Masterpiece Inc. v. Alavida Lifestyles Inc.,
2011 SCC 27, [2011] 2
S.C.R. 387
Lifestyles Inc.
and -
Trademark Association
Coram: McLachlin C.J. and Binnie, LeBel, Fish, Charron, Rothstein and
Cromwell JJ.
Reasons for
(paras. 1 to 114)
Rothstein J. (McLachlin C.J. and Binnie, LeBel, Fish,
Charron and Cromwell JJ. concurring)
Masterpiece Inc. v. Alavida Lifestyles Inc., 2011 SCC 27, [2011] 2 S.C.R. 387
Masterpiece Inc. Appellant
Alavida Lifestyles Inc. Respondent
International Trademark Association Intervener
Indexed as: Masterpiece Inc. v. Alavida Lifestyles Inc.
2011 SCC 27
File No.: 33459.
2010: December 8; 2011: May
Present: McLachlin C.J. and Binnie, LeBel, Fish, Charron,
Rothstein and Cromwell JJ.
on appeal from the federal court of appeal
Intellectual property —
Trade‑marks — Confusion — Alberta company using unregistered trade‑marks
prior to Ontario company’s registration of similar trade‑mark — Alberta
company applying to expunge Ontario company’s trade‑mark registration
from register of trade‑marks — Whether location where mark used is
relevant to confusion analysis — What considerations are applicable in
assessment of resemblance between proposed use trade‑mark and existing
unregistered trade‑mark — How nature and cost of wares or services
affects confusion analysis — Use of expert evidence in confusion analysis —
Trade‑marks Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. T‑13, ss. 6 , 16(3) , 17 , 19 ,
20 , 21 , 30 , 35 , 40(2) , 57(1) .
Masterpiece Inc. and Alavida
Lifestyles Inc. (“Alavida”) are both involved in the retirement residence
industry. Since 2001, Masterpiece Inc., operating in Alberta, has used several
unregistered trade‑marks, including “Masterpiece the Art of Living”.
Alavida, operating in Ontario, entered the market in 2005 and applied to
register the trade‑mark “Masterpiece Living” on December 1, 2005 on
the basis of a proposed use. Alavida began using this trade‑mark in
January 2006. Shortly after Alavida’s application, Masterpiece Inc. also began
using “Masterpiece Living” and applied to register it and the word
“Masterpiece” as its trade‑marks in 2006. Because of Alavida’s prior
application, which was eventually granted, Masterpiece Inc.’s applications were
denied. Masterpiece Inc.’s subsequent application to expunge Alavida’s
registration was dismissed by the trial judge who concluded that there was no
likelihood of confusion between Alavida’s and Masterpiece Inc.’s marks. That
decision was upheld on appeal.
Held: The appeal should be allowed and
Alavida’s registration should be expunged.
This case concerns the basic
approach and criteria applicable to the confusion analysis and in particular,
whether there was a likelihood of confusion between Alavida’s trade‑mark
and Masterpiece Inc.’s trade‑name and trade‑marks pursuant to s. 6
of the Trade‑marks Act . The test is whether, as a matter of first
impression, the “casual consumer somewhat in a hurry” who encounters the
Alavida trade‑mark, with no more than an imperfect recollection of any
one of the Masterpiece Inc. trade‑marks or trade‑name, would be
likely to think that Alavida was the same source of retirement residence
services as Masterpiece Inc. Section 6(5) sets out the required approach
to a confusion analysis. All surrounding circumstances must be considered,
including: (a) the inherent distinctiveness of the trade‑marks or
trade‑names and extent to which they have become known; (b) the
length of time the trade‑marks or trade‑names have been in use;
(c) the nature of the wares, services or business; (d) the nature of
the trade; and (e) the degree of resemblance between the trade‑marks
or trade‑names in appearance or sound or in the ideas suggested by them.
The first issue to be determined
is whether the location where a mark is used is relevant when considering the
likelihood of confusion between a registered trade‑mark and a prior
unregistered one. Generally, pursuant to s. 19 , the owner of a registered
trade‑mark is entitled to the exclusive use of that mark throughout
Canada. The test for confusion is based upon the hypothetical assumption that
the trade‑names and trade‑marks are used “in the same area”,
irrespective of whether this is actually the case. In order for the owner of a
registered trade‑mark to have exclusive use of the trade‑mark
throughout Canada, there cannot be a likelihood of confusion with another trade‑mark
anywhere in the country. For this reason, the location where the marks were
actually used is not relevant.
The second question involves the
considerations applicable in the assessment of the resemblance between a
proposed use trade‑mark and an existing unregistered trade‑mark.
It is the use of a trade‑mark and not registration itself that confers
priority of title and the exclusive right to the trade‑mark. Rights are
granted to the first user of a trade‑mark in two ways under the Act.
First, under s. 16, a party normally gains a priority right to register a
trade‑mark when it first uses that trade‑mark. Second, a user is
also able to oppose applications, or apply to expunge registrations based on
its earlier use of a confusing trade‑mark. Section 16(3) of the Act
recognizes the right of a prior user against any application for registration
based upon subsequent use. Masterpiece Inc. could apply to expunge Alavida’s
trade‑mark pursuant to s. 16(3) of the Act on the grounds of
likelihood of confusion between Alavida’s trade‑mark and any of its trade‑marks
that had been in use before December 1, 2005. Further, Masterpiece Inc. was
entitled to have each of its marks separately compared to Alavida’s
“Masterpiece Living”. The trial judge erred in undertaking a single composite
analysis, considering resemblance between “Masterpiece Living” and all of
Masterpiece Inc.’s trade‑marks and trade‑name generally. Most
confusion analyses should commence with an assessment of the resemblance
between the marks in issue. The trial judge erred in considering Alavida’s
actual use of its mark rather than addressing the entire scope of exclusive
rights and potential uses that were granted to Alavida under its registration.
His approach did not recognize that Alavida was entitled to use the protected
words in any form including a format that closely resembled Masterpiece Inc.’s marks.
Here, because Alavida’s proposed trade‑mark is only the words
“Masterpiece Living”, the difference or similarity with each of Masterpience
Inc.’s trade‑marks and trade‑name must be assessed on the basis of
these words alone. The striking or unique aspect of each trade‑mark is
the word “Masterpiece”. The idea evoked by each is also the same: high quality
retirement lifestyle. Clearly, there is a strong resemblance between
“Masterpiece the Art of Living” and “Masterpiece Living”.
A third issue is what effect the
nature of the business and cost of the wares or services has in the confusion
analysis. Here, the trial judge erred in considering that consumers of
expensive goods and services would generally take considerable time to inform
themselves about the source of those goods and services to suggest a reduced
likelihood of confusion. Confusion must instead be assessed from the
perspective of the first impression of the consumer approaching a costly
purchase when he or she encounters the trade‑mark. The possibility that
careful research could later remedy confusion does not mean that no confusion
ever existed or that it would not continue to exist in the minds of consumers
who did not carry out that research. The trial judge’s consideration
should have been limited to how a consumer, upon encountering the Alavida mark
in the marketplace, with an imperfect recollection of the Masterpiece Inc.
marks, would have reacted. In circumstances where a strong resemblance
suggests a likelihood of confusion, and the other s. 6(5) factors do not
point strongly against a likelihood of confusion, cost is unlikely to lead to a
different conclusion.
A final issue is the role of
expert evidence in the trade‑mark confusion analysis. Generally, an
expert should only be permitted to testify if the testimony is likely to be
outside the experience and knowledge of the judge. Where the “casual consumer”
is not particularly knowledgeable and there is a resemblance between the marks,
expert evidence that simply assesses that resemblance will not usually be
necessary. Judges should consider the marks at issue, each as a whole, but
having regard to the dominant or most striking or unique feature of the trade‑mark,
using their own common sense, to determine whether the casual consumer would be
likely to be confused when first encountering the trade‑mark. In this
case, Alavida’s expert engaged in a discussion of morphology and semantics
instead of considering the marks as a whole. He also based his analysis on
Alavida’s actual post‑registration use, rather than the full scope of
rights granted to Alavida under its registration. Masterpiece Inc.’s survey
was similarly unhelpful because it attempted to simulate consumers with an
“imperfect recollection” when none was available. For this reason, the survey
was not a valid assessment of the relevant question. Judges should be careful
to question the necessity and relevance of such evidence, perhaps as part of a
case management process, particularly in light of the substantial cost of
evidence that may be of little utility.
Considering all the circumstances
of the case, and particularly the strong similarity between Alavida’s
“Masterpiece Living” and Masterpiece Inc.’s “Masterpiece the Art of Living”,
Masterpiece Inc. has proven that the use of Alavida’s trade‑mark in the
same area as those of Masterpiece Inc.’s would be likely to lead to the
inference that the services associated with Masterpiece Inc.’s trade‑marks
were being performed by Alavida. Because Masterpiece Inc.’s use preceded
Alavida’s proposed use, Alavida was not entitled under s. 16(3) to
registration of its trade‑mark and it should be expunged from the
Cases Cited
Applied: Mattel, Inc.
v. 3894207 Canada Inc., 2006 SCC 22, [2006] 1 S.C.R. 772; Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin v. Boutiques Cliquot Ltée, 2006 SCC 23, [2006] 1 S.C.R. 824; Housen v. Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235; Hollis
v. Dow Corning Corp., [1995] 4 S.C.R. 634; considered: R.
v. Mohan, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 9; Ultravite Laboratories Ltd. v. Whitehall
Laboratories Ltd., [1965] S.C.R. 734; esure Insurance Ltd. v. Direct
Line Insurance plc, 2008 EWCA Civ 842, [2008] R.P.C. 34; General
Electric Co. v. The General Electric Co. Ltd., [1972] All E.R. 507; referred to: Partlo v. Todd (1888), 17 S.C.R. 196; Benson & Hedges (Canada) Ltd. v. St. Regis Tobacco Corp., [1969] S.C.R. 192; Leaf Confections
Ltd. v. Maple Leaf Gardens Ltd. (1986), 12 C.P.R. (3d) 511, aff’d (1988),
19 C.P.R. (3d) 331; Mr. Submarine Ltd. v. Amandista Investments Ltd.,
[1988] 3 F.C. 91; Conde Nast Publications Inc. v. Union des éditions
modernes (1979), 46 C.P.R. (2d) 183; General Motors Corp. v.
Bellows, [1949] S.C.R. 678.
Statutes and Regulations
Trade-marks Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. T-13, ss. 2 ,
4 , 6 , 16(1) , (3) , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 30 , 35 , 40 , 57(1) .
Trade-marks Regulations, SOR/96‑195.
Authors Cited
Gill, Kelly, and R. Scott Jolliffe. Fox on Canadian Law of
Trade‑marks and Unfair Competition, 4th ed. Toronto: Carswell, 2002
(loose-leaf updated 2006, release 2).
Hughes, Roger T., and Toni Polson Ashton. Hughes on Trade
Marks, 2nd ed. Markham, Ont.: LexisNexis, 2005 (loose‑leaf updated
2010, release 22).
Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical Principles, 5th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002, “resemblance”.
Vaver, David. Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patents,
Trade‑marks, 2nd ed. Toronto, Ont.: Irwin Law, 2011.
APPEAL from a judgment of the
Federal Court of Appeal (Sexton, Layden‑Stevenson and
Trudel, JJ.A.), 2009 FCA 290, [2010] 4 F.C.R. 243, 397 N.R. 180, 78 C.P.R.
(4th) 243, 312 D.L.R. (4th) 532, [2009] F.C.J. No. 1263 (QL), 2009
CarswellNat 3122, affirming a decision of O’Reilly J., 2008 FC 1412, 338 F.T.R. 168, 72 C.P.R. (4th) 160,
[2008] F.C.J. No. 1826 (QL), 2008 CarswellNat 4970. Appeal allowed.
W. Clarke
Hunter, Q.C., Kelly
Gill and Brandon Potter, for
the appellant.
Miller, Sharon Griffin and Heather
Gallant, for the respondent.
R. Bereskin, Q.C., and Mark L. Robbins, for
the intervener.
judgment of the Court was delivered by
Rothstein J. —
I. Introduction
Trade-marks in Canada are an important tool to
assist consumers and businesses. In the marketplace, a business marks its
wares or services as an indication of provenance. This allows consumers to
know, when they are considering a purchase, who stands behind those goods or
services. In this way, trade-marks provide a “shortcut to get consumers to
where they want to go”, per Binnie J. in Mattel, Inc. v. 3894207
Canada Inc., 2006 SCC 22, [2006] 1 S.C.R. 772, at para. 21. Where the
trade-marks of different businesses are similar, a consumer may be unable to
discern which company stands behind the wares or services. Confusion between
trade-marks impairs the objective of providing consumers with a reliable
indication of the expected source of wares or services. This case provides
this Court with the opportunity of reviewing the basic approach and criteria
applicable to a confusion analysis between competing trade-marks under the Trade-marks
Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. T-13 (“Act ”).
The question in this case is whether the
trade-mark “Masterpiece Living”, proposed and subsequently registered by
Alavida Lifestyles Inc. (“Alavida”), a company entering the retirement
residence industry in Ontario, was then confusing with the unregistered trade-marks
or trade-name previously used by another company, Masterpiece Inc., in the
retirement residence industry in Alberta.
Masterpiece Inc. contends that Alavida’s
trade-mark, on the date its application for registration was filed with the
Canadian Intellectual Property Office, December 1, 2005, was confusing with Masterpiece
Inc.’s trade-name and trade-marks. It argues that Alavida was not entitled to
apply for registration of its mark because of its confusing similarity to Masterpiece
Inc.’s trade-name and trade-marks, which were used prior to Alavida’s
application. Thus, it argues, the registration is invalid and should be
Masterpiece Inc. was unsuccessful in the Federal
Court (2008 FC 1412, 72 C.P.R. (4th) 160) and Federal Court of Appeal (2009 FCA
290, [2010] 4 F.C.R. 423) and now appeals to this Court.
I am of the respectful opinion that the learned
trial judge and the Federal Court of Appeal in this case did not interpret and
apply the criteria for determining confusion correctly. Upon a correct
interpretation and application, I conclude that Alavida’s proposed trade-mark
“Masterpiece Living” was confusing with at least one of Masterpiece Inc.’s
trade-marks when the registration application was filed on December 1, 2005. Therefore,
Alavida was not entitled to registration of its proposed mark. Because I have
found confusion between one of Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks and Alavida’s
mark, it is not necessary to perform a confusion analysis between the other of
Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks and its trade-name with Alavida’s mark. I would
allow the appeal and order the Registrar of Trade-marks to expunge Alavida’s registration
from the register of trade-marks.
I should make clear that this decision deals
only with the question of expungement of Alavida’s trade-mark registration for
“Masterpiece Living”. Whether Masterpiece Inc. may register a trade-mark that
comprises or includes the word “Masterpiece” will now be a matter for Masterpiece
Inc. and the Registrar.
II. Facts
Both Masterpiece Inc. and Alavida operate in the
retirement residence industry. Prior to December 2005, Masterpiece Inc. used
several trade-marks which included the word “Masterpiece”, as well as its
trade-name “Masterpiece Inc.”. Alavida entered the market near the end of 2005
and applied to register the trade-mark “Masterpiece Living” to market its
Masterpiece Inc. was incorporated in 2001. In
the years between 2001 and 2005, it undertook two retirement residence
construction and operation projects in Alberta and began a third. During this
time, it used its corporate name, Masterpiece Inc., as a trade-name on
materials including prospectuses, contracts and advertisements.
Concurrently, Masterpiece Inc. used several unregistered
trade-marks which involved the word “Masterpiece” including “Masterpiece the
Art of Living”, “Masterpiece the Art of Retirement Living”, and a stylized word
“Masterpiece” alongside a butterfly logo. It also used other marks, including
the trade-mark “Club Sierra”, in its advertisements.
Alavida, a subsidiary of Ashcroft Homes Inc.,
was incorporated on August 4, 2005. It applied to register the trade-mark
“Masterpiece Living” on December 1, 2005, on the basis of a proposed use. The
mark was registered unopposed on March 23, 2007. Since January 2006, Alavida
has used “Masterpiece Living” as its trade-mark.
Shortly after Alavida’s application, Masterpiece
Inc. changed its branding slightly, and began using the very same trade-mark
“Masterpiece Living”. The result of these almost simultaneous decisions was
that, beginning in 2006, there were two Canadian companies, one operating in
Alberta, another in Ontario, using the trade-mark “Masterpiece Living” in the
retirement residence industry.
In January 2006, Masterpiece Inc. applied to
register “Masterpiece” as a trade-mark, and in June 2006, it applied to
register the trade-mark “Masterpiece Living”. As a result of Alavida’s prior
application, which was eventually granted, Masterpiece Inc.’s applications for
both the trade-mark “Masterpiece Living” and the trade-mark “Masterpiece” were
denied, as the Registrar concluded that they were confusing with Alavida’s
trade-mark “Masterpiece Living”.
On March 16, 2007, Masterpiece Inc. commenced
this application to expunge Alavida’s registration. It appears that
Masterpiece Inc. did not oppose Alavida’s application. However, it was not
argued that its failure to do so had any impact on the expungement proceedings.
III. Federal Court
O’Reilly J. dismissed Masterpiece Inc.’s application
to expunge the Alavida trade-mark.
He found that if Alavida’s trade-mark was
confusingly similar to any trade-marks or trade-names that had previously been
used, Alavida would not be entitled to the registration. He held that when
considering whether a confusing mark was used prior to an application, “the
relevant date is the date of filing of the application” (para. 9).
The trial judge found that Masterpiece Inc. had
shown “some use” of the trade-name “Masterpiece” and related marks
including the word “Masterpiece” prior to Alavida’s application (at para. 19
(emphasis in original)), although he found the use was rather sporadic. He
then considered whether there was a likelihood of confusion, under s. 6(5) of
the Act , between Alavida’s trade-mark and these prior marks on the date of filing
of Alavida’s application for registration.
In conducting the confusion analysis under s.
6(5) of the Act , he found that the word “Masterpiece” in association with
retirement residences or services was somewhat inherently distinctive (para.
41), but that there had been no acquired distinctiveness through use in any of
Masterpiece Inc.’s marks on the relevant date (para. 42). On the issue of the
resemblance between the marks, the trial judge accepted observations made by
one of Alavida’s experts that Alavida’s post-registration use of its marks
differed from Masterpiece Inc.’s use of its marks, both in design and in the
focus of the advertisements. He found that although there was “obviously a
degree of resemblance” as between the two companies’ marks, these differences
in use served to reduce the likelihood of confusion (para. 46). He also
observed that the choice of retirement residence was an important and expensive
decision. As a result, consumers could be expected to research their decisions
carefully, which would also reduce the likelihood of confusion.
On the basis of these considerations, he
concluded that Masterpiece Inc. had not established that there was a likelihood
of confusion between its trade-name and trade-marks and Alavida’s registered
IV. Federal Court of Appeal
At the Federal Court of Appeal, Sexton and
Trudel JJ.A., writing for the court, dismissed Masterpiece Inc.’s appeal.
The Court of Appeal upheld the findings of the
trial judge that the relevant date for the confusion analysis was the date of
filing of Alavida’s trade-mark application, December 1, 2005. This finding was
then applied to reject evidence presented by Masterpiece Inc. that by December
1, 2005, it had unexecuted plans to expand into the central Canadian market.
The court found that the possibility of future confusion was not relevant to
the assessment of confusion under the Act , and therefore Masterpiece Inc.’s
intention to expand its operations into new markets was irrelevant. It stated,
at para. 22:
the date of filing of the respondent’s trade-mark, the appellant did not sell
its product in the same market as the respondent. This Court need not consider
the appellant’s plans for expansion after that date.
The balance of the Court of Appeal reasons also generally
agreed with the trial judge’s approach to the confusion analysis, and found no
palpable and overriding errors in his consideration of the evidence. Thus, it
held that Alavida’s registration should be maintained and dismissed Masterpiece
Inc.’s appeal.
V. Issues on Appeal
There are four issues for consideration by this
1. Is the location where a mark is used relevant when
considering the likelihood of confusion between an applied for or registered
trade-mark and a prior unregistered trade-mark or trade-name?
2. What considerations are applicable in the assessment of
the resemblance between a proposed use trade-mark and an existing unregistered
3. When considering the “nature of the trade” under s. 6(5)
of the Act , what effect does the nature and cost of the wares or services have
on the confusion analysis?
4. When should courts take into account expert evidence in
trade-mark or trade-name confusion cases?
VI. Analysis
Sections of the Act relevant to this appeal are
reproduced in the Appendix at the conclusion of these reasons.
A. Is the Location Where a Mark Is Used Relevant When
Considering the Likelihood of Confusion Between an Applied for or Registered
Trade-Mark and a Prior Unregistered Trade-Mark or Trade-Name?
In the Federal Court of Appeal, a major focus in
the reasons was whether Masterpiece Inc.’s plan to expand into eastern Canada,
which could lead it into direct competition with Alavida, was relevant to the
determination of confusion. While those plans have now been executed, and
Masterpiece Inc. is operating in the retirement residence industry in Quebec,
on December 1, 2005, they were merely plans.
The Federal Court of Appeal concluded that these
plans were not relevant. However, in doing so, it distinguished several
authorities which Masterpiece Inc. submitted to support the relevance of its
plans. Some of these authorities suggested that the geographical location
where two trade-marks are used or proposed to be used does not affect the
likelihood of confusion.
Distinguishing these authorities could be seen
as an acceptance that the geographical locale in which marks are used or
proposed to be used is relevant for determining whether there is a likelihood
of confusion. Indeed, in this Court, there was an intervention by the
International Trademark Association which sought to address only this point.
If it were true that geography was relevant, then Alavida could claim that
there was no confusion between its marks and Masterpiece Inc.’s marks because
on December 1, 2005, Masterpiece Inc. was only operating in Alberta, while it
was operating in Ontario.
While it is not entirely clear that the Federal
Court of Appeal’s reasons should be read as suggesting that geography is
relevant, I would take this opportunity to dispel any doubt on this point.
The Canadian trade-marks regime is national in
scope. The owner of a registered trade-mark, subject to a finding of
invalidity, is entitled to the exclusive use of that mark in association with
the wares or services to which it is connected throughout Canada. Section 19 of
the Trade-marks Act provides:
19. Subject
to sections 21 , 32 and 67 , the registration of a trade-mark in respect of any
wares or services, unless shown to be invalid, gives to the owner of the
trade-mark the exclusive right to the use throughout Canada of the trade-mark
in respect of those wares or services.
With respect to confusion, ss. 6(1) and (2) of
the Trade-marks Act provide:
6. (1) For the purposes of
this Act , a trade-mark or trade-name is confusing with another trade-mark or
trade-name if the use of the first mentioned trade-mark or trade-name would
cause confusion with the last mentioned trade-mark or trade-name in the manner
and circumstances described in this section.
(2) The
use of a trade-mark causes confusion with another trade-mark if the use of both
trade-marks in the same area would be likely to lead to the inference that the
wares or services associated with those trade-marks are manufactured, sold,
leased, hired or performed by the same person, whether or not the wares or
services are of the same general class.
Section 6(3) deals with
trade-mark confusion with a trade-name and 6(4) with trade-name confusion with
a trade-mark. In subsections (2), (3) and (4), the same formula is used “if
the use of both . . . in the same area would be likely to lead to the
It is immediately apparent from these words, “if
the use of both . . . in the same area”, that the test for confusion is based
upon the hypothetical assumption that both trade-names and trade-marks are used
“in the same area”, irrespective of whether this is actually the case. As a
result, geographical separation in the use of otherwise confusingly similar
trade-names and trade-marks does not play a role in this hypothetical test. This
must be the case, because, pursuant to s. 19 , subject to exceptions not
relevant here, registration gives the owner the exclusive right to the use of
the trade-mark throughout Canada.
In order for the owner of a registered
trade-mark to have exclusive use of the trade-mark throughout Canada, there
cannot be a likelihood of confusion with another trade-mark anywhere in the
Section 16(3) confirms this conclusion, stating
that an applicant for a proposed mark will be entitled to registration unless
at the date of filing the trade-mark it is confusing with a trade-mark or
trade-name that had been previously used in Canada. Section 16(3) provides:
16. . . .
(3) Any applicant who has
filed an application in accordance with section 30 for registration of a
proposed trade-mark that is registrable is entitled, subject to sections
38 and 40 , to secure its registration in respect of the wares or
services specified in the application, unless at the date of filing of the
application it was confusing with
(a) a
trade-mark that had been previously used in Canada or made known in Canada
by any other person;
(b) a
trade-mark in respect of which an application for registration had been
previously filed in Canada by any other person; or
(c) a trade-name that had
been previously used in Canada by any other person.
Whether in assessing trade-mark infringement
under s. 19 or entitlement under s. 16, the test for likelihood of confusion is
the same. The application of the hypothetical test reflects the legislative
intent to provide a national scope of protection for registered trade-marks in
Canada (see D. Vaver, Intellectual Property Law: Copyright, Patents,
Trade-marks (2nd ed. 2011), at p. 536).
B. What Considerations Are Applicable in the Assessment of
the Resemblance Between a Proposed Use Trade-Mark and an Existing Unregistered
To clarify the proper approach to assessing the
resemblance between a proposed use trade-mark and existing unregistered marks, it
will be useful to address a number of issues:
(1) the relationship between use and registration;
(2) the test for confusion;
(3) the necessity to consider each mark separately;
(4) the approach to testing for resemblance;
(5) the necessity to consider the proposed use trade-mark
according to its terms, rather than by its actual use;
(6) the requirement to assess the unregistered marks
according to their actual use; and
(7) the resemblance between the trade-marks in issue.
While these issues are
relevant in this case, they are not intended to be an exhaustive list of all
considerations that are relevant in assessing resemblance.
(1) The Relationship Between Use and
At the outset, it is important to recall the
relationship between use and registration of a trade-mark. Registration itself
does not confer priority of title to a trade-mark. At common law, it was use
of a trade-mark that conferred the exclusive right to the trade-mark. While
the Trade-marks Act provides additional rights to a registered
trade-mark holder than were available at common law, registration is only
available once the right to the trade-mark has been established by use. As
explained by Ritchie C.J. in Partlo v. Todd (1888), 17 S.C.R. 196, at p.
is not the registration that makes the party proprietor of a trade-mark; he
must be proprietor before he can register . . . .
That principle established under Canada’s early
trade-mark legislation continues under the present Act . Rights arising from
use have been incorporated into the Act by granting rights to the first user of
a trade-mark in two ways. First, under s. 16 , a party normally gains a
priority right to register a trade-mark when it first uses that trade-mark.
Second, a user is also able to oppose applications or apply to expunge
registrations based on its earlier use of a confusing trade-mark. This
explains why an unregistered trade-mark of Masterpiece Inc. can be the basis of
a challenge to Alavida’s subsequent registration application. Section 16(3) of
the Act recognizes the right of a prior user against any application for
registration based upon subsequent use. Section 17(1) preserves that right,
subject to certain limitations that are of no relevance here, where the
trade-mark has been registered.
It should also be explained why Alavida’s
application for a proposed trade-mark on December 1, 2005, would preclude
Masterpiece Inc.’s subsequent trade-mark applications based on actual use. As
noted above, at common law, trade-mark protection only arose from actual use.
However, under the current Trade-marks Act , the opportunity was created
for an applicant to claim priority as of the date the applicant files for a
proposed but yet unused trade-mark. Registration will, however, not occur
unless the applicant subsequently provides a declaration demonstrating that the
proposed trade-mark was actually used within the time specified in s. 40(2) of
the Act .
In this case, Alavida did provide such a
declaration, with the result that its priority claim as of December 1, 2005,
the date it filed its registration application, precluded Masterpiece Inc. from
obtaining registration of “Masterpiece Living”, the exact same trade-mark as
Alavida, by a subsequent application based on use after December 1, 2005.
Instead, it would have had to oppose Alavida’s application or would have to
apply to expunge Alavida’s trade-mark registration on the grounds of likelihood
of confusion between Alavida’s trade-mark and its trade-marks or trade-name
that had been in use before December 1, 2005. Because Masterpiece Inc. did not
oppose Alavida’s application, which was granted, the only remedy open to
Masterpiece Inc. was to apply to have Alavida’s mark expunged. If successful,
this remedy would allow Masterpiece Inc.’s application for registration of its
own trade-marks to be considered on its merits by the Registrar of Trade-marks.
(2) The Test for Confusion
The question at the centre of this case is
whether there was confusion between Alavida’s and Masterpiece Inc.’s
trade-marks or trade-name in terms of s. 6 of the Act . In my respectful
opinion, the learned trial judge erred in law when conducting the confusion
analysis, and thereby erred in his conclusion that Masterpiece Inc. had not
established confusion between its trade-name and trade-marks and Alavida’s now
registered trade-mark.
At the outset of this confusion analysis, it is
useful to bear in mind the test for confusion under the Trade-marks Act .
In Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin v. Boutiques Cliquot Ltée, 2006 SCC
23, [2006] 1 S.C.R. 824, Binnie J. restated the
traditional approach, at para. 20, in the following words:
test to be applied is a matter of first impression in the mind of a casual
consumer somewhat in a hurry who sees the [mark], at a time when he or she has
no more than an imperfect recollection of the [prior] trade-marks, and does not
pause to give the matter any detailed consideration or scrutiny, nor to examine
closely the similarities and differences between the marks.
Binnie J. referred with
approval to the words of Pigeon J. in Benson & Hedges (Canada) Ltd. v.
St. Regis Tobacco Corp., [1969] S.C.R. 192, at p. 202, to contrast with
what is not to be done — a careful examination of competing marks or a side by
side comparison.
In this case, the question is whether, as a
matter of first impression, the “casual consumer somewhat in a hurry” who sees
the Alavida trade-mark, when that consumer has no more than an imperfect
recollection of any one of the Masterpiece Inc. trade-marks or trade-name,
would be likely to be confused; that is, that this consumer would be likely to
think that Alavida was the same source of retirement residence services as
Masterpiece Inc.
(3) The Necessity to Consider Each Mark
As noted above, the basis for Masterpiece Inc.’s
claim under s. 16(3) of the Act is that the trade-mark for which Alavida
applied was confusing with any trade-mark or the trade-name it had used prior
to December 1, 2005.
Under s. 16(3), even one confusingly similar
trade-mark or trade-name will invalidate Alavida’s registration. In pleading
several potentially confusingly similar trade-marks and trade-names,
Masterpiece Inc. presented several distinct bases for an invalidation of
Alavida’s registration.
Section 6(5) of the Act sets out the required
approach to a confusion analysis. All surrounding circumstances must be
considered including:
6. . . .
. . .
(a) the
inherent distinctiveness of the trade-marks or trade-names and the extent to
which they have become known;
(b) the
length of time the trade-marks or trade-names have been in use;
(c) the
nature of the wares, services or business;
(d) the
nature of the trade; and
(e) the degree of resemblance
between the trade-marks or trade-names in appearance or sound or in the ideas
suggested by them.
Some of the s. 6(5) factors that guide the
confusion analysis will be the same for each of the trade-marks and trade-name
in this case. For example, all of the evidence suggests that Masterpiece Inc.
only engaged in the retirement residence industry and used all of its marks in
relation to that industry. In others, each mark will have to be considered
separately. For example, because the Masterpiece Inc. trade-marks are
different in content from one another, and are different from the trade-name,
it will be necessary to consider the similarity of Alavida’s proposed trade-mark,
“Masterpiece Living”, to each of the trade-marks and trade-name for which Masterpiece
Inc. has established use.
The trial judge found that Masterpiece Inc.
demonstrated that it had used the trade-name “Masterpiece” and the trade-marks
“Masterpiece the Art of Retirement Living” and “Masterpiece the Art of
Living”. Alavida’s application for registration was for the trade-mark “Masterpiece
Living”. It was therefore necessary to compare Alavida’s “Masterpiece Living”
with each of Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks and trade-name separately.
However, instead of undertaking a separate
resemblance analysis comparing each of Masterpiece Inc.’s marks and trade-name
with Alavida’s mark, the trial judge undertook a single composite analysis. He
only considered the issue of resemblance between “Masterpiece Living” and all
of Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks and trade-name generally. At para. 46, he
is obviously a degree of resemblance as between Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-name
and marks and Alavida’s registered mark for “Masterpiece Living”. However,
as part of the overall circumstances, I note that Alavida’s use of “Masterpiece
Living” has been in the nature of a slogan accompanying its corporate identity.
By contrast, Masterpiece Inc. uses “Masterpiece” to identify the company
itself, along with various other words and phrases of far lesser prominence,
alongside a distinctive butterfly logo. These differences help reduce the
likelihood of confusion. [Emphasis added.]
However, under ss. 16(3) (a) and (c)
of the Act , Masterpiece Inc. was entitled to assert, and have considered, any
of the marks or trade-name that it had used prior to December 1, 2005, as a
basis to challenge Alavida’s application for registration. In my opinion, the
trial judge erred in not conducting the separate analysis required by the Act .
Some of the expert evidence which treated Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks and
trade-name as a whole instead of one by one (see, e.g., paras. 21-23 and 36),
may have contributed to this error.
(4) The Approach to Testing for
In applying the s. 6(5) factors to the question
of confusion, the trial judge conducted his analysis in the order of the
criteria set forth in s. 6(5) , concluding with a consideration of the
resemblance between the marks. While it is no error of law to do so, the
degree of resemblance, although the last factor listed in s. 6(5) , is the statutory
factor that is often likely to have the greatest effect on the confusion
analysis (K. Gill and R. S. Jolliffe, Fox on Canadian Law of Trade-marks and
Unfair Competition (4th ed. (loose-leaf)), at p. 8-54; R. T. Hughes and T.
P. Ashton, Hughes on Trade Marks (2nd ed. (loose-leaf)), at §74, p. 939).
As Professor Vaver points out, if the marks or names do not resemble one
another, it is unlikely that even a strong finding on the remaining factors
would lead to a likelihood of confusion. The other factors become significant
only once the marks are found to be identical or very similar (Vaver, at p.
532). As a result, it has been suggested that a consideration of resemblance
is where most confusion analyses should start (ibid.).
I will therefore first review the trial judge’s
consideration of the degree of resemblance of the marks.
(5) The Necessity to Consider the
Proposed Use Trade-Mark According to Its Terms, Rather Than by Its Actual Use
In his analysis, the trial judge found that there
was “obviously a degree of resemblance as between Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-name
and marks and Alavida’s registered mark” (para. 46).
It is clear from the trial judge’s reasons that
he took into account Alavida’s actual use of its mark in comparing the Alavida
and Masterpiece Inc. marks. For convenience, I repeat a portion of para. 46 of
his reasons:
as part of the overall circumstances, I note that Alavida’s use of “Masterpiece
Living” has been in the nature of a slogan accompanying its corporate identity.
In my opinion, the trial judge’s consideration
of Alavida’s actual use of its mark was problematic. The difficulty is that it
takes into account a single form of the trade-mark that Alavida used after the
relevant date. This single use did not reflect the entire scope of exclusive
rights that were granted to Alavida under its registration. As found by Binnie
J. in Mattel, at para. 53:
appellant argued that the courts below erred in looking at the respondent’s
actual operations rather than at the terms set out in its application for the
proposed trade-mark. It is quite true that the proper focus is the terms of
the application, because what is at issue is what the registration would
authorize the respondent to do, not what the respondent happens to be doing at
the moment.
Alavida’s registration process began on December
1, 2005, with an application based on proposed use. At s. 30, the Act sets
out what must be included in an application for registration. When submitting
the application, an applicant is required to provide a formulation of its
trade-mark in addition to various other pieces of information. The trade-mark
on an application may simply be a word mark, or it may be a design, or it may
be a word mark and design (for example, see the marks in Leaf Confections
Ltd. v. Maple Leaf Gardens Ltd. (1986), 12 C.P.R. (3d) 511 (F.C.T.D.),
aff’d (1988), 19 C.P.R. (3d) 331 (F.C.A.)). The application may identify the
mark as being used only with particular colours: Trade-marks Regulations,
SOR/96-195. An application may also contain disclaimers, or an applicant may
be required by the Registrar to include disclaimers, to limit the scope of
trade-mark rights: s. 35 of the Act .
In this case, Alavida’s registration (TMA 684,557)
identifies the trade-mark that Alavida applied for and was subsequently
registered — the words “Masterpiece Living”. This trade-mark is identified
only in a textual form. It would therefore permit Alavida to use the words
“Masterpiece Living” in any size and with any style of lettering, color or
design. As found by the Federal Court of Appeal in Mr. Submarine Ltd. v.
Amandista Investments Ltd., [1988] 3 F.C. 91:
restricts the appellant from changing the colour of its signs or the style of
lettering of “Mr. Submarine” or from engaging in a telephone and delivery
system such as that followed by the respondent or any other suitable system for
the sale of its sandwiches. Were it to make any of these changes its exclusive
right to the use of “Mr. Submarine” would apply just as it applies to its use
in the appellant’s business as presently carried on. Whether the respondent’s
trade marks or trade names are confusing with the appellant’s registered trade mark
must accordingly be considered not only having regard to the appellant’s
present business in the area of the respondent’s operations but having
regard as well to whether confusion would be likely if the appellant were to
operate in that area in any way open to it using its trade mark in
association with the sandwiches or services sold or provided in the operation. [Emphasis
added; pp. 102-3.]
When engaging in a confusion analysis, it is
important to keep in mind that the exclusive rights granted by the Act refer to
a registered trade-mark (ss. 19 , 20 and 21 ). Where a court is called upon to
decide if there is a likelihood of confusion between that registered trade-mark
and any registered or previously used unregistered trade-marks, the analysis
should address the proposed trade-mark for which the registration was
ultimately obtained.
If the trial judge had recognized that it was
open to Alavida to use its trade-mark in any way within the scope of its
registration, he would have had to conclude that the actual use by Alavida did
not limit Alavida’s rights. Alavida was entitled to use the words in any
The problem with an analysis which takes into
account limited use becomes apparent by observing that the bare words
“Masterpiece Living” could be presented in many ways under the registration.
Nothing would prevent Alavida from altering its advertising to highlight the
word “Masterpiece” and give the word “Living” less prominence, just as
Masterpiece Inc. had done, or from changing the font or style of lettering that
it had used.
For this reason, it was incorrect in law to
limit consideration to Alavida’s post-application use of its trade-mark to find
a reduced likelihood of confusion. Actual use is not irrelevant, but it should
not be considered to the exclusion of potential uses within the registration.
For example, a subsequent use that is within the scope of a registration, and
is the same or very similar to an existing mark will show how that registered
mark may be used in a way that is confusing with an existing mark.
(6) The Requirement to Assess the
Unregistered Marks According to Their Actual Use
As for Masterpiece Inc., because its trade-marks
were unregistered on December 1, 2005, it may only rely on those trade-marks
that it had actually used and the trade-name under which it had been carrying
on business, and which had not been abandoned up to that date (see s. 17(1)).
There is no suggestion of abandonment in this case (transcript, at p. 17, lines
(7) The Resemblance Between the
Trade-Marks in Issue
In a case such as this, comparison can be
approached by considering only those characteristics that define the relevant trade-marks
or trade-name. It is only these elements that will allow consumers to
distinguish between the two trade-marks or between the trade-mark and the
trade-name. Here, because Alavida’s proposed trade-mark is only the words
“Masterpiece Living”, the difference between or similarity with each of
Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks and trade-name must be assessed only on the
basis of these words alone. In my opinion, Alavida’s “Masterpiece Living” is
closest to Masterpiece Inc.’s “Masterpiece the Art of Living”. I think that
comparing this Masterpiece Inc. trade-mark with the Alavida trade-mark is
decisive. If Alavida’s mark is not likely to cause confusion with this Masterpiece
Inc. mark, it is unnecessary to consider the other Masterpiece Inc. marks and
trade-name which are less similar to the Alavida trade-mark. Conversely, if
Alavida’s trade-mark is found to be likely to cause confusion with this
Masterpiece Inc. mark, it is unnecessary to test resemblance of its trade-mark
with other Masterpiece Inc. trade-marks or its trade-name, although they may be
relevant as part of the surrounding circumstances when likely confusion with
the “Masterpiece the Art of Living” trade-mark is considered.
Resemblance is defined as the quality of being
either like or similar; see Shorter Oxford English Dictionary on Historical
Principles (5th ed. 2002), at p. 2544, under the definition of “resemblance”.
The term “degree of resemblance” in s. 6(5) (e) of the Act implies that
likelihood of confusion does not arise solely from identical trade-marks.
“[D]egree of resemblance” recognizes that marks with some differences may still
result in likely confusion.
The first word in both Alavida’s and Masterpiece
Inc.’s trade-marks is the identical word “Masterpiece”. It has been held that
for purposes of distinctiveness, the first word is important (see Conde Nast
Publications Inc. v. Union des éditions modernes (1979), 46 C.P.R. (2d) 183
(F.C.T.D.), at p. 188, per Cattanach J.).
While the first word may, for purposes of
distinctiveness, be the most important in some cases, I think a preferable
approach is to first consider whether there is an aspect of the trade-mark that
is particularly striking or unique. Here there is nothing striking or unique
about the word “Living” or the words “the Art of Living”. “Masterpiece” is the
word that distinguishes Alavida and Masterpiece Inc. from other sources of
retirement residence services. It is a reasonable conclusion that
“Masterpiece” is the dominant word in these trade-marks, and it is obviously
identical as between Alavida and Masterpiece Inc. By the same token, in the
context of the retirement residence industry, the idea evoked by the word
“Masterpiece”, high quality retirement lifestyle, is the same for both Alavida
and Masterpiece Inc. Finally, the word “Living” is identical as between the
Alavida and Masterpiece Inc. trade-marks.
Given these striking similarities, it is, in my
respectful view, very difficult not to find a strong resemblance as a whole
between the two, Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks and Alavida’s trade-mark.
C. When Considering the “Nature of the Trade” Under Section
6(5) of the Act , What Effect Does the Nature and Cost of the Wares or Services
Have on the Confusion Analysis?
A further difficulty is the trial judge’s
consideration of the cost associated with a retirement residence. He found
that consumers in the market for a retirement residence will take more care and
ultimately will be less likely to be led astray by confusing trade-marks than
if they were in the market for less expensive wares or services. In taking
into account both the nature of the parties’ business under s. 6(5)(c)
and the “nature of the trade” under s. 6(5)(d), the trial judge wrote:
to the nature of the business, both companies operate in the area of expensive
retirement residences and services. People take considerable care in
choosing a residence and selecting the company that will provide it. In
these circumstances, consumers can be presumed to be less susceptible to
confusion about the source of the goods or services they are seeking because
they are unlikely to make choices based on first impressions. They will generally
take considerable time to inform themselves about the source of expensive
goods and services (General Motors Corp. v. Bellows, [1949] S.C.R. 678).
[Emphasis added; para. 43.]
This Court has affirmed that consumers in the
market for expensive goods may be less likely to be confused when they
encounter a trade-mark, but the test is still one of “first impression”. In
his reasons, the trial judge used the importance and cost of expensive goods
and services to change the likelihood of confusion test from one of first
impression of a trade-mark to a test of consumers being “unlikely to make
choices based on first impressions”. This approach is not consistent with the
test for confusion under s. 6(5) which has been consistently endorsed by this
Court, most recently in Veuve Clicquot.
While the hypothetical test for likelihood of
confusion must be applied in all situations, it is flexible enough to reflect
the observation of Binnie J. in Mattel, at para. 58:
buying a car or a refrigerator, more care will naturally be taken than when
buying a doll or a mid-priced meal . . . .
However, as one element of the broader
hypothetical test, this care or attention must relate to the attitude of the
consumer approaching an important or costly purchase when he or she encounters
the trade-mark, not to the research or inquiries or care that may subsequently
be taken. As Rand J. put it in General Motors Corp. v. Bellows, [1949]
S.C.R. 678, at p. 692:
Do the words then in that
situation [refrigerators] lend themselves to the errors of faint impression or
recollection of the average person who goes to their market? [Emphasis
The focus of this question is the attitude of a
consumer in the marketplace. Properly framed, consideration of the nature of
the wares, services or business should take into account that there may be a
lesser likelihood of trade-mark confusion where consumers are in the market for
expensive or important wares or services. The reduced likelihood of confusion
is still premised on the first impression of consumers when they encounter
the marks in question. Where they are shopping for expensive wares or services,
a consumer, while still having an imperfect recollection of a prior trade-mark,
is likely to be somewhat more alert and aware of the trade-mark associated with
the wares or services they are examining and its similarity or difference with
that of the prior trade-mark. A trade-mark, as Binnie J. observed in Mattel,
is a shortcut for consumers. That observation applies whether they are
shopping for more or less expensive wares or services.
It is not relevant that, as the trial judge
found, consumers are “unlikely to make choices based on first impressions” or
that they “will generally take considerable time to inform themselves about the
source of expensive goods and services” (para. 43). Both of these — subsequent
research or consequent purchase — occur after the consumer encounters a
mark in the marketplace.
This distinction is important because even with
this increased attentiveness, it may still be likely that a consumer shopping
for expensive goods and services will be confused by the trade-marks they
encounter. Careful research and deliberation may dispel any trade-mark confusion
that may have arisen. However, that cannot mean that consumers of expensive
goods, through their own caution and wariness, should lose the benefit of
trade-mark protection. It is confusion when they encounter the trade-marks
that is relevant. Careful research which may later remedy confusion does not
mean that no confusion ever existed or that it will not continue to exist in
the minds of consumers who did not carry out that research.
Indeed, before source confusion is
remedied, it may lead a consumer to seek out, consider or purchase the wares or
services from a source they previously had no awareness of or interest in.
Such diversion diminishes the value of the goodwill associated with the
trade-mark and business the consumer initially thought he or she was
encountering in seeing the trade-mark. Leading consumers astray in this way is
one of the evils that trade-mark law seeks to remedy. Consumers of expensive wares
or services and owners of the associated trade-marks are entitled to trade-mark
guidance and protection as much as those acquiring and selling inexpensive wares
or services.
For these reasons, it was an error to discount
the likelihood of confusion by considering what actions the consumer might take
after encountering a mark in the marketplace. The trial judge should have
instead limited his consideration to how a consumer, upon encountering the
Alavida mark in the marketplace, with an imperfect recollection of the
Masterpiece Inc. mark, would have reacted. Because consumers for expensive
retirement residence accommodation may be expected to pay somewhat more
attention when first encountering a trade-mark than consumers of less expensive
wares or services, cost is not irrelevant. However, in circumstances where a
strong resemblance suggests a likelihood of confusion, and the other s. 6(5)
factors do not point strongly against a likelihood of confusion, then the cost
is unlikely to lead to a different conclusion.
D. When Should Courts Take Into Account Expert Evidence in
Trade-Mark Confusion Cases?
(1) The Judge’s Role in Controlling the
Admission of Expert Evidence
Tendering expert evidence in trade-mark cases is
no different than tendering expert evidence in other contexts. This Court in R.
v. Mohan, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 9, set out four requirements to be met before
expert evidence is accepted in a trial: (a) relevance; (b) necessity in
assisting the trier of fact; (c) the absence of any exclusionary rule; and (d)
a properly qualified expert. In considering the standard for the second of
these requirements, “necessity”, the Court explained that an expert should not
be permitted to testify if their testimony is not “likely to be outside the
experience and knowledge of a judge”:
pre-condition is often expressed in terms as to whether the evidence would be
helpful to the trier of fact. The word “helpful” is not quite appropriate and
sets too low a standard. However, I would not judge necessity by too strict a
standard. What is required is that the opinion be necessary in the sense that
it provide information “which is likely to be outside the experience and
knowledge of a judge or jury”: as quoted by Dickson J. in R. v. Abbey,
supra. As stated by Dickson J., the evidence must be necessary to enable
the trier of fact to appreciate the matters in issue due to their technical
nature. [p. 23]
In light of the relatively extensive expert
evidence in this case, and the difficulties with the evidence that I discuss
below, I think it is timely to recall that litigation is costly. Courts must
fulfil their gatekeeper role to ensure that unnecessary, irrelevant and
potentially distracting expert and survey evidence is not allowed to extend and
complicate court proceedings. While this observation applies generally, I
focus particularly on trade-mark confusion cases, which is the subject of this
If a trial judge concludes that proposed expert
evidence is unnecessary or irrelevant or will distract from the issues to be
decided, he or she should disallow such evidence from being introduced. I will
also suggest that proposed expert and survey evidence be a matter for
consideration at the case management stage of proceedings so that if such
evidence would not be admissible at trial, much of the cost of engaging experts
and conducting surveys may be avoided. To explain my reasons, I turn to the
expert evidence in this case.
(2) The Expert Evidence in This Case Did Not
Assist With the Confusion Analysis
A significant part of the trial judgment, and
argument in this Court, was dedicated to the expert evidence submitted by the
parties. This evidence took two forms: expert testimony adduced by Alavida on
how a consumer is likely to react when presented with the trade-marks, and a
survey conducted by an expert for Masterpiece Inc. which was heavily critiqued
by an expert for Alavida.
It is apparent that the expert evidence on
either side was not particularly helpful. Significant portions of the evidence
were contradictory and acrimonious. In the result, these disputes appear to
have substantially distracted from the confusion analysis rather than assisting
The first problem was that much of the expert
testimony did not meet the second Mohan requirement of being necessary.
In a case such as this, where the “casual consumer” is not expected to be
particularly skilled or knowledgeable, and there is a resemblance between the
marks, expert evidence which simply assesses that resemblance will not
generally be necessary. And it will be positively unhelpful if the expert
engages in an analysis that distracts from the hypothetical question of
likelihood of confusion at the centre of the analysis.
The evidence of one of Alavida’s experts
consisted in part of a discussion of morphology, semantics, rules of grammar
and conventions of expression. This led him to conclude that in the case of
Alavida’s “Masterpiece Living” trade-mark, the focus of the mark is on life and
living, where living is the dominant element. On the other hand, in the case
of Masterpiece Inc.’s “Masterpiece the Art of Living”, his view was that
“Masterpiece” is the focal point which he thought reduced the likelihood of
I have considerable difficulty understanding how
this expert reached these conclusions on the basis of his analysis. If a
conclusion is rational, an expert must be able to explain the reasons for it.
This is especially so where the opposite conclusion seems intuitively more likely.
No such explanation was provided. The distinctive word is “Masterpiece” in
both cases, not “Living”. “Masterpiece” is the first word in each trade-mark.
The word “Living” appears in both the Masterpiece Inc. and Alavida
trade-marks. The idea of the trade-marks is the same. As discussed above, in
this case, it is apparent that in the retirement residence industry, Alavida’s
“Masterpiece Living” closely resembles Masterpiece Inc.’s “Masterpiece the Art
of Living”.
Neither an expert, nor a court, should tease out
and analyze each portion of a mark alone. Rather, it should consider the mark
as it is encountered by the consumer — as a whole, and as a matter of first
impression. In Ultravite Laboratories Ltd. v. Whitehall Laboratories Ltd.,
[1965] S.C.R. 734, Spence J., in deciding whether the words “DANDRESS” and
“RESDAN” for removal of dandruff were confusing, succinctly made the point, at
pp. 737-38: “[T]he test to be applied is with the average person who goes into
the market and not one skilled in semantics.”
However, considering a trade-mark as a whole
does not mean that a dominant component in a mark which would affect the
overall impression of an average consumer should be ignored: see esure
Insurance Ltd. v. Direct Line Insurance plc, 2008 EWCA Civ 842, [2008]
R.P.C. 34, at para. 45, per Arden L.J. This is because, while the
consumer looks at the mark as a whole, some aspect of the mark may be
particularly striking. That will be because that aspect is the most
distinctive part of the whole trade-mark. In this case, contrary to the view
of the expert, the most distinctive and dominant component of the marks in
issue is in all cases the word “Masterpiece” because it provides the content
and punch of the trade-mark. The word “Living” is bland by comparison.
Another difficulty with this expert evidence is
that it compared Masterpiece Inc.’s marks with Alavida’s trade-mark in the
format and font in which it was used by Alavida subsequent to December 1,
2005. The expert did not, as was necessary in this case, consider any other
presentation available to Alavida in accordance with its trade-mark
registration. For example, as discussed above, nothing would preclude Alavida
from using the same format and font as Masterpiece Inc. and giving prominence
to the word “Masterpiece” in the same manner as Masterpiece Inc. This may have
been what led the trial judge into the same error in concluding that the
subsequent use by Alavida of its trade-mark was sufficiently different from
Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks and trade-name that it would reduce the
likelihood of confusion.
Another problematic example in the expert
evidence relates to the expert’s reference to the cost and importance of the
goods or services in question. The expert expresses the opinion:
decision extend[s] from the shallow to the grave end of the decision spectrum,
consumers exert a higher degree of consumer care and attention, increase their
efforts to acquire information, engage in elaborate product search behaviours,
and judge competing offers with elevated levels of scrutiny. Most importantly,
as the degree of care exercised increases, the likelihood of confusion
decreases. [A.R., vol. II, at p. 75]
It is apparent that the expert was focusing on
points in time after the consumer first encountered the trade-mark. As I have
explained, subsequent research and care may unconfuse the consumer, but they do
not detract from the confusion relevant for purposes of the Trade-marks Act that
occurred when the consumer first encountered the trade-mark. The expert made
assumptions of law that were wrong, and his conclusions were therefore wrong.
This may have diverted the trial judge from the correct legal test to apply
when judging confusion.
In view of these and other difficulties with the
expert evidence in this case, I think it may be useful to comment generally on
the use of expert evidence in a confusion case. In doing so, I have found
guidance in the observations of Lord Diplock in General Electric Co. v. The
General Electric Co. Ltd., [1972] 2 All E.R. 507 (H.L.). He distinguished
between goods sold in a specialized market of sophisticated consumers engaged
in a particular trade, e.g., large industrial electrical machinery, on the one
hand, and those sold to the general public, on the other. Where the market is
specialized, evidence about the special knowledge or sophistication of the
targeted consumers may be essential to determining when confusion would be
likely to arise. However, where goods are sold to the general public for ordinary
use, he explained, at p. 515:
. . the question whether such buyers would be likely to be deceived or confused
by the use of the trade mark is a ‘jury question’. By that I mean that if the
issue had now, as formerly, to be tried by a jury, who as members of the
general public would themselves be potential buyers of the goods, they would be
required not only to consider any evidence of other members of the public which
had been adduced but also to use their own common sense and to consider whether
they would themselves be likely to be deceived or confused.
The question is not answered differently when
the issue is determined by a judge. Lord Diplock wrote, continuing at p. 515:
judge’s approach to the question should be the same as that of a jury. He,
too, would be a potential buyer of the goods. He should, of course, be alert
to the danger of allowing his own idiosyncratic knowledge or temperament to
influence his decision, but the whole of his training in the practice of the
law should have accustomed him to this, and this should provide the safety
which in the case of a jury is provided by their number. That in issues of
this kind judges are entitled to give effect to their own opinions as to the
likelihood of deception or confusion and, in doing so, are not confined to
the evidence of witnesses called at the trial is well established by decisions
of this House itself. [Emphasis added.]
In esure, the same concern and caution
was expressed about expert evidence of confusion. At para. 62, Arden L.J.
given that the critical issue of confusion of any kind is to be assessed from
the viewpoint of the average consumer, it is difficult to see what is gained
from the evidence of an expert as to his own opinion where the tribunal is in a
position to form its own view. That is not to say that there may not be a role
for an expert where the markets in question are ones with which judges are
unfamiliar . . . .
In Ultravite, Spence J. was quite
satisfied to express and apply his own view of the first impression of a
trade-mark on the average consumer. At p. 738, he stated:
expressing my view, I am putting myself in the position of the average person
going into the market to purchase a dandruff remover and hair tonic.
I would endorse these comments about expert
evidence and follow the approach of Spence J. in Ultravite, the House of
Lords in General Electric and the English Court of Appeal in esure.
In cases of wares or services being marketed to the general public, such as retirement
residences, judges should consider the marks at issue, each as a whole, but
having regard to the dominant or most striking or unique feature of the
trade-mark. They should use their own common sense, excluding influences of
their “own idiosyncratic knowledge or temperament” to determine whether the
casual consumer would be likely to be confused.
Surveys, on the other hand, have the potential
to provide empirical evidence which demonstrates consumer reactions in the
marketplace — exactly the question that the trial judge is addressing in a
confusion case. This evidence is not something which would be generally known
to a trial judge, and thus unlike some other expert evidence, it would not run
afoul of the second Mohan requirement that the evidence be necessary.
However, the use of survey evidence should still be applied with caution.
The use of consumer surveys in trade-mark cases
has been recognized as valid evidence to inform the confusion analysis. As
Binnie J. noted in Mattel, often the difficulty with survey evidence is
whether it meets the first of the Mohan requirements: relevance. At para.
45, he further divided the question of relevance into two sub-issues:
to the usefulness of the results, assuming they are elicited by a relevant
question, courts have more recently been receptive to such evidence, provided
the survey is both reliable (in the sense that if the survey were repeated
it would likely produce the same results) and valid (in the sense that
the right questions have been put to the right pool of respondents in the right
way, in the right circumstances to provide the information sought). [Emphasis
In Mattel, the survey at issue was found
to be invalid, as it did not address the likelihood of confusion, only a “mere
possibility, rather than a probability, of confusion” (para. 49). This was
because the survey asked consumers whether they thought that the company that
makes Barbie dolls “might have anything to do with” a restaurant
that used the trade-mark “Barbie’s” (para. 1 (emphasis in original)).
In this case, the problem is somewhat
different. Unlike Mattel, Masterpiece Inc. had not yet established a presence
in the community in which it operated. Thus, there were no casual or average
consumers with “imperfect recollection” of Masterpiece Inc.’s marks to test.
As a result, the survey was based on a series of questions that attempted to
establish a proxy for “imperfect recollection”, and only thereafter test how
such customers would react when exposed to the second mark. This is not asking
questions “in the right way, in the right circumstances” to elicit evidence of
how those with an imperfect recollection of Masterpiece Inc.’s marks
would react to Alavida’s proposed mark. For a survey to be valid, it seems elementary
that there must be some consumers who could have an imperfect recollection of
the first mark. Simulating an “imperfect recollection” through a series of
lead-up questions to consumers will rarely be seen as reliable and valid.
While I would not absolutely foreclose the
possibility that a party may devise a valid survey in a case where a trade-mark
user has not established a sufficient presence in the marketplace for consumers
to have formed an imperfect recollection of its trade-mark, I would venture
that it is highly unlikely that such a survey would meet the requirements of
reliability and validity.
I do not know the exact circumstances in which
the expert evidence was introduced in this case or what was requested of the
trial judge, and there is no suggestion that the trial judge erred in admitting
it. Nonetheless, I think it is apparent, particularly with respect to the
survey, that the evidence was of little assistance to the trial judge and
indeed distracted from the required confusion analysis.
Where parties propose to introduce expert
evidence, a trial judge should question the necessity and relevance of the
evidence having regard to the Mohan criteria before admitting it. As I
have already pointed out, if a trial judge concludes that the expert evidence
is unnecessary or will distract from the issues to be decided, he or she should
disallow such evidence from being introduced.
I would further suggest that it would be
salutary to have a case management judge assess the admissibility and
usefulness of proposed expert and survey evidence at an early stage so as to
avoid large expenditures of resources on evidence of little utility.
As I have said, I do not know the exact
pre-trial procedures in this case or whether the Federal Court generally
includes the scope and methodology of proposed surveys within the case
management process in trade-mark confusion cases. However, in making this
recommendation I have had regard to a similar recommendation made by Arden
L.J., at para. 63 of esure, where she observed that surveys can be
costly and sometimes based on wrong questions and produce irrelevant or
unhelpful responses, precisely the difficulty with the survey in this case. I
have had regard to her recommendation for case management direction on proposed
surveys in making the recommendation outlined above. As she explained, at
para. 64:
object of referring to this developing practice [case management directions] is
to give it wider publicity and to encourage practitioners in this field to use
this mechanism, so that any waste of costs and court resources is minimised.
My object is the same.
VII. The Confusion Analysis
The determination of whether a likelihood of
source confusion exists is a fact-finding and inference-drawing exercise, and
thus, appellate courts should generally defer to the trial judge’s fact
findings and inferences, unless the facts and inferences were based on an error
of law or constituted a palpable or overriding error of fact: Housen v.
Nikolaisen, 2002 SCC 33, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235.
In this case, three errors of law have been
identified in the interpretation and application of the confusion analysis
conducted by the trial judge. It is now necessary to consider whether the
matter should be remitted to the trial judge for redetermination in accordance
with these reasons, or whether this Court should make a fresh assessment of the
evidence. In Hollis v. Dow Corning Corp., [1995] 4 S.C.R. 634, at para.
33, this Court found:
is well established that appellate courts have the jurisdiction to make a fresh
assessment of the evidence on the record where they deem such an assessment to
be in the interests of justice and feasible on a practical level . . . .
In Hollis, the
“bulk of the critical evidence adduced at trial was documentary, not
testimonial” which made the reassessment feasible. Here, this Court has a
similarly complete record on which to make a redetermination, having concluded
that the expert evidence was of little or no use to the issue of confusion. In
order to avoid further protracting the proceedings between these parties, I
believe that the interests of justice would be served by this Court finally
deciding the matter.
Without repeating the findings above, there is
no doubt that there is a strong resemblance between Masterpiece Inc.’s
trade-mark, “Masterpiece the Art of Living” and Alavida’s trade-mark,
“Masterpiece Living”. In my opinion, a casual consumer observing the Alavida
trade-mark and having no more than an imperfect recollection of Masterpiece
Inc.’s trade-mark would likely be confused into thinking that the source of the
services associated with the Alavida trade-mark was one and the same as the
source of the services associated with the Masterpiece Inc. trade-mark. The question
now is whether any of the other circumstances reduce this likelihood of
confusion to the point that confusion is not likely to occur.
As to the cost and importance of retirement
residence services, such considerations are relevant. However, in view of the
close resemblance between the marks, even a consumer in the market for
relatively expensive retirement residence accommodation would not likely
recognize that Alavida’s “Masterpiece Living” signified a different source than
Masterpiece Inc.’s “Masterpiece the Art of Living”. The ideas conveyed by both
companies’ marks are the same. Looking at the marks as a whole and the
dominant word “Masterpiece” in particular, there is little to dispel the
consumer from thinking that the source of the marks was the same.
As to the nature of the wares, services or
businesses, Alavida has argued that the services it sought to provide were
“up-market” while Masterpiece Inc. only provided “middle-market” services. This
parsing of the services is too narrow. Alavida’s registration provides:
estate development services, real estate management services, residential
building construction services, dining services namely a dining room
restaurant, housekeeping services, medical services namely medical clinic services,
spa services, fitness services namely a fitness centre and concierge services.
[R.R., vol. I, at p. 210]
Nothing in this registration limits Alavida to
the “up-market”. Its registration would entitle it to use its trade-mark in
the exact same market as that serviced by Masterpiece Inc. For the purpose of
a confusion analysis, the services provided by the parties are essentially the
same — retirement residence services. There is no justification for subdividing
between “up-market” and “middle-market”. Consideration of the nature of the
services involved, in my view, enhances the likelihood of confusion for the
casual consumer.
The trial judge found that while the term
“Masterpiece” is a common word with wide use in describing goods and services,
its use in the retirement residence industry is somewhat distinctive in the
sense that it is intended to distinguish the retirement residence services
provided by its owner from the retirement residence services provided by
others. I agree with that finding.
As for acquired distinctiveness, the trial judge
found that at the time the application was made, neither Masterpiece Inc. nor
any of its trade-marks were particularly well known. While the evidence
presented by Masterpiece Inc. was sufficient to establish that there had been
use of its trade-name and trade-marks, including “Masterpiece the Art of
Living”, for the purposes of the Act , it did not rise to the level of
demonstrating any acquired distinctiveness. I agree with the trial judge.
Finally, there is another potentially relevant
surrounding circumstance. As explained at para. 11 above, not long after
Alavida’s application, Masterpiece Inc. applied to register both “Masterpiece”
as well as “Masterpiece Living” for retirement residence services. These
applications were rejected by the Registrar of Trade-Marks because of Alavida’s
existing application.
This refusal was founded on the observation that
each of these marks submitted by Masterpiece Inc. was confusingly
similar to Alavida’s proposed registration. For purposes of the confusion
analysis in this case, Masterpiece Inc.’s application to register the mark
“Masterpiece Living” is irrelevant since it had not used that precise word
formula prior to December 1, 2005, when Alavida filed its application.
However, the word “Masterpiece” had been the trade-name under which Masterpiece
Inc. had carried on business prior to that date, and it was the dominant part
of the “Masterpiece the Art of Living” trade-mark.
Despite the fact that the trial judge noted the
rejection of Masterpiece Inc.’s applications at the outset of his reasons,
there is no indication that this evidence was taken into account in his
confusion analysis. It is true that the trial judge was not conducting an
appeal or judicial review of the reasonableness of the decision of the
Registrar, owed no deference to the Registrar’s decision and was certainly not
bound by it. However, as a relevant surrounding circumstance under s. 6(5), I
am of the opinion that the trial judge should have acknowledged the Registrar’s
finding, which was diametrically opposite to his conclusion, in weighing the
evidence before him. The Registrar’s decision supports a finding of likelihood
of confusion between Alavida’s trade-mark and Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-name,
and thus the “Masterpiece the Art of Living” trade-mark.
VIII. Conclusion
Consideration of all the circumstances of the
case, including the factors set out in s. 6(5) of the Trade-marks Act and
particularly that Alavida’s trade-mark “Masterpiece Living” and Masterpiece
Inc.’s “Masterpiece the Art of Living” are very similar, leads to a finding
that Masterpiece Inc. has proven that the use of Alavida’s trade-mark in the
same area as those of Masterpiece Inc.’s would be likely to lead to the
inference that the services associated with Masterpiece Inc.’s trade-marks were
being performed by Alavida.
Because Masterpiece Inc.’s use preceded
Alavida’s proposed use, Alavida was not entitled under s. 16(3) to registration
of its trade-mark. As a result, Alavida was not “the person entitled to secure
the registration” of its trade-mark under s. 18(1) and this ground of
invalidity has been made out. I would therefore allow the appeal with costs
here and below and, pursuant to s. 57(1) of the Trade-marks Act , I would
order the Registrar to expunge this registration from the register of
Trade-marks Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. T-13
2. In this Act ,
. . .
“confusing”, when applied as an adjective to a trade-mark or trade-name, means
a trade-mark or trade-name the use of which would cause confusion in the manner
and circumstances described in section 6 ;
. . .
“distinctive”, in relation to a trade-mark,
means a trade-mark that actually distinguishes the wares or services in
association with which it is used by its owner from the wares or services of others
or is adapted so to distinguish them;
. . .
“proposed trade-mark” means a mark that is proposed
to be used by a person for the purpose of distinguishing or so as to
distinguish wares or services manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by
him from those manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by others;
. . .
“register” means the register kept under section
. . .
“registered trade-mark” means a trade-mark that
is on the register;
. . .
“Registrar” means the Registrar of Trade-marks appointed
under section 63;
. . .
“trade-mark” means
(a) a
mark that is used by a person for the purpose of distinguishing or so as to
distinguish wares or services manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by
him from those manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by others,
(b) a
certification mark,
(c) a
distinguishing guise, or
(d) a
proposed trade-mark;
“trade-name” means the name under which any business
is carried on, whether or not it is the name of a corporation, a partnership or
an individual;
“use”, in relation to a trade-mark, means any use
that by section 4 is deemed to be a use in association with wares or services;
. . .
4. (1) A
trade-mark is deemed to be used in association with wares if, at the time of
the transfer of the property in or possession of the wares, in the normal
course of trade, it is marked on the wares themselves or on the packages in
which they are distributed or it is in any other manner so associated with the
wares that notice of the association is then given to the person to whom the
property or possession is transferred.
(2) A trade-mark is deemed to be used
in association with services if it is used or displayed in the performance or
advertising of those services.
(3) A trade-mark that is marked in
Canada on wares or on the packages in which they are contained is, when the
wares are exported from Canada, deemed to be used in Canada in association with
those wares.
6. (1) For
the purposes of this Act , a trade-mark or trade-name is confusing with another trade-mark
or trade-name if the use of the first mentioned trade-mark or trade-name would cause
confusion with the last mentioned trade-mark or trade-name in the manner and
circumstances described in this section.
(2) The use of a trade-mark causes
confusion with another trade-mark if the use of both trade-marks in the same
area would be likely to lead to the inference that the wares or services associated
with those trade-marks are manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by
the same person, whether or not the wares or services are of the same general
(3) The use of a trade-mark causes
confusion with a trade-name if the use of both the trade-mark and trade-name in
the same area would be likely to lead to the inference that the wares or
services associated with the trade-mark and those associated with the business carried
on under the trade-name are manufactured, sold, leased, hired or performed by
the same person, whether or not the wares or services are of the same general
(4) The use of a trade-name causes
confusion with a trade-mark if the use of both the trade-name and trade-mark in
the same area would be likely to lead to the inference that the wares or
services associated with the business carried on under the trade-name and those
associated with the trade-mark are manufactured, sold, leased, hired or
performed by the same person, whether or not the wares or services are of the
same general class.
(5) In determining whether
trade-marks or trade-names are confusing, the court or the Registrar, as the
case may be, shall have regard to all the surrounding circumstances including
(a) the
inherent distinctiveness of the trade-marks or trade-names and the extent to which
they have become known;
(b) the
length of time the trade-marks or trade-names have been in use;
(c) the
nature of the wares, services or business;
(d) the
nature of the trade; and
(e) the
degree of resemblance between the trade-marks or trade-names in appearance or sound
or in the ideas suggested by them.
16. (1) Any
applicant who has filed an application in accordance with section 30 for
registration of a trade-mark that is registrable and that he or his predecessor
in title has used in Canada or made known in Canada in association with wares
or services is entitled, subject to section 38, to secure its registration in
respect of those wares or services, unless at the date on which he or his
predecessor in title first so used it or made it known it was confusing with
(a) a
trade-mark that had been previously used in Canada or made known in Canada by any
other person;
(b) a
trade-mark in respect of which an application for registration had been
previously filed in Canada by any other person; or
(c) a
trade-name that had been previously used in Canada by any other person.
. . .
(3) Any applicant who has filed an
application in accordance with section 30 for registration of a proposed
trade-mark that is registrable is entitled, subject to sections 38 and 40 , to
secure its registration in respect of the wares or services specified in the
application, unless at the date of filing of the application it was confusing
(a) a
trade-mark that had been previously used in Canada or made known in Canada by any
other person;
(b) a
trade-mark in respect of which an application for registration had been
previously filed in Canada by any other person; or
(c) a
trade-name that had been previously used in Canada by any other person.
. . .
17. (1) No
application for registration of a trade-mark that has been advertised in
accordance with section 37 shall be refused and no registration of a trade-mark
shall be expunged or amended or held invalid on the ground of any previous use
or making known of a confusing trade-mark or trade-name by a person other than
the applicant for that registration or his predecessor in title, except at the
instance of that other person or his successor in title, and the burden lies on
that other person or his successor to establish that he had not abandoned the
confusing trade-mark or trade-name at the date of advertisement of the
applicant’s application.
(2) In proceedings commenced after
the expiration of five years from the date of registration of a trade-mark or
from July 1, 1954, whichever is the later, no registration shall be expunged or
amended or held invalid on the ground of the previous use or making known referred
to in subsection (1), unless it is established that the person who adopted the
registered trade-mark in Canada did so with knowledge of that previous use or
making known.
18. (1) The
registration of a trade-mark is invalid if
(a) the
trade-mark was not registerable at the date of registration,
(b) the
trade-mark is not distinctive at the time proceedings bringing the validity of
the registration into question are commenced, or
(c) the
trade-mark has been abandoned,
and subject to section 17 , it is invalid if the
applicant for registration was not the person entitled to secure the
(2) No registration of a trade-mark
that had been so used in Canada by the registrant or his predecessor in title
as to have become distinctive at the date of registration shall be held invalid
merely on the ground that evidence of the distinctiveness was not submitted to
the competent authority or tribunal before the grant of the registration.
19. Subject
to sections 21 , 32 and 67 , the registration of a trade-mark in respect of any wares
or services, unless shown to be invalid, gives to the owner of the trade-mark
the exclusive right to the use throughout Canada of the trade-mark in respect
of those wares or services.
20. (1) The
right of the owner of a registered trade-mark to its exclusive use shall be deemed
to be infringed by a person not entitled to its use under this Act who sells,
distributes or advertises wares or services in association with a confusing
trade-mark or trade-name, but no registration of a trade-mark prevents a person
from making
(a) any
bona fide use of his personal name as a trade-name, or
(b) any
bona fide use, other than as a trade-mark,
(i) of
the geographical name of his place of business, or
(ii) of
any accurate description of the character or quality of his wares or services,
in such a manner as is not likely to have the
effect of depreciating the value of the goodwill attaching to the trade-mark.
(2) No registration of a trade-mark
prevents a person from making any use of any of the indications mentioned in
subsection 11.18(3) in association with a wine or any of the indications mentioned
in subsection 11.18(4) in association with a spirit.
21. (1)
Where, in any proceedings respecting a registered trade-mark the registration
of which is entitled to the protection of subsection 17(2), it is made to
appear to the Federal Court that one of the parties to the proceedings, other than
the registered owner of the trade-mark, had in good faith used a confusing
trade-mark or trade-name in Canada before the date of filing of the application
for that registration, and the Court considers that it is not contrary to the public
interest that the continued use of the confusing trade-mark or trade-name
should be permitted in a defined territorial area concurrently with the use of
the registered trade-mark, the Court may, subject to such terms as it deems
just, order that the other party may continue to use the confusing trade-mark
or trade-name within that area with an adequate specified distinction from the
registered trade-mark.
(2) The rights conferred by an order
made under subsection (1) take effect only if, within three months from its
date, the other party makes application to the Registrar to enter it on the
register in connection with the registration of the registered trade-mark.
30. An
applicant for the registration of a trade-mark shall file with the Registrar an
application containing
(a) a
statement in ordinary commercial terms of the specific wares or services in
association with which the mark has been or is proposed to be used;
(b) in
the case of a trade-mark that has been used in Canada, the date from which the
applicant or his named predecessors in title, if any, have so used the
trade-mark in association with each of the general classes of wares or services
described in the application;
(c) in
the case of a trade-mark that has not been used in Canada but is made known in
Canada, the name of a country of the Union in which it has been used by the
applicant or his named predecessors in title, if any, and the date from and the
manner in which the applicant or named predecessors in title have made it known
in Canada in association with each of the general classes of wares or services
described in the application;
(d) in
the case of a trade-mark that is the subject in or for another country of the
Union of a registration or an application for registration by the applicant or
the applicant’s named predecessor in title on which the applicant bases the
applicant’s right to registration, particulars of the application or
registration and, if the trade-mark has neither been used in Canada nor made
known in Canada, the name of a country in which the trade-mark has been used by
the applicant or the applicant’s named predecessor in title, if any, in
association with each of the general classes of wares or services described in
the application;
(e) in
the case of a proposed trade-mark, a statement that the applicant, by itself or
through a licensee, or by itself and through a licensee, intends to use the
trade-mark in Canada;
(f) in
the case of a certification mark, particulars of the defined standard that the
use of the mark is intended to indicate and a statement that the applicant is
not engaged in the manufacture, sale, leasing or hiring of wares or the
performance of services such as those in association with which the
certification mark is used;
(g) the
address of the applicant’s principal office or place of business in Canada, if
any, and if the applicant has no office or place of business in Canada, the
address of his principal office or place of business abroad and the name and address
in Canada of a person or firm to whom any notice in respect of the application
or registration may be sent, and on whom service of any proceedings in respect
of the application or registration may be given or served with the same effect
as if they had been given to or served on the applicant or registrant himself;
(h) unless
the application is for the registration only of a word or words not depicted in
a special form, a drawing of the trade-mark and such number of accurate
representations of the trade-mark as may be prescribed; and
(i) a
statement that the applicant is satisfied that he is entitled to use the
trade-mark in Canada in association with the wares or services described in the
35. The
Registrar may require an applicant for registration of a trade-mark to disclaim
the right to the exclusive use apart from the trade-mark of such portion of the
trade-mark as is not independently registrable, but the disclaimer does not
prejudice or affect the applicant’s rights then existing or thereafter arising
in the disclaimed matter, nor does the disclaimer prejudice or affect the
applicant’s right to registration on a subsequent application if the disclaimed
matter has then become distinctive of the applicant’s wares or services.
40. (1) When
an application for registration of a trade-mark, other than a proposed
trade-mark, is allowed, the Registrar shall register the trade-mark and issue a
certificate of its registration.
(2) When an application for
registration of a proposed trade-mark is allowed, the Registrar shall give
notice to the applicant accordingly and shall register the trade-mark and issue
a certificate of registration on receipt of a declaration that the use of the
trade-mark in Canada, in association with the wares or services specified in
the application, has been commenced by
(a) the
(b) the
applicant’s successor in title; or
(c) an
entity that is licensed by or with the authority of the applicant to use the
trade-mark, if the applicant has direct or indirect control of the character or
quality of the wares or services.
. . .
57. (1) The Federal Court has exclusive original jurisdiction, on the
application of the Registrar or of any person interested, to order that any
entry in the register be struck out or amended on the ground that at the date
of the application the entry as it appears on the register does not accurately
express or define the existing rights of the person appearing to be the registered
owner of the mark.
Appeal allowed with costs.
Solicitors for the
appellant: MacLeod Dixon, Calgary; Gowling Lafleur Henderson,
Solicitors for the
respondent: MBM Intellectual Property Law, Ottawa.
Solicitors for the
intervener: Bereskin & Parr, Toronto.