Docket: T-2064-16
2017 FC 858
Ottawa, Ontario, September 25, 2017
PRESENT: Madam Prothonotary Mireille Tabib
Third Party
These reasons address the question of whether it
is necessary for the Court to issue protective orders drafted and agreed to by
the parties where there is no genuine dispute as to their scope and no special
circumstances justifying the Court’s involvement. I conclude that, absent
highly unusual circumstances, it is not necessary for the Court to incorporate
in an order the specific or additional protective measures agreed by the
parties for them to be effective, and that the Court ought no longer to
routinely issue protective orders on consent of the parties.
The plaintiff in this patent infringement action
made an informal motion to the Court, with the consent of the defendant and the
third party, for the issuance of a protective order. The parties have
negotiated between themselves the exact terms and content of the proposed
order. Like most such orders, it has over a dozen pages and provides in
painstaking details how the parties may designate as confidential, mark and
keep the documents they will exchange between themselves in the course of the
proceedings, to which entity or law firm and to how many persons from each
entity or law firm each category of designated documents may be disclosed, how
designations may be challenged, the terms of the written acknowledgement
certain persons must sign before receiving the designated information, what
steps each party must take to protect the confidentiality of the designated
information in various circumstances, etc.
The proposed order does not purport to act as a
confidentiality order that would allow parties to file materials under seal, as
contemplated in Rules 151 and 152 of the Federal Courts Rules,
SOR-98/106. As such, and with the exception of a provision to which I will
return later, the particular terms of the protective order are really of no
concern to the Court and the parties have no expectation that the Court would
question, object to or modify them. In fact, as has become the practice in
intellectual property litigation before the Court, the parties did not even
bother making a formal motion or explaining why the Court should issue the
order as proposed. They merely sent a draft and asked that the Court issue it.
The Court has in the past obliged such requests
without question, but not, however, without inconvenience to itself and cost to
the public purse.
The parties may think that the Court blindly
rubber-stamps protective orders, but it does not. While the Court does not care
much about what constraints the parties choose to impose upon themselves, it
must ensure that the parties have not included in their proposed order, by
inadvertence or by stealth, remedies that require a specific exercise of
judicial discretion that cannot be obtained on simple consent. The principle of
open and accessible court proceedings is one of the cornerstones of our
judicial system. Any order or direction allowing parties to file materials
under seal constitutes an exercise of judicial discretion and requires the court
to be satisfied that sealing materials, even temporarily, is necessary to
prevent serious harm to an important interest and that the salutary effect of
the order outweighs the public interest in open and accessible court
proceedings. (Sierra Club of Canada v Attorney General (Minister of Finance),
2002 SCC 41). Such a remedy cannot be granted on the sole basis of the parties’
consent. In my experience, proposed protective orders must regularly be
returned or modified because they contain provisions allowing the parties to
file materials under seal pursuant to Rules 151 and 152 without justification.
Beyond the judicial time required to vet
proposed confidentiality orders to detect and root out inappropriate
provisions, there is the administrative and material costs of receiving,
processing, issuing, and retaining these orders. Registry staff time is
required to receive the request and transmit it to the appropriate judicial
officer. Secretarial staff time is required to turn the proposed draft in the
appropriate format for issuance of the order. Once the order is signed, a
judicial assistant enters an electronic copy in a central repository of orders;
the signed original and a hard copy are returned to the registry, where a
registry officer will place the original on the Court file, record it in the
Judgments and Orders Book, make the appropriate entries in the proceedings
management database, notify and send a true copy of the order to each party,
await and process each party’s acknowledgement of receipt, and place a hard
copy of both the acknowledgements and of the order on the Court file. The
Federal Court being a national court, it keeps one hard copy of each of its
orders at the central registry in Ottawa, as well a copy in any regional
registry office where a hearing is held. As a Court of Record, the Court must
keep a copy of all the orders it issues, even after the litigation has ended.
The cost of copying and storing orders and directions, whether in paper or
digital format, is staggering.
Protective orders are also often subject to
amendment. Every time a solicitor changes or the control or name of any entity
identified in the order changes, the protective order gets amended. Changes to
which the parties agree, as to the levels of confidentiality, the number of
experts or consultants permitted access, the address for notification and any
other matter, trivial or serious, require amendments and the same expenditure
of time and resources. The time needed to process the orders sometimes results
in delays in the litigation, as parties await the issuance of the orders before
communicating documents.
Worse still is the all too common abuses of
protective orders. As the Court’s practice has evolved and now stands,
protective orders are distinct from confidentiality orders; only the latter
allow parties to file materials under seal. Harried counsel or untrained
clerical staff within their offices however frequently overlook or are ignorant
of the distinction. Because materials designated as “confidential” under protective
orders bear a designation that refers to an order of the Court, they assume,
without verifying, that a confidentiality order exists that allows them to file
the material under seal. Parties thus present for filing sealed envelopes
“pursuant to” the terms of protective orders, when those orders, on their face,
caution that they do not allow parties to file materials under seal without a
separate confidentiality order.
These improper filings, whether stemming from
inadvertence, ignorance or negligence are nevertheless abuses of the orders and
processes of the Court. They are sometimes spotted by registry staff when the
documents are tendered for filing but often, it falls to a designated registry
officer, a clerk, a prothonotary or a judge to notice the abuse. Directions
must then be issued to deal with the problem. Invariably, extensions of time
and indulgences will be urgently requested by panic-stricken lawyers as they
scramble to obtain instructions as to whether or not they should make last-minute
motions for confidentiality orders, which the Court must then determine on
short notice. As illustrated by the case of Teva Canada Ltd. v Janssen Inc.,
2017 FC 437, the rush to correct improper filings sometimes leads to carelessly
assembled materials, with chaotic and unfortunate results.
Given the costs, the inconvenience and the
potential for abuse and cascading problems associated with protective orders,
at a time where the careful use and management of scarce judicial resources is
a pressing and growing concern, it is opportune to consider whether such orders
serve any useful purpose, and whether the Court should continue to issue them
on demand.
Although the parties had not made a formal
motion for a protective order, I directed them to consider and advise in
writing why the terms to which they had agreed needed to be enshrined in an
order of the Court, rather than simply set out in an agreement between them as
terms circumscribing their obligations under the implied undertaking rule. The
parties having maintained their request for a formal order, I invited them to
attend at the Court to provide further oral submissions. For the reasons that
follow, I am unpersuaded by their arguments.
Originally developed in England, the common law
doctrine of the implied undertaking rule is now recognized and entrenched in
the practice of this Court, as well as in most Canadian common law provinces (Canada
v ICHI Canada Ltd., [1992] 1 FC 571, Goodman v Rossi, [1995] OJ No
1906, 125 DLR (4th) 613). It is premised on the necessity to
preserve, so far as practicable, litigants’ privacy rights in the face of
compulsory discovery and balancing parties’ privacy rights against the
promotion of full discovery.
The rule is well understood as being an
obligation impliedly imposed by the Court itself on litigants who take
advantage of the discovery process, whereby they receive the information
against their undertaking to the Court that they shall not disclose it or make
use of it for a purpose outside of or collateral to the litigation for which
disclosure was made, absent consent of the producing party or leave of the
Court. The obligation remains in effect unless and until the information is
revealed in open court or is filed and becomes part of the public record.
Because the undertaking is given to the Court, it may be enforced by the Court
through the use of the contempt power (Goodman v Rossi at pp 363-364).
The undertaking also includes an obligation on
the part of the receiving party to return or destroy the documents which have
not become part of the public record at the conclusion of the litigation (Andersen
Consulting v Canada (TD), [2001] 2 FC 324, at para 6). It arises whether or
not the parties have entered into an agreement, and is independent of the
existence of a confidentiality order (Mark Anthony Properties Ltd. v Victor
International Inc., 2000 FCJ No 180 at par 7, Apotex Fermentation Inc. v
Novopharm Ltd., 2001 MBQB 316). The rule further extends to third parties
or their counsel, including experts they have retained, and can be enforced by
the Court as against these third parties; relief may even be ordered against
third parties who have improperly obtained discovery information (Winkler v
Lehndorff Management Ltd., [1998] OJ No 4462, 28 CPC (4th) 323; Canadian
National Railway Co. v Holmes, 2014 ONSC 593).
Given the comprehensive nature of the rule and
the breath of its application, one wonders what additional benefits an express
protective order might have. The vast majority of the substantive provisions of
typical protective orders are already covered by the common law doctrine of the
implied undertaking rule. Setting them out in an order is unnecessary to
protect parties’ information: The rule as applied in this Court already
includes documentary productions in all their form, as well as information
disclosed in oral discoveries; it already restricts the parties’ use of
discovery information to the purposes of the litigation and no other purpose;
it already protects information disclosed on discovery even if no specific
designation has been made, and whether or not it is marked as “confidential”;
it already provides that a waiver may be granted by the disclosing party or the
Court; it already requires parties to advise third parties to whom they
disclose discovery information of the existence and strictures of the implied
undertaking rule; it already excludes information that was lawfully obtained by
a party outside the discovery process; it already requires parties who
inadvertently breach the undertaking to take all necessary steps to prevent
further disclosure; it already extends beyond the termination of the
proceedings and provides for the right of parties to request the return or
destruction of information not publicly disclosed at the end of the proceeding.
The minute details of how and when those rights
and obligations are to be documented, communicated or exercised might be
thought useful by the parties, but absent unusual circumstances, they do not
expand the protection afforded by the rule, and are not necessary to ensure the
protection of the parties’ privacy interests. Indeed, Justice Oliphant of the
Manitoba Queen’s Bench opined in Apotex Fermentation, above, that a
formal order is neither necessary nor desirable in the absence of exceptional
circumstances, because it implies that it does add something and suggests that
a solicitor or party not bound by an express undertaking or order has more
freedom to manoeuvre than one who is. He concludes that where there is an
implied undertaking, it is inappropriate to formalize the same.
The parties submit that the proposed order is
necessary despite the existence of the implied undertaking rule because it
substantially expands on the implied undertaking rule in two ways:
1. It
limits the number of individuals that may access the information; and
2. It provides that parties must give each other prior
notice of their intention to file material in Court, to allow the disclosing
party an opportunity to seek a confidentiality order to ensure the continued
protection of the information.
The parties fear that unless these provisions
are incorporated in an order of the Court, they would merely be a private
contractual agreement between them. They argue that there would be substantial
drawbacks if these provisions and other enhancements were to constitute a
simple contact between private parties: the Federal Court does not have
jurisdiction to enforce private contracts between subjects; any remedy for
breach of the agreement would thus have to be sought from a provincial court.
Binding third parties to the provisions of the agreement would also, they say,
require the execution of a specific contract with each third party. Not only
would that be onerous, but it would force parties to reveal the identity of
their prospective experts before they have even decided to call them.
The notion that in the absence of a protective
order, a separate agreement is needed to bind third parties to the implied
undertaking rule is simply incorrect in law. As mentioned, the implied
undertaking rule arises and operates to bind the parties, their counsel and
third parties consulted whether or not there is an express agreement or
confidentiality order in place.
It is only the two specific provisions
identified by the parties, the restriction to the number of people to who
designated information may be disclosed and the obligation to give prior notice
of the intention to file that designated information, which appear to add to or
expand the scope of the implied undertaking rule. If there is any merit to the parties’
argument that an order is necessary to ensure the Court’s jurisdiction to
enforce protective measures agreed between the parties, it is only in respect
of those two provisions. However, for the following reasons, I find there is
no merit to the parties’ arguments.
I fail to see why additional undertakings given
to but not specifically endorsed by the Court, that aim to achieve the same
goals as the implied undertaking rule, should be any less binding on the
parties or amenable to enforcement by the Court’s contempt power than the
general rule, so long as they are voluntarily given by the parties and their
solicitors in the mutual belief that they are lawful and appropriate, in the
circumstances, to protect the parties’ legitimate privacy interests during the
conduct of the litigation.
The Federal Court’s jurisdiction to enforce
compliance with the implied undertaking rule arises from the Court’s inherent
power to control its own process. The implied undertaking rule itself was born
from the recognition that it would promote compliance with the Court’s
discovery process and help prevent abuses or misuses of this process by
affording protection for the parties’ privacy interests. The implied
undertaking arises automatically and may be enforced as soon as a person
receives discovery information, even outside of the presence of the Court and
without its knowledge. In that, it is unlike undertakings given by parties in
relation to their substantive rights, such as settlement agreements that include
an undertaking not to make use of a trademark or other intellectual property.
These substantive undertakings cannot be enforced by contempt unless they have
been communicated to and acknowledged by the Court in an order (Williams
Information Services Corp. v Williams Telecommunications Corp., [1998] FCJ
No 594, 142 FTR 76).
Undertakings that are strictly related to the
procedural aspects of litigation and aim to assist in regulating the Court’s
process, such as those restricting the number of persons who can have access to
designated discovery information or requiring prior notice of an intention to
file, are of the same kind as the implied undertaking rule. As such, they
should not need to be expressly acknowledged by the Court in order to be
amenable to enforcement by the Court as part of its inherent jurisdiction to
control its process, including by contempt in appropriate cases.
Even if I am wrong and procedural undertakings
privately given are not amenable to punishment by contempt unless they are incorporated
in an order of the Court, it does not follow that protective orders expanding
on the implied undertaking rule ought to be issued on demand. It is still
appropriate to consider whether it is truly necessary, for the terms to which
the parties have agreed to be effective, that the immediate threat of the full
might of the Court’s contempt powers be available. Indeed, this Court in Williams
Information Services, above, recognized that while private undertakings
might not have the same force and effect as an order of the Court, they remain
amenable to subsequent recognition and enforcement by the Court:
18 Where an
undertaking is given between the parties but not to the Court the appropriate
procedure is to first apply to the Court for an order compelling compliance
with the undertaking and, then, if compliance does not occur to bring a
proceeding for contempt: Re A. Solicitor, [1966] 3 All E.R. 52 (Eng. Ch.
Div.); Williams v. Swan, [1942] 4 D.L.R. 488 (Ont. C.A.); Dashwood v.
Dashwood (1927), 71 Sol. Jo. 911 (U.K. H.L.).
The parties’ concerns that the Federal Court
would lack the jurisdiction to regulate or provide relief in case of a breach
of parties’ private confidentiality undertakings unless they have been
enshrined in a prior Court order are unfounded. If the Court has the required
jurisdiction to incorporate in an order a proposed undertaking in the first
place, it has the required jurisdiction to acknowledge the parties’ prior
undertakings and make remedial orders to ensure future compliance.
I will now consider each of the two particular
provisions identified by the parties as exorbitant of the implied undertaking
rule, and consider whether they would remain effective even if they did not
have the same force as an order of the Court.
Limits to the number of persons allowed access
to information
When dealing with particularly sensitive
information, provisions setting limits on the number of persons entitled to be
given access may be useful to the parties to contain the dissemination of
information and assist in monitoring compliance with the implied undertaking
rule. Such provisions may even offer useful guidance as to what would
constitute appropriate use of certain types of discovery information in the
particular circumstances of the case. Setting these limits perhaps provides
comfort to the parties that, so long as they keep to the letter of the
agreement, the propriety of their conduct will not be challenged.
However, a breach of these limits will not
necessarily constitute an improper use of discovery evidence, and it is
certainly not obvious that it should be punishable by contempt. I very much
doubt that the parties themselves expect that disclosure of designated
information to six, rather than five persons could result in contempt proceedings,
if use of the information does not otherwise offend the implied undertaking
Conversely, there may be situations where
disclosure that exceeds limits set out in private agreements would constitute a
breach of the implied undertaking rule, independently of any agreement. A party
who internally disseminates discovery information indiscriminately and without
a discernible purpose connected to the litigation is not making proper use of
discovery information. Such conduct does not need to be made the subject of an
express order in order to be amenable to control by the Court. Further, the
Court’s control may be exercised by means other than the use of the contempt
power, such as orders requiring the collection and return of documents.
Indeed, the Court’s contempt powers should only be used as a last resort, where
contumacious intent exists and other means of achieving the purposes and intent
of the rules or orders at issue have failed.
I am therefore satisfied that, outside of very
unusual circumstances, there is no useful purpose to be served in incorporating
in an order of the Court parties’ self-imposed limits on the number of persons
allowed access to designated discovery information.
Requirement for Advance Notice of Filing
The provision of the proposed protective order
requiring advance notice of intent to file designated information is
unquestionably useful. The protection afforded by the implied undertaking rule
is vulnerable to unforeseen, or even abusive or improper use of sensitive
information by an opponent in interlocutory filings. Parties of course expect
that discovery information may be used at trial, and will thus be made public
and lose the protection of the implied undertaking rule. Where they believe
that some information merits the protection of a confidentiality order despite
the principle of open and accessible court proceedings, they must be prepared
to bring a motion for confidentiality well ahead of time. It is not however
always so easy to predict and guard against the use of discovery information in
interlocutory matters. Of course, the preferred practice in any case is for
parties to notify each other of potential motions, if only to attempt to
resolve them amicably. Sophisticated counsel, having a good understanding of
the facts relevant to the proposed motion, should then be able to anticipate
whether sensitive discovery evidence is likely to be filed, and make such
motion for a confidentiality order as may be appropriate.
However, parties do not always adhere to best
practices and counsel, in an effort to be exhaustive, often file far more
information than needed. The Court has discouraged the practice of seeking
blanket confidentiality orders that would apply to any and all interlocutory
proceedings at the outset of litigation, because it is impossible to know in
advance whether the issues and the basis for the Court’s decision in any given
motion can be properly understood by the public without disclosing the
evidence, and impossible to assess whether the importance of protecting the
parties’ confidential information will outweigh the public interest in open and
accessible court proceedings. Parties therefore have a legitimate interest in
inserting in their protective agreements an undertaking that they shall not
file designated discovery information on the public record without giving
sufficient notice to allow the disclosing party to move, where appropriate, for
a confidentiality order.
As important and useful as this provision may
be, I still do not consider that it is necessary to incorporated it in an order
of the Court for it to be fully effective.
The undertaking to provide notice is nominally
given by the parties. However, the parties in proceedings in which protective
orders are typically sought are represented by solicitors. Motion materials are
assembled, prepared and ultimately filed by solicitors. An undertaking to give
advance notice of filings is thus essentially one for which the burden falls
entirely on solicitors. I cannot conceive that anyone would think that a
solicitor could, with impunity, breach such an undertaking simply because it
has not been made part of an order of the Court. Solicitors are officers of the
Court. They are bound, by their oath of office, to fulfill the duties of their
profession with integrity and honesty. Professional misconduct on their part,
as a deliberate breach of such an undertaking would be, can be effectively
deterred and sanctioned by their professional association; it may also even be
punishable by contempt (Awogbade v Canada (Minister of Citizenship and
Immigration), (1995) 29 Imm LR (2d) 281, 94 FTR 184).
If there could exist any circumstance where the
notice provision would need to be expressed in an order of the Court, then
surely, such a provision could more efficiently be inserted as a simple
paragraph of a case management order, rather than through the ponderous
verbiage of a protective order.
There is one last provision that the parties
would like the Court to insert in their proposed protective order that would
clearly require the Court’s prior approval. It is that when a party, having
been notified of its opponent’s intention to file designated information,
makes a motion for a confidentiality order, the Court will permit the
designated information to be filed under seal and treat it as confidential
pursuant to Rule 152 until the motion for a confidentiality order has been
The only reason such a provision might be
thought necessary as a matter of course is that the proposed protective order
contemplates that a party need only give the designating party 10 days prior
notice of its intention to file. That delay is barely enough for the
designating party to obtain instructions and prepare motion materials for a
confidentiality motion, let alone for the Court to determine it.
By giving themselves unrealistically short
delays to seek a confidentiality order while asking the Court’s undertaking
that it will nevertheless permit material to be filed and remain sealed pending
its determination, the parties are effectively granting themselves leave to
file materials under seal without having had to demonstrate the propriety of
doing so. The responsibility for any length of time during which potentially
improperly sealed documents will remain on the Court’s record is laid entirely
at the Court’s feet. This provision essentially buys the parties an extra
period of confidentiality at the expense of the Court and of the public.
The Court strives to render interlocutory
decisions is a timely fashion, so as not to unduly delay the progress of
proceedings, but it cannot be expected to treat motions as urgent matters or
grant interlocutory relief when it cannot do so because of the parties’ own
delays or lack of foresight.
A general provision ensuring that the Court will
allow materials to remain sealed pending determination of a confidentiality
motion would not be necessary if the parties gave themselves appropriate prior
notice of their intention to use confidential information. If, the designating party
having been given sufficient prior notice and having acted diligently to seek a
confidentiality order before the materials are scheduled to be filed, the Court
still had not determined the motion, it would then be appropriate for the
parties to seek an order or direction permitting the material to be filed and
sealed pending the determination of the motion. Asking for this indulgence in
advance is inappropriate, and granting it fosters complacency. I therefore also
decline to grant that part of the motion.