CRA confirms that the intergenerational transfer of a farming business or corporation can occur where one individual worked on more than one farm
The transfers of Canadian farming property or of shares of a family farm or fishing corporation or an interest in a family farm or fishing partnership by a Canadian taxpayer on a rollover basis under s. 70(9.01), 70(9.21), 73(3.1) or 73(4.1) to a child reference a requirement that the taxpayer have been “"actively engaged on a regular and continuous basis" in the farming (or fishing) business. CRA has confirmed that the fact that the individual owns multiple farm properties and farm corporations, would not, in and of itself, limit his ability to transfer the properties or shares on a rollover basis pursuant to these provisions, nor would the fact that he works on more than one farm, by itself, indicate that he was not actively engaged on a "regular and continuous basis" on any of the farms.
Neal Armstrong. Summaries of 8 February 2018 External T.I. 2016-0670841E5 under s. 70(9) and s. 73(4).