Help with Represent a Client
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Help with Represent a Client
All electronic authorization requests by representatives for individuals and business clients will not be activated until the representative has been verified. Clients may be contacted by the CRA to verify the representative’s authorization request.
Access client information - Once you register and have been authorized by your employer, client, friend, or family member, you will have online access to individual or business tax information. You will also be able to access this information through traditional methods such as by phone, by mail, or in person.
Your business as a representative - Clients can authorize your tax, payroll, or accounting business to be their representative once you have registered your business with this service. To begin the registration process, select the word "business" from the bullet "register your Business as a representative" (must be the business owner) and follow the steps. Once your business is registered, give your BN to the clients who want to authorize your business as their representative.
Yourself as a representative - You can represent your employer, family members, or friends, or clients of the tax, payroll, or accounting business you work for, once you have registered with this service. To begin the registration process, select the word "yourself" from the bullet "register yourself as a representative" and follow the steps. Once you have registered, you will receive a RepID that you give to individuals or businesses who want to authorize you as their representative. If you will be accessing Represent a Client for your employer, give your repID to your employer for them to associate you to your employer’s accounts.
RepID - This is a seven-character alphanumeric code provided by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) when you register as a representative with this service.
BN - The Business Number (BN) is a nine-digit identification number that the Canada Revenue Agency assigns to businesses. We will ask you to enter your BN when you register your tax, payroll, or accounting business with this service. Once registered, you will give the BN to clients who want to authorize your business as their representative.
Review and Update features - Once you or your business is registered, you will have access to various options that will allow you to update information about yourself or your business, as well as other features, such as an option to view your list of clients. You will also be able to create a group, manage the group and view and update the group information.
Register yourself: Step 1 of 2
First name (mandatory): Enter your first name. This is the name that will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Last name (mandatory): Enter your last name. This is the name that will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Initial (optional): Enter your initials, to a maximum of four letters. If you choose to enter an initial, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access. An initial could help distinguish you from colleagues with similar names within the business.
Telephone number (optional): Enter your 10-digit telephone number. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Extension (optional): Enter your extension, to a maximum of six numbers. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Fax number (optional): Enter your 10-digit fax number. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Email address (optional): Enter your email address. If you choose to make an entry, it will not be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access. Please note, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will never contact you by email to request personal taxpayer information. The CRA may however use your email address to notify you of any future enhancements or service interruptions to the Represent a client service and where your email address has been provided to receive email notifications from the CRA.
Register yourself: Step 2 of 2
Review the information you entered carefully, as it will be displayed to anyone who attempts to authorize you. If you need to change any of the information, select the "Change" button.
Register yourself: Confirmation
You can now give this RepID to anyone who wants to authorize you as their representative to access their tax information online.
Register your business as a representative
If you are not identified as an owner, a partner, a director, or an officer of the business according to our Business Number (BN) database, you will have to contact us at 1-800-959-5525 to update that information.
Register your business as a representative: Step 1 of 3
BN – The Business Number (BN) is a nine-digit identification number that the CRA assigns to businesses. Enter your BN on this screen to register your business with this service. Only individuals recognized by the CRA as persons of authority for a business (an owner, a partner, a director, or an officer) are permitted to register the business with this service. Once registered, you will give the BN to clients who want to authorize your business as their representative.
If you are a sole proprietor of a business that does not have a BN, you should register yourself as a representative. Select the word "yourself" from the bullet "register your yourself as a representative" and follow the steps.
Register your business as a representative: Step 2 of 3
Select the name you would like to use for this service. You or your business provided the names that are currently available for you to select. If you would like to change or add a name, please contact Business Enquiries at 1-800-959-5525. Once you have made the necessary changes, return to this service to select the name you have added or amended.
Telephone/Extension/Fax number/Email address (optional): Enter your businesses telephone, extension, fax number, and/or email address in the spaces provided. If you choose to enter a telephone or fax number, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you online as their representative.
Personal information:
At the end of this registration process, you will also be provided with a RepID that you can give to any client who wishes to authorize you personally as their representative.
First name (mandatory): Enter your first name.
Last name (mandatory): Enter your last name.
Initial (optional): Enter your initials, to a maximum of four letters. If you choose to enter an initial, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access. An initial could help distinguish you from colleagues with similar names within the business.
Telephone number (optional): Enter your 10-digit telephone number. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access. A telephone number appearing after your name could help your client distinguish you from other representatives with similar names.
Extension (optional): Enter your extension, to a maximum of six numbers. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Fax number (optional): Enter your 10-digit fax number. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Email address (optional): Enter your email address. If you choose to make an entry, it will not be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access. Please note, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will never contact you by email to request personal taxpayer information. The CRA may however use your email address to notify you of any future enhancements, or service interruptions to the Represent a Client service, and where your email address has been provided to receive email notifications from the CRA.
Register your business as a representative: Step 3 of 3
Review the information you entered carefully, as it will be displayed to anyone who attempts to authorize you or your business. If you need to change the information, select the "Change" button.
Register your business as a representative: Confirmation
The business is now registered as a representative with the CRA. You can now give this business number to anyone who wants to authorize your business as their representative. You can now begin the process of associating employees as administrators or representatives, create groups, and assign your clients as appropriate through the Review and Update menu on the left hand side bar.
A RepID has also been provided for you. You can give it to anyone who wants to authorize only you as their representative.
Represent a Client - main welcome menu page
Access client information - Once you register and have been authorized by your employer, client, friend, or family member, you will have online access to individual or business tax information. You will also be able to access this information through traditional methods such as by phone, or by mail.
You will only be able to access information online once the individual authorizes you using your RepID, GroupID or once they authorize the business you work for using its Business Number (BN).
If the individual authorized you using Authorize my representative in My Account, you will have instant access to online information.
If the business authorized you using Authorize my representative in My Business Account, you will have instant access to online information.
Review and Update Features
For information about the various features, select a feature and read the information on the screens that follow, including "Help with this page" when available.
Associate my RepID to my business as an owner: Step 1 of 2
If you are not identified as an owner, a partner, a director, or an officer of the business according to our Business Number (BN) database, you will have to contact us at 1-800-959-5525 to update that information. Enter your BN.
Associate my RepID to my business as an owner: Step 2 of 2
Select continue if you would like to continue with the process to associate your RepID with the business. Select cancel to quit the process.
Associate my RepID to my business as an owner: Confirmation
Your RepID is now associated with the business.
Manage employees’ access
Associate employees
The task of associating employees and managing them can be assigned to administrators so that it does not have to be performed solely by the business owner.
Associate employees as representatives or administrators: Step 1 of 2
Enter the RepIDs of your employees in the entry boxes. Although the boxes are numbered, you do not have to enter the RepIDs in any particular order.
If the employees are seasonal workers, you can choose to set a disassociation date. When that date is reached, the employees will no longer have online access to your client’s information. You can later re-associate these RepIDs to the business by accessing the employee lists from the "Review and update" menu.
Associate employees as representatives or administrators: Step 2 of 2
Review your information. If you entered a RepID incorrectly, or if the information displayed is incorrect, you can return to the previous page by selecting "Change".
If the information displayed is incorrect, you can continue to associate the RepID and ask the employee to correct his or her information using the "Review and update" option. The corrected name will be updated and reflected in your list of employees immediately.
Review and update
For information about the various features, select a feature and read the information on the screens that follow, including "Help with this page" when available.
Associate employees to the business
As a junior administrator you have been given the task of associating and maintaining junior and senior representatives. You can associate a maximum of 7500 representatives to the business.
Employees lists
This screen allows business owners and business administrators to view the names and RepIDs of employees associated to the business.
To update an employee's role with the business (for example, from representative to junior administrator) or to delete or disassociate an employee from the business, select the employee's RepID.
You can choose to view by role (for example, only the senior administrators). If you choose to search by name, only employees with that name will be displayed.
The view and update options are limited by the type of user:
- Business owners may view and update every employee associated with the business.
- Senior administrators may view and update every employee associated with the business except for the business owners
- Junior administrators may view and update employees associated as representatives only. Junior administrators do not have access to group lists.
You will not be able to view the name or RepID of an employee if:
- the RepID has been deleted from the business; or
- the employee has cancelled his or her RepID.
View and update employee's association
The deletion function will remove selected employees. Employees you delete cannot access tax information online on behalf of a client who authorizes the business.
If you accidentally delete an employee, you can associate the employee’s RepID to the business again at any time through the Manage Employees’ Access tab in the Review and update feature.
The Disassociate function will be particularly useful if your business has seasonal employees. Disassociating employees preserves their RepIDs as well as the authorizations from clients using these RepIDs.
You may disassociate an employee any time the employee does not need online access to client information (for example, in the off-season). When the employee returns to work, his or her RepID can be re-associated with the business by selecting that employee’s RepID from the employee list.
The Modify association feature gives you the ability to change an employee's function with your business (for example, changing an employee from a representative to a junior administrator). The update feature does not allow you to change the employee's registration information, such as name or initial. Only the employee is permitted to change that information.
Delete the association
Employees you delete cannot access tax information online on behalf of clients who have authorized the business.
If you accidentally delete an employee's online access, you can associate the employee’s RepID to the business again at any time through the Manage Employees’ Access tab in the Review and update menu.
Disassociate an employee - Step 1 of 2
Disassociating an employee will be particularly useful if your business has seasonal employees. Disassociating employees preserves their RepIDs in your employee lists as well as the authorizations from clients using these RepIDs.
You may disassociate an employee any time that the employee does not need online access to client information (for example, in the off-season). When the employee returns to work, the RepID can be re-associated with the business by accessing the employee list option in the "Review and update" menu.
Disassociate an employee: Step 2 of 2
Confirm the disassociation. When you want to re-associate this employee to your business, access the employee list option in the "Review and update" menu.
Re-associating an employee allows him or her to access client information online without having to register for a new RepID. This also eliminates the need for clients to authorize the employee again.
Modify association
Modify association gives you the ability to change an employee's role, (for example, to change an employee from a representative to an administrator), or to modify or select a disassociation date. The update feature does not allow you to change the employee's name or initial. Only the employee who owns the RepID has permission to change that information.
Employee privileges
Manage individual clients privilege includes the following:
- View individual client list
- Delete authorizations
Manage business clients privilege includes the following:
- View business client list
- Add authorizations
- Delete authorizations
Taxpayers who have authorized this business
The list contains the names of clients who have authorized your business. It does not list clients who have authorized only a specific employee.
Select the 'Download Options' link to, schedule or produce a copy of your client list.
The total number of clients who have authorized this business for online access will be displayed and each page can display up to 250 clients. To view more clients, select the "Next page" link. You can also search for a specific client by name by entering their last name in the search by name box.
If groups exist within your business, a drop down menu will be displayed and you can select a group to see only the clients who have been assigned to a specific group.
To view the details of the authorization, select the client's name.
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client did not authorize the business using the Business Number (BN).
- Your client's authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete your business as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Taxpayers who have authorized this business: Authorization information
The information displayed reflects the authorization choices submitted by your client. If there is an error with the authorization information (for example, if your client chose level 1 authorization instead of level 2), you will have to contact the client. Only the client can amend the authorization.
View and update the registration information - Step 1 of 2
You or your business provided the names that are available for you to select. If the name you would like to use is not displayed in the drop-down menu, contact Business Enquiries at 1-800-959-5525 to have a name added.
You can also add or amend your telephone, fax numbers and email address on this screen by typing over the information displayed.
View and update the registration information: Step 2 of 2
Review the information you entered carefully, as it will be displayed to anyone who attempts to authorize you. If you need to change any of the information, select the "Change" button. Select I agree to complete the process.
View and update the registration information: Confirmation
Displays the business information.
Suspend your business from this service
The suspend function may be useful if you operate your tax business seasonally. Suspending your participation with this service preserves your business' registration as a representative with this service. It also preserves any employees that you have associated to your business as a representative or administrator, and it does not affect the authorizations given by the business' clients.
While your business is suspended, clients will not be able to authorize online access for your business and employees cannot transact online for clients.
You may suspend your participation with this service at any time. When needed, you can unsuspend the business using the "Unsuspend your business registration for this service" option in the "Review and update" menu.
Suspend your business from this service: Confirmation
Confirms the suspension of your business. You can unsuspend the business at any time by accessing the review and update menu.
Unsuspend your business registration for this service
You can only unsuspend a business that has been suspended from this service. If you have suspended your business' participation with this service, you can unsuspend it at any time.
Unsuspend your business for this service: Confirmation
Confirms that your business has been unsuspended. Employees associated with the business can access client accounts.
View and update my registration information: Step 1 of 2
Use the entry boxes to make any necessary changes to your registration information. The changes you make will be updated immediately to your RepID (which does not change).
View and update my registration information: Step 2 of 2
Review the information you entered carefully, as it will be displayed to anyone who attempts to authorize you. If you need to change any of the information, select the "Change" button. Select I agree to complete the process.
View and update my registration information: Confirmation
Displays your registration information. If you need to change any of the information displayed, select the "Review and update" link on the left side bar.
Taxpayers who have authorized this RepID
The list contains the names of clients who have authorized this RepID.
Select the 'Download Options' link to, schedule or produce a copy of your client list.
The total number of clients who have authorized this RepID for online access will be displayed and each page can display up to 250 clients. To view more clients, select the "Next page" link. You can also search for a specific client by name by entering their last name in the search by name box.
To view the details of an authorization, select the client's name.
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client did not authorize your RepID.
- Your client's authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete you as his or her authorized representative.
- If you have more than one RepID, the client you are looking for may have authorized you using a different RepID.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Taxpayers who have authorized this RepID: Authorization information
The information displayed reflects the authorization choices submitted by your client. If there is an error with the authorization information (for example, if your client chose level 1 authorization instead of level 2), you will have to contact the client. Only the client can amend the authorization.
Cancel my RepID
Confirm that you want to cancel your RepID by selecting yes. Select no to return to the Review and update menu.
Cancel my RepID: Confirmation
If you have accidentally cancelled your RepID, you will have to register for a new RepID. Clients who authorized you using the cancelled RepID will have to authorize you again using the new RepID.
A RepID that has been cancelled can never be re-activated by you or by anyone at the CRA.
Transact for a client
As a representative - To represent family members or friends, your employer or clients of the business you work for, you must first register with this service. To begin the registration process, select the word "yourself" from the bullet "register yourself as a representative" and follow the steps. Once you have registered, you will receive a RepID that you can give to taxpayers who want to authorize you as their representative.
Your business as a representative - Clients can authorize your business to be their representative once you have registered the business with this service. To begin the registration process, select the word "business" from the bullet "register your Business as a representative" (must be the business owner) and follow the steps. We will ask you to enter your Business Number (BN). Once your business is registered, you can give your BN to taxpayers who want to authorize your business as their representative or give your RepID to taxpayers who want to authorize only you to access their tax information online.
Transactions performed on individual accounts
All submissions for this individual are displayed along with the date the request was made. Although the submission is displayed, it may not yet have been processed.
When a change return request has been processed, you will be able to view it using View returns in My Account.
Transactions performed on individual accounts
You will be able to view transactions for clients that have authorized you as their representative. If you are associated to a business and the client authorized the entire business using the BN, you will also be able to view all transactions performed by anyone within the business.
Businesses that have authorized this RepID
The list contains the names of businesses that have authorized this RepID.
Select the 'Download Options' link to, schedule or pick up a copy of your client list.
The total number of clients who have authorized this RepID for online access will be displayed and each page can display up to 70 clients. To view more clients, select the "Next page" link.
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client did not authorize you.
- The authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete you as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Businesses that have authorized this RepID: Authorization information
The information displayed reflects the authorization choices submitted by your client. If there is an error with the authorization information (for example, if your client chose level 1 authorization instead of level 2), you will have to contact the client. Only the client can amend the authorization.
Businesses that have authorized this business
The list contains the names of businesses that have authorized this BN.
Select the 'Download Options' link to, schedule or pick up a copy of your client list.
The total number of clients who have authorized this business for online access will be displayed and each page can display up to 70 clients. To view more clients, select the "Next page" link.
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client did not authorize you.
- The authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete your business as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Businesses that have authorized this business: Authorization information
The information displayed reflects the authorization choices submitted by your client. If there is an error with the authorization information (for example, if your client chose level 1 authorization instead of level 2), you will have to contact the client. Only the client can amend the authorization.
Access an account
You will only be able to access information online once a business authorizes you using your RepID, or once they authorize the business you work for using its Business Number (BN).
If the business authorized you using Authorize my representative in My Business Account, you will have instant access to online information. To gain online access to a business account, only electronic authorizations requests will be accepted. Paper AUT-01 forms will only be considered for off-line authorizations where you will have to continue to use traditional methods such as the telephone or mail.
If the individual authorized you by completing Form AUT-01 and did not include a RepID, GroupID or BN, you will not have access to their information.
Create a GroupID: Step 1 of 2 – Contact information
Group name (mandatory): Enter your group name. This is the name that will be displayed to the taxpayer when they authorize you for online access.
Telephone number (optional): Enter your 10-digit telephone number. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access. A telephone number appearing after your name could help your client distinguish you from other representatives with similar names.
Extension (optional): Enter your extension, to a maximum of six numbers. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Fax number (optional): Enter your 10-digit fax number. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access.
Email address (optional): Enter your email address. If you choose to make an entry, it will not be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access. Please note, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will never contact you by email to request personal taxpayer information. The CRA may however use your email address to notify you of any future enhancements or service interruptions to the Represent a client service.
Create a GroupID: Step 2 of 2
Review the information you have entered carefully, as it will be displayed to anyone who attempts to authorize you. If you need to change any of the information, select the "Change" button.
Create a GroupID: Confirmation
You can now give this GroupID (6 character alpha-numeric identifier that always begins with a "G") to taxpayers who want to authorize your group as their representative to access tax information online.
You can now associate representatives to the group by selecting the "Associate representatives" link.
Create a group: Step 1 of 3
You can create business groups to organize your employees and clients that exist within the business.
Group name (mandatory): Enter your group name. This name will be displayed to the business owner, senior administrator and group administrator and will only be used internally by you to organize your business. Do not give the group name to clients as it cannot be used in the authorization process. The group name will not be displayed to the taxpayer when they authorize your business for online access. The CRA may use this information to verify your identity when we need to deal with you or your employees about the clients you represent.
Telephone number (optional): Enter your 10-digit telephone number. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to the business owner, senior administrator and group administrator and will only be used internally by you to organize your business. The telephone number will not be displayed to the taxpayer when they authorize the business for online access. The CRA may use this information to verify your identity when we need to deal with you or your employees about the clients you represent.
Extension (optional): Enter your extension, to a maximum of six numbers. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to the business owner, senior administrator and group administrator and will only be used internally by you to organize your business. The extension number will not be displayed to the taxpayer when they authorize the business for online access. The CRA may use this information to verify your identity when we need to deal with you or your employees about the clients you represent.
Fax number (optional): Enter your 10-digit fax number. If you choose to make an entry, it will be displayed to the business owner, senior administrator and group administrator and will only be used internally by you to organize your business. The fax number will not be displayed to the taxpayer when they authorize the business for online access. The CRA may use this information to verify your identity when we need to deal with you or your employees about the clients you represent.
Email address (optional): Enter your email address. If you choose to make an entry, it will not be displayed to your clients when they authorize you for online access. Please note, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) will never contact you by email to request personal taxpayer information. The CRA may however use your email address to notify you of any future enhancements or service interruptions to the Represent a client service.
Create a group: Step 2 of 3
Review the information you have entered carefully. If you need to change any of the information, select the "Change" button.
Create a group: Step 3 of 3
The group has been created. You can now associate employees to the group or assign specific clients to the group by selecting the "Manage the group" link.
If you wish to create another group you can do so by selecting the "Create another group" link.
Review and update
For information about the various group features, select a feature and read the information on the screens that follow, including "Help with this page" when available.
Associate representatives
The task of associating group administrators and representatives and managing them is performed solely by the group administrator.
The group can consist of a maximum of 10 group administrators and 500 representatives.
Associate representatives or administrators: Step 1 of 2
Enter the RepID's of the representatives in the entry boxes. Although the boxes are numbered, you do not have to enter the RepID's in any particular order.
You can choose to set an expiry date. When the date is reached, the representative will no longer have online access to the clients who have authorized this GroupID. You can associate these representatives once again to the group by accessing the "Associate representatives" link from the "Review and update" menu.
Associate representatives or administrators: Step 2 of 2
If you entered a RepID incorrectly, or if the information displayed is incorrect, you can return to the previous page by selecting "Change".
If the information displayed is incorrect, you can continue to associate the RepID and ask the representative to correct his or her information using the "Review and update my registration information" option. The corrected name will be updated and reflected in your list of representatives immediately.
Associate representatives or administrators: Confirmation
Displays the representative’s association information. If you wish to add more representatives, you can do so by selecting the "Associate more employees" link.
Representative lists
This screen allows group administrators to view the names and RepIDs of the representatives associated to the group. If you would like to update a representative's role within the group (for example from a senior representative to a group administrator) or to remove a representative from the group, select the representative's RepID.
You will not be able to view the name or RepID of a representative if:
- The RepID has been removed from the group; or
- The representative has cancelled his or her RepID.
Modify association: Step 1 of 2
Modify association gives you the ability to change a representative's association within the group. This feature does not allow you to change the representative's name or initial. Only the employee who owns the RepID has permission to change that information.
Modify association: Step 2 of 2
Displays the changes you are making to a representative’s association
Modify association: Confirmation
Confirms the changes have been accepted.
Employee privileges
Manage individual clients privilege includes the following:
- View individual client list
- Delete authorizations
Manage business clients privilege includes the following:
- View business client list
- Add authorizations
- Delete authorizations
Taxpayers who have authorized this group
The list contains the names of clients who have authorized your group. It does not list clients who have authorized only a specific representative.
Select the 'Download Options' link to, schedule or pick up a copy of your client list.
The total number of clients who have authorized this group for online access will be displayed and each page can display up to 250 clients. To view more clients, select the "Next page" link. If you select a letter from the drop-down menu, you will only see the clients with last names that begin with that letter. Again, only 250 names of clients will be displayed at a time.
To view the details of the authorization, select the client's name.
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client did not authorize the group identifier using the (GroupID).
- Your client's authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete your Group as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Taxpayers who have authorized this group: Authorization information
The information displayed reflects the authorization choices submitted by your client. If there is an error with the authorization information (for example, if your client chose level 1 authorization instead of level 2), you will have to contact the client. Only the client can amend the authorization.
Suspend the group:
The suspend function may be useful if you operate your group seasonally. Suspending your participation with this service preserves your group's registration as a representative with this service. It also preserves any representatives that you have associated to your group as a representative or administrator, and it does not affect the authorizations given by individuals or businesses.
While your group is suspended, individuals and businesses will not be able to authorize online access for your group and the representatives will not be able to transact online.
You may suspend your participation with this service at any time. When needed, you can unsuspend the group using the "Unsuspend the group" option in the "Review and update" menu.
Suspend the group: Confirmation
Confirms the suspension of the group.
Unsuspend the group
You can only unsuspend a group that has been suspended from this service. If you have suspended your group with this service, you can unsuspend it at any time.
Unsuspend the group: Confirmation
Confirms the group has been unsuspended.
Taxpayers assigned to this group
The list contains the names of clients who have authorized the business but have been assigned to this group. It does not list clients who have authorized a specific employee.
Select the 'Download Options' link to, schedule or pick up a copy of your client list.
The total number of clients who have authorized the business but have been assigned to this group will be displayed and each page can display up to 250 clients. To view more clients, select the "Next page" link. If you select a letter from the drop-down menu, you will only see the clients with last names that begin with that letter. Again, only 250 names of clients will be displayed at a time.
To view the details of the authorization, select the client's name.
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client has not been assigned to a group or is assigned to another group. Check to see if the client's name is displayed on the list called "Taxpayers who have authorized this business" option.
- The authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete your business as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Taxpayers assigned to this group: Authorization information
The information displayed reflects the authorization choices submitted by your client. If there is an error with the authorization information (for example, if your client chose level 1 authorization instead of level 2), you will have to contact the client. Only the client can amend the authorization.
Assign taxpayers: Step 1 of 2
To assign taxpayers to a group their authorization must first be processed and their name must appear in the list of "Taxpayers who have authorized this business".
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client did not authorize the business using the Business Number (BN).
- Your client's authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete your business as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Enter the SIN's of your clients in the entry boxes. Although the boxes are numbered, you do not have to enter the SIN's in any particular order.
Assign taxpayers: Step 2 of 2
Displays the taxpayer’s information that you have entered. Select "Continue" to assign taxpayers or "Change" to make a correction.
Assign taxpayers: Confirmation
Confirms the taxpayers who have been assigned to the group.
Employee lists
This screen allows business owners and senior administrators to view the names and RepIDs of employees associated to this group.
To update an employee's role with the group (for example, from a representative to an administrator) or to delete or disassociate an employee from the group, select the employee's RepID.
You can choose to view by role (for example, only the group administrators). If you choose to view by letter, only employees with a last name that begins with that letter will be displayed
The view and update options are limited by the type of user:
- Business owners may view and update every employee associated with the group.
- Senior administrators may view and update every employee associated with the group.
- Junior administrators do not have access to group lists.
- Group administrators may view and update employees associated to the group as representatives only.
You will not be able to view the name or RepID of an employee if:
- the RepID is not associated to the group.
- the RepID has been deleted from the business.
- the employee has cancelled his or her RepID.
Disassociate an employee: Step 1 of 2
Disassociating an employee will be particularly useful if your business has seasonal employees. By disassociating an employee it automatically disassociates them from the business and the group.
You may disassociate an employee at any time that the employee does not need online access to client information (for example, in the off-season). When the employee returns to work the RepID can be re-associated with the business and the group by accessing the employee list option in the "Review and update" menu.
Disassociate an employee: Step 2 of 2
Confirms the employee has been disassociated from the business.
Suspend the group: Step 1 of 2
It may be useful to suspend the group if it operates on a seasonal basis. Suspending the group preserves any employee and client associations to the group. If you wish to restore this group, use the "Unsuspend the Group" option within the "Review and update" menu.
Suspend the group: Step 2 of 2
Confirms the group has been suspended.
Modify association: Step 1 of 2
Modify association gives you the ability to change an employee's role, (for example, to change an employee from a representative to an administrator), to modify or select a disassociation date or to change the group association. The update feature does not allow you to change the employee's name, initial, or branch/office information. Only the employee who owns the RepID has permission to change that information.
Modify association: Step 2 of 2
Displays the changes you are making to a representative’s role
Modify association: Confirmation
Confirms the changes have been accepted.
Cancel my RepID
If you are the only group administrator for a group(s) you must first associate another group administrator to preserve the group(s), before you can cancel your RepID. To associate a representative to the group(s) as a group administrator use the "Manage representatives access" option under the "Review and update" menu.
Remove yourself from this group
If you are the only group administrator for this group you must first associate another group administrator to preserve the group, before you can remove yourself from this group. To associate a representative to this group as a group administrator use the "Manage representatives access" option under the "Review and update" menu.
Activity on individual accounts
All activities performed by this representative are displayed along with the date of the activity, a description of the activity and the client name.
When a change return request has been processed, you will be able to view it using View returns in My Account.
Remove yourself from this group: Step 2 of 2
Once you remove yourself from this group you will not be able to access information and services online for this group.
However, you will be able to continue to access information and services online for clients who have authorized your RepID.
A group administrator can re-associate you to this group at any time, with the same RepID and you will be able to access information and services online again for this group.
Remove yourself from this group: Confirmation
Confirms that you have been removed from the group.
Download options
Download client list instructions
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) does not provide technical support or advice for the file download feature. For more information on importing the data, contact your software provider.
This is a zipped comma-delimited text file which can be imported into other database applications.
Due to the sensitive nature of the client list we suggest you store the copy of the list in a secure location.
What does the download client list contain?
- Individual Client text file
The individual client text file will be in the comma delimited format and has three components:- Header:
- Record Type = "01"
- File creation date (date format: yyyy-mm-dd)
- Frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly or One time)
- Detail:
- Record Type = "02"
- Last name of client (text delimiter is double quotes, example: "Last name" )
- First name of client (text delimiter is double quotes, example: "First name")
- Last three digits of the client's SIN
- Authorization level
- Authorization effective date (date format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- Authorization expiry date (date format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- Authorization method
- Trailer:
- Record Type = "90"
- Total records.
- Header:
- Business Client text file
The BN client file has been modified in October 2010 to provide additional information.
Please Note: Prior to October 2010 the current BN Client file contained
- First three digits of the client's BN
- Business name (text delimiter is double quotes, example: "Business name")
October 2010 the BN Client file will now contain the original information plus
- Program Identifier = (RT, RP, SL etc.)
- Program Account = (0001, 0002 0003 etc)
- Authorization Level = "01" or "02"
- Authorization process date (date format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- Authorization expiry date (date format: yyyy-mm-dd).
The business client text file will be in the comma delimited format and has three components:
- Header:
- Record Type = "01"
- File creation date
- Frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, One time)
- Detail:
- Record Type = "02"
- First three digits of the client's BN
- Business name (text delimiter is double quotes, example: "Business name")
- Program Identifier = (RT, RP, SL etc.)
- Program Account = (0001, 0002 0003 etc)
- Authorization Level = "01" or "02"
- Authorization process date (date format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- Authorization expiry date (date format: yyyy-mm-dd).
- Trailer:
- Record Type = "90"
- Total number of records (Total number of records in the file not including the header and trailer records)
- Total number of unique BN's (Total number of business clients in this file)
Definitions for the BN Client file:
Duplicate BN's in the client list
If authorizations are permitted at the Program Identifier and / or Program Account level, the clients BN could be duplicated in the listing to accurately reflect the breakdown of authorizations by Program Account and or Program Identifier.Authorization Levels
- Level 1 authorization allows a Representative to view client information only.
- Level 2 authorizations allow Representative to view and perform activities on Client accounts
The client list is a dynamic listing, which means that if additions or deletions are occurring to the clients within our service, those modifications may or may not be reflected in the text file depending on when they occurred when the download commences.
Tools to download the client file
To download the results in a text file format, you will need a zip file utility, which is a tool that compresses and decompresses your files to conserve disk space and greatly reduce the transfer time. If you do not have a zip utility on your computer, you can find a free version to download by performing a search on the Internet with keywords such as zip, zip file, or unzip. Select "Download client list now" to transfer the results to your computer:
Steps to download
To begin your download, select the "Continue" button.
The download may take a few minutes, please be patient. The download could take longer depending on your computer's operating memory and the speed of your internet service provider.
Once the download has finished you will be prompted to save the zip file onto your computer. You must save and name the zip file (we suggest you use a name that will be meaningful to you). Due to the sensitive nature of the client list we suggest you store the copy of the list in a secure location.
Once saved, locate the zipped file and open the file.
The zipped document you download will contain 2 text files:
- The first is an 'instructional' text file. It explains that the downloaded results are a comma-delimiter format text file that can be imported into another database application for better manipulation of the data. It also explains the content of each field. For more information on importing the data, contact your software provider.
- The second text is the actual downloaded client list.
Once you have opened or saved the zip file, you will be able to view, export, and extract the client list text file to another database for manipulation.
View downloaded text file:
Double-click on the client list text file.
Extract (save) the client list:
This will allow you to save a copy of the downloaded text file client list anywhere you want to your computer.
Select the client list text file and then the option "Extract" from the toolbar. A window will prompt you to choose a destination for extracting the client list text file. Select "Extract".
Create a one time download request
The client list file will be available for download the following day. In addition to creating a one time request, you can also create a schedule to download the client file.
Create or modify a schedule: Step 1 of 2
The client list file will be available for download the following day. In addition to creating a one time request, you can also create a schedule to download the client file.
If a schedule has previously been created, you will see the details listed in the table at the top of the page. At this point you can create a new schedule, or modify an existing schedule.
If you select a monthly schedule you must select a "day" of the month. When selecting a weekly schedule, you must select an actual day of the week.
Create or modify a schedule: Step 2 of 2
A table will display the previous schedule details along with any changes you have made. At this point you can make a change to your selection or continue.
Create or modify a schedule: Confirmation
The new schedule or the change to an existing schedule has been completed. The client file will be available for download on the day/date selected.
Cancel a schedule
A display of the current schedule is available. Selecting "Continue" will cancel the scheduled download of the client list. You can create a new schedule or a one time request at anytime.
Cancel a schedule: Confirmation
Confirms the schedule has been cancelled.
Businesses assigned to this group
The list contains the names of clients who have been assigned to a group. It does not list clients who have authorized a specific employee.
Select the 'Download Options' link to, schedule or pick up a copy of your client list.
The total number of clients who have been assigned to the group will be displayed and each page can display up to 300 clients. To view more clients, select the "Next page" link.
To view the details of the authorization, select the client's name.
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client has not been assigned to a group or is assigned to another group. Check to see if the client's name is displayed on the list called "Businesses assigned to this group" option.
- The authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete your business as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Business assigned to this group: Authorization information
The information displayed reflects the authorization choices submitted by your client. If there is an error with the authorization information (for example, if your client chose level 1 authorization instead of level 2), you will have to contact the client. Only the client can amend the authorization.
Assign business: Step 1 of 2
To assign businesses to a group their authorization must first be processed and their name must appear in the list of "Businesses that have authorized this business".
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client did not authorize the business using the Business Number (BN).
- Your client's authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete your business as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Enter the BN's of your clients in the entry boxes. Although the boxes are numbered, you do not have to enter the BN's in any particular order.
Assign business: Step 2 of 2
Displays the businesses which have been assigned to a group.
Assign business: Conclusion
Confirms the businesses have been assigned to a group.
Businesses that have authorized this GroupID
The list contains the names of clients that have authorized this group. It does not list clients who have authorized a specific employee.
Select the 'Download Options link to, schedule or pick up a copy of your client list.
The total number of clients who have been assigned to the group will be displayed and each page can display up to 300 clients. To view more clients, select the "Next page" link.
To view the details of the authorization, select the client's name.
Possible reasons why a client's name is not displayed:
- Your client has not been assigned to a group or is assigned to another group. Check to see if the client's name is displayed on the list called "Businesses that have authorized this group" option.
- The authorization has expired.
- Your client has chosen to delete your business as his or her authorized representative.
You will have to contact your client to determine why the authorization is not displayed.
Business that have authorized this GroupID: Authorization information
The information displayed reflects the authorization choices submitted by your client. If there is an error with the authorization information (for example, if your client chose level 1 authorization instead of level 2), you will have to contact the client. Only the client can amend the authorization.
Transactions performed on business accounts
All submissions for this business are displayed along with the date the request was made. Although the submission is displayed, it may not yet have been processed.
Transactions performed on business accounts
You will be able to view transactions for businesses that have authorized you as their representative. If you are associated to a business and the business owner authorized the entire business using the BN, you will also be able to view all transactions performed by anyone within the business.
Activity on business accounts
All activities performed by this representative are displayed along with the date of the activity, a description of the activity and the businesses name.
Submit Documents
Do you have a case or reference number?
If you do:
- Choose the client type or program
- Choose “Yes”
- Enter your case or reference number
- Enter the social insurance number or business number (skip this step for T3 Trust, non-client specific requests)
- Choose “Continue” to go to the “Upload file” page
If you don’t:
- Choose the client type or program
- Choose “No”
- Enter the social insurance number or business number
- Choose “Continue”
- Select the applicable task for your document submission
- Choose “Continue” to go to the “Upload file” page
On the Upload file page
Uploading your document
- Enter a description of the file in the space given
- Use the "browse" button on the right to find and select the file from your computer
- Choose "Submit file(s)”
The file must be in one of these formats to be uploaded: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .tif, .xps.
If you will be uploading more than one file, give each file a unique name.
Reviewing your information
- Review the information on the file you selected
- If you decide or need to delete your file, choose it in the column on the left, then choose "Delete file"
- If you want to upload another file, choose "Add another file"
The total size of all the files you send cannot be more than 500MB. A limit of ten files per session may apply.
Confirming your upload
- Choose "Submit file(s)" after you have included all the files you want to send
- Record your confirmation number and reference number from the confirmation screen.
- You can print this page by using your browser's print button or by right-clicking and choosing "Print"
We will scan all the files you send for viruses. If we identify any unacceptable files, we will contact you with instructions for sending the files again using a different method.
Submit documents for Authorization request
Submit documents – Upload File – Step 1 of 3
Upload the file you want to send.
Enter a description of the file in the space provided, and then use the "browse" button on the right to choose the file from your computer to be uploaded, and then choose "Upload file".
The file must be in one of the following formats in order to be uploaded: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .rtf, .txt, .jpg, .jpeg, .tiff, .tif, .xps. Only one file can be uploaded.
Submit documents – Review – Step 2 of 3
Review the information on the file you have selected.
You may delete the file from this process by choosing it in the column on the left, then choosing "Delete file". Click "Confirm" once you have included the file you want to send.
The total file size cannot exceed 500MB.
Submit documents – Confirmation – Step 3 of 3
A confirmation screen will appear which includes a confirmation number and a description of the file sent. You should keep a record of your confirmation number and reference number. You can print this page by using your browser's print button, or right-clicking and choosing "Print".
The file you send will be scanned for viruses. We will identify any unacceptable file and will contact you with instructions for sending the file again.
Authorization request
Authorization request - Step 1 of 5
Business name: Enter the name of the business you want to represent. We will validate the name of the business with the business number, so make sure the business name is complete and accurate and matches what is already registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA).
Business number (BN): Enter your client's BN. A BN is a nine-digit identification number that the CRA assigns to businesses. A business needs to use its BN when it registers tax, payroll, or accounting business with the CRA.
Authorization request details
Select the "previous" button to return to the page that listed your authorization requests.
Choose "print this page" at the bottom of the screen to print the certification page for this authorization request.
If you would like to submit the certification page to the Canada Revenue Agency, return to the "Welcome page". In the upper left hand section of this page, there will be an option to "Submit documents".
Authorization request - Step 2 of 5
Authorization level
Select the level of authorization you need to represent your client.
Level 1 allows the CRA to disclose information about the business account(s) to you in person, by telephone, in writing, or online through Represent a Client.
With level 1 authorization you can, among other things:
- view correspondence;
- view the business's account balance; and
- view the business's address.
Level 2 allows the CRA to disclose information about the business account(s) to you and to accept changes made to the account(s) by you in person, by telephone, in writing, or online through Represent a Client.
With level 2 authorization you can, among other things:
- file a return;
- make online requests;
- request a CPP/EI ruling; and
- register a formal dispute (an appeal or an objection).
Expiry date
The authorization begins after all the information you have given is verified and validated. To be authorized for a specific time period, enter an expiry date in day/month/year format. If you do not enter an expiry date, the authorization will be valid indefinitely or until an expiry date is entered or the authorization is cancelled.
Authorization request - Step 3 of 5
As a representative, you can be authorized for the following business programs:
- RC - Corporate Income Tax
- RD - Excise Duty
- RE - Excise Tax
- RG - Air Travellers Security Charge
- RN - Insurance Premium Tax
- RP - Payroll Deductions
- RZ - Information Returns
- SL - Softwood Lumber
You can be authorized at the following levels:
- All accounts - This gives you authorization to all accounts under the business number, such as RP0001, RP0002, RT0001, and RC0001. If you choose all accounts, you cannot enter a specific program for the same business since all accounts includes all programs for that business.
- Program - This gives you authorization to a specific program, such as Payroll (RP), which includes all of that program's accounts (for example, RP0001 and RP0002). Entering a specific program gives you access to the accounts for that program only.
- Account - When you enter a reference number for a specific program account, such as GST/HST RT0004, this gives you authorization to that account. Entering a specific account gives you access to that one account only.
Authorization request - Step 4 of 5
Carefully review the information you entered, since the business is authorizing the CRA to deal with you based on that information.
Authorization request - Step 5 of 5
To complete the authorization process:
- Print this page and have it signed and dated by an authorized person of the business (for example, business owner, partner of a partnership, director of a corporation, officer of a non profit organization, trustee of an estate, or delegated authority).
- Send in the signed copy of this page, using the Submit documents service in Represent a Client. You will need the reference number listed in Step 5 and your client's business number. A link to the Submit documents service is found at the bottom of the step 5 of 5 page (next to the buttons for Print this page and Add another authorization, which allows you to start the authorization process for another business). You can also send in documents directly through the Submit documents service in Represent a Client.
The CRA will not process the authorization request if the certification page is not signed and dated by an authorized person of the business. If the CRA does not receive the page, the authorization request will be cancelled and you will have to send in a new authorization request.
We require a signed copy of the certification page to be submitted electronically to us. After the authorization request has been submitted and approved by the CRA, you will have access to the business's accounts.
If you leave this page, you can return to it from any of the request authorization pages by selecting the help button.
Authorization request denied
We are unable to process this request. For more information, please ask your client to call 1-800-959-5525.
For more information on telephone service (including hours of service), go to Telephone numbers.
List of notices issued
The “List of notices issued” service in Represent a Client allows authorized representatives to view Notice of Assessment (NOA) and Notice of Reassessment (NOR) issued within the last 365 days. To view the actual notice you will be required to access the client account by entering the Social Insurance Number (SIN) on the Represent a Client homepage.
The list contains notice type and date issued for the individuals that have authorized your identifier (RepID, BN or GroupID) for online access to information and services. However, notices issued will not be shown on this list if the client authorization has expired, has been cancelled, or does not allow online access. When a new authorization is obtained, only notices issued after the authorization effective date will be displayed in the list.
List of representative identifiers (required)
A drop-down will present the user with their RepID and RAC identifiers (BN and/or GroupID) where associations exist.
To continue you must select a RAC identifier.
If the user has no associations, the drop down will not exist but instead the RepID will be presented.
In both instances, select one or more search options and click the ‘Search’ button to populate a table which will contain the following:
Name, partial SIN, notice type, date issued and tax year of return.
Search options
One or more filter options can be used at the same time when searching.
A valid 9 digit SIN must be entered to search for a specific client.
Type of notice
Select one of four notice types to search all of a specific type. The four notice types and descriptions include:
Type of notice | Description |
NOA issued – No change | This notice of assessment (NOA) type will be displayed when an initial assessment results in no tax difference when the tax return was originally submitted. This includes all filing methods initiated by the client or representative, paper, NETFILE, EFILE and initial assessments initiated by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). |
NOA issued – Changed | This notice of assessment (NOA) type will be displayed when an initial assessment results in a tax difference from what was originally submitted with the tax return. This includes all filing methods initiated by the client or the representative, paper, NETFILE, EFILE and a change was made by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) when being processed. |
NOR issued - Client or rep request | This notice of reassessment (NOR) type will be displayed when a change has been submitted to an assessment. This includes all filing methods, paper, NETFILE, EFILE, Change my return service in My Account. |
Other NOR issued | This notice of reassessment (NOR) type will be displayed when a change to an assessment has been initiated by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). |
Date range
Select from the drop-down menu to search all notices issued for a specific date range.
Access to the list
This List of notices issued service is included in the “View and delete individual clients” privilege. Business owners, Senior administrators and GroupID administrators have this ability by default. View and delete individual clients privilege now includes the following:
- View individual Client list
- Delete authorizations
- View individual transactions (Jr. Admins have this ability by default)
- View List of notices issued
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2021-11-16