Hamlyn,
T.C.J.:—This
appeal
involves
assessments
of
taxes
payable
by
the
appellant
for
the
1983,
and
taxation
years.
The
Minister
of
National
Revenue
assessed
on
the
basis
that
an
amount
due
from
shareholders
was
a
deemed
dividend
paid
to
non-residents
under
paragraph
214(3)(a)
and
that
withholding
tax
was
exigible
under
subsection
212(2)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,
R.S.C.
1952,
c.
(am.
S.C.
1970-71-72,
c.
63)
(the
"Act").
The
appellant
is
a
body
corporate,
duly
organized
under
the
laws
of
Newfoundland.
During
the
years
in
question
the
appellant
caused
funds
to
be
advanced
on
behalf
of
two
shareholders
of
the
appellant,
Margaret
Lake
and
Spencer
Lake.
For
the
years
in
question
Margaret
Lake
was
not
a
resident
of
Canada.
For
the
years
and
only,
Spencer
Lake
was
also
not
a
resident
of
Canada.
The
appellant
ceased
operations
in
1983.
Thereafter
advances
were
made
to
the
shareholders.
On
July
26,
the
company
commenced
a
voluntary
winding
up
under
the
Companies
Act,
R.S.N.,
c.
and
a
liquidator
was
appointed
for
the
purpose
of
winding
up
the
affairs
of
the
company
and
distributing
the
property.
At
the
commencement
of
the
appeal
certain
assumptions
of
the
Minister
of
National
Revenue
were
accepted
by
the
appellant.
(b)
At
all
material
times,
Margaret
Lake
and
Spencer
Lake
were
shareholders
and
directors
of
the
appellant;
(c)
In
1983,
and
1985,
Margaret
Lake
and
Spencer
Lake
received
loans
from
the
appellant
as
follows:
Year
|
Margaret
Lake
|
Spencer
Lake
|
|
$43,148.00
|
$49,869.00
|
|
34,399.00
|
34,399.00
|
|
237.00
|
236.00
|
(d)
In
1983,
Spencer
Lake
was
a
resident
of
Canada;
|
|
(e)
In
and
1985,
Spencer
Lake
was
a
resident
of
the
United
States;
(f)
In
1983,
and
1985,
Margaret
Lake
was
a
resident
of
the
United
States;
(j)
In
1983,
and
1985,
the
appellant
did
not
deduct
or
withhold
a
non-resident
tax
from
the
amounts
paid
to
Margaret
Lake
and
Spencer
Lake
and
referred
to
in
paragraph
4(c);
(k)
In
1985,
the
appellant
made
a
payment
of
a
taxable
dividend
to
Margaret
Lake
and
Spencer
Lake
in
the
amount
of
$225,000
and
$225,000,
respectively;
(I)
The
appellant
made
the
payment
referred
to
in
paragraph
4(k)
from
a
term
deposit
in
the
amount
of
$450,000
and
from
retained
earnings
reported
in
December
31,
in
the
amount
of
$456,956;
(m)
In
1985,
the
appellant
witheld
a
non-resident
tax
from
the
amounts
paid
to
Margaret
Lake
and
Spencer
Lake
and
referred
to
in
paragraph
5(k).
At
the
commencement
of
the
hearing
the
appellant
conceded
that
the
assessment
in
relation
to
Margaret
Lake
for
was
correct
and
the
appellant
also
conceded
that
the
characterization
of
the
advances
in
and
were
loans
to
shareholders.
The
sole
issue
was
whether
the
loans
to
shareholders
had
been
repaid
within
one
year
from
the
end
of
the
taxation
year
of
the
appellants
in
which
the
debt
occurred,
pursuant
to
paragraph
15(2)(b).
The
viva
voce
evidence
tendered
was
by
way
of
Russell
Pelley,
C.A.,
the
appointed
liquidator
of
Burgeo
Trawlers
Ltd.
At
a
meeting
of
shareholders
on
July
26,
1985,
it
was
decided
that
the
capital
of
the
shareholders
would
be
returned
to
the
shareholders
and
that
this
capital
return
would
be
offset
against
advances
to
shareholders.
The
witness
tendered
a
document
in
his
own
handwriting
on
his
stationery
that
evidenced
this
decision.
Also
the
witness
tendered
the
working
papers
of
himself
as
the
liquidator
(dated
November
1,
1985)
in
which
the
entry
reflected
this
decision.
The
Minister
tendered
a
document
sent
to
Revenue
Canada
by
the
liquidator
which
indicated
the
decision
was
a
proposal
only.
This
document
was
dated
in
1986.
The
issue
was
therefore:
Was
the
decision
of
the
shareholders
a
reality
or
was
it
only
a
proposal?
The
evidence
clearly
indicates
a
decision
was
made
and
it
was
carried
forth
by
virtue
of
the
notation
of
the
liquidator
and
the
entry
in
the
working
papers.
The
letter
to
Revenue
Canada
was
an
inquiry
only
and
as
such
was
not
the
financial
records
of
the
company.
The
advances
made
in
and
were
loans
to
shareholders
and
they
were
repaid
within
one
year
from
the
end
of
the
taxation
year
of
the
appellant
in
which
the
debt
occurred
by
the
offsetting
entries
of
reduction
of
capital
of
the
shareholders.
The
appeal
is
therefore
allowed
for
the
transaction
involving
the
years
and
in
relation
to
the
shareholders'
loans
and
the
reduction
of
capital.
The
appeal
is
dismissed
in
relation
to
the
transactions
involving
shareholders'
loans
for
1983.
Success
being
divided
there
will
be
no
order
as
to
costs.
Appeal
allowed
in
part.