Ryan,
J:—This
is
an
appeal
from
the
judgment
of
the
Trial
Division,
dated
June
4,
1979,
dismissing
with
costs
the
appeal
of
the
appellant,
Fawcett
&
Son,
Limited
(“Fawcett
Limited”),
from
an
assessment
for
income
tax
for
the
taxation
year
1975.
The
Minister
assessed
the
appellant,
relying
on
subsection
256(1),
paragraph
(b)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,*
on
the
basis
that
it
was
associated
in
the
taxation
year
with
Fawcett
Enterprises
Ltd
(“Fawcett
Enterprises”)
and
Son
Valley
Ranch
Ltd
(“Son
Valley”);
in
doing
so
the
Minister
assumed
that
George
Fawcett
controlled
all
three
corporations.
The
trial
judge
dismissed
the
appeal.
He
held
that
the
Minister
had
not
erred
in
finding
that
the
corporations
were
associated;
he
agreed
that
George
Fawcett
controlled
all
three
of
them.
The
main
issue
on
the
appeal
is,
of
course,
whether
the
trial
judge
erred
in
so
finding.
There
are,
however,
as
it
seems
to
me,
two
precise
questions
involved
in
resolving
the
major
issue.
These
questions
arise
because
George
Fawcett
was
both
the
executor
of
the
will
of
the
controlling
shareholder
of
Fawcett
Limited—who
died
during
the
taxation
year—
and
the
legatee
of
the
controlling
shares
of
the
corporation,
and
it
was
by
virtue
of
his
position
as
executor
and
legatee
that
he
was
said
to
have
attained
control.
Paragraph
256(1)(b)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,
1970-71-72,
c
63,
as
amended,
provides:
256.(1)
For
the
purpose
of
this
Act
one
corporation
is
associated
with
another
in
a
taxation
year
if
at
any
time
in
the
year,
(b)
both
of
the
corporations
were
controlled
by
the
same
person
or
group
of
persons,
...
One
of
these
questions
is
whether,
under
subsection
3(1)
of
the
New
Brunswick
Devolution
of
Estates
Act,*
George
Fawcett,
as
executor,
took
title
to
the
personal
assets
of
the
corporation,
including
the
control
shares,
immediately
on
the
death
of
the
testator
or
only
on
probate
of
the
will.
The
other,
which
arises
if
the
first
is
answered
in
the
affirmative,
is
whether,
though
Fawcett
may
have
taken
title
to
the
shares,
as
executor,
immediately
on
the
death
of
the
testator
and
may
have
held
them,
as
such,
as
trustee
for
himself
as
legatee,
he
could
be
said
to
control
the
corporation
during
the
taxation
year
if
he
could
not
legally,
as
it
was
submitted
he
could
not,
have
obtained
letters
testamentary
before
the
end
of
the
year;
this
question
involves
determining
whether,
during
the
interval
between
the
death
of
the
testator
and
the
end
of
the
taxation
year,
he
was
in
a
legal
position
to
assert
control,
or
to
put
himself
in
a
position
to
assert
control,
by
exercising
the
voting
rights
attached
to
ownership
of
the
shares.
There
is,
would
note,
no
question
that
George
Fawcett
controlled
Fawcett
Enterprises
and
Son
Valley
during
1975.
would
also
note
that,
in
its
Notice
of
Objection
to
the
reassessment,
the
appellant
had
taken
the
position
that
George
Fawcett,
as
executor,
was
by
virtue
of
subsection
104(2)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act
a
different
person
from
George
Fawcett
in
his
own
right
and
as
owner
of
the
shares
in
Fawcett
Enterprises
and
in
Son
Valley,
and
that
this
distinction
was
pertinent
in
interpreting
and
applying
subsection
256(1),
paragraph
(b)
of
the
Act.
Before
us,
counsel
for
the
appellant
disclaimed—properly,
in
my
view—any
reliance
on
the
distinction,
having
in
mind
v
Consolidated
Holding
Company
Limited,
[1974]
419;
[1972]
18;
6007.
Up
until
November
28,
1975,
two
days
before
the
end
of
its
taxation
year,
Fawcett
Limited
was
controlled
by
Henry
Fawcett,
George
Fawcett’s
father,
because
he
was
the
registered
owner
of
7,195
(the
“control
shares”)
of
its
8,000
voting
shares.
George
Fawcett,
Henry
Fawcett’s
brother,
owned
common
shares,
and
George
Fawcett
common
shares,
each
in
his
own
name.
Henry
Fawcett
died
testate
the
morning
of
November
28,
1975.
By
his
will
he
had
appointed
his
son,
George
Fawcett,
as
his
executor
and
bequeathed
the
control
shares
to
him.
The
Minister
took
the
position,
which
the
trial
judge
sustained,
that,
by
virtue
of
section
of
the
New
Brunswick
Devolution
of
Estates
Act,
both
the
legal
and
the
equitable
ownership
of
the
control
shares
vested
in
George
Fawcett
at
the
time
of
his
father’s
death,
and
thus,
on
the
authorities')-,
George
Fawcett
controlled
Fawcett
Limited.
In
v
Dworkin
Furs,
Mr
Justice
Hall
said,
at
and
228,
in
respect
of
the
meaning
of
“control”:
Subsection
3(1)
of
the
Devolution
of
Estates
Act,
1973,
c
D-9,
reads
as
follows:
3.(1)
All
real
and
personal
property
that
is
vested
in
any
person,
without
a
right
in
another
person
to
take
by
survivorship,
shall
on
his
death,
notwithstanding
any
testamentary
disposition,
devolve
upon
and
become
vested
in
his
personal
representative
from
time
to
time
as
trustee
for
the
persons
entitled
thereto,
and
subject
to
the
payment
of
his
debts
and
so
far
as
such
property
is
not
disposed
of
by
deed,
will,
contract
or
other
effectual
disposition,
shall
be
administered,
dealt
with
and
distributed
as
if
it
were
personal
property
not
so
disposed
of.
See
Buckerfield’s
Limited
v
[1965]
Ex
299;
v
Dworkin
Furs
and
others,
[1967]
223;
Vina-Rug
(Canada)
Ltd
v
[1968]
193.
The
word
controlled
as
used
in
this
subsection
was
held
by
Jackett
to
mean
de
jure
control
and
not
de
facto
control
and
with
this
agree.
He
said
in
Bucker-
field’s
Limited
et
al
v
Many
approaches
might
conceivably
be
adopted
in
applying
the
word
“control”
in
a
statute
such
as
the
Income
Tax
Act
to
a
corporation.
It
might,
for
example,
refer
to
control
by
“management”,
where
management
and
the
Board
of
Directors
are
separate,
or
it
might
refer
to
control
by
the
Board
of
Directors.
The
kind
of
control
exercised
by
management
officials
or
the
Board
of
Directors
is
however,
clearly
not
intended
by
section
when
it
contemplates
control
of
one
corporation
by
another
as
well
as
control
of
a
corporation
by
individuals
(see
subsection
(6)
of
section
39).
The
word
“control”
might
conceivably
refer
to
de
facto
control
by
one
or
more
shareholders
whether
or
not
they
hold
a
majority
of
shares.
am
of
the
view,
however,
that
in
section
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,
the
word
“controlled”
contemplates
the
right
of
control
that
rests
in
ownership
of
such
a
number
of
shares
as
carries
with
it
the
right
to
a
majority
of
the
votes
in
the
election
of
the
Board
of
Directors.
See
British
American
Tobacco
Co
v
[1943]
where
Viscount
Simon
at
p
15,
says:
The
owners
of
the
majority
of
the
voting
power
in
a
company
are
the
persons
who
are
in
effective
control
of
its
affairs
and
fortunes.
See
also
v
Wrights’
Canadian
Ropes
Ltd,
[1947]
per
Lord
Greene
at
page
118,
where
it
was
held
that
the
mere
fact
that
one
corporation
had
less
than
per
cent
of
the
shares
of
another
was
“conclusive”
that
the
one
corporation
was
not
“controlled”
by
the
other
within
section
of
the
Income
Tax
Act.
Counsel
for
the
appellant
disputed
the
finding
that
George
Fawcett
acquired
control
before
the
end
of
the
taxation
year.
His
position
was
that
the
vesting
of
the
legal
title
to
the
control
shares
in
the
executor
under
section
of
the
Devolution
of
Estates
Act
was
conditional
on
proof
of
the
will
which
ordinarly
would
occur
in
proceedings
taken
under
the
Probate
Courts
Act.
As
understood
his
submission,
it
was
that
the
executor
named
in
an
unprobated
will
cannot
take
title
immediately
because,
until
proof,
it
cannot
be
assumed
that
the
document
purporting
to
be
the
will
is,
in
truth,
the
will
of
the
testator.
It
was
conceded
that,
once
the
will
is
probated,
title
is
deemed
to
have
been
in
the
executor
from
the
date
of
the
death
of
the
testator
but,
for
purposes
of
paragraph
256(1
)(b)
of
the
Income
Tax
Act,
it
could
not,
it
was
submitted,
be
said
that
during
the
interval
the
executor
had
control
because
during
that
period
the
locus
of
the
title
was
uncertain.
In
this
case,
letters
testamentary
were
issued
to
George
Fawcett
on
December
11,
1975,
two
weeks
after
the
death
of
the
testator,
and
after
the
close
of
the
taxation
year.
It
was
not
until
then,
it
was
argued,
that
the
executor
obtained
legal
title
to
the
control
shares,
and
that
George
Fawcett
obtained
beneficial
title
in
his
own
right.
am
of
opinion
that
counsel’s
submission
on
this
point
must
fail.
It
would
seem
that,
even
in
the
absence
of
section
of
the
Devolution
of
Estates
Act,
the
title
to
the
control
shares,
as
personal
property,
would
have
vested
by
force
of
the
will
itself
in
George
Fawcett,
as
executor,
at
the
moment
of
his
father’s
death*.
But,
at
any
rate,
section
is
clear,
and
there
is
nothing
in
its
terms
to
indicate
that
the
general
rule
concerning
the
time
of
vesting
of
personal
property
in
an
executor
should
not
operate.
The
vesting
of
legal
title
in
George
Fawcett,
as
executor,
was
immediate
on
the
death
of
the
testator,
and
the
title
vested
in
him
as
trustee
for
himself
as
legatee.
The
vesting
was
not
conditional
on
proof
of
the
will.
If
in
the
probate
proceedings
the
document
purporting
to
be
the
will
had
not,
for
some
See,
for
example,
Clair,
Administrator
v
Levesque,
[1939]
53,
at
p
(NBChD).
reasons,
been
proven
to
be
such,
the
consequence
would
have
been
that
George
Fawcett
was
not
what
the
document
purported
to
make
him.
But,
of
course,
the
will
was
proven.
Its
proof
had
the
effect
of
confirming
what
was
already
the
case:
George
Fawcett
was
indeed
the
executor.
It
follows,
then,
that
if
the
test
of
control
applicable
in
this
case
is
merely
whether
George
Fawcett
had
the
legal
and
beneficial
title
to
the
control
shares,
that
is
to
say,
to
a
majority
of
the
shares
carrying
votes
at
general
meetings
of
shareholders
or,
more
particularly,
carrying
the
power
to
elect
a
majority
of
the
directors,
George
Fawcett
was
in
control
of
Fawcett
Limited
during
the
last
two
days
of
its
taxation
year.
There
may,
however,
be
cases
in
which
ownership
of
a
majority
of
the
voting
shares
would
not
carry
control.
In
v
Dworkin
Furs
and
others,
(supra),
for
example,
a
group
of
persons
owning
a
majority
of
voting
shares
in
one
of
the
corporations
in
question
were
held
not
to
control
the
corporation
because
one
of
its
articles
of
association
required
unanimous
consent
of
the
shareholders
to
carry
resolutions.
In
the
present
case
there
was,
it
was
submitted,
circumstances
that
would
at
law
have
prevented
George
Fawcett
from
exercising
the
voting
rights
ordinarily
appurtenant
to
the
control
shares
from
the
time
of
his
father’s
death
until
the
close
of
the
taxation
year.
Before
proceeding
to
consider
these
circumstances
and
their
possible
consequences,
however,
would
observe
that,
even
if
were
wrong
in
holding
that
title
to
the
control
shares
vested
in
George
Fawcett,
as
executor,
on
the
death
of
the
testator,
he
would
nonetheless
appear
to
me
to
have
been
in
control
during
the
closing
days
of
the
taxation
year
by
virtue
of
the
common
shares
which
he
owned
in
his
own
name;
these
shares
would
have
constituted
a
majority
of
the
common
shares
owned
by
George
Fawcett
and
his
uncle.
Only
these
shares
could
have
been
voted
had
a
meeting
been
held
during
those
days
if
one
assumes
that
what
otherwise
would
have
been
the
control
shares
could
not
have
been
voted
because
their
ownership
had
not
been
determined.
say
this,
however,
subject
to
this
reservation.
Section
6,
paragraph
(a)
of
By-Law
No
of
the
corporation
provides
that
a
quorum
at
a
meeting
of
shareholders
consists
of
two
shareholders
present
in
person
and
representing
sixty
per
cent
of
the
paid
up
capital
stock
of
the
company.
If
the
appellant’s
submision
were
correct,
it
would
appear
that
it
would
not
have
been
legally
possible
to
hold
a
meeting
of
shareholders
during
the
closing
days
of
the
taxation
year.*
Becasue
of
the
view
have
taken
on
the
devolution
of
title,
do
not
find
it
necessary
to
determine
the
effect
of
this
on
the
control
issue.
proceed
to
consider
the
circumstances,
relied
on
by
the
appellent,
that
would,
it
was
submitted,
have
denied
to
George
Fawcett,
as
executor,
the
legal
right
to
vote
the
control
shares
before
the
end
of
the
taxation
year,
and
thus
have
denied
him
control
of
the
corporation.
proceed
on
the
basis
that
Section
of
the
New
Brunswick
Corporations
Act,
1973,
c
C-24,
appears
to
apply
to
annual
meetings
only.
The
section
is
in
these
terms:
9.
At
any
annual
meeting,
the
stockholders
there
present
or
represented
by
proxy,
such
proxy
being
a
shareholder
authorized
in
writing
so
to
act,
may
proceed
to
business
and
by
the
votes
of
a
majority
of
stock
represented
at
said
meeting,
elect
a
board
of
directors,
any
rule
or
by-law
of
the
company
to
the
contrary
notwithstanding,
and
transact
such
other
business
as
may
be
incident
to
or
appear
necessary
for
the
management
of
the
business
and
affairs
of
the
company.
the
legal
and
equitable
title
to
the
control
shares
vested
in
George
Fawcett
on
the
death
of
the
testator.
It
was
submitted
that
George
Fawcett
was
not
in
a
legal
position
to
obtain
letters
testamentary
in
respect
of
the
estate
of
his
father
during
the
closing
days
of
the
taxation
years.
agree.
Section
of
the
New
Brunswick
Probate
Courts
Act,
1973,
c
P-17
provides:
43.
Letters
testamentary
or
of
administration
with
the
will
annexed
or
of
administration
shall
not
issue
until
after
the
lapse
of
ten
days
from
the
death
of
the
deceased,
unless
the
judge
otherwise
orders
upon
its
being
made
to
appear
to
him
that
the
estate
is
being
wasted,
or
that
there
is
other
urgent
special
reason
why
letters
should
be
sooner
issued.
There
was
no
evidence
to
establish
that
the
estate
was
being
wasted
or
that
there
was
any
other
urgent
reason
why
letters
testamentary
should
be
issued
within
ten
days
of
the
death
of
the
testator.
It
was
then
submitted
that
the
consequence
was
that,
absent
letters
testamentary,
the
executor
could
not
have
been
registered
as
a
shareholder
in
the
books
of
the
corporation,
and
thus
could
have
been
in
a
legal
position
to
vote
the
control
shares
during
the
closing
days
of
the
taxation
year.
am
not
convinced
that
the
obtaining
of
letters
testamentary
is
an
indispensable
legal
condition
to
the
registration
of
an
executor
as
a
shareholder.
Some
reliance
was
placed
on
subsections
(3)
and
(4)
of
section
of
the
Companies
Act*
in
support
of
the
submission
that
it
is.
But,
as
read
it,
subsection
(3)
appears
to
place
a
duty
on
an
executor
who
does
obtain
letters
testamentary
in
any
of
the
jurisdictions
specified
to
produce
and
deposit
them,
together
with
the
specified
declaration,
with
the
appropriate
official
of
the
corporation.
The
consequence
of
the
production
and
deposit
of
the
letters
testamentary
is
described
in
subsection
(4).
It
does
not
appear
to
follow
from
subsections
(3)
and
(4)
that
the
executor
could
not
at
law
be
registered
on
the
strength
of
other
proof
of
his
having
become
executor.
In
my
view
he
could,
on
producing
other
adequate
proof,
insist
on
being
registered.
Assuming,
however,
that
Goerge
Fawcett
could
not,
as
executor,
have
been
registered
or
could
not
legally
have
compelled
registration,
it
does
not
1973,
c
C-13.
Subsection
79(3)
and
(4)
provide:
79.(3)
If
a
transmission
of
shares
or
other
securities
of
a
company
takes
place
by
virtue
of
any
testamentary
act
or
instrument,
or
in
consequence
of
an
intestacy,
and
if
the
probate
of
the
will
or
letters
of
administration
or
document
testamentary,
or
other
judicial
or
official
instrument
under
which
the
title,
whether
beneficial
or
as
trustee,
or
the
administration
or
control
of
the
personal
estate
of
the
deceased
is
claimed
to
vest,
purports
to
be
granted
by
any
court
or
authority
in
Canada,
or
in
Great
Britain
or
Northern
Ireland,
or
any
other
of
Her
Majesty’s
dominions,
or
in
any
foreign
country,
the
probate
of
the
will,
the
letters
of
administration,
the
document
testamentary
or
the
other
judicial
or
official
instrument
or
any
authenticated
copy
thereof,
or
official
extract
therefrom,
shall
together
with
a
declaration
in
writing
showing
the
nature
of
such
transmission
and
signed
and
executed
by
the
person
or
persons
claiming
by
virtue
thereof,
be
produced
and
deposited
with
the
manager,
secretary,
treasurer
or
other
officer
or
transfer
agent
named
by
the
directors
for
the
purpose
of
receiving
the
same.
79.(4)
Subject
to
the
provisions
of
the
Succession
Duty
Act,
chapter
of
George
V,
such
production
and
deposit
is
sufficient
justification
and
authority
to
the
company
for
paying
the
amount
or
value
of
any
dividend,
coupon,
bond,
debenture
or
obligation
or
share,
or
transferring
or
consenting
to
the
transfer
of
any
bond,
debenture
or
obligation
or
share,
in
pursuance
of
and
in
conformity
with
such
probate,
letters
of
administration
or
other
such
document.
in
my
view
follow
that
he
was
not
in
a
legal
position
to
vote
the
control
shares.
refer
to
the
definition
of
“shareholder”
in
subsection
2(1)
of
the
New
Brunswick
Companies
Act
and
to
section
103,
paragraph
(b).
“Shareholders”
is
defined
in
this
way:
2.(1)
In
this
Act
and
in
all
letters
patent
and
supplementary
letters
patent
issued
hereunder,
unless
the
context
otherwise
requires,
.
.
.
“shareholders”
means
every
subscriber
to,
or
holder
of,
stock
in
the
company,
and
includes
the
personal
representatives
of
the
shareholder;
.
.
.
Paragraph
103(b)
provides
in
part:
103.
In
the
absence
of
other
provisions
in
that
behalf
in
the
letters
patent
or
bylaws
of
the
company,
(b)
at
all
general
meetings
of
the
company,
each
shareholder
is
entitled
to
give
one
vote
for
each
share
then
held
by
him,
and
such
votes
may
be
given
in
person
or
by
proxy,
if
such
proxy
is
himself
a
shareholder,
.
..
read
these
provisions
as
vesting
in
a
personal
representative
of
a
deceased
shareholder
a
right
to
vote
the
shares
at
a
shareholders
meeting
though
he
may
not
have
been
registered
as
a
shareholder
in
the
books
of
the
corporation.*
have
considered
whether
other
sections
of
the
Act
adversely
affect
this
right
of
the
unregistered
personal
representative
to
vote,
and
have
decided
that
they
do
not.
Section
of
the
Companies
Act
provides:
74.
Except
for
the
purpose
of
exhibiting
the
rights
of
parties
to
any
transfer
of
shares
towards
each
other
and
of
rendering
any
transferee
jointly
and
severally
liable
with
the
transferor
to
the
company
and
its
creditors,
no
transfer
of
shares
unless
made
by
sale
under
execution
or
under
decree,
order
or
judgment
of
a
court
of
competent
jurisdiction,
is
valid
for
any
purpose
whatever
until
entry
of
such
transfer
is
duly
made
in
the
register
of
transfers;
but
as
to
the
stock
of
any
company
listed
and
dealt
with
on
any
recognized
stock
exchange
by
means
of
stock
certificates,
commonly
in
use
endorsed
in
blank,
and
transferable
by
delivery,
such
endorsation
and
delivery,
except
for
the
purpose
of
voting
at
meetings
of
the
company,
constitutes
a
valid
transfer.
See
Masten
&
Fraser,
Company
Law
of
Canada
(4th
ed,
1941),
at
p
224:
Where
a
shareholder
of
a
company
dies,
his
shares,
as
personal
estate,
vest
in
his
executors
or
administrators
.
.
.
but
the
executors
or
administrators
do
not
ipso
facto
become
members
of
the
company
at
common
law,
nor
is
the
company
entitled
without
their
consent
to
register
them
as
members.
...
But
in
view
of
the
definition
of
the
term
“shareholder”
in
s
3(n)
personal
representatives
of
a
deceased
shareholder,
who
have
not
caused
themselves
to
be
registered
as
shareholders
are
nevertheless
shareholders
in
respect
of
the
shares
of
the
deceased
shareholder.
Semble,
an
executor,
in
the
absence
of
any
contrary
provision
in
the
charter
or
by-laws,
would
be
entitled
to
vote
in
respect
of
the
shares
of
the
testator
under
the
combined
effect
of
s
3(n)
and
s
99(b).
The
“s
3(n)
and
s
99(b)”
mentioned
in
the
quotation
refer
to
those
sections
as
they
appeared
in
The
Companies
Act,
1934,
c
27.
They
are,
in
relevant
aspect,
similar
to
the
definition
of
“shareholder”
in
subsection
2(1)
and
to
para
103(b)
of
the
New
Brunswick
Companies
Act.
^would
also
refer
to
Fraser
&
Stewart,
Company
Law
of
Canada
(5th
ed,
1962),
at
As
the
definition
of
the
word
“shareholder”
in
s
3(n)
of
this
Act
includes
the
personal
representatives
of
a
deceased
shareholder
it
would
appear
in
the
case
of
a
company
incorporated
under
this
Act
that,
in
the
absence
of
a
provision
in
the
bylaws
to
the
contrary,
an
executor
although
not
registered
as
a
shareholder
could
vote
in
respect
of
the
deceased’s
shares.
See
s
of
this
Act
and
s
of
the
Ontario
Act.
read
the
section
as
having
application
to
the
inter
vivos
transfer
of
shares,
not
to
the
transmission
of
shares
to
a
personal
representative
on
the
death
of
a
shareholder.
have
also
considered
whether
subsection
79(2)*
may
be
construed
as
indicating
that
an
unregistered
personal
representative
is
not
to
be
regarded
as
a
shareholder
for
purposes
of
voting
or
otherwise.
read
the
section,
however,
as
having
as
a
purpose
to
make
it
clear
that
a
personal
representative,
though
not
registered
as
such,
may
make
a
valid
inter
vivos
transfer
of
shares.
Subsection
79(2)
is,
think,
intended
to
be
read
with
section
74.
Section
of
the
Companies
Act
is
in
these
terms:
53.
Every
such
executor,
curator,
guardian
or
trustee
shall
represent
the
stock
held
by
him
at
all
meetings
of
the
company
and
may
vote
as
a
shareholder;
and
every
person
who
pledges
his
stock
may
represent
the
same
at
all
such
meetings,
and,
notwithstanding
such
pledge,
vote
as
a
shareholder.
“Such
executor’’
in
the
section
refers
back
to
subsection
52(1),
and
particularly
to
these
words
in
that
subsection:
“No
person,
holding
stock
in
the
company
as
an
executor
.
.
.
of
.
.
.
any
person
named
in
the
books
of
the
company
as
being
so
represented
by
him,
is
personally
subject
to
liability
as
a
shareholder;..Section
makes
it
clear
that
such
an
executor
may
vote
as
a
shareholder.
do
not,
however,
read
the
section
as
limiting
the
right
to
vote
to
an
executor
who
is
“such
an
executor”.
This
brings
me
to
a
final
consideration.
Section
5,
paragraph
(a)
of
By-
Law
No
of
Fawcett
Limited
requires
that
written
notice
of
the
annual
or
a
special
meeting
of
the
shareholders
must
be
given
at
least
four
days
before
the
meeting
is
held.
Paragraphs
5(b)
and
6(a)
are,
however,
in
these
terms:
5(b)
meeting
of
Shareholders
may
be
held
at
any
time
or
place
without
notice
if
all
the
Shareholders
are
present
thereat
or
represented
by
proxy,
or
if
the
absent
Shareholders
have
signified
their
assent
in
writing
to
such
meeting
or
their
consent
to
the
business
transaction
thereat.
6(a)
quorum
at
any
meeting
of
Shareholders
shall
consist
of
two
Shareholders
present
in
person
and
representing,
in
person
or
by
proxy,
not
less
than
sixty
per
cent
of
the
paid-up
capital
stock
of
the
company.
Paragraph
30(d)
of
By-Law
No
provides:
30(d)
Any
shareholder
or
director
may
at
any
time
waive
any
notice
required
to
be
given
under
these
By-Laws.
It
is
clear
that
a
meeting
of
the
shareholders
of
the
company
could
not
have
been
held
between
the
death
of
Henry
Fawcett
and
the
end
of
the
taxation
year
unless
George
Fawcett
and
his
uncle,
George
Fawcett,
were
both
in
attendance.
know
of
no
legal
way
in
which
George
Fawcett
could
have
compelled
his
uncle
to
attend
such
a
meeting
if
his
uncle
had
not
chosen
to
do
so.
In
my
view,
however,
it
does
not
follow
that
George
Fawcett
was
not
in
control
during
the
closing
days
of
the
taxation
year
merely
because
he
was
not
in
a
legal
position
to
require
and
to
secure
a
valid
meeting
of
the
cor-
Subsection
79(2)
of
the
Companies
Act
provides:
79.(2)
Any
transfer
of
the
shares
or
other
interest
of
a
deceased
shareholder,
made
by
his
personal
representative,
is,
notwithstanding
such
personal
representative
is
not
himself
a
shareholder,
of
the
same
validity
as
if
he
had
been
a
shareholder
at
the
time
of
his
execution
of
the
instrument
of
transfer.
poration
during
those
days,
a
meeting
at
which
he
could
have
voted
his
control
shares
in
respect
of
resolutions
or
the
election
of
directors.
If
a
meeting
had
been
held—as
legally
it
could
have
been—George
Fawcett
would
have
held
voting
control.
would
note
that,
even
if
Henry
Fawcett
had
lived,
he
could
not
have
succeeded
in
requiring
a
meeting
during
the
last
four
days
of
the
taxation
year,
had
written
notice
not
been
given
earlier;
his
son
and
brother
would
have
had
to
consent.
This
would
not
have
meant
that
he
had
lost
control
of
the
corporation
during
that
period.
am
of
the
view
that
the
fact
that
George
Fawcett
could
not
have
required
a
valid
meeting
to
be
held
after
his
father’s
death
and
before
the
close
of
the
year
would
not
and
did
not
prevent
his
acquisition
of
control
on
his
father’s
death.
would
dismiss
the
appeal
with
costs.