Income Tax Severed Letters - 2024-03-20

Technical Interpretation - External

30 January 2024 External T.I. 2023-0991461E5 - Residential Flipped Property Rules - Insolvency

Unedited CRA Tags
12(12), 12(13), 12(14)

Principal Issues: Whether the insolvency life-event exception, pursuant to subparagraph 12(13)(b)(viii) of the Act, is met where an individual owned a housing unit for less than 365 days, and disposed of the housing unit because they do not have the means to meet their basic personal expenses.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Pursuant to subparagraph 12(13)(b)(viii), a "flipped property" does not include a housing unit located in Canada which was owned for less than 365 consecutive days where the disposition can reasonably be considered to occur due to, or in anticipation of, the insolvency of a taxpayer. Whether a particular taxpayer is insolvent or anticipating becoming insolvent is a question of fact.

29 January 2024 External T.I. 2023-0969631E5 - Employment Income and the Indian Act tax exemption

Unedited CRA Tags
Paragraph 81(1)(a) - ITA, Section 87 - Indian Act

Principal Issues: Whether the employment income earned at an off-reserve worksite by members of the XXXXXXXXXX (FN) is exempt from tax.

Position: Likely no, based on the connecting factors identified by the FN.

Reasons: Connecting factors test can only be applied on a case-by-case basis.

29 January 2024 External T.I. 2023-0990101E5 - Flipped Property Rules - Beneficiary of an Estate

Unedited CRA Tags
12(12), 12(13), 12(14), 15(1.1), 40(7), 54 definition of principal residence, 70(5), 107(2), 107(2.001), 107(2.01), 107(2.1), 107(2.11), 122.1(1), 152(4), 152(4.3), 160, 207.6(2), 245(3), 251(2), 251(6), 256(2.1), 261(18),
s. 12(13)(b)(i) exception may apply where a beneficiary receives the devise of a house of a deceased parent and promptly sells it

Principal Issues: Whether in a particular situation described, a housing unit can be excluded from the definition of “flipped property” (as defined in subsection 12(13) of the Act), by reason of the exception in subparagraph 12(13)(b)(i). Essentially, whether a housing unit, which was received by a child from their deceased parent's estate and held by the child for less than 365 days prior to its disposition, can be excluded from the application of the flipped property rules (i.e., subsections 12(12) and 12(14)) on the basis that the disposition can reasonably be considered to have occurred due to the death of the taxpayer's parent.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Depending on the facts of the situation, where there is a discernable connection between the two events (i.e., the death of the parent and the disposal of the housing unit by the child beneficiary), such that it may be possible to conclude that the disposition of the housing unit by the taxpayer can reasonably be considered to have occurred due to the death of a related person, the disposition may be excluded from the application of the flipped property rules in subsections 12(12)-12(14).

Technical Interpretation - Internal

18 February 2021 Internal T.I. 2014-0554901I7 F - Bourses d’études

Unedited CRA Tags
5(1), 6, 56(1)n), 56(3), 56(3.1)
treatment of assistance received from the Ministry for the Master's program in advanced pharmacotherapy

Principales Questions: Quel est le traitement fiscal des aides financières accordées aux étudiants? / What is the tax treatment of financial assistances granted to students?

Position Adoptée: Commentaires généraux/General comments.