Group working capital management is problematic (p. 1164)
Multinational groups often optimize their cash management by pooling the excess cash...
Maturity date extension (p. 1159)
Finance has stated that the policy objective of this rule is to treat a term extension as a repayment and...
PLOI elections impracticable where cash pooling (p. 1166)
The PLOI filing obligations may cause practical difficulties in the context of the...
Deemed control acquisition on acquisition by indirect controller (p. 1154)
…For Example, one non-resident corporation ("NR 1") owns another...
Engagement of rules where investors pool through holding company (p. 1152)
Investments in Canadian corporations are often made by groups of...
Control by general partner (pp. 1152-3)
[P]aragraph 212.3(25)(b)…suggests that when applying the control test in subsection 212.3(1), CRIC...
Irreversibility of deemed dividend (p. 1155)
Unlike a PUC reduction, a deemed dividend cannot be reversed at a later date. In fact, withholding...
Insufficient PUC where deferred purchase price (p. 1156)
Timing issues can also occur if a CRIC purchases foreign affiliate shares and payment of...