Sequencing of steps (p. 13:35)
The steps set out in the plan generally include the repayment of historic Target debt, the cash-out or rollover of...
Parent relatedness to mooted specifed person from moment of its incorporation if not a shelf corp. (p. 13:22-23)
[A]t the time the parent is...
Remedying under s. 88(1)(d)(c.2)(iii)(A.2) of pre-winding-up agreement for sale of bumped shares
[P]rior to the [s. 88(1)(d)(c.2)(iii)(A.2)]...
10% attributable property test applied only during the series of transactions (p. 13:12-13)
[W]hen read in a textual, contextual and purposive...
Is debt of Target non-specified property after it is amalgamated with Bidco? (pp. 13:16-19)
On a literal reading of old paragraph 88(1)(c.3),...
Options granted by virtue of employment not part of series (p. 13:29)
[A] stock option granted to an employee by Bidco or Bidco's Canadian parent...
Is debt of Target non-specified property after it is amalgamated with Bidco? (pp. 13:16-18)
On a literal reading of old paragraph 88(1)(c.3),...