CGA/B2Gold -- summary under Other


TSX-listed B2Gold will acquire all the shares of ASX-listed CGA under an Australian Scheme of Arrangement. Accordingly, CGA will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of B2Gold. The Scheme of Arrangement values the equity of CGA at approximately Cdn.$1.1 billion, representing approximately a 26% premium.

Tekmira/OnCore -- summary under Delaware Mergers


OnCore, a private Delaware company with a controlling Bermuda sharehholder, will be merged into a Delaware subsidiary of Tekmira, a BC public company, with OnCore shareholders receiving Tekmira common shares on the merger. Post-merger the OnCore shareholders will hold an estimated 51.7% of the common shares Tekmira – or 50% on a fully diluted basis. (i.e., taking into account the in-the-money value of Tekmira options). Although the Code s. 7874 inversion rules should not apply, the Code s. 382 ownership change rules may restrict the use of Tekmira's NOLs.

Franchise Services/Hertz -- summary under Continuance and Merger


In order to merge the car rental business of Adreca, a private Delaware corporation, with the car rental business of FSNA, a TSXV-listed CBCA corporation, Adreca will be merged into a subsidiary of FSNA with Adreca as the survivor, and FSNA, following its continuance from Canada to Delaware ("New FSNA"), will then be merged with Adreca, with New FSNA as the survivor.


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