Free tax help – Collette’s story


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Free tax help – Collette’s story


[text on screen]: Free tax help Collette

I just collapsed one day at home, next thing you know I'm in the hospital. I had a stroke in my spine, I had a heart attack, they had to do a bypass and I became paralyzed as a result. My income taxes got behind, I had 3 years worth of taxes that needed to be done. I first heard about the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program through the nurses at the hospital. They explained to me that there were these people in the community that would be able to help me do my taxes. I went to the free tax clinic and as a result I received my GST/HST credit. For people who are low-income, or people who need their taxes to be done, sometimes the amount of money that it costs can be an obstacle, so for you to have volunteers in the community that will help you do your taxes is invaluable. Receiving that lump sum of 3 years worth of benefits after you've been laying in the hospital for a while, it's almost life-changing, it's a relief of stress.

[text on screen]: Every dollar counts.

[text on screen]: Find out if you are eligible to have your taxes done for free at

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