Board of Management Oversight Framework


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Board of Management Oversight Framework

BoMOF expectations and MAF areas of management
BoMOF Expectations 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 MAF – Areas of Management 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011
Organization of the Agency Governance Renée-France Bouliane ST ST n.a. Governance and Planning ST ST NLA
Internal Accountability Structure
Filipe Dinis/
Catherine Bennett
n.a. ST ST
Administration of the Agency Enterprise Risk Management Brian Philbin ST ST n.a. Integrated Risk Management ST ST ST
Program Evaluation Patricia MacDonald AC AC AC Managing for Results ST AC AC
Internal Audit Patricia MacDonald ST ST n.a. Contribution to Government-Wide Priorities ST n.a. NLA
Sustainable Development Filipe Dinis ST ST n.a. Quality of Analysis in TB Submissions AC n.a. NLA
Agency Performance Measurement Catherine Bennett n.a. n.a. OFI Quality of Performance Reporting ST n.a. NLA
Management of Resources Financial Management Filipe Dinis ST ST ST Financial Management and Control AC AC AC
Project Management Filipe Dinis ST ST n.a. Information Management AC AC AC (ATIP)
Asset Management Filipe Dinis ST ST n.a. IT Management ST ST ST
Procurement Management Filipe Dinis ST ST n.a. Management of Security ST ST ST
Information Technology –Investments Peter Poulin ST ST ST Not applicable
Information Technology – Security
Peter Poulin
Information Management - Structured Catherine Bennett n.a. n.a. ST
Information Management - Unstructured Catherine Bennett n.a. n.a. OFI
Management of Services Service Strategy Catherine Bennett AC AC AC
Service Performance Measurement Catherine Bennett/Sandra Lavigne AC AC n.a.
Service Redress Mechanism Anne Marie Lévesque AC ST ST
Management of Personnel Planning Cheryl Fraser ST ST ST
Acquisition Cheryl Fraser ST ST AC
Development / Knowledge Transfer Cheryl Fraser ST ST ST
Retention/mobilisation Cheryl Fraser ST ST ST
Explanation of MAF Ratings
Strong (ST)
Footnote 1
No deficiencies in any of the measures and sustained performance for the indicator that exceeds Treasury Board Portfolio’s (TBP) expectations and suggests continued strong performance
Acceptable (AC) Footnote 1 No significant deficiencies in any of the measures and meets expectations
Opportunity for Improvement (OFI) Footnote 1 Moderate deficiencies, or deficiencies in some of the measures listed for the indicator, and evidence of attention to the deficiencies and progress
Attention Required (AR)Footnote 1 Significant deficiencies, or deficiencies in most of the measures listed for the indicator, and/or inadequate attention to the deficiencies
No Longer Assessed (NLA) Area of Management no longer assessed through MAF
Not Assessed (n.a.) Expectation not assessed this year.
Footnote 1
Source: Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
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