Personal Information Collection Statement
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Personal Information Collection Statement
To identify you and to register and sign you in to our online services, we collect personal information such as your social insurance number. We do this under the authority of the Income Tax Act.
We use the hCaptcha anti-bot service on our website to monitor network traffic to identify any unauthorized attempts to access our online services. The hCaptcha evaluates information including the IP address, how long the user has been on the website or app, mouse movements made by the user, information from the browser, and the user’s answers to any challenges. This information is shared with the third party responsible for the hCaptcha service.
We have a Multi-factor authentication process for our online services. We collect the telephone number (landline or cell), method of delivery of the one-time passcode (telephone call or Short Message Service (SMS)) and language of choice to receive the one-time passcode that you provide when enrolling in Multi-factor authentication. We share this information with the third party responsible for generating and sending you the code. The code you enter is also shared with the third party to ensure it matches before allowing you access to our online services.
We use Interac® document verification service to validate a user’s identity when a user is attempting to gain full access to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)’s online services. Interac will share the given name, last name, date of birth, document type, document number, expiry date, issuing authority, and issuing country with the CRA. This information is collected and stored to validate the user’s identity and may also be used for security audits.
We use web analytics tools that mark the device you use to visit our website. However, we are committed to ensuring the personal privacy of our website visitors. For details, see our Privacy notice.
If we suspect criminal activities, we may share personal information with the appropriate law enforcement authorities. We may also use this information for statistical, evaluation, planning, and reporting purposes.
If you do not give us complete and accurate information, we will deny you access to our online services. If you do not want to use these services, you can get information by phone, fax, or mail. For more details, see Contact us.
Personal information that we gather is described in personal information bank CRA PPU 607, Authentication and Credential Management Service, in the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) chapter of Information about Programs and Information Holdings. Personal information is protected under the Privacy Act. Individuals have a right of access to, as well as notation, correction, and protection of, their personal information. The CRA Information about Programs and Information Holdings chapter and details about requests for personal information at the CRA can be found at Access to information and privacy at the Canada Revenue Agency.
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- Date modified:
- 2024-03-23