Tim Barrett, Kevin Duxbury, "Corporate Integration: Outbound Structuring in the United States After Tax Reform", 2018 Conference Report (Canadian Tax Foundation), 18:1-76

FAPI inclusion if US tax rate on FAPI is only 21% - but potential s. 113(1)(c) deduction against other income on distribution (p. 18:11)


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Timing mismatches if an LLC distributes only a portion of its profits (pp. 18:23–25)

Timing mismatches can arise if an LLC distributes only a...

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High effective tax rate if LLC does not distribute its earnings currently (pp. 18:24-25)

[T]o the extent that the US tax [of an LLC] is not used...

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No reduction of net earnings of LLC for US taxes paid by corporate member (p. 18:24)

[B]ecause an LLC is not liable to tax in the United States,...

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LLC-related FAT issues (pp. 18:24–25)

US tax paid by a Canadian member on an LLC’s income is not FAT for the purposes of subsection...

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Current s. 91(5) deduction for FAPI included in individual LLC member’s income as the dividend payment (p. 18:27)

When an LLC pays a dividend to...

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Double-taxation of FAPI where TOSI rules apply (p. 18:31)

[T]he TOSI rules do not interact well with FAPI. On the one hand, FAPI included in a...

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Addition of FAPI to Non-Eligible Refundable Dividend Tax on Hand in limited circumstances, and generating refund of such NERDTOH (p. 18:32)


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Double-counting of adjusted aggregate investment income (AAII) of CFA twice towards passive income restriction in s. 125(5.1)(b) (p. 18:32)


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Deferral where use of CFA of CCPC to earn aggregate investment income (AII) (pp. 18:29–30)

[T]he reduction of the US federal corporate rate to...

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