Province of Nova Scotia


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Province of Nova Scotia

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers the following programs on behalf of Nova Scotia:

Nova Scotia child benefit (NSCB)

This benefit is a tax-free amount paid monthly to help low- and modest-income families with the cost of raising children. These amounts are combined with the CCB into a single monthly payment.

From July 2024 to June 2025, you may be entitled to a monthly benefit of $127.08 for each child under 18 years of age in your care.

If your adjusted family net income is between $26,000 and $34,000, you may get part of the benefit.

This program is fully funded by the Nova Scotia provincial government.

Nova Scotia affordable living tax credit (NSALTC)

This credit is a tax-free amount paid to make life more affordable for low and modest incomes to individuals and families. The credit offsets the increase in the HST and provides additional income for these individuals and families.

For July 2024 to June 2025, the program provides a maximum annual credit of $255.00 for an individual or a couple, plus $60.00 for each child. The credit is reduced by 5% of adjusted family net income over $30,000.

This amount is combined with the quarterly payments of the federal GST/HST credit.

The Nova Scotia Affordable living tax credit program is fully funded by the Nova Scotia provincial government.

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