Horizons Futures -- summary under Forward Sale/TRS Funds
Horizons Stock Index -- summary under Forward Sale/TRS Funds
Each ETF, which will trade on the TSX, seeks to replicate the performance of its "Underlying Index" through entering into a total return...
Horizons 2X Commodity -- summary under Forward Sale/TRS Funds
After running through the applicable transitional periods respecting the new character conversion rules, the ETFs will replace existing...
CN Railway -- summary under Debentures
Offering of US$250,000 of 2.50% senior unsecured Notes due November 15, 2022 at a price of 99.867%, and 3.50% senior unsecured Notes due...
Cameco -- summary under Debentures
Offering of $400,000 of 3.75% senior unsecured Debentures, Series E due November 14, 2022 at a price of $999.92, and 5.09% senior...
Element Financial -- summary under Convertible Debentures
Canexus -- summary under Convertible Debentures
Offering by the Corporation of $75 million of 6.5% convertible unsecured subordinated debentures at their principal amount ($1,000 per...
Chesswood -- summary under Convertible Debentures
Offering by the Corporation of $20 million of 6.5% convertible unsecured subordinated debentures at their principal amount ($1,000 per...
Entrec -- summary under Convertible Debentures
Offering by ENTREC of $22 million of 7.00% convertible unsecured subordinated debentures at their principal amount ($1,000 per debenture),...