Principal Issues: What is the amount provable as transitional tax in a bankruptcy?
Position: 1. If a company, carrying on business in Ontario, is adjudged bankrupt in a particular year, and ceases to have a permanent establishment at that time, the provable claim is the total amount of transitional tax ordinarily payable over five years, less any amount paid in respect of earlier years.
2. If a company, carrying on business in Ontario, is adjudged bankrupt in a particular year, and maintains a permanent establishment at that time, the provable claim is the amount of transitional tax due for that year, plus any unpaid amount in respect of earlier years. Transitional tax for years, subsequent to the year of bankruptcy, are payable pursuant to section 47 and subsection 48(1) of the Ontario Act.
Reasons: 1. Subsection 121(1) BIA.
2. Subparagraph 46(2)(b)(ii) Taxation Act, RSO.
3. Subsection 121(1) BIA.