"One of the purposes” is too low a threshold (p. 3)
- The use of the "one of the purposes” test in s. 160(5)(a)(ii) establishes too low a...
S. 160(5)(c) rule should reflect all value-for value exchanges (pp. 6-9)
- The rule under s. 160(5)(c) (deeming there to be a net property transfer...
Exclusion of s. 251(5)(b) rights
- There should not be considered to be non-arm's length status by virtue only of rights described in s. 251(5)(b).
Scope should be limited to promoters or devisers (p. 10)
- The reference in s. 160.01(2) to “every person who engages, participates in, assents...
Clerical or secretarial services exclusion is too narrow (p. 10)
- The exclusion in s. 160.01(3) for clerical or secretarial services is too narrow...