Income Tax Severed Letters - 2020-07-22


2020 Ruling 2019-0826011R3 - Underground Mine

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66.1(6)“Canadian exploration expense”(f)
construction costs of an underground ramp for drilling qualified as CEE

Principal Issues: Whether expenses to be incurred by the taxpayer as part of a proposed exploration program will qualify as Canadian exploration expenses pursuant to para. (f) of that definition.

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Based on the NRCan Opinion and the related jurisprudence, the expenses will meet para. (f) of the CEE definition.

Technical Interpretation - External

7 April 2020 External T.I. 2019-0832241E5 - Deferral of lump sum retiring allowance

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56(1)(a)(ii), 248(1) definition of "retiring allowance"
retiring allowance can be elected, on or prior to termination, to be received and recognized in a subsequent year

Principal Issues: What are the tax implications of paying a retiring allowance to a terminated employee in the calendar year following the year of termination at the employee's election.

Position: Provided that both parties agreed to the deferral prior to the termination of employment, the amount will be taxable in the year received.

Reasons: A retiring allowance is included in income under subparagraph 56(1)(a)(ii) for the year of receipt.

27 March 2020 External T.I. 2019-0832201E5 - Home Buyers’ Plan and Specified Disabled Person

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Section 146.01

Principal Issues: Whether a withdrawal from an RRSP meets the condition of subparagraph (b)(i) of the definition of “supplemental eligible amount” in subsection 146.01(1).

Position: Yes.

Reasons: The purpose of the withdrawal is to enable the specified disabled person to live in a dwelling that is more accessible to him.

13 March 2020 External T.I. 2019-0833181E5 - TOSI - Excluded Shares

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the sale of digital content generates gross income from property rather than services for TOSI purposes

Principal Issues: (a) Is the business carried on by a corporation considered to be engaged in the provision of services? (b) Will the shares of the corporation qualify as excluded shares?

Position: General comments. (a) Determination will depend on the facts and circumstances of the business. Insufficient facts provided. Payment for the right to download a digital product that traditionally would have been sold to the customer as a tangible property, will generally be treated as a sale of intangible property and not a provision of a service unless the facts and circumstances dictate otherwise. For instance, the portion of the business income of a corporation for a taxation year generated by the following activities will generally be from the provision of services rather than provision of intangible property for the purposes of the TOSI rules: payments obtained as consideration for after-sales service; payments for services rendered by a supplier under a guarantee, and payments for pure technical assistance (b) Remains a question of fact.

Reasons: Legislation and previous positions.