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IT-216 "Corporation Holding Property as Agent for Shareholder"
IT-216 "Corporation Holding Property as Agent for Shareholder"
Policy Tabs
Summary Under
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Agency
Summary Under
Tax Topics - General Concepts - Effective Date
A corporation may hold in trust, as agent for a shareholder, property that was acquired specifically to be held in this way. This situation, however, will only be accepted as a fact where there is an agreement or declaration of trust, entered into before or at the time the property was acquired, between the corporation and the shareholder, which clearly sets out the intention of the parties to the agreement and the degree of participation of the shareholder in the property so held in trust.
Summary Under
Tax Topics - Income Tax Act - 101-110 - Section 104 - Subsection 104(1)
A corporation may hold in trust, as agent for a shareholder, property that was acquired specifically to be held in this way. This situation, however, will only be accepted as a fact where there is an agreement or declaration of trust, entered into before or at the time the property was acquired, between the corporation and the shareholder, which clearly sets out the intention of the parties to the agreement and the degree of participation of the shareholder in the property so held in trust..