Situational Judgment Test - Management Version (CRA)
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Situational Judgment Test - Management Version (CRA)
Identification Code
SJT-M (C302)
About the assessment
The SJT-M is a standardized multiple choice test that assesses judgment in challenging managerial work-related situations.
You will be provided with a number of challenging managerial work-related situations that involve managing conflicts, serving clients, and responding to ethical issues.
Each question is followed by five possible answers that are actions that one might take to address the situation. You must select the answer that you think is the most effective to address the situation. Even if you think there might be more than one effective answer in some cases, you must choose the answer that you think is the most effective in the given situation.
Assessment Format
Supervised online
Location of assessment
In office
Portability of result
Retest period
180 days
Validity period
Time to complete assessment
60 minutes
Number of questions
35 questions
Categories to evaluate
Type of questions
Multiple choice
Sample question(s)
Sample Questions for the test: SJT-M
Question 1
Your staff has very old computer equipment that compromises their work. New computer equipment will arrive but only for 20% of your staff. Your supervisor tells you to take one of the new computers and to divide up the rest as you see fit. Which action, among the following five choices, would most effectively address this situation?
- Distribute the new computers according to seniority of employees.
- Take one new computer for yourself and allocate the rest based on the work needs of each employee.
- Have a draw and those who win get new computers.
- Give the new computers to those employees who are more productive.
- Meet with your staff and establish criteria for distributing the new computers.
If you think that answer "e" is the most effective action, you would darken circle letter "e" on your answer sheet.
The action, which will most effectively address this situation is:
Q.1 (e)
Question 2
You are asked by a peer to review a document that she has written and that is scheduled for release to her clients shortly. You find the document somewhat confusing and feel that it would result in unsatisfied clients. You discuss your concerns with her and she simply states "thanks for your comments but I think it's fine the way it is". Which action, among the following five choices, would most effectively address this situation?
- Let her release the document without taking your comments into consideration.
- Contact her supervisor and discuss your concerns.
- Suggest that she have others review her document.
- Indicate that the document has first to be approved by the communication unit and has to meet strict standards in terms of clarity.
- Insist on the major modifications that have to be made and forget about the less important aspects.
If you think that answer "c" is the most effective action, you would darken circle letter "c" on your answer sheet.
The action, which will most effectively address this situation is:
Q.2 (c)
Question 3
You are managing a project involving the team you are supervising as well as someone from another office. This person is extremely busy, and misses some of the meetings you organized. After a while, she comes to you and asks to be kept up-to-date on the project, even though she cannot always attend your meetings. Which action, among the following five choices, would most effectively address this situation?
- Send her a copy of the minutes for each of the meetings she misses.
- Stress the importance of her attending all meetings, as she now is part of the team.
- Suggest that she ask someone from her office to go to the meetings that she cannot attend in order to take notes.
- Verify whether you can reschedule the meetings to better fit her schedule.
- Ask her to identify ways that she could improve her attendance.
If you think that answer "d" is the most effective action, you would darken circle letter "d" on your answer sheet.
The action, which will most effectively address this situation is:
Q.3 (d)
Practice test
Possible result
You will get a score, out of 35.
Additional information
No specialized training, knowledge, or experience is required to write the SJT-M. However, reviewing the sample questions will help give you an idea of the format of the questions and how you are expected to respond.
Page details
- Date modified:
- 2024-02-05