Help with My Trust Account


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Help with My Trust Account

On this page

  • Overview
    • T3 returns
    • Account balance and payments
    • Trust account registration
    • Manage pre-authorized debit
  • Profile
    • Trust Information
    • Trust Contact Information
    • Trustees
    • Notification preferences
    • Authorized representatives
    • Language Preferences
    • Direct deposit
  • T3 returns
    • Notices of assessment and reassessment
    • Beficial ownership
  • Account balance and payments
    • Account balance and statement of account
    • Instalments
    • Manage pre-authorized debit
    • Print a remittance voucher
  • Trust account registration
  • Manage pre-authorized debit
  • Mail
  • Submit documents
    • How to submit a document
  • Notification preferences


Ts returns

On the “Tax returns” section you can view high level information about your latest notice of assessment or reassessment for the tax year shown.

There is a link to the “Tax returns” page where you can get more information about your assessed or reassessed returns.

Account balance and payments

On the “Accounts and payments” section you can view your income tax balance. A Proceed to pay button will be displayed taking you to the “Payment options” page.

There is a link to the “Accounts and payments” page where you can get more information about your account balance and payments.

There is also a link to take you directly to your “Statement of account”.

Trust account registration

You can use this service to register new trust accounts only. Follow the prompts on screen to enter the trust and trustee information before reviewing and submitting the registration.

Manage pre-authorized debit

Pre-authorized Debit (PAD) is an online self-service payment option that allows you to initiate an agreement that authorizes the CRA to withdraw a pre-determined payment amount directly from your bank account on pre-determined date(s) to pay your tax obligations.


Trust Information

The Trust information section lists account details on the account. The information in this section is “read only”. If there are adjustments to this information, provide the appropriate documentation with a request to amend the data directly to your Tax Centre or through the “Submit documents” service available within the My Trust Account service.

The information listed may include:

  • Trust type
  • Name of the Trust
  • Name of the Trustee
  • Date trust created
  • Established fiscal period end
  • Related trust account number

Trust Contact Information

The CRA has collected the trust addresses and telephone numbers from the latest tax return, the registration process, or from other communications with a primary trustee or trustees. We may have modified the address to meet Canada Post's requirements; therefore, the address shown on My Trust Account may differ slightly from the one provided. The address and telephone numbers can be changed only by trustees through the My Trust Account service by selecting “add” or “edit”.


This lists all Trustees registered for online access to My Trust Account.

To add an additional trustee, select “add” located next to the Authorized representatives header and ensure you select “Level 3 - Trustee”. Additional information may be required to verify the Trustee. Legal documentation to support the addition of a trustee must be on file with or provided to the CRA.

To remove a Trustee, legal documentation must indicate that the individual or group is no longer acting as a Trustee and must be submitted to your Tax Centre or through the “Submit documents” service available through My Trust Account.

Notification preferences

If you have an email address on file with the CRA it will be listed here. Select Edit to change your email address or notification preferences. Select Delete to delete your email address. Note that you will no longer be able to use the My Trust Account portal if you delete your email address.

Authorized representatives

This lists the authorized representatives as of today's date.

  • Name – this column lists all the representatives the Canada Revenue Agency has on file for the trust.
  • Authorization expires – this column displays the date the authorization will expire. If no date was entered, the authorization is valid indefinitely.
  • Online access – this column shows whether or not your representative has online access to your tax and benefit information.
  • Actions – this column shows an ‘edit’ and ‘delete’ button to make changes or remove authorization from a representative.

Authorize new representative adds a new authorization to the account.

Delete all representatives removes all representatives listed on the table above.

Deleted/expired representatives shows a list of all representatives whose access has either expired or was deleted.

View pending authorizations shows a list of all representatives who have requested access to the trust. The request can be accepted or denied.

Language Preferences

The language of correspondence and notes on the account is listed. To change the language preference, select ‘edit’ and choose either French or English. This change will take effect on future activity in the account.

Direct deposit

Level 3 representatives / Trustees can view and update the direct deposit information for the Trust’s refunds. This information may be provided when a return is filed, by submitting a direct deposit request, or through My Trust Account.

The institution name is the official name of the bank, for example, Scotiabank. The institution number is a 3-digit number that represents the bank.

The branch name identifies the branch location, for example, Main Street branch. The branch number is a 5-digit number that represents that branch.

The account number is the trust’s bank account number, and it has a maximum of 12 digits, for example, 123456789123. The effective date is the date the request for direct deposit was recorded on our system.

T3 returns

Notices of assessment and reassessment

The table in this first box gives you general information about your tax returns for the current year and some prior years. That general information includes:


This column shows the tax year for the return filed or due to be filed.

Status of return

Shows the status of the return as follows:

  • Not received
    • We have not received your return or we received it but have not entered it into our computer system yet.
  • Received
    • We received your return, but we have not assessed it yet.
    • For more information, go to Service Standards.
  • In process
    • We are currently assessing your return.
  • Assessed
    • We have assessed your tax return and have sent you a notice of assessment.
  • Reassessment in progress
    • We received your adjustment request and it is currently being processed.
  • Reassessed
    • We processed your request and have sent you a notice of reassessment.

Notice of assessment or reassessment

A notice of assessment is a document we send you after we assess your income tax return. A notice of reassessment is a document we send you after we make any further adjustments to your return. Both notices give you a summary of the amounts at specific lines of your tax return and explain any changes we made when we assessed or reassessed your return, as well as other important information.

If your return is changed after we assessed it, we will reassess your return and send you a notice of reassessment.

Date processed

This is the date we assessed or reassessed your return. A dash (-) in this field means that we have not yet received or assessed this return.

Beneficial ownership

This area will list all of the beneficial owners reported for the selected year end.

Accounts and payments

On the “Account balances and payments ” section you can view your income tax balance. A Proceed to pay button will be displayed taking you to the “Payment options” page.

Account balance and statement of account

The first section shows your income tax balance, including arrears interest that may apply, calculated to the current date. If you have a balance under appeal, it is shown on a separate line and is not included in the account balance.

The Proceed to pay button allows you to pay now, pay later, or pay in person.

Statement of Account

The statement of account shows the transactions that have occurred on your personal tax account for the period beginning with the start of the prior calendar year, including assessments, reassessments, payments, and any interest charged. It also shows your current account balance.

The date shown near the top of this page is usually today's date. However, if an assessment or reassessment has been processed to your account with an effective date later than the current date, that date will be shown.

If you have questions about the statement, call the Canada Revenue Agency. If you are in Canada or the United States, call 1 800 959 8281. From outside Canada or the United States call 613-940-8495. We accept collect calls.


This section shows the total instalment payments we received from you for the years listed in the table. These payments appear only for returns that have not yet been assessed and only until they are applied to the amount owing on a specific return.

Manage pre-authorized debit

Pre-authorized Debit (PAD) is an online self-service payment option that allows you to initiate an agreement that authorizes the CRA to withdraw a pre-determined payment amount directly from your bank account on pre-determined date(s) to pay your tax obligations.

The table displays the active PAD arrangements and give the user access to edit, cancel, or skip payments.

The user can also see a list of inactive PAD arrangements from the prior year.

Print a remittance voucher

The "Print a remittance voucher" service allows you to print personalized remittance vouchers, which you can use to make payments for a tax balance owing, payment on filing, or quarterly instalments, at a financial institution, or by mail along with a cheque or money order. Once you make your request, we will mail the remittance voucher (s) to you within 10 to 14 business days.

You can order the following types of remittance vouchers:

T3AO - to make a payment for a tax balance owing

T3INNS3 - to make a quarterly instalment payment

Trust account registration

You can use this service to register new trust accounts only. Follow the prompts on screen to enter the trust and trustee information before reviewing and submitting the registration.


To view CRA mail, select Mail from the Overview page in My Trust Account.

For help with the mail service see Help with mail.

Submit documents

This service allows you to securely send documents electronically to the CRA. You can use this service when:

  1. You would like to send documents associated to a specific CRA program; or
  2. 2. We have communicated with you requesting documents and have provided a case or reference number. This number is either given to you by mail, by phone, in person by a CRA official, or on the confirmation screen of a previous document submission.

History table

On the “Submit documents” page, a history table will show any documents you have submitted after May 21, 2022. You can submit additional documents for the same program by clicking Submit under the “Actions” column.

How to submit a document

Step 1 – Do you have a case or reference number?

If yes:

  1. Select Yes.
  2. Enter your case or reference number in the space provided.
  3. Click Next.

If no:

  1. Select No.
  2. You will be provided with a list of topic selections. Select the option that applies to your document submissions.
  3. Click Next.


Submitting documents to the incorrect area can result in delays in processing your request. Please make sure you have made the appropriate selection related to your document submission before proceeding to submit your documents. If you do not see the topic related to your document submission, you must mail your documents to your Tax Centre.

Step 2 – Attach and review files

  1. Use the Browse… button to choose the file(s) you want to attach from your device. You can select multiple files by holding down the CTRL key. If more than one file is being added, each must have a unique name.
  2. Click Attach file(s).
    1. The total size of all files you send cannot exceed 500MB.
  3. Enter a brief description of the file in the blank field.
  4. If you want to attach more documents, click Attach file(s) and then follow steps 1-3 above.
  5. When all your documents are added, and you have made sure you are submitting your documents to the correct area, click Submit file(s).


Submitting documents to the incorrect topic could cause delays in processing your request. Receiving the confirmation

Receiving the confirmation

  1. A confirmation screen will appear which includes a confirmation number and a case/reference number.
  2. Keep a record of your confirmation number and case/reference number. You can use this case/reference number to submit additional documents related to the original submission.
  3. Your document submission information will appear in the history table within 24 hours of submission.
  4. If you want to submit another file, click Make another submission.
    • Individual tax enquiries (My Account, Represent a Client for individuals)
    • Business enquiries (My Business Account, Represent a Client for businesses)
    • Trust enquiries (My Trust Account)
  5. All files you send will be scanned for viruses. We will identify any unacceptable files and will contact you with instructions for you to re-submit your documents.

    If you have technical problems submitting documents online, contact us for assistance.

    If you have questions about a CRA request or letter to submit documents, contact the CRA official who requested the documents.

    Notifications preferences

    Email notifications for trusts

    My Trust Account users may add an email address on file with the CRA to help protect their accounts from fraudulent activity. This security feature ensures that you receive email notifications when important changes are made to the trust account.

    While some email notifications will be mandatory to ensure the security of your account, such as when your address or direct deposit information is changed, you will be able to choose to receive additional optional notifications, such as when you have uncashed cheques.

    This security feature will not affect your preferred method of receiving CRA mail. You will have the option to receive mail either by paper or an email notification when you have new mail to view in My Trust Account.

    The CRA will not do the following:

  • send a link and ask you for personal or financial information
  • ask for payment with prepaid credit cards or gift cards
  • use aggressive language or tone
  • threaten arrest or to send police

Account changes

As a fraud prevention feature, we will send you an email notification when:

  • your address is changed
  • your banking information for direct deposit is changed
  • your authorized representative information is changed
  • mail sent to you by the CRA has been returned, meaning you need to update your mailing address
  • you have new CRA mail to view in My Trust Account (your correspondence preference must be set to Electronic mail)

You can also choose to receive additional optional email notification when:

  • your Submit documents submission has been received

Eligible correspondence

If your correspondence preferences are set to Electronic mail, the CRA will send you an email when the following types of correspondence are ready for you to view in My Trust Account. You will not receive a paper copy in the mail. Some examples include:

  • notices of assessment
  • notices of reassessment
  • letters asking for information and documentation for some programs

The CRA adds more items to its email notification service every year. However, some mail cannot be sent electronically and will continue to be mailed on paper. If you need a paper copy of your electronic mail, you can sign in to My Trust Account and print it.

Formatting your email address

  • For your email address, you can only use the following characters and punctuation:
    • letters of the alphabet, in upper or lower case
    • numbers
    • hyphen
    • underline
    • period
    • at sign
  • Your email address can only have one @ (at sign)
  • If you use the @ sign, there must be at least one character before and after the sign
  • After an @ sign, there has to be at least one period. However, do not place the period beside the @ sign
  • You cannot use a period to start or end an address
  • Periods cannot be placed beside each other

Page details

Date modified: