Situational Judgment Test - Management Version (CRA)


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Situational Judgment Test - Management Version (CRA)

Identification Code

SJT-M (C302)

About the assessment

The SJT-M is a standardized multiple choice test that assesses judgment in challenging managerial work-related situations.

You will be provided with a number of challenging managerial work-related situations that involve managing conflicts, serving clients, and responding to ethical issues.

Each question is followed by five possible answers that are actions that one might take to address the situation. You must select the answer that you think is the most effective to address the situation. Even if you think there might be more than one effective answer in some cases, you must choose the answer that you think is the most effective in the given situation.

Assessment Format

Supervised online

Location of assessment

In office

Portability of result


Retest period

180 days

Validity period


Time to complete assessment

60 minutes

Number of questions

35 questions

Categories to evaluate


Type of questions

Multiple choice

Sample question(s)

Practice test


Possible result

You will get a score, out of 35.

Additional information

No specialized training, knowledge, or experience is required to write the SJT-M. However, reviewing the sample questions will help give you an idea of the format of the questions and how you are expected to respond.

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