Income Tax Severed Letters - 2017-02-15


2015 Ruling 2015-0619281R3 - Qualifying Environmental Trusts for Pipelines

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211.6, 20(1)(ss); 107.3
trust funded by pipeline company respecting its reclamation obligations
100% of the income and non-capital losses of a pipeline reclamation trust are allocable to the pipeline company

Principal Issues: 1. Whether the proposed Trust meets the definition of a “qualifying environmental trust” in subsection 211.6(1) of the Act.
2. Whether contributions made by the taxpayer to the Trust will be deductible in computing taxpayer’s income pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(ss) of the Act. 3. Whether Government of Canada bonds and Treasury Bills will be a “prohibited investment” of the Trust as that term is defined in subsection 211.6(1).

Position: 1. Yes; 2. Yes, provided that the Trust is a QET at the time of the contribution. 3. No.

Reasons: Legislative text.

2015 Ruling 2015-0573171R3 - Qualifying Environmental Trusts for Pipelines

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211.6, 20(1)(ss)

Principal Issues: 1. Whether the proposed Trust meets the definition of a “qualifying environmental trust” in subsection 211.6(1) of the Act.
2. Whether contributions made by the taxpayer to the Trust will be deductible in computing taxpayer’s income pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(ss) of the Act.

Position: 1. Yes; 2. Yes, provided that the Trust is a QET at the time of the contribution.

Reasons: Legislative text

2015 Ruling 2015-0619301R3 - Qualifying Environmental Trusts for Pipelines

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211.6, 20(1)(ss); 107.3

Principal Issues: 1. Whether the proposed Trust meets the definition of a “qualifying environmental trust” in subsection 211.6(1) of the Act.
2. Whether contributions made by the taxpayer to the Trust will be deductible in computing taxpayer’s income pursuant to paragraph 20(1)(ss) of the Act. 3. Whether Government of Canada bonds and Treasury Bills will be a “prohibited investment” of the Trust as that term is defined in subsection 211.6(1).

Position: 1. Yes; 2. Yes, provided that the Trust is a QET at the time of the contribution. 3. No.

Reasons: Legislative text.

Technical Interpretation - External

29 November 2016 External T.I. 2016-0663231E5 - Indian employment income

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87 Indian Act; 81(1)(a) Income Tax Act

Principal Issues: Whether the employment income of a particular Indian employee would be exempt from income tax.

Position: It depends, but not likely.

Reasons: See below.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

18 October 2016 Internal T.I. 2016-0640321I7 - Subsections 152(1.5) and 244(20)

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152(1.5); 244(20)
notice of determination need not be sent to each partner
requirement satisfied by delivery to partnership address

Principal Issues: Does subsection 244(20) apply for the purposes of subsection 152(1.5)?

Position: Yes.

Reasons: Textual, contextual and purposive application of the Act.