Is the CRA texting me?


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Is the CRA texting me?


Frame 1 – In this video, we see a cell phone and a message pops up.

Frame 2 – The following text appears on the cell phone:

You owe the CRA $150.45 in late filing fees. Click here to make a payment. We then see a cartoon hand hover over the text on the screen. Before the hand clicks to make a payment it stops.

Frame 3 – The following text appears on a teal green background:


Frame 4 – The following text appears on a teal green background

When in doubt, ask yourself:

Did I file my taxes on time?

Did I get a message in my CRA My Account?

Frame 5 – The following text appears on a teal green background:

Still unsure? It’s ok! Delete the text and contact us!

Frame 6 – We then see the message pop up on the screen again and the hand deletes the message.

Frame 7 – The following text appears in yellow on a teal green background:

Listen to your voice of reason before you act. [ tagline ]

Frame 8 – The following text appears on a teal green background:

Visit to learn more.

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