Income Tax Severed Letters - 2021-01-20

Technical Interpretation - External

22 December 2020 External T.I. 2020-0849291E5 - Pension Top-up Payments

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56(1)(a)(i); 248(1) - definition of "superannuation or pension benefit"
payments to compensate for a break in pensionable services are treated as payments from an unregistered pension plan

Principal Issues: Whether periodic or lump sum payments (the "Payments") made pursuant to the terms of a collective bargaining agreement will constitute superannuation or pension benefits?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The Payments represent supplemental pension benefits.

15 December 2020 External T.I. 2020-0855601E5 - CEWS - Extraordinary item - charitable campaign

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donations generated from a charity’s special campaign were not “extraordinary items”
“funding received from government sources” includes from municipalities

Principal Issues: 1. Whether donations received by a charity as part of a campaign to raise funds to support its objectives during COVID-19 is an extraordinary item to be excluded from “qualifying revenue.” 2. For purposes of the election available under subparagraph 125.7(1)(a)(ii) of the definition of “qualifying revenue”, is funding received from a municipal government included in “government sources”?

Position: 1. Question of fact, but likely not in this case. 2. Yes.

Reasons: See below.

17 August 2020 External T.I. 2016-0643631E5 F - Frais de déplacement

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6(1)a), 6(1)b), 8(1)h) et h.1)
where the employee alternates between a close and distant regular place of work, travel expenses to both locations are personal
commuting expenses to a 2nd more distant regular employer establishment were personal

Principales Questions: Quel est le traitement fiscal de sommes versées à un employé pour ses frais de déplacement dans une situation donnée? What is the tax treatment of amounts paid to an employee for travel expenses in a given situation?

Position Adoptée: Les déplacements effectués par un employé entre sa résidence et « son lieu de travail » ne sont pas des déplacements effectués dans l’accomplissement des fonctions d’une charge ou d’un emploi. Il s’agit de déplacements de nature personnelle et toutes les sommes versées à l’employé pour ces déplacements doivent être incluses dans le calcul de son revenu en vertu des alinéas 6(1)a) ou 6(1)b), selon le cas. / Travels by an employee between his or her residence and his or her regular place of employment are not travels in the performance of the duties of an office or employment. They are personal travels and all amounts paid to the employee for these travels must be included in computing his or her income under paragraph 6(1)(a) or 6(1)(b), as the case may be.

Raisons: Position de longue date. / Long standing position.