Aurora/ CanniMed -- summary under Unsolicited Bids (corporate)


The Aurora share-for-share offer for CanniMed (another TSX-listed cannabis company, 38% of whose shares have been locked up) is capped at a value per CanniMed share of $24.00, so that if there is appreciation in the Aurora shares above this cap, the exchange ratio will be reduced accordingly. This does not affect the availability of the s. 85.1 rollover.

Central Fund/Sprott -- summary under MFC Conversion to MFT


CFCL is a mutual fund corporation holding gold and silver bullion that has an accrued gain of approximately Cdn.$1.7 billion. It is controlled by the Spicer family, who control its 40,000 common shares, and its 252M Class A shares are mostly held by the public. Before Sprott overtures commenced, its Class A shares had been trading on the TSX at a 7% discount to the underlying bullion value.


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