduct tax according to the claim code. The claim code depends on the total personal amount an employee claims on Form TD1.
Claim code 0
This code represents no claim amount allowed. If the federal claim code is 0 because the employee is a non-resident, the provincial claim code must also be 0.
Federal, provincial, and territorial claim codes
The claim amounts that correspond to the federal claim codes are different than the claim amounts that correspond to the provincial or territorial claim codes. In Chapter 9 you will find a listing of claim codes and amount ranges.
Due to the proposed changes to the to the Federal basic personal amount (BPAF) and existing Nova Scotia legislation to the Basic Personal Amount (BPANS), the Claim Code charts cannot be produced with ranges, as was previously done. Accordingly, the Federal and Nova Scotia Claim Code Charts will not be produced as the BPAF and BPANS will be unique to each employee’s annual income.
The Federal Claim Code chart income range is $2,350 between all claim codes once the BPAF has been calculated. For example, if the Federal BPAF is $12,298 for a particular employee, then the claim code 2 range would be $12,298 – $14,648 and so forth up to claim code 10.
The Nova Scotia Claim Code chart income range is $1,600 between all claim codes once the BPANS has been calculated. For example, if Nova Scotia’s BPANS is $11,481 for a particular employee, then the claim code 2 range would be $11,481 – $13,081 and so forth up to claim code 10.
Factor | Meaning (for complete details, see the formulas) |
A | Annual taxable income |
B | Gross bonus, retroactive pay increase, vacation pay when vacation is not taken, accumulated overtime payment or other non-periodic payment |
B1 | Gross bonuses, retroactive pay increases, vacation pay when vacation is not taken, accumulated overtime payments or other non-periodic payments year-to-date (before the pay period) |
BPAF | Federal Basic Personal Amount |
BPANS | Basic Personal Amount for Nova Scotia |
C | Canada (or Quebec) Pension Plan contributions for the pay period |
CEA | Canada Employment Amount, a non refundable tax credit used in the calculation for K4 and K4P |
D | Employee’s year to date Canada Pension Plan contribution with the employer (cannot be more than the annual maximum) |
DQ | Employee’s year to date Quebec Pension Plan contribution with the employer (cannot be more than the annual maximum) |
D1 | Employee's year-to-date employment insurance premium with the employer |
E | Total commission expenses deductions reported on Form TD1X |
EI | Employment insurance premiums for the pay period |
F | Payroll deductions for the pay period for employee contributions to a registered pension plan (RPP) for current and past services, a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), to a pooled registered pension plan (PRPP), or a retirement compensation arrangement (RCA). For tax deduction purposes, employers can deduct amounts contributed to an RPP, RRSP, PRPP, or RCA by or on behalf of an employee to determine the employee's taxable income |
F1 | Annual deductions such as child care expenses and support payments, requested by an employee or pensioner and authorized by a tax services office or tax centre |
F2 | Alimony or maintenance payments required by a legal document dated before May 1, 1997, to be payroll-deducted authorized by a tax services office or tax centre |
F3 | Employee registered pension plan or registered retirement savings plan contributions deducted from the current non-periodic payment. You can also use this field or design another to apply other tax-deductible amounts to the non-periodic payment, such as union dues |
F4 | Employee registered pension plan or registered retirement savings plan contributions deducted from the year-to-date non-periodic payments. You can also use this field or design another to apply other tax-deductible amounts to the non-periodic payment, such as union dues |
G | Gross commission amount including gross salary at the time of payment, plus any taxable benefits for commission-remunerated employees who have filled out Form TD1X. When an employee has not filed Form TD1X, tax is calculated the regular way |
HD | Annual deduction for living in a prescribed zone, as shown on Form TD1 |
I | Gross remuneration for the pay period. This includes overtime earned and paid in the same pay period, pension income, qualified pension income, and taxable benefits, but does not include bonuses, retroactive pay increases, or other non-periodic payments |
I1 | Total remuneration for the year reported on Form TD1X. This include commission payments, salary (where applicable), non-periodic payments, and taxable benefits |
IE | Insurable earnings for the pay period including insurable taxable benefits, bonuses, and retroactive pay increases |
K | Federal constant. The constant is the tax overcharged when applying the 20.5%, 26%, 29%, and 33% rates to the annual taxable income A |
KP | Provincial or territorial constant |
K1 | Federal non-refundable personal tax credit (the lowest federal tax rate is used to calculate this credit) |
K1P | Provincial or territorial non-refundable personal tax credit (the lowest tax rate is used to calculate this credit) |
K2 | Federal Canada Pension Plan contributions and employment insurance premiums tax credits for the year (the lowest federal tax rate is used to calculate this credit). Note: If an employee has already contributed the maximum CPP and EI, for the year with the employer, use the maximum CPP and EI deduction to determine the credit for the rest of the year. If, during the pay period in which the employee reaches the maximum, the CPP and EI, when annualized, is less than the annual maximum, use the maximum annual deduction(s) in that pay period |
K2P | Provincial or territorial Canada Pension Plan contributions and employment insurance premiums tax credits for the year (the lowest provincial or territorial tax rate is used to calculate this credit). If an employee reaches the maximum CPP or EI for the year with an employer, the instructions in the note for the K2 factor also apply to the K2P factor. For employees paid by commission, use the federal K2 formula for commissions and replace the lowest federal rate in the K2 formula with the lowest provincial or territorial tax rate |
K2Q | Quebec Pension Plan contributions, employment insurance premiums, and Quebec Parental Insurance Plan premiums federal tax credits for the year (the lowest federal tax rate is used to calculate this credit) |
K3 | Other federal tax credits (such as medical expenses and charitable donations) authorized by a tax services office or tax centre |
K3P | Other provincial or territorial tax credits (such as medical expenses and charitable donations) authorized by a tax services office or tax centre |
K4 | Canada employment amount credit (the lowest federal tax rate is used to calculate this credit) |
K4P | Provincial or territorial Canada employment amount credit (only applies to Yukon) |
L | Additional tax deductions for the pay period requested by the employee or pensioner as shown on Form TD1 |
LCF | Federal labour-sponsored funds tax credit |
LCP | Provincial or territorial labour-sponsored funds tax credit (only applies to New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, and Yukon) |
M | Accumulated federal and provincial or territorial tax deductions (if any) to the end of the last pay period |
M1 | Year-to-date tax deducted on all payments included in B year-to-date |
N | The number of days since the last commission payment. The minimum basic exemption amount of $67.30 is included in the formula in line with CPP legislation |
NI | Net income for the year |
P | The number of pay periods in the year |
PI | Pensionable income for the pay period, or the gross income plus any taxable benefits for the pay period, including bonuses and retroactive pay increases where applicable |
PR | The number of pay periods left in the year (including the current pay period) |
R | Federal tax rate that applies to the annual taxable income A |
S | Provincial tax reduction (only applies to Ontario and British Columbia) |
S1 | Annualizing factor |
T | Estimated federal and provincial or territorial tax deductions for the pay period |
T1 | Annual federal tax deduction |
T2 | Annual provincial or territorial tax deduction (except Quebec) |
T3 | Annual basic federal tax |
T4 | Annual basic provincial or territorial tax |
TB | Tax deductions, i.e., bonuses or retroactive pay increases, payable now |
TC | "Total claim amount" reported on federal Form TD1. If Form TD1 is not filed by the employee or pensioner, TC is the basic personal amount, and for non-resident individuals, TC is $0. If the claim code is E, T = $0. If the province is Ontario, even if the claim code is E, the Ontario Health Premium is payable on annual income over $20,000 |
TCP | "Total claim amount" reported on the provincial or territorial Form TD1. If that form is not filed, TCP is the provincial or territorial basic personal amount |
U1 | Union dues for the pay period paid to a trade union, an association of public servants, or dues required under the law of a province to a parity or advisory committee or similar body |
V | Provincial or territorial tax rate for the year (does not apply to Quebec, outside Canada, or in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory) |
V1 | Provincial or territorial surtax calculated on the basic provincial or territorial tax (only applies to Prince Edward Island and Ontario) |
V2 | Additional tax calculated on taxable income (only applies to the Ontario Health Premium) |
Y | Additional provincial or territorial tax reduction based on applicable amounts reported on the provincial or territorial Form TD1 |
YTD | Year-to-date |
All factor definitions appear only in the Glossary unless further details are required in specific situations.
Chapter 5 – Option 1 – Tax formula
This option determines the federal and provincial or territorial tax deductions on salary, wages, taxable benefits, pension income, commissions, and other periodic payments. This option can also be used to calculate the tax on a bonus or other non-periodic payment.
We use Option 1, with the exception of a few factors, to determine the tax deduction amounts in the publications T4032, Payroll Deductions Tables, and T4008, Payroll Deductions Supplementary Tables, for each province and territory, as well as for Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory and outside Canada.
Outline of Option 1
In general, the Option 1 steps are as follows:
- Determine the net taxable income for the pay period (pay minus allowable deductions) and multiply it by the number of pay periods in the year to get an estimated annual taxable income amount. This annual taxable income amount is factor A.
- Calculate the basic federal tax on the estimated annual taxable income, after allowable federal personal tax credits. The basic federal tax is factor T3.
- Calculate the annual federal tax payable. This is factor T1.
- Calculate the basic provincial or territorial tax on the estimated annual taxable income, after allowable provincial or territorial personal tax credits. The annual basic provincial or territorial tax is factor T4.
- Calculate the annual provincial or territorial tax deduction. This is factor T2.
- To get the estimated federal and provincial or territorial tax deductions for a pay period, add the federal and provincial or territorial tax, and divide the result by the number of pay periods. This is factor T.
Special rules apply to determine the annual income for employees paid by commissions. A calculation is provided to determine the tax deductions for bonuses, retroactive pay increases, and other non-periodic payments.
Formula to calculate Basic Person Amount (BPAF)
The federal Basic Personal Amount (BPAF) has been changed from $12,298.00 to the following formula.
Where NI* ≤ $150,473, BPAF = $13,229
Where $150473 < NI* ≤ $214,368, BPAF** = $12,298 + [($13,229-$12,298) - ($13,229-$12,298) × Lesser of (1, (NI* – $150,473)/($214,368-$150,473))***]
Where NI* ≤ $150,473, BPAF = $13,229
Where $150473 < NI* < $214,368, BPAF**= $13,229 - (NI* - $150,473) x ($931 / $63,895)***
Where NI* ≥ $214,368, BPAF = $12,298
* Variable NI represents Net Income = A + HD
** If the BPAF has three or more digits after the decimal point, increase the second digit after the decimal point by one if the third digit is five or more, and drop the third digit. If the third digit after the decimal point is less than five, drop the third digit
*** Note that there is no rounding on this division
This new calculation is effective January 1, 2020, the CRA will allow a reasonable time for payroll systems to be brought up-to-date with regard to this change.
For 2020, employers can use a BPAF of $13,229 for all employees, while payroll systems and procedures are updated to fully implement the proposed legislation.
If the employer uses a BPAF of $13,229 for its employees, employees with net income above $150,473 can ask for additional tax to be deducted, by completing the form TD1.
Formula to calculate annual taxable income (A)
A = Annual taxable income
= [P × (I – F – F2 – U1 )] – HD – F1
If the result is negative, T = L.
Only for employees paid by commission:
A = I1 – F* – F2* – U1* – HD – F1 – E
If the result is negative, T = L.
* Estimated deduction amounts for the year. For registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) contributions included in F, you will need to find out from your employee paid by commission the estimated or expected annual deduction. We recommend that you caution employees not to exceed their RRSP contribution limit for the year.
P = The number of pay periods in the year:
Weekly P = 52 (or 53 where applicable)
Biweekly P = 26 (or 27 where applicable)
Semi-monthly P = 24
Monthly P = 12
Other P = 10, 13, 22, or any other number of pay periods for the year
F2 = In situations where a garnishment or a similar order of a court or competent tribunal states that the alimony or maintenance payment cannot be more than a certain percentage of the employee’s net salary (net salary as defined in the garnishment or order), more calculations may be required, as follows:
- Calculate the tax deduction amount and the net salary amount using the alimony or maintenance amount shown in the garnishment or order.
- Determine the alimony or maintenance payment to be withheld (F2). This will be either the maximum allowable as a percentage of the employee’s net salary calculated in 1. or the amount shown in the garnishment or order, whichever is less.
- Determine the tax deduction for the pay period using the F2 amount in 2.
F1 = If the F1 amount is implemented after the first pay period in the year, F1 must be adjusted using the following formula:
(P × F1) / PR
Formula to calculate basic federal tax (T3)
T3 = Annual basic federal tax
= (R × A) – K – K1 – K2 – K3 – K4
If the result is negative, T3 = $0.
Only for employees in Quebec:
(R × A) – K – K1 – K2Q – K3 – K4
If the result is negative, T3 = $0.
R and K are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1 = 0.15 × TC
K2 = [(0.15 × (P x C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.15 x (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
Only for employees in Quebec:
K2Q = Quebec Pension Plan contributions, employment insurance premiums, and Quebec Parental Insurance Plan premiums federal tax credits for the year
= [(0.15 × (P × C, maximum $3,146.40)) + (0.15 × (P × EI, maximum $650.40)) + (0.15 × (P × IE × 0.00494, maximum $387.79))]*
In either case, for the rest of the pay periods in the year, (P × C), (P × EI), or (P × IE × 0.00494) (as applicable) is replaced by the maximum annual deduction(s). This modification ensures that the employee will get the maximum CPP, EI, and QPIP tax credit for the rest of the pay periods in the year.
If you want to use a year-to-date method to calculate CPP, EI, and QPIP federal tax credits, (P × C) and (P × EI) can be modified as follows:
(P × C) is changed to the lesser of:
(i) $2,898.00; and
(ii) Year-to-date C + (PR × C)
(P × EI) is changed to the lesser of:
(i) $856.36; and
(ii) Year-to-date EI + (PR × EI)
Only for employees in Quebec:
(P × EI) is changed to the lesser of:
(i) $650.40; and
(ii) Year-to-date EI + (PR × EI)
(P × IE × 0.00494) is changed to the lesser of:
(i) N/A; and
(ii) Year-to-date QPIP + (PR × IE × 0.00494)
Only for employees paid by commission:
K2 = [(0.15 × (0.0525 × (I1 – $3,500)*, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.15 × (0.0158 × I1, maximum $856.36))]
* If the resulting amount is negative, enter $0.
Only for employees in Quebec:
K2Q = [(0.15 × (0.0570 × (I1 – $3,500)*, maximum $3,146.40)) + (0.15 × (0.0120 × I1, maximum $650.40)) + (0.15 × (0.00494 × I1, maximum $387.79))]
* If the resulting amount is negative, enter $0.
The preceding is subject to the rules in Chapter 7 – “Canada Pension Plan (CPP)” and Chapter 8 – “Employment Insurance (EI)” of this document and the instructions in Guide T4001 Employers’ Guide – Payroll Deductions and Remittances.
K3 = If the K3 amount is implemented after the first pay period in the year, K3 must be adjusted using the following formula:
(P × K3) / PR
K4 = The lesser of:
(i) 0.15 × A*; and
(ii) 0.15 × CEA
CEA is an indexed amount. See Table 9.2 Other rates and amounts in Chapter 9.
* For the Canada employment amount, A is the annual gross income from office or employment before deductions. Only include the amounts from office or employment, this is the same amount you normally report in box 14 of the T4 slip(s).
Formula to calculate the annual federal tax payable (T1)
T1 = Annual federal tax deduction, except for employees in Quebec, outside Canada, and in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory
= (T3 – LCF)
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
Only for employees in Quebec:
T1 = [(T3 – LCF)* – (0.165 × T3)]*
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
Only for employees outside Canada and in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory:
T1 = [T3 + (0.48 × T3) – LCF]*
* If result is negative, enter $0.
LCF = The lesser of:
(i) $750; and
(ii) 15% of the amount deducted or withheld during the year for the acquisition, by the employee, of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labour-sponsored venture capital corporation
Tax calculation formula for bonuses, retroactive pay increases, and other non-periodic payments
Generally, the tax on a bonus (or retroactive pay increase) is calculated by finding the tax on the total of regular annual income plus any previous bonuses plus the current bonus and subtracting the tax on the total of regular annual income plus any previous bonuses. The difference will be the tax on the current bonus.
In the optional year-to-date method outlined below, instead of annualizing the current income, use year-to-date income values and year-to-date deductions as the annual income with and without the bonus. In either case the tax on the bonus is as follows:
TB = The difference between:
(i) the annual tax amount (T1 + T2) based on the instructions in Step 1 below; and
(ii) the annual tax amount (T1 + T2) based on the instructions in Step 2 below
(1) Regular bonus calculation
Step 1
Determine the annual tax (T1 + T2) based on the annual taxable income (factor A) with the non-periodic payment payable now. The formula to calculate factor A is as follows:
A = ([P × (I – F – F2 – U1)] – HD – F1)* + (B – F3)** + (B1 – F4)**
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
** Result cannot be negative, and result cannot be negative after deducting CPP and EI.
Step 2
Determine the annual tax (T1 + T2) based on the annual taxable income (factor A) without the non-periodic payment payable now. The formula to calculate factor A is as follows:
A = ([P × (I – F – F2 – U1)] – HD – F1)* + (B1 – F4)**
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
** Result cannot be negative, and result cannot be negative after deducting CPP and EI.
If there is no current I, use the most recent I.
(2) Year-to-date bonus calculation (optional)
Step 1
Determine the annual tax (T1 + T2) based on the annual taxable income (factor A) with the non-periodic payment payable now. The annual taxable income (factor A) is based on a year-to-date concept, plus the estimated income for the rest of the pay periods in the year. YTD means year-to-date (before this pay period). The formula to calculate factor A is as follows:
A = [(IYTD – FYTD – F2YTD – U1YTD) + (PR × (I – F – F2 – U1)) – F1 – HD]* + (B – F3)** + (B1 – F4)**
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
** Result cannot be negative, and result cannot be negative after deducting CPP and EI.
Step 2
A = [(IYTD – FYTD – F2YTD – U1YTD) + (PR × (I – F – F2 – U1)) – F1 – HD]* + (B1 – F4)**
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
** Result cannot be negative, and result cannot be negative after deducting CPP and EI.
Example for year-to-date bonus calculation method
In this example, an employee got a retroactive pay increase from $1,000 to $1,100 per week that applies to 25 weeks. Therefore, a retroactive pay increase payment of $2,500 is payable now. $1,000 will be directed to the employee’s RRSP. Thirty pay periods have passed and 22 pay periods remain in the year. Year-to-date income is $30,000, year-to-date RPP is $1,350, and year-to-date union dues are $150. The current income is $1,100 with RPP withheld of $45 and union dues of $5. The employee received a previous bonus of $1,000 with only CPP, EI, and tax withheld from it.
Step 1
A = Annual taxable income with the non-periodic payment payable now
= [(IYTD – FYTD – F2YTD – U1YTD) + (PR × (I – F – F2 – U1)) – F1 – HD]* + (B – F3)** + (B1 – F4)**
= [($30,000 – $1,350 – $0 – $150) + (22 × ($1,100 – $45 – $0 – $5)) – $0 – $0] + ($2,500 – $1,000) + ($1,000 – $0)
= $28,500 + (22 × $1,050) + $1,500 + $1,000
= $54,100
Step 2
A = Annual taxable income without the non-periodic payment payable now
= [(IYTD – FYTD – F2YTD – U1YTD) + (PR × (I – F – F2 – U1)) – F1 – HD]* + (B1 – F4)**
= [($30,000 – $1,350 – $0 – $150) + (22 × ($1,100 – $45 – $0 – $5)) – $0 – $0] + ($1,000 – $0)
= $28,500 + (22 × $1,050) + $1,000
= $52,600
After you have calculated the annual taxable income, factor A, in steps 1 and 2, calculate the factors T1 and T2 in the same way as for regular remuneration.
Formula to calculate annual basic provincial or territorial tax (T4)
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P – K4P
If the result is negative, T4 = $0.
Formulas to calculate the annual provincial or territorial tax deduction (T2)
T2 = T4 + V1 + V2 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
Only for employees in Quebec:
T2 = $0
Only for employees outside Canada and in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory:
T2 = $0
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.10 × TCP
K2P = [(0.10 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.10 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1, S, and LCP = $0
British Columbia
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.0506 × TCP
K2P = [(0.0506 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.0506 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1 = $0
S = Where A ≤$21,185, S is equal to the lesser of:
(i) T4; and
(ii) $476
= Where A > $21,185 ≤$34,556, S is equal to the lesser of:
(i) T4; and
(ii) $476 – [(A – $21,185) × 3.56%]
= Where A > $34,556
= $0
LCP = The lesser of:
(i) $2,000; and
(ii) 15% of the amount deducted or withheld during the year for the acquisition by the employee of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labour-sponsored venture capital corporation
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.108 × TCP
K2P = [(0.108 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.108 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1, S, and LCP = $0
New Brunswick
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.0968 × TCP
K2P = [(0.0968 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.0968 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1 and S = $0
LCP = The lesser of:
(i) $2,000; and
(ii) 20% of the amount deducted or withheld during the year for the acquisition by the employee of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labour-sponsored venture capital corporation
Newfoundland and Labrador
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.087 × TCP
K2P = [(0.087 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.087 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1 and S = $0
LCP = The lesser of:
(i) $2,000; and
(ii) 20% of the amount deducted or withheld during the year for the acquisition by the employee of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labour-sponsored venture capital corporation
Northwest Territories
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.059 × TCP
K2P = [(0.059 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.059 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1, S, and LCP = $0
Nova Scotia
Where A ≤ $25,000, BPANS is equal to $11,481;
Where $25,000 < A < $75,000, BPANS is equal to: $11,481 – [(A – $25,000) × 6%)];*
Where A ≥ $75,000, BPANS is equal to $8,481
* If Nova Scotia’s basic personal amount (BPANS) has three or more digits after the decimal point, increase the second digit by one if the third digit is five or more, and drop the third digit. If the third digit after the decimal point is less than five, drop the third digit.
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.0879 × TCP
K2P = [(0.0879 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.0879 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1 and S = $0
LCP = The lesser of:
(i) $2,000; and
(ii) 20% of the amount deducted or withheld during the year for the acquisition by the employee of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labour-sponsored venture capital corporation
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.040 × TCP
K2P = [(0.040 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.040 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1, S, and LCP = $0
T2 = T4 + V1 + V2 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.0505 × TCP
K2P = [(0.0505 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.0505 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1 = Where T4 ≤$4,830
V1 = $0
Where T4 < $4,830 ≤$6,182
V1 = 0.20 × (T4 – $4,830)
Where T4 > $6,182
V1 = 0.20 × (T4 – $4,830) + 0.36 × (T4 – $6,182)
V2 = Where A ≤$20,000, V2 = $0
Where $20,000 < A ≤ $36,000, V2 = the lesser of:
(i) $300; and
(ii) 0.06 × (A – $20,000)
Where $36,000 < A ≤ $48,000, V2 = the lesser of:
(i) $450; and
(ii) $300 + (0.06 × (A – $36,000))
Where $48,000 < A ≤ $72,000, V2 = the lesser of:
(i) $600; and
(ii) $450 + (0.25 × (A – $48,000))
Where $72,000 < A ≤ $200,000, V2 = the lesser of:
(i) $750; and
(ii) $600 + (0.25 × (A – $72,000))
Where A > $200,000, V2 = the lesser of:
(i) $900; and
(ii) $750 + (0.25 × (A – $200,000))
S = The lesser of:
(i) T4 + V1; and
(ii) [2 × ($249 + Y)] – [T4 + V1]
If the result is negative, S = $0.
Y = The total of the following amounts:
- $460 multiplied by the number of disabled dependants as shown on Form TD1ON; and
- $460 multiplied by the number of dependants under age 19 for which the employee or pensioner has made a written or electronic request
LCP = $0
Prince Edward Island
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.098 × TCP
K2P = [(0.098 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.098 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1 = Where T4 ≤$12,500
V1 = $0
Where T4 > $12,500
V1 = 0.10 × (T4 – $12,500)
S and LCP = $0
In this publication, we refer to the annual provincial or territorial tax deduction as factor T2. However, factor T2 does not apply in the province of Quebec. Quebec administers its own provincial income tax and Quebec Pension Plan contributions. If you have questions about the formulas for Quebec, please contact Revenu Québec:
Revenu Québec
3800, rue de Marly
Québec (Québec) G1X 4A5
Telephone: 1-800-567-4692
Outside Canada: 1-418-659-4692
Quebec employers whose employees receive income from tips and gratuities should review the section called “Calculating payroll deductions for employees in the hotel and restaurant business in Quebec,” in the publication T4032QC, Payroll Deductions Tables.
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.105 × TCP
K2P = [(0.105 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.105 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
V1 and S = $0
LCP = The lesser of:
(i) $875; and
(ii) 17.5% of the amount deducted or withheld during the year for the acquisition by the employee of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labour-sponsored venture capital corporation
T2 = T4 + V1 – S – LCP
If the result is negative, T2 = $0.
T4 = (V × A) – KP – K1P – K2P – K3P – K4P
V and KP are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
K1P = 0.064 × TCP
K2P = [(0.064 × (P × C, maximum $2,898.00)) + (0.064 × (P × EI, maximum $856.36))]
K4P = The lesser of:
(i) 0.064 × A*; and
(ii) 0.064 × CEA
CEA is an indexed amount. See Table 9.2 Other rates and amounts in Chapter 9.
* For the Canada employment amount, A is the annual gross income from office or employment before deductions. Only include the amounts from office or employment, this is the same amount you normally report in box 14 of the T4 slip(s).
V1 = $0
S = $0
LCP = The lesser of:
(i) $1,250; and
(ii) 25% of the amount deducted or withheld during the year for the acquisition by the employee of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labour-sponsored venture capital corporation
Outside Canada and in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory:
V, V1, V2, S, and LCP = $0
Formula to calculate the estimated federal and provincial or territorial tax deductions (T) for the pay period
T = [(T1 + T2) / P] + L
You can round the resulting amount to the nearest multiple of $0.05 or $0.01.
Only for employees in Quebec, outside Canada, and in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory:
T = (T1 / P) + L
You can round the resulting amount to the nearest multiple of $0.05 or $0.01.
For employees paid by commission who have filled out Form TD1X:
T = The tax to be deducted on the current commission payment (factor G)
= [(T1 + T2) / (I1 / (G – F – F1))] + L
You can round the resulting amount to the nearest multiple of $0.05 or 0.01.
Chapter 6 – Option 2 – Tax formula based on cumulative averaging
Option 2 formulas are intended for employees whose pay varies considerably from one pay period to the next. In the Option 2 formulas, the amount of tax to be deducted is based on the projected annual taxable income (including bonuses) compared to the amount of tax already deducted in the year. Option 2 works well for employees who are employed for a full calendar year. If the employee’s income is relatively stable for each pay period, there will not be much difference in the tax deductions with Option 2 compared to Option 1.
The following sections explain in detail how Option 2 works. The initial YTD used in this option means year-to-date and applies to payments or deductions for the current year, but not the payment payable now and the deductions for the current pay period.
Federal Basic Personal amount
The Federal Basic Personal Amount has been changed with administrative relief from $12,298.00 to the following formula:
Where NI* ≤ $150,473, BPAF = $13,229
Where $150473 < NI* ≤ $214,368, BPAF** = $12,298 + [($13,229-$12,298) - ($13,229-$12,298) × Lesser of (1, (NI* – $150,473)/($214,368-$150,473))***]
Where NI* ≤ $150,473, BPAF = $13,229
Where $150473 < NI* < $214,368, BPAF**= $13,229 - (NI* - $150,473) x ($931 / $63,895)***
Where NI* ≥ $214,368, BPAF = $12,298
* Variable NI represents Net Income = A + HD
** If the BPAF has three or more digits after the decimal point, increase the second digit after the decimal point by one if the third digit is five or more, and drop the third digit. If the third digit after the decimal point is less than five, drop the third digit
*** Note that there is no rounding on this division
This new calculation is effective January 1, 2020, the CRA will allow a reasonable time for payroll systems to be brought up-to-date with regard to this change.
For 2020, employers can use a BPAF of $13,229 for all employees, while payroll systems and procedures are updated to fully implement the proposed legislation.
If the employer uses a BPAF of $13,229 for its employees, employees with net income above $150,473 can ask for additional tax to be deducted, by completing the form TD1.
Calculation of income
In Option 2, the actual year-to-date income plus the current income is projected over the rest of the pay periods in the year. For example, an employee received a total of $20,000 in 20 previous pay periods and $500 in the current pay period, and there are 5 pay periods left. The projected income for the year using Option 2 will be $25,380.95 [($20,000 + $500) × 26/21].
To determine year-to-date income, you have to use the year-to-date taxable income. Therefore, you will have to store and use the year-to-date values for each pay period factor, such as RPP (factor F) and union dues (U1).
Calculation of tax for the pay period
For Option 2, you calculate the tax on the projected income for the year, and then find the tax amount that is proportional to the number of pay periods that have occurred (including the current pay period). Compare the result to the tax deducted in the year-to-date. The difference is the tax payable on the current income.
Continuing the above example, if the total federal and provincial or territorial tax on $25,380.95 is $3,560.17, the proportional year-to-date tax is $2,875.52 ($3,560.17/26 × 21). If the total tax deducted year-to-date is $2,736.40, the tax on the current income of $500 is $139.12 ($2,875.52 – $2,736.40). The tax values used in this example are fictitious.
Special situations
When you change tax options during the year, we recommend that you reset the S1 factor to the first pay period. For example, if your pay period is weekly and the tax option is changed for the first pay period after July 1, then S1 should be reset to 52/1 instead of 52/27. In this way, the tax deductions that have been made under the previous option are not considered when calculating the deductions under the new option. This modification could also apply when an employee starts employment with you during the year.
When there are tax changes during the year, the first pay period after the change will show a significant adjustment to balance the new annual tax with the tax deducted at the old rates. We recommend that you reduce this impact by resetting the S1 factor or by averaging the tax increase or decrease over the rest of the pay periods.
Formula to calculate annual taxable income (A)
A = Projected annual taxable income
= [S1 × (I – F – F2 – U1)] + B1 – HD – F1
If the result is negative, A = $0.
S1 = This is a set of two numbers: the number of total pay periods (or the employee’s pay periods if the employees worked less than the total pay periods) divided by the applicable number of the current pay period, as in the chart below. Also, see the information under “Special situations.”
Examples | 52pp | 26pp | 24pp | 12pp |
1st pay period, S1 = | 52/1 | 26/1 | 24/1 | 12/1 |
2nd pay period, S1 = | 52/2 | 26/2 | 24/2 | 12/2 |
3rd pay period, S1 = | 52/3 | 26/3 | 24/3 | 12/3 |
Etc., last pay period, S1 = | 52/52 | 26/26 | 24/24 | 12/12 |
I = Gross pay for the pay period. This includes overtime earned and paid in the same pay period, pension income, qualified pension income, and taxable benefits, plus IYTD, but does not include amounts in factor B.
F = Payroll deductions for the pay period for employee contributions to a registered pension plan for current and past services, a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP), or a retirement compensation arrangement plus FYTD.
For full details, see the description under Option 1.
F2 = Alimony or maintenance payments required by a legal document dated before May 1, 1997, to be deducted at source from the employee’s salary for the pay period plus F2YTD. The legal document could be a garnishment or a similar order of a court or competent tribunal.
For full details, see the description under Option 1.
U1 = Union dues for the pay period, plus U1YTD.
B1 = Year-to-date (before this pay period) non-periodic payments such as bonuses, retroactive pay increases, vacation pay when vacation is not taken, and accumulated overtime. Since tax on a current non-periodic payment is calculated separately, do not include the current non-periodic payment in calculating A.
Formula to calculate basic federal tax (T3)
T3 = (R × A) – K – K1 – K2 – K3 – K4
If the result is negative, T3 = $0.
Only for employees in Quebec:
T3 = (R × A) – K – K1 – K2Q – K3 – K4
If the result is negative, T3 = $0.
R and K are based on 2020 index values for A see the Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) for 2020 Table 9.1 in Chapter 9.
A = Projected annual taxable income
K1 = 0.15 × TC
K2 = [(0.15 × ((0.0525 × ((S1 × PI) + B1 – $3,500)*, maximum $2,898.00)))) + (0.15 × ((0.0158 × ((S1 × IE) + B1), maximum $856.36))]
Only for employees in Quebec:
K2Q = [(0.15 × (0.0570 × ((S1 × PI) + B1 – $3,500)*, maximum $3,146.40)) + (0.15 × (0.0120 × ((S1 × IE) + B1), maximum $650.40)) + (0.15 × (0.00494 × S1 × IE) + B1), maximum $387.79))]
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
PI = Pensionable income for the pay period, or the gross income plus any taxable benefits for the pay period, plus PIYTD
IE = Insurable earnings for the pay period including insurable taxable benefits for the pay period, plus IEYTD
The above has to follow the rules in Chapter 7 – “Canada Pension Plan (CPP)” and Chapter 8 – “Employment Insurance (EI)” of this publication and the instructions contained in Guide T4001, Employers’ Guide – Payroll Deductions and Remittances.
K4 = The lesser of:
(i) 0.15 × A*; and
(ii) 0.15 × CEA
CEA is an indexed amount. See Table 9.2 Other rates and amounts in Chapter 9.
* For the Canada employment amount, A is the annual gross income from office or employment before deductions. Only include the amounts from office or employment, this is the same amount you normally report in box 14 of the T4 slip (s).
Formula to calculate the federal tax payable (T1)
T1 = Annual federal tax deduction except for Quebec, outside Canada, and in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory
= (T3 – LCF)*
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
Only for Quebec:
T1 = (T3 – LCF)* – (0.165 × T3)
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
Only for outside Canada or in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory:
T1 = [T3 + (0.48 × T3) – LCF]*
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
LCF = The lesser of:
(i) $750; and
(ii) 15% of the amount deducted or withheld during the year for the acquisition by the employee of approved shares of the capital stock of a prescribed labour-sponsored venture capital corporation
Formula to calculate provincial and territorial tax payable (T2)
We have not repeated the entire explanation for the provincial and territorial variables. Effective January 1, 2020, the variables for Option 2 are the same as for Option 1, except for factor K2P, which is as follows:
K2P = [(Lowest provincial or territorial tax rate × (0.0525 × ((S1 × PI) + B1 – $3,500)*, maximum $2,898.00)) + (lowest provincial or territorial tax rate × (0.0158 × ((S1 × IE) + B1), maximum $856.36))]
* If the result is negative, enter $0.
Replace the lowest provincial or territorial tax rate with the appropriate rate for the province or territory that applies to the employee or pensioner.
Only for Quebec:
T2 = $0
Only for outside Canada or in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory:
T2 = $0
Formula to calculate the estimated federal and provincial or territorial tax deductions (T) for the pay period
T = [((T1 + T2 – M1) / S1) – M]* + L
* If the result is negative, T = L.
The resulting amount can be rounded to the nearest multiple of $0.05 or $0.01.
Only for employees in Quebec, outside Canada, and in Canada beyond the limits of any province or territory:
T = Estimated federal tax deduction for the pay period**
= [((T1 – M1) / S1) – M]* + L
* If the result is negative, T = L.
** The resulting amount can be rounded to the nearest multiple of $0.05 or $0.01.
M = Do not include any year-to-date extra tax deductions requested by the employee, factor L. Tax already deducted on non-periodic payments such as bonuses, is included in factor M1.
M1 = Accumulated federal and provincial (or territorial) tax deductions on non-periodic payments such as bonuses, if any, to the last pay period. Do not include any year-to-date extra tax deductions for the year requested by the employee, factor L or any tax included in factor M. The T factor (tax deduction for the pay period) will not include the tax on the non-periodic payment. The tax to be deducted on a current non periodic payment is kept in another field TB.
TB = Estimated federal and provincial or territorial tax deduction on a non-periodic payment for the pay period
= Step 1 minus Step 2 below (if negative, TB = $0)
Step 1
Projected annual taxable income including B1 and B payable now
= [S1 × (I – F – F2 – U1)] + B1 + B – HD – F1
Step 2
Projected annual taxable income including B1, but not B payable now
= [S1 × (I – F – F2 – U1)] + B1 – HD – F1
Chapter 7 – Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
Formula to determine CPP contributions for employees receiving salary or wages
C = The lesser of:
(i) $2,898.00* – D*; and
(ii) 0.0525* × [PI – ($3,500 / P)]
If the result is negative, C = $0.
* For employees employed in Quebec
use the QPP max contribution amount of $3,146.40 instead of $2,898.00;
use DQ instead of D; and,
use the QPP contribution rate of 0.0570 instead of 0.0525.
Formula to determine CPP contributions—only for employees paid by commission
C = The lesser of:
(i) $2,898.00* – D; and
(ii) 0.0525** × [G – ($3,500 × N / 365, minimum $67.30)]
If the result is negative, C = $0.
* For employees employed in Quebec
use the QPP max contribution amount of $3,146.40 instead of $2,898.00;
use DQ instead of D; and,
use the QPP contribution rate of 0.0570 instead of 0.0525.
Formula to determine CPP contributions for employees who were transferred by their employer from Quebec to a location outside Quebec during the year receiving salary or wages
C = The lesser of:
(i) $2,898.00 – [(DQ x (0.0525/0.0570*)) + D]; and
(ii) 0.0525 × [PI – ($3,500 / P)]
If the result is negative, C = $0.
*No rounding required for this factor.
Formula to determine CPP contributions for employees who were transferred by their employer from Quebec to a location outside Quebec during the year paid by commission
C = The lesser of:
(i) $2,898.00 – [(DQ x (0.0525/0.0570*)) + D]; and
(ii) 0.0525 × [G – ($3,500 × N / 365, minimum $67.30)]
If the result is negative, C = $0.
* No rounding required for this factor.
Each employer needs to deduct CPP contributions based on the employee’s pensionable income, without regard to any other earnings the employee may have had with another employer in the same year. Accordingly, you must use the maximum above even if the employee works for you less than 12 months. Similarly, you are not entitled to a refund of the employer’s share of CPP if the employee works for you less than 12 months.
For payments where the employee receives remuneration such as a bonus, retroactive pay increase, vacation pay when vacation is not taken, or accumulated overtime pay, and the payment is not included with the regular remuneration for the current pay period, you should introduce a code or use the factor B with the record. Also do this if a non-periodic payment is made and no regular remuneration is paid in the pay period. You do this to avoid allowing the basic exemption for the pay period ($3,500 / P) in the formula described above.
The basic exemption amount ($3,500 / P) used to determine the employee’s contributions for the pay period has to stay the same throughout the year, regardless of whether an employee has worked in each week of the pay period.
Also, you should determine the number of pay periods at the start of the year (for example, for weekly, you can have 52 or 53 pay periods and, for biweekly, you can have 26 or 27 pay periods.) This is to make sure that you have deducted employee contributions properly.
Special CPP situations
You will have to either start or stop deducting CPP contributions under the following circumstances:
Your employee turns 18 – Start deducting CPP contributions for the first pay dated in the month after the employee turns 18.
Your employee turns 70 – Deduct CPP contributions up to and including the last pay dated in the month in which the employee turns 70.
Employee’s CPP basic exemption for various pay periods
Pay period | Basic exemption ($) |
Annually (1) | 3,500.00 |
Semi-annually (2) | 1,750.00 |
Quarterly (4) | 875.00 |
Monthly (12) | 291.66 |
Semi-monthly (24) | 145.83 |
Biweekly (26) | 134.61 |
Biweekly (27) | 129.62 |
Weekly (52) | 67.30 |
Weekly (53) | 66.03 |
22 pay periods | 159.09 |
13 pay periods | 269.23 |
10 pay periods | 350.00 |
Daily (240) | 14.58 |
Hourly (2000) | 1.75 |
Chapter 8 – Employment Insurance (EI)
Formula to calculate Employment Insurance (EI) premiums
The formula below will allow you to determine, in your payroll calculations, the premium payable by an insured person under the Employment Insurance Act. The formula is:
EI = The lesser of:
(i) $856.36 – D1; and
(ii) 0.0158 × IE
Only for employees in Quebec:
EI = the lesser of
(i) $650.40 – D1; and
(ii) 0.0120 × IE*
* Round the resulting amount(s) in (ii) to the nearest $0.01.
When an employee changes province of employment during the year but stays with the same employer, the maximum premium for the year is based on the province where the first $54,200 of insurable earnings is paid.
Chapter 9 – Rates and amounts
To download the Chapter 9 tables in comma-separated value (CSV) format see the T4127 Payroll Deductions Formulas website.
Province or territory | Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A), and constants (K, KP) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th |
Federal | A | 0 | 48,535 | 97,069 | 150,473 | 214,368 | |
Federal | R | 0.1500 | 0.2050 | 0.2600 | 0.2900 | 0.3300 | |
Federal | K | 0 | 2,669 | 8,008 | 12,522 | 21,097 | |
AB | A | 0 | 131,220 | 157,464 | 209,952 | 314,928 | |
AB | V | 0.1000 | 0.1200 | 0.1300 | 0.1400 | 0.1500 | |
AB | KP | 0 | 2,624 | 4,199 | 6,299 | 9,448 | |
BC | A | 0 | 41,725 | 83,451 | 95,812 | 116,344 | 157,748 |
BC | V | 0.0506 | 0.0770 | 0.1050 | 0.1229 | 0.1470 | 0.1680 |
BC | KP | 0 | 1,102 | 3,438 | 5,153 | 7,957 | 11,270 |
MB | A | 0 | 33,389 | 72,164 | |||
MB | V | 0.1080 | 0.1275 | 0.1740 | |||
MB | KP | 0 | 651 | 4,007 | |||
NB | A | 0 | 43,401 | 86,803 | 141,122 | 160,776 | |
NB | V | 0.0968 | 0.1482 | 0.1652 | 0.1784 | 0.2030 | |
NB | KP | 0 | 2,231 | 3,706 | 5,569 | 9,524 | |
NL | A | 0 | 37,929 | 75,858 | 135,432 | 189,604 | |
NL | V | 0.0870 | 0.1450 | 0.1580 | 0.1730 | 0.1830 | |
NL | KP | 0 | 2,200 | 3,186 | 5,218 | 7,114 | |
NT | A | 0 | 43,957 | 87,916 | 142,932 | ||
NT | V | 0.0590 | 0.0860 | 0.1220 | 0.1405 | ||
NT | KP | 0 | 1,187 | 4,352 | 6,996 | ||
NS | A | 0 | 29,590 | 59,180 | 93,000 | 150,000 | |
NS | V | 0.0879 | 0.1495 | 0.1667 | 0.1750 | 0.2100 | |
NS | KP | 0 | 1,823 | 2,841 | 3,613 | 8,863 | |
NU | A | 0 | 46,277 | 92,555 | 150,473 | ||
NU | V | 0.0400 | 0.0700 | 0.0900 | 0.1150 | ||
NU | KP | 0 | 1,388 | 3,239 | 7,001 | ||
ON | A | 0 | 44,740 | 89,482 | 150,000 | 220,000 | |
ON | V | 0.0505 | 0.0915 | 0.1116 | 0.1216 | 0.1316 | |
ON | KP | 0 | 1,834 | 3,633 | 5,133 | 7,333 | |
PE | A | 0 | 31,984 | 63,969 | |||
PE | V | 0.0980 | 0.1380 | 0.1670 | |||
PE | KP | 0 | 1,279 | 3,134 | |||
SK | A | 0 | 45,225 | 129,214 | |||
SK | V | 0.1050 | 0.1250 | 0.1450 | |||
SK | KP | 0 | 905 | 3,489 | |||
YT | A | 0 | 48,535 | 97,069 | 150,473 | 500,000 | |
YT | V | 0.0640 | 0.0900 | 0.1090 | 0.1280 | 0.1500 | |
YT | KP | 0 | 1,262 | 3,106 | 5,965 | 16,965 |
Province or territory | Basic amount | Index rate | LCP rate | LCP amount | CEA | S | T4 → V1 | V1 rate | Abatement | Surtax |
Federal | BPAF | 0.019 | 0.150 | 750 | 1,245 | |||||
AB | 19,369 | – | ||||||||
BC | 10,949 | 0.025 | 0.150 | 2,000 | 476 | |||||
MB | 9,838 | 0.022 | ||||||||
NB | 10,459 | 0.019 | 0.200 | 2,000 | ||||||
NL | 9,498 | 0.009 | 0.200 | 2,000 | ||||||
NS | BPANS | – | 0.200 | 2,000 | ||||||
NT | 15,093 | 0.019 | ||||||||
NU | 16,304 | 0.019 | ||||||||
ON | 10,783 | 0.019 | 249 | 0 | 0.000 | |||||
ON | 4,830 | 0.200 | ||||||||
ON | 6,182 | 0.360 | ||||||||
PE | 10,000 | – | 0 | 0.000 | ||||||
PE | 12,500 | 0.100 | ||||||||
QC | 0.165 | |||||||||
SK | 16,065 | – | 0.175 | 875 | ||||||
YT | 12,298 | 0.019 | 0.250 | 1,250 | 1, 245 | |||||
Outside Canada | 0.480 |
For information on 2020 federal personal amounts, see the form TD1, Personal Tax Credits Return and the form TD1X, Commission Income and Expenses for Payroll Tax Deductions. For information on 2020 provincial or territorial personal amounts, see the respective form TD1AB, TD1BC, TD1MB, TD1NB, TD1NL, TD1NS, TD1NT, TD1NU, TD1ON, TD1PE, TD1QC, TD1SK, or TD1YT.
CPP/QPP | YMPE | Basic Exemption | Max contributory earnings | Employee contribution rate | Employee max contribution | Self-employed max contribution | YMPE before rounding |
CPP (Canada except QC) | 58,700 | 3,500 | 55,200 | 0.0525 | 2,898.00 | 5,796.00 | 58,712.35 |
QPP (QC) | 58,700 | 3,500 | 55,200 | 0.0570 | 3,146.40 | 6,292.80 | 58,712.35 |
EI | Annual max insurable earnings | Employee contribution rate | Employer contribution rate | Annual max employee premium | Annual max employer premium |
Canada except QC | 54,200 | 0.0158 | 0.02212 | 856.36 | 1,198.90 |
QC | 54,200 | 0.0120 | 0.0168 | 650.40 | 910.56 |
Claim codes for 2020
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 19,369.00 | 19,369.00 | 1,936.90 |
2 | 19,369.01 | 22,203.00 | 20,786.50 | 2,078.60 |
3 | 22,203.01 | 25,037.00 | 23,620.50 | 2,362.00 |
4 | 25,037.01 | 27,871.00 | 26,454.50 | 2,645.40 |
5 | 27,871.01 | 30,705.00 | 29,288.50 | 2,928.80 |
6 | 30,705.01 | 33,539.00 | 32,122.50 | 3,212.20 |
7 | 33,539.01 | 36,373.00 | 34,956.50 | 3,495.60 |
8 | 36,373.01 | 39,207.00 | 37,790.50 | 3,779.00 |
9 | 39,207.01 | 42,041.00 | 40,624.50 | 4,062.40 |
10 | 42,041.01 | 44,875.00 | 43,458.50 | 4,345.80 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 10,949.00 | 10,949.00 | 554.02 |
2 | 10,949.01 | 13,413.00 | 12,181.00 | 616.36 |
3 | 13,413.01 | 15,877.00 | 14,645.00 | 741.04 |
4 | 15,877.01 | 18,341.00 | 17,109.00 | 865.72 |
5 | 18,341.01 | 20,805.00 | 19,573.00 | 990.39 |
6 | 20,805.01 | 23,269.00 | 22,037.00 | 1,115.07 |
7 | 23,269.01 | 25,733.00 | 24,501.00 | 1,239.75 |
8 | 25,733.01 | 28,197.00 | 26,965.00 | 1,364.43 |
9 | 28,197.01 | 30,661.00 | 29,429.00 | 1,489.11 |
10 | 30,661.01 | 33,125.00 | 31,893.00 | 1,613.79 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 9,838.00 | 9,838.00 | 1,062.50 |
2 | 9,838.01 | 11,531.00 | 10,684.50 | 1,153.93 |
3 | 11,531.01 | 13,224.00 | 12,377.50 | 1,336.77 |
4 | 13,224.01 | 14,917.00 | 14,070.50 | 1,519.61 |
5 | 14,917.01 | 16,610.00 | 15,763.50 | 1,702.46 |
6 | 16,610.01 | 18,303.00 | 17,456.50 | 1,885.30 |
7 | 18,303.01 | 19,996.00 | 19,149.50 | 2,068.15 |
8 | 19,996.01 | 21,689.00 | 20,842.50 | 2,250.99 |
9 | 21,689.01 | 23,382.00 | 22,535.50 | 2,433.83 |
10 | 23,382.01 | 25,075.00 | 24,228.50 | 2,616.68 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 10,459.00 | 10,459.00 | 1,012.43 |
2 | 10,459.01 | 12,779.00 | 11,619.00 | 1,124.72 |
3 | 12,779.01 | 15,099.00 | 13,939.00 | 1,349.30 |
4 | 15,099.01 | 17,419.00 | 16,259.00 | 1,573.87 |
5 | 17,419.01 | 19,739.00 | 18,579.00 | 1,798.45 |
6 | 19,739.01 | 22,059.00 | 20,899.00 | 2,023.02 |
7 | 22,059.01 | 24,379.00 | 23,219.00 | 2,247.60 |
8 | 24,379.01 | 26,699.00 | 25,539.00 | 2,472.18 |
9 | 26,699.01 | 29,019.00 | 27,859.00 | 2,696.75 |
10 | 29,019.01 | 31,339.00 | 30,179.00 | 2,921.33 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 9,498.00 | 9,498.00 | 826.33 |
2 | 9,498.01 | 11,549.00 | 10,523.50 | 915.54 |
3 | 11,549.01 | 13,600.00 | 12,574.50 | 1,093.98 |
4 | 13,600.01 | 15,651.00 | 14,625.50 | 1,272.42 |
5 | 15,651.01 | 17,702.00 | 16,676.50 | 1,450.86 |
6 | 17,702.01 | 19,753.00 | 18,727.50 | 1,629.29 |
7 | 19,753.01 | 21,804.00 | 20,778.50 | 1,807.73 |
8 | 21,804.01 | 23,855.00 | 22,829.50 | 1,986.17 |
9 | 23,855.01 | 25,906.00 | 24,880.50 | 2,164.60 |
10 | 25,906.01 | 27,957.00 | 26,931.50 | 2,343.04 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 15,093.00 | 15,093.00 | 890.49 |
2 | 15,093.01 | 17,688.00 | 16,390.50 | 967.04 |
3 | 17,688.01 | 20,283.00 | 18,985.50 | 1,120.14 |
4 | 20,283.01 | 22,878.00 | 21,580.50 | 1,273.25 |
5 | 22,878.01 | 25,473.00 | 24,175.50 | 1,426.35 |
6 | 25,473.01 | 28,068.00 | 26,770.50 | 1,579.46 |
7 | 28,068.01 | 30,663.00 | 29,365.50 | 1,732.56 |
8 | 30,663.01 | 33,258.00 | 31,960.50 | 1,885.67 |
9 | 33,258.01 | 35,853.00 | 34,555.50 | 2,038.77 |
10 | 35,853.01 | 38,448.00 | 37,150.50 | 2,191.88 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 16,304.00 | 16,304.00 | 652.16 |
2 | 16,304.01 | 18,941.00 | 17,622.50 | 704.90 |
3 | 18,941.01 | 21,578.00 | 20,259.50 | 810.38 |
4 | 21,578.01 | 24,215.00 | 22,896.50 | 915.86 |
5 | 24,215.01 | 26,852.00 | 25,533.50 | 1,021.34 |
6 | 26,852.01 | 29,489.00 | 28,170.50 | 1,126.82 |
7 | 29,489.01 | 32,126.00 | 30,807.50 | 1,232.30 |
8 | 32,126.01 | 34,763.00 | 33,444.50 | 1,337.78 |
9 | 34,763.01 | 37,400.00 | 36,081.50 | 1,443.26 |
10 | 37,400.01 | 40,037.00 | 38,718.50 | 1,548.74 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 10,783.00 | 10,783.00 | 544.54 |
2 | 10,783.01 | 13,106.00 | 11,944.50 | 603.20 |
3 | 13,106.01 | 15,429.00 | 14,267.50 | 720.51 |
4 | 15,429.01 | 17,752.00 | 16,590.50 | 837.82 |
5 | 17,752.01 | 20,075.00 | 18,913.50 | 955.13 |
6 | 20,075.01 | 22,398.00 | 21,236.50 | 1,072.44 |
7 | 22,398.01 | 24,721.00 | 23,559.50 | 1,189.75 |
8 | 24,721.01 | 27,044.00 | 25,882.50 | 1,307.07 |
9 | 27,044.01 | 29,367.00 | 28,205.50 | 1,424.38 |
10 | 29,367.01 | 31,690.00 | 30,528.50 | 1,541.69 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 980.00 |
2 | 10,000.01 | 11,600.00 | 10,800.00 | 1,058.40 |
3 | 11,600.01 | 13,200.00 | 12,400.00 | 1,215.20 |
4 | 13,200.01 | 14,800.00 | 14,000.00 | 1,372.00 |
5 | 14,800.01 | 16,400.00 | 15,600.00 | 1,528.80 |
6 | 16,400.01 | 18,000.00 | 17,200.00 | 1,685.60 |
7 | 18,000.01 | 19,600.00 | 18,800.00 | 1,842.40 |
8 | 19,600.01 | 21,200.00 | 20,400.00 | 1,999.20 |
9 | 21,200.01 | 22,800.00 | 22,000.00 | 2,156.00 |
10 | 22,800.01 | 24,400.00 | 23,600.00 | 2,312.80 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 16,065.00 | 16,065.00 | 1,686.83 |
2 | 16,065.01 | 18,132.00 | 17,098.50 | 1,795.34 |
3 | 18,132.01 | 20,199.00 | 19,165.50 | 2,012.38 |
4 | 20,199.01 | 22,266.00 | 21,232.50 | 2,229.41 |
5 | 22,266.01 | 24,333.00 | 23,299.50 | 2,446.45 |
6 | 24,333.01 | 26,400.00 | 25,366.50 | 2,663.48 |
7 | 26,400.01 | 28,467.00 | 27,433.50 | 2,880.52 |
8 | 28,467.01 | 30,534.00 | 29,500.50 | 3,097.55 |
9 | 30,534.01 | 32,601.00 | 31,567.50 | 3,314.59 |
10 | 32,601.01 | 34,668.00 | 33,634.50 | 3,531.62 |
Claim code | Total claim amount ($) from | Total claim amount ($) to | Option 1, TCP = ($) | Option 1, K1P ($) |
0 | No claim amount | No claim amount | 0.00 | 0.00 |
1 | 0.00 | 12,298.00 | 12,298.00 | 787.07 |
2 | 12,298.01 | 14,648.00 | 13,473.00 | 862.27 |
3 | 14,648.01 | 16,998.00 | 15,823.00 | 1,012.67 |
4 | 16,998.01 | 19,348.00 | 18,173.00 | 1,163.07 |
5 | 19,348.01 | 21,698.00 | 20,523.00 | 1,313.47 |
6 | 21,698.01 | 24,048.00 | 22,873.00 | 1,463.87 |
7 | 24,048.01 | 26,398.00 | 25,223.00 | 1,614.27 |
8 | 26,398.01 | 28,748.00 | 27,573.00 | 1,764.67 |
9 | 28,748.01 | 31,098.00 | 29,923.00 | 1,915.07 |
10 | 31,098.01 | 33,448.00 | 32,273.00 | 2,065.47 |
Province or territory | Rates (R, V), income thresholds (A) and constants (K, KP) | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | 4th | 5th | 6th |
Federal | A | 0 | 47,630 | 95,259 | 147,667 | 210,371 | |
Federal | R | 0.1500 | 0.2050 | 0.2600 | 0.2900 | 0.3300 | |
Federal | K | 0 | 2,620 | 7,859 | 12,289 | 20,704 | |
AB | A | 0 | 131,220 | 157,464 | 209,952 | 314,928 | |
AB | V | 0.1000 | 0.1200 | 0.1300 | 0.1400 | 0.1500 | |
AB | KP | 0 | 2,624 | 4,199 | 6,299 | 9,448 | |
BC | A | 0 | 40,707 | 81,416 | 93,476 | 113,506 | 153,900 |
BC | V | 0.0506 | 0.0770 | 0.1050 | 0.1229 | 0.1470 | 0.1680 |
BC | KP | 0 | 1,075 | 3,354 | 5,028 | 7,763 | 10,995 |
MB | A | 0 | 32,670 | 70,610 | |||
MB | V | 0.1080 | 0.1275 | 0.1740 | |||
MB | KP | 0 | 637 | 3,920 | |||
NB | A | 0 | 42,592 | 85,184 | 138,491 | 157,778 | |
NB | V | 0.0968 | 0.1482 | 0.1652 | 0.1784 | 0.2030 | |
NB | KP | 0 | 2,189 | 3,637 | 5,465 | 9,347 | |
NL | A | 0 | 37,591 | 75,181 | 134,224 | 187,913 | |
NL | V | 0.0870 | 0.1450 | 0.1580 | 0.1730 | 0.1830 | |
NL | KP | 0 | 2,180 | 3,158 | 5,171 | 7,050 | |
NT | A | 0 | 43,137 | 86,277 | 140,267 | ||
NT | V | 0.0590 | 0.0860 | 0.1220 | 0.1405 | ||
NT | KP | 0 | 1,165 | 4,271 | 6,866 | ||
NS | A | 0 | 29,590 | 59,180 | 93,000 | 150,000 | |
NS | V | 0.0879 | 0.1495 | 0.1667 | 0.1750 | 0.2100 | |
NS | KP | 0 | 1,823 | 2,841 | 3,613 | 8,863 | |
NU | A | 0 | 45,414 | 90,829 | 147,667 | ||
NU | V | 0.0400 | 0.0700 | 0.0900 | 0.1150 | ||
NU | KP | 0 | 1,362 | 3,179 | 6,871 | ||
ON | A | 0 | 43,906 | 87,813 | 150,000 | 220,000 | |
ON | V | 0.0505 | 0.0915 | 0.1116 | 0.1216 | 0.1316 | |
ON | KP | 0 | 1,800 | 3,565 | 5,065 | 7,265 | |
PE | A | 0 | 31,984 | 63,969 | |||
PE | V | 0.0980 | 0.1380 | 0.1670 | |||
PE | KP | 0 | 1,279 | 3,134 | |||
SK | A | 0 | 45,225 | 129,214 | |||
SK | V | 0.1050 | 0.1250 | 0.1450 | |||
SK | KP | 0 | 905 | 3,489 | |||
YT | A | 0 | 47,630 | 95,259 | 147,667 | 500,000 | |
YT | V | 0.0640 | 0.0900 | 0.1090 | 0.1280 | 0.1500 | |
YT | KP | 0 | 1,238 | 3,048 | 5,854 | 16,854 |
Province or territory | Basic amount | Index rate | LCP rate | LCP amount | CEA | S | T4 → V1 | V1 rate | Abatement | Surtax |
Federal | 12,069 | 0.022 | 0.150 | 750 | 1,222 | |||||
AB | 19,369 | 0.024 | ||||||||
BC | 10,682 | 0.026 | 0.150 | 2,000 | 464 | |||||
MB | 9,626 | 0.026 | ||||||||
NB | 10,264 | 0.022 | 0.200 | 2,000 | ||||||
NL | 9,414 | 0.018 | 0.200 | 2,000 | ||||||
NT | 14,811 | 0.022 | ||||||||
NS | BPA | – | 0.200 | 2,000 | ||||||
NU | 13,618 | 0.022 | ||||||||
ON | 10,582 | 0.022 | 244 | 0 | 0.000 | |||||
ON | 4,740 | 0.200 | ||||||||
ON | 6,067 | 0.360 | ||||||||
PE | 9,160 | – | 0 | 0.000 | ||||||
PE | 12,500 | 0.100 | ||||||||
QC | 0.165 | |||||||||
SK | 16,065 | – | 0.175 | 875 | ||||||
YT | 12,069 | 0.022 | 0.250 | 1,250 | 1,222 | |||||
Outside Canada | 0.480 |
For information on 2019 federal personal amounts, see the form TD1, Personal Tax Credits Return and the form TD1X, Commission Income and Expenses for Payroll Tax Deductions. For information on 2019 provincial or territorial personal amounts, see the respective form TD1AB, TD1BC, TD1MB, TD1NB, TD1NL, TD1NS, TD1NT, TD1NU, TD1ON, TD1PE, TD1QC, TD1SK, or TD1YT.
CPP/QPP | YMPE | Basic Exemption | Max contributory earnings | Employee contribution rate | Employee max contribution | Self-employed max contribution | YMPE before rounding |
CPP (Canada except QC) | 57,400 | 3,500 | 53,900 | 0.0510 | 2,748.90 | 5,497.80 |
57,448.48 |
QPP (QC) | 57,400 | 3,500 | 53,900 | 0.0555 | 2,991.45 | 5,982.90 |
57,448.48 |
EI | Annual max insurable earnings | Employee contribution rate | Employer contribution rate | Annual max employee premium | Annual max employer premium |
Canada except QC | 53,100 | 0.0162 | 0.02268 | 860.22 | 1,204.31 |
QC | 53,100 | 0.0125 | 0.0175 | 663.75 | 929.25 |
- Date modified:
- 2020-01-09