Application of draft s. 93.3 is ambiguous where an LLC agreement already provides for “shares”
26 August 2014 - 10:25pm
Draft s. 93.3 deems an LLC "that does not have capital divided into shares" to have one or more classes of shares, and 2014-0522971C6 sets out a methodology for determining the number and attributes of the deemed classes of shares. Barnicke and Huynh suggest that where the LLC agreement has purported to divide the member interests into shares, it is unclear whether taxpayers are required to go through such methodology to potentially arrive at a deemed share structure which might depart from that set out in the agreement.
Neal Armstrong. Summary of Paul Barnicke and Melanie Huynh, "Deemed Shares in a US LLC," Canadian Tax Highlights, Vol. 22, August 2014, p. 8 under s. 93.3.