McDonald
J.A.:
The
issue
to
be
decided
in
this
case
is
whether
a
taxpayer
can
claim
an
allowable
capital
loss
pursuant
to
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
(the
“Act”)
for
losses
incurred
on
interest-free
loans
issued
to
a
corporation
for
the
purpose
of
earning
dividend
income.
Facts
At
all
material
times,
the
Respondent
was
a
resident
of
Canada
for
the
purposes
of
the
Income
Tax
Act.
In
the
early
1970’s,
the
Respondent
left
the
employ
of
a
major,
multinational
oil
company
to
start
an
oilfield
consulting,
maintenance
and
construction
company,
Byram
Industrial
Services
Ltd.
(“BISL”).
carries
on
business
in
Alberta.
At
all
material
times,
the
only
shareholders
and
managers
of
were
the
Respondent
and
members
of
his
immediate
family.
In
1979,
the
Respondent
incorporated
a
company
now
known
as
Elkhound
Resources
Ltd.
(“ERL”).
was
involved
in
the
exploration
and
development
of
oil
and
gas
in
Alberta.
From
the
time
of
its
incorporation
to
the
end
of
February
1984,
the
only
shareholders
of
were
the
Respondent,
his
wife
and
At
the
end
of
February
1984,
Ken
Byram,
one
of
the
Respondent’s
sons,
became
the
sole
shareholder
of
By
1981,
the
Respondent
held
shares
in
at
least
five
private
companies
involved
in
oilfield
consulting,
maintenance
and
construction.
In
response
to
the
announcement
of
the
National
Energy
Program
in
1981,
the
Respondent
decided
to
diversify
his
operations
and
expand
into
the
United
States.
In
March
1981,
he
incorporated
Elkhound
Resources
Inc.
(“USCO”)
in
Kansas.
From
March
to
April
1981,
the
Respondent
and
Ken
Byram
were
the
only
shareholders
of
From
April
to
April
1982,
was
the
sole
shareholder
of
From
April
until
trial,
the
Respondent,
his
wife
and
Ken
Byram
were
the
only
shareholders
of
The
Respondent
has
been
an
officer
and
director
of
since
its
incorporation.
On
June
I,
1981,
acquired
oil
and
gas
rights
in
Kansas
(the
“Kansas
Property”).
The
purchase
of
this
property
was
financed
entirely
by
debt
owing
to
the
vendor
(the
“Greers”)
and
the
Royal
Bank
of
Canada
(Portland
Branch).
Following
the
purchase,
was
unable
to
borrow
any
additional
funds.
Accordingly,
the
Respondent
made
nine
interest-free
loans
to
from
March
to
October
1982,
totalling
$336,799.15,
in
order
to
finance
the
operations
of
the
company
and
the
development
of
the
Kansas
Property.
None
of
these
loans
were
reduced
to
writing.
Four
loans,
totalling
$115,
417.55,
were
made
while
the
Respondent
was
a
shareholder
of
Five
loans,
totalling
$221,381.60,
were
made
while
was
the
sole
shareholder
of
On
December
28,
1984,
the
Respondent
sold
these
loans
to
Avalie
Peck,
an
employee
of
for
$1.00.
On
his
Canadian
tax
return,
the
Respondent
reported
and
claimed
$168,400
under
paragraph
38(b)
of
the
Act
as
an
allowable
capital
loss
in
respect
of
the
disposition
of
the
loans.
He
used
$109,463.50
of
this
loss
to
completely
offset
a
taxable
capital
gain
claimed
in
respect
of
the
redemption
of
shares
that
year.
He
also
claimed
$2,000
of
the
loss
as
a
deduction
against
other
income
in
pursuant
to
paragraph
111(1
)(b)
of
the
Act.
The
remainder
of
the
loss
was
claimed
as
deductions
against
other
income
pursuant
to
paragraphs
(8)(a)
and
(
)(b)
of
the
Act
in
the
following
manner:
(a)
$13,481
in
1982;
(b)
$2,000
in
1983;
(c)
$2,000
in
1985;
and
(d)
$21,629
in
1986.
By
five
Notices
of
Reassessment
dated
June
28,
(the
“Reassessments”),
the
Minister
denied
the
Respondent’s
loss
as
claimed,
including
the
offset
and
deductions
claimed
in
respect
of
his
to
taxation
years.
The
Minister
denied
the
loss
on
the
grounds
that
it
was
not
in
respect
of
the
disposition
of
a
debt
or
other
right
to
receive
an
amount
that
had
been
acquired
by
the
Respondent
for
the
purposes
of
earning
income
from
a
business
or
property,
within
the
meaning
of
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii)
of
the
Act.
Accordingly,
for
the
purpose
of
section
3,
the
Respondent
had
no
allowable
capital
loss
as
defined
in
paragraph
38(b)
and
no
net
capital
loss
for
his
taxation
year
under
paragraph
(8)(a)
or
for
the
calculation
of
taxable
income
for
his
1982,
1983,
and
taxation
years
under
paragraph
111(1
)(b).
The
Respondent
objected
to
the
reassessments
but
they
were
confirmed
on
March
30,1989.
The
Respondent
initiated
separate
proceedings
in
the
Trial
Division
appealing
each
Reassessment.
The
actions
were
consolidated
for
trial.
The
Trial
Judge
allowed
the
appeals,
set
aside
the
Reassessments
and
referred
the
matter
back
to
the
Minister.
The
Crown
appeals
to
this
Court.
Analysis
It
is
not
disputed
that
the
Respondent
issued
interest-free
loans
to
for
the
purpose
of
earning
income
in
the
form
of
dividends
from
the
company.
The
Appellant,
the
Crown
admits
that,
in
a
broad
sense,
the
disputed
loan
was
a
device
for
financing
the
operations
of
and
that
the
expected
return
from
the
loan
is
through
dividend
income.
The
Appellant
argues
that
by
allowing
the
anticipation
of
increased
dividends
to
satisfy
the
test
under
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii)
the
Court
has
ignored
the
“separate
entities”
principle
of
corporate
law,
and
the
“individual
unit”
and
“source”
basis
of
our
income
tax
system.
Furthermore,
the
Appellant
submits
that
the
Supreme
Court
of
Canada
established,
in
Bronfman
Trust
v.
/?.,
that
loans
must
produce
an
independent
income
stream
for
the
taxpayer,
through
interest
or
fees,
before
any
losses
occasioned
by
such
loans
are
deductible
under
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii).
With
respect,
cannot
agree.
Bronfman
dealt
with
the
deductibility
of
interest
under
paragraph
20(1
)(c)
of
the
Act.
The
relevant
portions
of
section
read
as
follows:
(1)
Notwithstanding
paragraphs
18(1)(a),
(b)
and
(h),
in
computing
a
taxpayer's
income
for
a
taxation
year
from
a
business
or
property,
there
may
be
applicable
to
that
source
or
such
part
of
the
following
amounts
as
may
reasonably
be
regarded
as
applicable
thereto:...
(c)
an
amount
paid
in
the
year
or
payable
in
respect
of
the
year
(depending
upon
the
method
regularly
followed
by
the
taxpayer
in
computing
his
income),
pursuant
to
a
legal
obligation
to
pay
interest
on
(i)
borrowed
money
used
for
the
purpose
of
earning
income
from
a
business
or
property...
[emphasis
added]
Subparagraph
20(l)(c)(i)
allows
for
the
deduction
of
interest
where
money
is
borrowed
and
then
used
for
the
purpose
of
earning
income
from
business
or
property.
In
Bronfman,
the
Court
held
that
the
application
of
paragraph
20(1
)(c)
requires
an
examination
and
characterization
of
both
the
use
of
the
borrowed
money
and
the
purpose
behind
such
use.
For
a
taxpayer
to
deduct
interest
under
this
section,
the
purpose
of
borrowing
the
money
must
have
been
to
earn
income
and
the
borrowed
money
had
to
be
directly
used
in
an
eligible
manner
to
produce
this
income.
In
contrast,
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii)
of
the
Act
provides
that
any
capital
loss
from
the
disposition
of
a
debt
is
deemed
to
be
nil,
unless
the
debt
was
acquired
for
the
purpose
of
gaining
or
producing
income
from
a
business
or
property.
The
relevant
portions
of
this
section
read
as
follows:
40.(2)
(g)
a
taxpayer’s
loss,
if
any,
from
the
disposition
of
property,
to
the
extent
that
it
is...
(ii)
a
loss
from
the
disposition
of
a
debt
or
other
right
to
receive
an
amount,
unless
the
debt
or
right,
as
the
case
may
be,
was
acquired
for
the
purpose
of
gaining
or
producing
income
from
a
business
or
property
(other
than
exempt
income)
or
as
consideration
for
the
disposition
of
capital
property
to
a
person
with
whom
the
taxpayer
was
dealing
at
arm’s
length,
...
is
nil.
Unlike
paragraph
20(1)(c)
this
section
only
requires
a
single
stage
inquiry,
namely
what
was
the
purpose
for
acquiring
the
debt.
The
two
stage
inquiry
laid
down
in
Bronfman
clearly
indicates
that
there
is
a
distinction
between
use
and
purpose.
Therefore,
while
there
are
some
similarities
in
the
general
language
of
paragraph
20(1)(c)
and
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii),
it
is
significant
that
section
does
not
contain
a
“source”
directed
preamble
nor
does
it
refer
to
use
as
well
as
purpose.
Accordingly,
it
would
be
wholly
inappropriate
to
apply
the
direct/indirect
use
limitation
imposed
in
Bronfman
to
this
section.
The
language
of
section
is
clear.
The
issue
is
not
the
use
of
the
debt,
but
rather
the
purpose
for
which
it
was
acquired.
While
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii)
requires
a
linkage
between
the
taxpayer
(1.e.
the
lender)
and
the
income,
there
is
no
need
for
the
income
to
flow
directly
to
the
taxpayer
from
the
loan.
Such
an
approach
is
also
consistent
with
commercial
reality.
Frequently,
shareholders
make
such
loans
on
an
interest-free
basis
anticipating
dividends
to
flow
from
the
activities
financed
by
the
loan.
To
adopt
the
position
of
the
Minister
would
require
that
this
Court
ignore
this
reality.
It
would
also
be
contrary
to
the
comments
of
the
Supreme
Court
of
Canada
in
Stubart
Investments
Ltd.
v.
/?..
Commercial
reality
is
to
be
considered
by
the
Courts
in
interpreting
tax
provisions
like
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii)
so
long
as
it
is
consistent
with
the
text
and
purpose
of
the
provision.
The
ultimate
purpose
of
a
parent
company
or
a
significant
shareholder
providing
a
loan
to
a
corporation
is,
without
question,
to
facilitate
the
performance
of
that
corporation
thereby
increasing
the
potential
dividends
issued
by
the
company.
This
purpose
is
clearly
within
the
scope
of
both
the
text
and
the
purpose
of
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii),
a
section
which
is
directed
towards
preventing
taxpayers
from
deducting
losses
that
are
not
incurred
for
the
purpose
of
earning
income
from
a
business
or
property.
There
is
a
growing
body
of
jurisprudence
that
considers
current
corporate
reality
as
being
sufficient
to
demonstrate
that
the
expectation
of
dividend
income
justifies
a
capital
loss
deduction
under
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii).
As
articulated
above,
this
approach
is
consistent
with
current
corporate
realities
and
the
purpose
of
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii).
The
Crown
relies
heavily
Canada
Safeway
Ltd.
v.
Minister
of
National
Revenue
for
its
assertion
that
the
potential
dividend
income
from
a
subsidiary
is
too
remote
to
support
the
deduction
under
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii).
In
Mark
Resources,
Bowman
J.T.C.C.
made
the
following
relevant
comments
on
this
issue:
The
error
in
relying
upon
Canada
Safeway
to
deny
the
deductibility
of
interest
on
borrowed
money
used
to
purchase
shares
or
contribute
capital
to
a
corporation
is
this:
the
purpose
relied
on
in
that
case
by
the
appellant
was
not
the
earning
of
dividends.
If
that
were
the
purpose
alleged
the
deduction
was
prohibited
[by
statute].
The
purpose
alleged
was
the
effect
on
the
appellant’s
own
business
of
owning
the
shares
of
the
subsidiary.
It
was
this
purpose
that
was
rejected
by
the
Supreme
Court
of
Canada
as
being
too
remote
and
indirect
to
bring
the
deduction
within
the
restrictive
wording
of
paragraph
5(1
)(b).8
[emphasis
added]
Accordingly,
it
is
clear
that
the
Appellant’s
reliance
on
this
case
is
misplaced.
It
is
equally
clear
that
the
anticipation
of
dividend
income
cannot
be
too
remote.
It
is
trite
law
that
sections
and
of
the
Act,
in
conjunction
with
the
rules
set
out
in
subdivisions
(a)
through
(d)
of
division
B,
establish
that
the
income
of
a
taxpayer
is
to
be
determined
on
a
source
by
source
basis.
Furthermore,
the
availability
of
certain
deductions
under
the
Act,
including
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii),
require
that
some
regard
be
given
to
the
source
of
income
that
is
relevant
to
the
deduction.
Accordingly,
a
deduction
cannot
be
so
far
removed
from
its
corresponding
income
stream
as
to
render
its
connection
to
the
anticipated
income
tenuous
at
best.
This
does
not
preclude
a
deduction
for
a
capital
loss
incurred
by
a
taxpayer
on
an
interest-free
loan
given
to
a
related
corporation
where
it
had
a
legitimate
expectation
of
receiving
income
through
increased
dividends
resulting
from
the
infusion
of
capital.
The
shareholders
of
a
company
are
directly
linked
to
that
corporation’s
future
earnings
and
its
payment
of
dividends.
Where
a
shareholder
provides
a
guarantee
or
an
interest
free
loan
to
that
company
in
order
to
provide
capital
to
that
company,
a
clear
nexus
exists
between
the
taxpayer
and
the
potential
future
income.
Where
a
loan
is
made
for
the
purpose
of
earning
income
through
the
payment
of
dividends,
this
connection
is
sufficient
to
satisfy
the
purpose
requirement
of
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii).
In
situations
where
the
taxpayer
does
not
hold
shares
in
the
debtor,
but
rather
is
a
shareholder
of
a
parent
company
or
other
shareholder
of
the
debtor
the
taxpayer
is
not
entitled
to
dividend
income
directly
from
the
debtor.
Generally
speaking,
the
burden
of
demonstrating
a
sufficient
nexus
between
the
taxpayer
and
the
dividend
income,
in
such
cases,
will
be
much
higher.
The
determination
of
whether
there
is
sufficient
connection
between
the
taxpayer
and
the
income
earning
potential
of
the
debtor
will
be
decided
on
a
case
by
case
basis
depending
on
the
particular
circumstances
involved.
Conclusion
During
those
periods
when
the
Respondent
was
a
shareholder
in
he
was
directly
linked
to
its
income
generating
stream.
Any
dividends,
had
they
been
available,
could
have
been
declared
in
a
simple
and
straight-forward
manner.
Therefore,
the
Respondent
is
entitled
to
a
capital
loss
deduction
in
respect
of
the
$115,
417.55
in
loans
made
during
this
period.
From
April
to
April
1982,
the
Respondent
made
loans,
totalling
more
than
$200,000,
to
During
this
period,
he
did
not
own
shares
in
but
was
a
shareholder
in
the
sole
shareholder
of
Mr.
Byram
also
held
shares
in
another
shareholder
of
At
all
material
times,
Mr.
Byram
and
his
family
were
the
principal
shareholders,
officers
and
directors
of
the
companies
involved.
Each
of
these
companies
was
involved
in
diversifying
the
Respondent’s
oil
and
gas
business
into
the
United
States.
The
trial
judge
found
that
the
Respondent’s
motivation
for
the
loans
was
consistent
regardless
of
whether
he
was
a
direct
shareholder
of
or
not.
Furthermore,
the
trial
judge
seemed
to
accept
the
Respondent’s
testimony
that
became
the
sole
shareholder
of
from
1981-1982
due
to
immigration
issues,
not
business
concerns.
accept
these
findings.
While
the
Respondent
would
not
have
received
dividend
income
directly
from
from
1981-1982,
am
satisfied
that
the
connection
between
the
loans
and
the
potential
dividend
income
is
sufficient
in
the
circumstances
of
this
case
to
invoke
the
exclusionary
clause
in
subparagraph
40(2)(g)(ii).
Disposition
would
dismiss
the
appeal
with
costs.
would
also
refer
the
matter
back
to
the
Minister
for
reassessment.
Appeal
dismissed.