Income Tax Severed Letters - 2011-08-12

Administrative Letter

29 July 2011 Administrative Letter 2011-0414631E2 - Overdue Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees

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Advance Income Tax Rulings Fees Order, SOR/90-234; Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, s. 155.1; Interest and Administrative Charge Regulation, S.O.R./96-188, s. 2 def. of "due date".

Principal Issues: When are advance income tax ruling fees due?

Position: 30 days after invoice is issued.

Reasons: Fees are billed under the authority of the Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order whether or not the request for the ruling is withdrawn. Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act provides for the imposition of interest in accordance with the related regulations. Under the definition of "due date" in section 2 of the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, the due date, unless provided for otherwise, is 30 days after the day on which a demand for payment is issued.

29 July 2011 Administrative Letter 2011-0414661E2 - Overdue Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees

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Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order, SOR/90-234; Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, s. 155.1; Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, S.O.R./96-88, s. 2 def. of "due date".

Principal Issues: When are advance income tax ruling fees due?

Position: 30 days after invoice is issued.

Reasons: Fees are billed under the authority of the Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order whether or not the request for the ruling is withdrawn. Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act provides for the imposition of interest in accordance with the related regulations. Under the definition of "due date" in section 2 of the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, the due date, unless provided for otherwise, is 30 days after the day on which a demand for payment is issued.

29 July 2011 Administrative Letter 2011-0414681E2 - Overdue Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees

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Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order, SOR/90-234; Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, s.155.1; Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, S.O.R./96-188, s. 2 def. of "due date".

Principal Issues: When are advance income tax ruling fees due?

Position: 30 days after invoice is issued.

Reasons: Fees are billed under the authority of the Advance Income Tax Ruling Order whether or not the request for the ruling is withdrawn. Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act provides for the imposition of interest in accordance with the related regulations. Under the definition of "due date" in section 2 of the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, the due date, unless provided for otherwise, is 30 days after the day on which a demand for payment is issued.

29 July 2011 Administrative Letter 2011-0414641E2 - Overdue Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees

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Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order, SOR/90-234; Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985 c. F-11, s. 155.1; Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, S.O.R./96-188, s. 2 def. of "due date".

Principal Issues: When are advance income tax ruling fees due?

Position: 30 days after invoice is issued.

Reasons: Fees are billed under the authority of the Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order whether or not the request for the ruling is withdrawn. Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act provides for the imposition of interest in accordance with the related regulations. Under the definition of "due date" in section 2 of the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, the due date, unless provided for otherwise, is 30 days after the day on which a demand for payment is issued.

29 July 2011 Administrative Letter 2011-0414601E2 - Overdue Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees

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Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order, SOR/90-234; Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, s. 155.1; Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, S.O.R./96-188, s. 2 def. of "due date".

Principal Issues: When are advance income tax ruling fees due?

Position: 30 days after invoice is issued.

Reasons: Fees are billed under the authority of the Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order whether or not the request for the ruling is withdrawn. Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act provides for the imposition of interest in accordance with the related regulations. Under the definition of "due date" in section 2 of the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, the due date, unless provided for otherwise, is 30 days after the day on which a demand for payment is issued.

29 July 2011 Administrative Letter 2011-0414621E2 - Overdue Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees

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Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order, SOR/90-234; Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, s.155.1; Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, S.O.R./96-188, s. 2 def. of "due date".

Principal Issues: When are advance income tax ruling fees due?

Position: 30 days after invoice is issued.

Reasons: Fees are billed under the authority of the Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order whether or not the request for the ruling is withdrawn. Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act provides for the imposition of interest in accordance with the related regulations. Under the definition of "due date" in section 2 of the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, the due date, unless provided for otherwise, is 30 days after the day on which a demand for payment is issued.

29 July 2011 Administrative Letter 2011-0414671E2 - Overdue Advance Income Tax Ruling

Unedited CRA Tags
Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order, SOR/90-234; Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, s.155.1; Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, S.O.R./96-188, s. 2 def. of "due diligence".

Principal Issues: When are advance income tax ruling fees due?

Position: 30 days after invoice is billed.

Reasons: Fees are billed under the authority of the Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order whether or not the request for the ruling is withdrawn. Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act provides for the imposition of interest in accordance with the related regulations. Under the definition of "due date" in section 2 of the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, the due date, unless provided for otherwise, is 30 days after the day on which a demand for payment is issued.

29 July 2011 Administrative Letter 2011-0414611E2 - Overdue Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees

Unedited CRA Tags
Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order, SOR/90-234; Financial Administration Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. F-11, s. 155.1; Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, S.O.R./96-188, s. 2 def. of "due date".

Principal Issues: When are advance income tax ruling fees due?

Position: 30 days after invoice is issued.

Reasons: Fees are billed under the authority of the Advance Income Tax Ruling Fees Order whether or not the request for the ruling is withdrawn. Section 155.1 of the Financial Administration Act provides for the imposition of interest in accordance with the related regulations. Under the definition of "due date" in section 2 of the Interest and Administrative Charges Regulation, the due date, unless provided for otherwise, is 30 days after the day on which a demand for payment is issued.

Ministerial Correspondence

11 July 2011 Ministerial Correspondence 2011-0409231M4 - Employment benefit

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6(1)(a); 6(1)(b)

Principal Issues: Whether reimbursements or allowances for snow clearing costs at a school bus driver's residence when the school bus must be taken home overnight are taxable employment income.

Position: Any benefit to employees is only ancillary when they pay a third party for clearing snow on the days that they start their route from home. Where employees do not pay a third party and "self receipt", the amount constitutes a taxable benefit.

Reasons: Where an employee proceeds from home to a point of call other than a regular place of employment, employer provided assistance for actual expenses incurred would not give rise to a taxable benefit. Employees who "self receipt" have not incurred any expense in respect of the snow removal and the payments are in effect an extra form of remuneration.

Technical Interpretation - External

9 August 2011 External T.I. 2011-0413521E5 - Form T2200 regarding travel of substitute teachers

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S. 8(1)(h.1); 8(10)

Principal Issues: Should an employer issue a T2200 to employees who are substitute teachers with respect to motor vehicle expenses incurred travelling to the various schools under the board's jurisdiction?

Position: No.

Reasons: The assigned school is considered the employer's place of business, not the administration office of the school board. Therefore, the requirements under s. 8(1)(h.1) are not met since the employee is not required to travel away from the employer's place of business.

8 August 2011 External T.I. 2011-0405491E5 - Are Moving Expenses deductible from RESP

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62(1), 56(1)(n), 56(1)(q)

Principal Issues: Whether a student can deduct eligible moving expenses against RESP income.

Position: No.

Reasons: Section 62 does not provide for eligible moving expenses to be deducted against this source of income.

4 August 2011 External T.I. 2011-0415141E5 - Tax status of a German Family Trust

Principal Issues: Can the Income Tax Rulings Directorate advise whether a German Family Trust (Familienstiftung) is a trust or a corporation for purposes of the Income Tax Act?

Position: No.

Reasons: It will be a question of fact.

29 July 2011 External T.I. 2011-0401731E5 - Reduction of a CCPC's Annual Business Limit

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125(5.1); 125(1); 125(7); 181.3(1); 149(1)(t); 149(4.1)

Principal Issues: Whether subsection 125(5.1) is applicable to a farm mutual insurance corporation.

Position: While it is a question of fact which depends on the circumstances, where an insurer described in paragraph 149(1)(t) is only eligible for a partial exemption from Part I tax under subsection 149(4.1), the insurer is not considered exempt on all of its taxable income and is therefore subject to Part 1.3 in that particular year (or would be subject to Part 1.3 tax if the Part 1.3 tax had not been eliminated).

Reasons: Both the current and proposed subsection 125(5.1) may apply if the corporation has taxable capital employed in Canada in excess of $10,000,000.

26 July 2011 External T.I. 2011-0409951E5 - Overseas Employment Tax Credit

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Principal Issues: Whether an employee's employment income qualifies for the OETC.

Position: Question of fact.

Reasons: Employee not eligible for OETC if employer is not a specified employer.

15 July 2011 External T.I. 2011-0403551E5 - Management services agreement

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Paragraph 2(b) of Article XV of the Fifth Protocol to the Canada-US Treaty ("Treaty"); Article VII of the Treaty; paragraphs 153(1)(a), 153(g) and 212(1)(a) of the Act; subsection 215(1) of the Act and sections 102 and 105 of the Regulation

Principal Issues: In light of certain assumptions you have asked us the following questions: 1.Does the CRA agree that Article XV of the Treaty does not apply to the Service Fee? 2.Will Article XV apply to the remuneration earned by the US Employee for the services performed in Canada and if so, will the US Employee be exempt from Canadian tax pursuant to subparagraph 2(b) of Article XV of the Treaty? 3. If the US Employee is not subject to Canadian income tax on the remuneration earned for the services performed in Canada, may the US Employee request a waiver ("Regulation 102 Waiver") in respect of the requirement to withhold under section 102 of the Regulations to the Income Tax Act ("Regulations") and if so, will it be issued? 4. Is the US Employee required to file a personal income tax return in Canada?

Position: 1.Article VII will apply to the Service Fee paid by Canco to US Co. Canco has an obligation under paragraph 153(1)(g) of the Act and section 105 of the Regulations, to withhold 15% of the Service Fee paid to US Co pursuant to the Service Contract. 2. Article XV of the Treaty will apply to the remuneration earned by the US Employee for the services performed in Canada. The US Employee will be exempt from Canadian tax pursuant to subparagraph 2(b) of Article XV of the Treaty since the remuneration is not borne by Canco or a PE in Canada. 3. Since the US Employee is not subject to Canadian taxation on the remuneration for his services exercised in Canada, the CRA will grant a Regulation 102 Waiver in this case. 4. Pursuant to subsection 150(1.1) an individual is not required to file a Canadian income tax return for the year, if there is no Canadian tax payable under Part I of the Act for that year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a non-resident individual must file a Canadian income tax return if he has a taxable capital gain (otherwise than from an excluded disposition) or disposes of a taxable Canadian property (otherwise than in an excluded disposition) in the year, or at the end of the year the individual's HBP balance or LLP balance (as defined in subsection 146.01(1) or 146.02(1)) is a positive amount.

4 July 2011 External T.I. 2011-0401991E5 F - CDA and life insurance proceeds

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Insurance proceeds received by borrower where applied to repay its loan

Principales Questions: What is CRA's position following the decision in The Queen v. Innovative Installation Inc.

Position Adoptée: Decision of the Court applicable in similar situations.

Raisons: Decision in The Queen v. Innovative Installation Inc.

Technical Interpretation - Internal

20 July 2011 Internal T.I. 2011-0397961I7 - Aggregate Investment Income

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94.1; 17(1); 123.4(2); 123.3; 129(1); 129(3)

Principal Issues: 1. Would an amount included in income pursuant to subsection 94.1(1) of the Act be considered "aggregate investment income" as defined in subsection 129(4) of the Act?
2. Would an amount included in income pursuant to subsection 17(1) of the Act be considered "aggregate investment income" as defined in subsection 129(4) of the Act?

Position: 1. Maybe
2. Yes

Reasons: 1. An amount included in income pursuant to subsection 94.1(1) would be considered to be from a source that is a property. Where the taxpayer is a corporation, the amount would be included in the definition of "aggregate investment income" in subsection 129(4).
2. An amount included in income pursuant to subsection 17(1) would be considered to be from a source that is a property. Where the taxpayer is a corporation, the amount would be included in the definition of "aggregate investment income" in subsection 129(4).

18 July 2011 Internal T.I. 2011-0394631I7 - Foreign non-business income tax

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20(12); 93.1(1); 126
applied on source-by-source basis so that taxes paid on business income not eligible where Canco only earns property (dividend) income

Principal Issues: Is a subsection 20(12) deduction available in a particular fact scenario, involving a US partnership that is treated as a corporation for US purposes and pays tax to the US on business income, where for Canadian purposes the US partnership would only be considered to earn dividend income?

Position: No

Reasons: Subsection 20(12) requires that the foreign taxes paid be a "non-business-income tax". Since the foreign taxes paid in the hypothetical situation are a "business-income tax", the deduction is not available. Subsection 20(12) also requires that the foreign taxes paid must be paid in respect of the source of the particular business or property to which the foreign tax relates (i.e. on a business by business or property by property basis). Since the taxes paid by USLP are in respect of business income and USLP would generally only receive dividend income, USLP would not be entitled to the subsection 20(12) deduction as the foreign taxes paid are in respect of a separate source.

18 July 2011 Internal T.I. 2011-0391741I7 - Section 116 and Excluded Property

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116; 87(4); 87(9)

Principal Issues: Does section 116 apply to a redemption of shares to which subsections 87(9) and 87(4) apply.

Position: Generally, no.

Reasons: Paragraph 45 of IT-474R2 and subsection 116(5.02).