Date: 20061010
Docket: A-232-06
Citation: 2006 FCA 323
Apotex Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc., Merck Frosst
Canada & Co., Merck Frosst Canada Ltd., Syngenta Limited, AstraZeneca UK
Limited and AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
I. Introduction
This is an
appeal and cross-appeal from a decision of Hughes J., a Judge of the Federal
Court (the Judge) dated April 26, 2006 and reported as 2006 FC 524. At issue
is the validity and infringement of Canadian Patent 1,275,350 (the ‘350
Patent), which covers a class of compounds, including lisinopril, used in the
treatment of hypertension. The ‘350 patent expires on October 16, 2007.
There are
two principal respondents, Merck & Co. Inc., which is the owner of the ‘350
Patent and its two Canadian affiliates (collectively Merck) as well as Syngenta
Limited, AstraZeneca UK Limited and AstraZeneca Canada Inc. (collectively
Astra). Astra is a licencee under the ‘350 Patent. Both actively sold drugs
incorporating lisinopril in Canada until 2000. The appellant is
Apotex Inc. (Apotex), a generic manufacturer that also markets a lisinopril
product in Canada.
action was commenced in 1996 alleging that Apotex infringed claims 1, 2 and 5
of the ‘350 Patent. Apotex counterclaimed alleging invalidity of the patent.
At the commencement of trial, Apotex admitted that if these claims were valid
then it had infringed those claims subject to certain exemptions for lisinopril
obtained from a licenced source and quantities used for exempted purposes.
Hughes J.
determined that Apotex had infringed each of claims 1, 2 and 5 of the ‘350
Patent, subject to certain exemptions, that Apotex was precluded from
challenging the validity of those claims and that, in any event, those
challenges to validity failed. Various remedies were granted that will be
detailed later in these reasons.
True to
form, the parties have raised some 23 issues and sub-issues on the appeal and
cross-appeal. However, the key question to be answered is whether a patent
that meets the substantive requirements for patentability should be invalidated
for an alleged failure to comply with a statutory provision during prosecution;
the so-called improper divisional attack.
II. Statutory Regime
the Patent Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.P-4 (the Act), was amended on
October 1, 1989, transitional subsections 78.2(2) and (3) provide that
applications filed before that date and patents arising there under, including
the patent and applications at issue here, should be dealt with under its
provisions as they read immediately prior to the amendments. Accordingly,
unless otherwise indicated, references to the Patent Act in these
reasons refer to the Act as it read immediately prior to October 1,
III. Factual Matrix
Background to the Biochemistry
The patent
claims under attack were issued in respect of a class of compounds discovered
by Merck. The particular compounds in dispute are angiotensin converting enzyme
inhibitors (ACE Inhibitors). Merck filed a United States patent application in late 1978 and a
Canadian application number 341,340 (the ‘340 application) in late 1979. The
compounds share the same general formula or “backbone,” i.e. Formula I. Formula
I contains seven locations, R plus R1 through R6, at
which a choice of several chemicals or molecules may be placed. Where the
compounds covered by the ‘340 application and all the patents derived there from
differ is in the selection of chemicals and molecules which comprise each R
through R6. It was estimated by Hughes J. that easily billions of
compounds could exist within this class.
Formula I
is depicted in the following diagram:

in 1986, several divisional applications were divided out from the original ‘340
application, including the application which later matured to the ‘350 Patent.
The ‘350 Patent encompasses a subset of the class of compounds covered by the
original ‘340 application that includes lisinopril. Other divisionals derived
from the ‘340 application are directed to other subsets of the class of
compounds sharing Formula I that include two other antihypertensives, enalapril
and enalaprilat.
History of the ‘350 Patent and
Related Patents and Applications
The first
patent application resulting from Merck’s discovery of the Formula I class of
compounds was United
application 968,249 filed on December 11, 1978. The ‘340 application was then
filed in Canada on December 6, 1979, claiming priority from this earlier United States application. The disclosure
was essentially the same as in the United States application; however, approximately 127 examples were added
specifically disclosing lisinopril, enalapril and enalaprilat.
addition, there were also claims specific to each of lisinopril, enalapril and
enalaprilat in the claims section of the Canadian patent application. Claims
1-3 were directed to classes of compounds. Claim 4 was specific to enalapril
and Claim 5 to lisinopril. Claim 6 referred to nine different compounds, the
first of which was enalaprilat. Finally, Claim 7 was directed to a process for
preparing the compounds.
February 22, 1983, United States Patent 4,374,829 issued, tracing back to the
original United
States priority
As stated
at paragraph 9, the ‘350 Patent is one of several patents that originated from
the parent ‘340 application and whose underlying applications were “divided
out” from the parent ‘340 application as divisionals. Merck divided out these
applications on its own initiative. The division was not requested by the
Commissioner of Patents (the Commissioner), nor did the Commissioner object
when the divisional applications were filed and prosecuted.
For ease
of reference, the following time chronologies of the patent and divisional
applications are outlined in the following tables:
11, 1978
The initial (priority)
patent application was filed by Merck in the United States Patent Office
(“U.S. Application”) and issued February 22, 1983.
6, 1979
The Canadian ‘340 Patent
Application was filed claiming the benefits of priority from the U.S. application (“Parent ‘340
Application”) and issued May 20, 1992.
Date of Maturity
First Group of Divisionals
October 16, 1990
Application 518,334 with
claims to a class of compounds including enalapril filed on September 16,
1986. This application matured to Patent ‘349.
May 5, 1992
Application 518,335 which
included claims directed to enalaprilat filed on September 16, 1986.
Ultimately matured to Patent ‘313.
Second Group of Divisionals
November 7, 1989
Application 576,715 which
included claims directed to enalapril plus diuretic filed on September 7,
1988. Matured to Patent ‘684.
November 8, 1990
Application 576,716, which
included claims directed to lisinopril plus a diuretic and to uses of
lisinopril alone filed on September 7, 1988. Matured to Patent ‘559.
Third Group of Divisionals
October 16, 1990
Application 607,198 which
included claims directed to lisinopril filed on September 16, 1986. Matured
to Patent ‘350.
and Commercialization of Lisinopril Products
first commercialization of lisinopril products in Canada was commenced
by Merck in the early 1990s, followed closely by Astra. In October of 1990,
Merck received a Notice of Compliance (NOC) from Health Canada giving it
permission to market lisinopril in Canada in 5, 10, 20, and 40 milligram
(mg) strength tablets.
then entered into an agreement with Merck, whereby Astra was licenced in
respect of lisinopril products in Canada. Astra commenced
selling lisinopril containing tablets in 5, 10 and 20 mg strengths in 1993.
Chemicals (Delmar) manufactured lisinopril in Canada in the early
1990s under a licence from Merck in accordance with the compulsory licence
scheme provided by the Act. Apotex obtained regulatory approval for the
sale of a generic version of lisinopril tablets in a 5 mg strength tablet in
October of 1996, purchased lisinopril through an intermediary from Delmar and
entered the market.
1999, Apotex expanded its range of products to include 10 and 20 mg strengths.
The entry of this additional dosage had a significant impact on sales for Merck
and Astra and they essentially stopped supporting their lisinopril products in Canada in 2000.
Litigation between the Parties
This is not the first
litigation in which these parties have been involved. An earlier action commenced
in 1991 dealt with the ‘349 Patent pertaining to enalapril (the Enalapril Litigation).
After a lengthy trial, an appeal and several related proceedings, that patent
was held to be valid and infringed by Apotex (see Merck & Co. v. Apotex
Inc. (1994), 59 C.P.R. (3d) 133 (F.C.T.D.)
and [1995] 2 F.C. 723 (C.A.)).
IV. Decision Below
virtually all of the major issues decided by Hughes J. are now the subject of
the appeal or cross-appeal, and will be analyzed in the issues section of these
reasons, it is pointless at this juncture to summarize in detail his reasons
for judgment. Accordingly, I will turn immediately to the issues before us
after dealing briefly with the standard of review.
V. Standard of Review
appellate review, the nature of the question at issue determines the applicable
standards of review. Questions of law are reviewable on a standard of correctness,
while findings of fact or of mixed law and fact will be set aside only if it is
determined that the trial judge has committed a palpable and overriding error
(see Housen v. Nikolaisen, [2002] 2 S.C.R. 235).
respect to discretionary decisions of a trial judge, this Court cannot
intervene merely because it would have exercised the discretion in a different
manner. Rather, the test for our review of the exercise of judicial discretion
is whether the judge at first instance has given sufficient weight to all
relevant considerations (see Reza v. Canada, [1994] 2 S.C.R. 394 at
paragraph 20). Accordingly, a high degree of deference is accorded in matters
of discretion.
VI. Issues on Appeal
Issue 1: Was the ‘350 Patent
improperly divided out from the parent ‘340 application because the latter
disclosed only one invention?
The key to
this first issue is whether the parent ‘340 application discloses but one
invention; a class of compounds sharing the Formula I backbone of which
lisinopril, enalapril and enalaprilat are examples, or are they separate
inventions, one being the class of compounds itself and the other three
individual compounds separately claimed within the class? (supra at
paragraphs 10 and 11)
Hughes J.
approached this issue by analyzing the construction of both the ‘340 and ‘350
claims. The Judge preferred the expert evidence of Drs. Nelson and Wolfenden,
called as witnesses for Astra, who both determined that each of lisinopril,
enalapril and enalaprilat were as of 1978 or 1979 inventively different from
each other (Reasons for Judgment at paragraph 48). His weighing of their
evidence is not under attack in the present appeal.
Were it
not for Canadian jurisprudence that he considered binding, Hughes J. would have
followed the House of Lords’ decision in May & Baker Limited v. Boots
Pure Drug Company Limited (1950), 67 R.P.C. 23 (H.L.) (hereafter May
& Baker) in finding that the ‘340 application disclosed only one
invention. He stated:
It is
compelling, having read the specification of the ‘340 application as a whole,
endeavouring to give a purposive construction to what is stated there, to be
driven to the same conclusion as the majority of the House of Lords in May
& Baker, namely that there is but one invention described, namely a
class of compounds having the structure of Formula I in common, useful in
treating hypertension, and that lisinopril, enalapril and enalaprilat are
simply illustrative members of that class.
Hughes J.
considered himself bound by two decisions of Thurlow J. in the Exchequer Court
which were upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada and considered patents similar
to the ‘340 application, C.H. Boehringer Sohn v. Bell-Craig Ltd.
[1962] Ex. C.R. 201, aff’d [1963] S.C.R. 410 (S.C.C.) and Hoechst
Pharmaceuticals of Canada Ltd. v. Gilbert & Co., [1965] 1 Ex.
C.R. 710, aff’d [1966] S.C.R. 189 (S.C.C.) (hereafter Boehringer and Hoechst).
His reasoning is as follows:
Were I to
approach the matter without jurisprudential constraints, I would readily find
that the ‘340 application is directed to but one invention, a class of
compounds, of which individual compounds such as lisinopril are but illustrative.
However, Boehringer and Hoechst, supra, oblige me to find
otherwise, on the slender basis that there was, in the ‘340 application not
only examples but also specific claims to the individual compounds enalapril,
enalaprilat and lisinopril, each of which, on the theory of those cases, is a
different invention from the class. A higher court may be persuaded otherwise
however, for jurisprudential integrity in this Court, I must find that the ‘340
application discloses separate inventions to each of the class, to lisinopril,
to enalapril and to enalaprilat.
In this
appeal Apotex makes two central arguments designed to illustrate that the ‘340
application discloses only one invention. First, it argues that Boehringer
and Hoechst are distinguishable from the present case.
Alternatively, it argues that those decisions do not stand, as Hughes J.
suggests, for the principle that each claim in a patent discloses a separate
to Apotex, those cases were concerned with the question of whether separate subject
matter, differing in scope, substance and inventiveness, could be included in
separate claims in the patent and by referencing each one, still satisfy the
product-by-process and patentability requirements existing in the Act at
that time (Apotex Memorandum at paragraph 59).
While the
main issues were different from those in the present case, both Boehringer
and Hoechst considered the same preliminary issue considered by Hughes
J.; that is, whether a patent which claims both a class of compounds and an
individual compound discloses a single invention or more than one invention.
For example, in Boehringer at 211 Thurlow J. stated:
plaintiff, however, submitted that as a matter of construction the
specification discloses two inventions, one relating to the class of
substituted morpholines and the other relating to the single substance
2-phenyl-3-methylmorpholine, and it will, I think, be desirable to determine
this question before approaching the question of construction of the specification
in detail.
also attempted to distinguish the Boehringer and Hoechst
decisions because the patent involved extensive disclosure of the unique
beneficial properties of the particular class members claim that were being
reviewed. Apotex does not expand on this point nor does it give a pinpoint
reference identifying where these extensive disclosures might be found.
However, in both decisions, Thurlow J. considered the effect of separate claims
for the class of compounds and the individual compounds before embarking on a
review of the specification. Therefore, whether or not the specification
contained extensive disclosure about the individual compounds was irrelevant to
his construction of the claims. Accordingly, given that Thurlow J. considered
the same issue as Hughes J. was called upon to consider with respect to a
similar patent, in my analysis, Hughes J. was correct to rely on Thurlow J.’s
A second
argument is that Hughes J. wrongly interpreted Boehringer and Hoechst
as standing for the principle that each claim of a patent discloses a separate
invention. However, in my view, Apotex is reading the reasons of Hughes J. too
broadly. Nowhere does he state that those cases stand for the broad
proposition that each claim in a patent represents a separate invention. Rather,
his holding is much narrower; namely, in cases as in the present, where a
single patent application separately claims a class of chemical compounds and a
single compound within that class, each separate claim discloses a separate
invention. His reasons do not address the effect of any other types of claims.
also argues that Thurlow J.’s reasons in Boehringer and Hoechst
cannot stand because of his later decision in the case of Ciba-Geigy AG v.
Commissioner of Patents (1982), 65 C.P.R. (2d) 73 (F.C.A.), which is said
to reject this principle. However, that case is distinguishable as the Court
was considering the effect of having claims disclosing a particular substance
and claims disclosing the process for making that substance in the same patent concluding
that the two are aspects of the same thing and are not separate inventions.
That decision did not consider the effect of separate claims for a class of
compounds and the individual compound within the class and therefore, in my
view, is not inconsistent with Boehringer and Hoechst which
focused only on this latter issue.
One final
point on this issue deserves comment. There exists some inconsistency between paragraphs
48, 187, 213 and 116 of Hughes J.’s decision. At paragraphs 48, 187 and 213,
Hughes J. finds that each of lisinopril, enalapril, and enalaprilat were
inventively different from each other, and if separate patent applications had
been filed they would have been allowed as separate, inventively different
patents. However, at paragraph 116, Hughes J., in relying upon May &
Baker, states that he would have readily found that the ‘340 application is
directed to but one invention, a class of compounds, of which individual
compounds such as lisinopril, enalapril, and enalaprilat are but illustrative.
proceedings before the High Court of Justice in May & Baker involved
a petition by Boots Pure Drug Company, for revocation of the patent granted to
May & Baker; and a motion by May & Baker for leave to amend by way of
disclaimer the complete specification upon which the patent was granted in
order to delete a broad class of compounds and to insert a new claim to two
specific compounds. May & Baker petitioned that Court to amend the
specification by restricting its scope from the broad claim of the class of
compounds to only two compounds and by insertion of a new claim to the two
The issue
before the Court was whether a patentee who obtains a patent for a large class
of compounds can then amend the specification to significantly limit the scope
and to introduce a claim to two specific compounds of known utility, which
compounds were not specifically claimed (and only exemplified) in the
originally granted patent.
Jenkins J.
refused to permit the amendments. As a result, the decision was appealed to
the Court of Appeal, who confirmed his decision. The Court of Appeal concluded
that the two compounds were not claimed as the invention in the original
specification. They were merely given as examples or proofs of the results
said to be obtainable from every member of the genus.
The House
of Lords confirmed the decision of the Court of Appeal, agreeing that to permit
the amendment of the specification would claim an invention substantially
different from that claimed in its original form.
Clearly, May
& Baker had nothing to do with divisional practice. The patent at
issue did not contain a claim to the two specific substances themselves. These
two substances were not specifically named in any claims, but were only named
as examples as part of a broader class. This treatment shows that May
& Baker considered the two substances as examples of a broad inventive
class. In contrast, the ‘340 application contained not only examples of
lisinopril, enalapril and enalaprilat, but individual claims to each of these
compounds as well.
at paragraph 116 Hughes J. failed to distinguish between the issues before the
Court in May & Baker, that is whether an amendment to disclaim a
genus and add a claim to two compounds produces a substantially different
invention, and the different issue of more than one
invention raised by Apotex. This would explain the
inconsistency. In any event, his ultimate conclusion was in my view correct,
that the divisional of the ‘350 Patent was not improper. Indeed, section 36 of
the Act calls for a divisional in the circumstances of this case and in
my view, Merck and Astra were simply complying with the Act.
Issue 2: What are the consequences of
an improper divisional?
it is not strictly necessary to answer the above question in light of my
finding that the divisional was proper, I would say that even if there was an
improper divisional, the consequences are not a loss of patent rights. Rather,
as found by Hughes J., the division of a patent application is primarily a
procedural matter and the principle of double patenting provides a sufficient
remedy in the event that more than one patent issued for the same invention.
Section 36
of the Act governs the procedure for divisional application. Subsection
36(1) provides that patents are to disclose only one invention, but that the
disclosure of multiple inventions is not sufficient to invalidate the patent:
36(1) A patent
shall be granted for one invention only but in an action or other proceeding
a patent shall not be deemed to be invalid by reason only that it has been
granted for more than one invention.
36.(1) Un brevet
ne peut être accordé que pour une seule invention, mais dans une instance ou
autre procédure, un brevet ne peut être tenu pour invalide du seul fait qu’il
a été accordé pour plus d’une invention.
36(2) provides the authority for dividing out divisional applications from
parent applications:
36(2) Where an application
describes and claims more than one invention, the applicant may, and on the
direction of the Commissioner to that effect shall, limit his claims to one
invention only, and the invention or inventions defined in the other claims
may be made the subject of one or more divisional applications, if those
divisional applications are filed before the issue of a patent on the
original application.
36.(2) Si une demande décrit plus d’une invention, le demandeur
peut restreindre ses revendications à une seule invention, toute autre
invention divulguée pouvant faire l’objet d’une demande complémentaire, si
celle-ci est déposée avant la délivrance d’un brevet sur la demande
36(4) provides that the divisional application is to be treated as a separate
application but that it retains the filing date of the original application:
36(4) The
divisional applications referred to in subsection (2) shall be deemed to be
separate and distinct applications under this Act, to which the provisions thereof
apply as fully as may be, and separate fees shall be paid on each of those
applications and they shall bear the filing date of the original application.
36.(4) Une demande complémentaire est considérée comme une
demande distincte à laquelle la présente loi s’applique aussi complètement
que possible. Des taxes distinctes sont acquittées pour la demande
complémentaire, et sa date de dépôt est celle de la demande originale.
On appeal,
Apotex urges that section 36 of the Act is not merely procedural and even
if it is, non-compliance has the same effect as with other substantive
provisions of the Act, namely a loss of patent rights.
A review
of the Act indicates that there are no provisions dealing with the
consequences of an improper divisional. One is left therefore, to consider the
purpose of section 36 and any other case law surrounding its meaning. In my
analysis, the conclusions reached by the Judge are correct.
First, in
this case the Commissioner did not object when Merck divided out from the ‘340
application the claims which became the subject of the ‘350 Patent. As Hughes
J. found, the Commissioner implicitly approved the divisional and this decision
should be given deference. Had the Commissioner rejected the divisional as
improper, Merck could have reinstated the claims divided out in the parent
application. To now hold that the original ‘340 application disclosed only one
invention and therefore that the ‘350 Patent is invalid as an improper
divisional would deny Merck the opportunity to reinstate the lisinopril claims
into the parent application, which issued in 1992 without including a claim for
Merck and Astra point to a number of cases where the Courts have been unwilling
to invalidate a patent based on non-compliance with patent prosecution
procedures prior to the date of patent issuance where the Commissioner has not
objected to the procedures employed: (see Fada Radio Ltd. v. Canadian
General Electric Co. Limited, [1927] S.C.R. 520; Aventis Pharma
Inc. v. Apotex Inc., 2005 FC 1283 (T.D.) at paragraph 353, aff’d 2006 FCA 64, leave
to appeal denied [2006] S.C.C.A. No. 136; Beecham Canada Ltd. v. Procter
& Gamble Co. (1982), 61 C.P.R. (2d) 1 (F.C.A.)).
Apotex has not advanced any case law showing that the consequence of an
improper divisional is for that reason alone, a loss of patent rights. Apotex
referred to the case GlaxoSmithKline Inc. v. Apotex Inc., 2003 FCT 687,
where Kelen J. found the patent at issue was an improper divisional because it
did not disclose an invention different from that in the parent application.
Kelen J. evidently did not consider an improper divisional alone to be enough
invalidate the patent. Rather, he found the patent at issue
void because it disclosed the same invention as the parent and therefore was
invalid by virtue of double patenting. That decision is of no assistance in
the present appeal.
From a
global perspective, when considering the harm that may result from an improper
divisional, it becomes clear that the principle of double patenting provides a
sufficient remedy. The harm is that two patents might issue for the same
invention, giving the patentee differing monopolies. Where, as in the present
case, the various divisional applications and the parent have no overlapping
claims, there is no risk that a patentee will be able to extend its patent
monopoly by having two patents for the same invention.
summary, Hughes J. correctly held that an improper divisional of a patent does
not, in the absence of double patenting, give rise to a loss of patent rights.
I would further only note that Apotex did not appeal the Judge’s rejection of
their double patenting argument and that issue is not before this panel.
Issue 3: Did the Judge improperly err
by ignoring extrinsic evidence?
Hughes J.
rejected Apotex’s argument that he should consider extrinsic evidence,
including communications surrounding foreign patent prosecutions and statements
of Merck’s inventors, when construing the patents. He rejected the argument primarily
on the basis that the general rule is that extrinsic evidence is inadmissible
for the purpose of construing a patent specification.
Apotex urges
this Court to conclude that only one invention was disclosed by the ‘340
application by reference to statements made by Merck inventors and its internal
documents. In my view these documents should have no bearing on this Court’s
As Hughes
J. noted, in Nekoosa Packaging Corp. v. AMCA International Ltd. (1994),
56 C.P.R. (3d) 470 at 480, Robertson J.A. held that the general rule is that
extrinsic evidence is inadmissible for the purpose of construing a patent
specification and this must necessarily extend to the testimony of the inventor
pertaining to the proper construction of the specification. Similarly,
statements made by the patentee during the course of patent prosecution are not
to be considered because the scope of the invention should be determined by
reference to the patent itself (P.L.G. Research Ltd. v. Jannock Steel
Fabricating Co. (1991), 35 C.P.R. (3d) 346 (F.C.T.D.), aff’d 41 C.P.R. (3d)
492 (F.C.A.)).
Issue 4: Is Section 28 of the Act
relevant in the present appeal?
argues that Merck’s claim for priority under section 28 of the Act from
the earlier United
States patent
application constrains what could properly be claimed in the ‘340 application.
Section 28 states that an applicant can claim priority from an earlier foreign
application provided the Canadian and foreign application are for the same
invention. Boehringer and Hoechst direct that the ‘340
application disclosed more than one invention because it separately claimed a
class of Formula I-bearing compounds and several individual compounds.
to Apotex’s assertion, where a Canadian application contains material relating
to subject-matter invented after the priority date, that subject-matter cannot
benefit from that date. Such a defect in the priority claim will not invalidate
the entire patent, but will simply result in the application bearing the
Canadian filing date (see Refrigerating Equipment Ltd. v. Drummond, [1930]
Ex. C.R. 154; Canadian Marconi Co. v. Vera Prinzen Enterprises Ltd. (1964),
46 C.P.R. 97 (Ex. Ct.)).
As Hughes
J. notes, all that a claim to priority does is to enable an applicant to claim
an earlier date of filing or a notional date of invention if that became an
issue. In the present appeal, there was no issue of anticipation by reason of
intervening prior art between the priority date and the filing of the Canadian
application. Therefore, the priority date was not at issue and cannot govern
whether the parent ‘340 application disclosed one or more inventions.
Issue 5: Did Merck wilfully delay the
prosecution of the ‘350 Patent?
While the
United States patent took less than five years to issue, the ‘350 Patent took
almost twelve years from the filing of the original United States application,
from which the ‘350 Patent claimed priority. Nevertheless, Hughes J. rejected
the argument that the delay in issuing the ‘350 Patent was wilful. Importantly,
he found that no evidence was tendered to show that the delay was unduly long
or short. He also found that the longest delay in patent prosecution
originated from the Patent Office, not Merck. Further, he refused to draw any
inference from the evidence adduced by Apotex regarding lobbying for and
against the abolition of the compulsory licencing scheme in Canada.
I do not
think this Court should interfere with Hughes J.’s reasons on this issue, as
they are grounded in his analysis of the evidence before him and are a matter
of considerable discretion. While Apotex lists a number of factors that might
suggest that Merck did, in fact, delay prosecution of the ‘350 patent, in my
opinion, Apotex has not succeeded in showing that Hughes J. made any palpable
and overriding errors in concluding that there was no evidence of delay in the
prosecution of the patent.
addition, Apotex did not point to any Canadian case law in which a patent was
invalidated by reason of prosecution delay. Prosecution delay is an American
concept that Apotex seeks to import into our Canadian jurisprudence. In my
view, given that no underlying delay was shown in this case, this is not an
appropriate case in which to consider whether this concept should be adopted in
Issue 6: Are the principles of cause
of action estoppel or issue estoppel relevant in the present appeal?
In their fifth
amended reply and defence to counterclaim, Merck and Astra plead that Apotex
was precluded on the principles of estoppel and/or abuse or process from
introducing invalidity allegations that were raised or could have been raised
in the Enalapril Litigation concerning the ‘349 Patent (supra at
paragraph 19). Hughes J. agreed with the plaintiffs and held Apotex’s
invalidity allegations to be precluded by reason of estoppel.
judicata has
two branches, cause of action estoppel and issue estoppel. Abuse of process is
a separate, but related doctrine. Hughes J. did not specify the type of
estoppel on which he based his decision and consequently, Apotex’s argument on
appeal is that he erred in both invoking and then applying a hybrid, conflated,
and legally unknown form of estoppel.
Cause of
action estoppel bars a party from alleging a cause of action against another if
the same cause of action has already been determined by a court of competent
jurisdiction (see Angle v. Canada (Minister of National Revenue), [1975]
2 S.C.R. 248). Issue estoppel, on the other hand, arises where the proceeding
concerns a different cause of action, but some of the issues raised have
already been decided in an earlier proceeding. In Danyluk v.
Ainsworth Technologies Inc., [2001] 2 S.C.R. 460 at paragraph 25 (hereafter
Danyluk), the Supreme Court of Canada found that there are three
preconditions to the operation of issue estoppel: that the same question has
been decided; that the judicial decision which is said to create the estoppel
was final; and that the parties to the judicial decision or their privies were
the same persons as the parties to the proceedings in which the estoppel is
raised or their privies.
Counsel for
Astra conceded in oral argument that cause of action estoppel could only apply
if this Court found that the ‘340 application disclosed only one invention.
Since I have already found that the ‘340 application discloses more than one
invention, namely the class of compounds and each of lisinopril, enalapril, and
enalaprilat separately, cause of action estoppel is not applicable to the
present appeal.
I am satisfied that the grounds for issue estoppel have not been met. In his
judgment, Hughes J. stated that the addition of Astra in this action as a
licencee under the ‘350 Patent is
irrelevant. With respect, I disagree. It is relevant to consider whether
Astra was a privy of Merck so as to satisfy the third requirement of issue
estoppel. Privies were defined by Binnie J. in Danyluk as somewhat
elastic and that each determination should be made on a case by case basis.
is a licencee under the ‘350 patent. It
therefore follows that since the ‘340 application discloses more than one invention, Astra did not have a participatory
interest in the Enalapril Litigation so as to be considered a privy of Merck.
Therefore, I find that issue estoppel should not have been applied to bar
Apotex from asserting its invalidity defences.
It follows
from the foregoing analysis that Hughes J. erred when he determined that a
valid “estoppel” existed in this case.
Issue 7: Is an injunction an
appropriate remedy in the present case?
The Judge
granted Merck and Astra an injunction enjoining Apotex from making, using and
selling lisinopril products until the expiry of the ‘350 Patent. With respect to
any lisinopril products in Apotex’s possession at the time the injunction took
effect, Apotex could either deliver the material up to Merck and Astra or
retain the material, with an accounting for sales and hold any money received
for such material in a separate trust fund. Apotex asserts that Hughes J.
erred in law by awarding an injunction automatically, without proper
consideration of relevant factors.
decision to award an injunction is a discretionary one entitled to considerable
deference by this Court. I do not think Apotex has succeeded in showing that
the Judge’s exercise of that discretion warrants our interference. Apotex has
provided little guidance as to the factors that should have been considered.
Moreover, while Hughes J. does not specifically explain his reasons for
awarding an injunction in great detail, the care with which he outlined the remedies
section of his reasons militates against a finding that he did not adequately
consider all relevant factors in awarding the injunction. In particular, the
fact that he granted Apotex a thirty day grace period before the injunction
would take effect shows he did not award the injunction automatically and
without considerable thought.
in my analysis, an injunction in this case is an appropriate remedy. Not only
did the Judge determine that the ‘350 patent was valid, but Apotex admitted infringement.
Section 44 of the Act grants Merck the exclusive right to make,
construct, use and sell its invention and clearly an injunction preventing
Apotex from selling lisinopril until the expiry of the patent is necessary to
protect Merck’s rights.
Issue 8: Are there any statutory or
common law exemptions available to Apotex?
For ease
of reference I would propose to deal with each of the exemptions claimed by
Apotex under separate headings.
Section 56 – Material acquired before ‘350
Patent issued
Section 56
of the Act provides that:
56(1) Every
person who, before the issuing of a patent, has purchased, constructed or
acquired any invention for which a patent is afterwards obtained under this
Act has the right to use and sell to others the specific article, machine,
manufacture or composition of matter patented and so purchased, constructed
or acquired before the issue of the patent therefore, without being liable to
the patentee or his legal representatives for so doing, but the patent shall
not, with respect to other persons, be held invalid by reason of that
purchase, construction or acquisition or use of the invention by the person
first mentioned, or by those to whom he has sold it, unless it was the
application for a patent therefore, in consequence whereof the invention
became public and available to public use.
Toute personne qui, avant la délivrance d’un brevet, a acheté, exécuté ou
acquis une invention pour laquelle un brevet est subséquemment obtenu sous
l’autorité de la présente loi, a le droit d’utiliser et de vendre à d’autres
l’article, la machine, l’objet manufacturé ou la composition, de matières,
spécifique, breveté et ainsi acheté, exécuté ou acquis avant la délivrance du
brevet s’y rapportant sans encourir de ce chef aucune responsabilité envers
le breveté ou ses représentants légaux. Toutefois, à l’égard des tiers le
brevet ne peut être considéré comme invalide du fait de cet achat, de cette
exécution ou acquisition ou utilisation de l’invention par la personne en
premier lieu mentionnée ou par des personnes auxquelles elle l’a vendue, à
moins que cette invention n’ait été achetée, exécutée, acquise ou utilisée
durant une période de plus de deux ans avant la demande d’un brevet portant
sur cette invention, en conséquence de quoi l’invention est devenue publique
et disponible pour l’usage du public.
Merck and
Astra agreed that some lots of lisinopril were acquired by Apotex before
October 16, 1990, the date the ‘350 Patent was issued and were therefore exempt
from infringement by virtue of section 56. However, in contention were three
lots, lot numbers P65485, P65510 and P65557 (the Delmar Batches), which were
manufactured in Canada by Delmar but whose
manufacture into lisinopril had not been completed before they were acquired by
Apotex. Hughes J. found that with respect to these lots, Apotex was not exempt:
lisinopril as a molecule came into existence somewhere within each batch before
October 16, 1990, until those molecules had been sufficiently isolated and
purified so that Delmar could consider that it had arrived at a "produit
fini", it cannot be said that Delmar had "purchased, constructed
or acquired" the invention within the meaning of section 56. That did not
happen with respect to either batch P65485 or P65510 until after the patent was
No record
could be found in respect of the third lot, P65557, and accordingly, Hughes J. held
that Apotex had not met its onus of proving the exemption with respect to it. With respect
to batches P65485 and P655510, Apotex asserts that the jurisprudence
considering the scope and application of section 56 has determined that the
word ‘invention’ is broad enough to embrace any patentable subject-matter,
whether tangible or intangible. Furthermore, the phrase “purchased,
constructed or acquired” is similarly broad enough to include any means of
obtaining such subject-matter.
now argues that Hughes J. erred in electing to apply the principle that the
patented object must be in a useable form as of the date of grant (i.e. ready
to be shipped to a customer). The thrust of their argument is that this
question can be answered only by concentrating on the person who purchased,
constructed or acquired the subject matter rather than the use of the subject-matter
itself. Apotex urges
this Court to find that the relevant subject-matter in this case was the
compound lisinopril, not the lisinopril dehydrate, that Delmar subsequently
made using that compound.
settle this issue it is necessary to determine the meaning of ‘purchase,
constructed or acquired’ as provided for in section 56. In Lido Industrial
Products Ltd. v. Teledyne Industries Inc. (1981), 57 C.P.R. (2nd) 29
(C.A.) (hereafter Lido), the plaintiff in a
patent infringement suit relied upon a patent for a shower head in which it
improved its earlier invention. The defendant imported and sold shower heads in
Canada that
infringed the claims of the patent. The defendant attacked the validity of the
patent and asserted that it was immune from suit in respect of all the units by
virtue of the present section 56 of the Act.
establishing whether the defendant could rely on that section, this Court held
that the purpose of the section contemplates that the particular articles must
actually be in existence at the date of the grant. On the evidence presented,
the Court found that the appellant was entitled to the protection of that
section with respect to shower heads that had already arrived in Canada, as
well as other shower heads that had already been paid for and were in transit
to Canada.
issue was also considered by this Court in the appeal of the Enalapril
Litigation. The Court cited several decisions, Lido being one, and also
a decision of Thurlow J. in Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co. v. Ford Motor Co.
of Canada Ltd.
[1969] 1 Ex. C.R. 529, aff’d [1970] S.C.R. 833 (hereafter Libbey). Thurlow J.’s decision
concentrated on the actual use of the article purchased or acquired, rather
than the article itself. He held that the right to use an article encompassed
the right to use and sell products that are subsequently created by applying
the article to its intended use.
follows for our purposes that the right to use a chemical compound encompasses
the right to use and sell compositions that are created by applying the
compound to its intended use. The fact that the use of a chemical compound may
become incorporated into subsequently created products is, therefore
immaterial. Accordingly, the form taken by an invention is not governing for
the purpose of section 56. Pursuant to the Court in Libbey, the right
to use an article includes the right to use and sell things produced with that
article. However, like most rules, there is also an exception. Such exception
was expressed and adopted by this Court in the Enalapril Litigation.
that litigation, this Court had to decide whether Apotex’s purchase of
enalapril maleate prior to the granting of the ‘349 Patent could benefit
from section 56. In delivering his decision for this Court, MacGuigan J.A.
The form
taken by an invention is not governing for the purposes of s.56. Thus, if
Apotex had purchased or acquired enalapril maleate in any form … it could be
said to have acquired Merck’s invention within the meaning of s.56. However,
in the case at bar, the product which Apotex sought to purchase or acquire was
pure powder. If the seller was not satisfied that the product met that
description and could be delivered, Apotex could not be said to have acquired
the product.
if the seller Delmar did not consider the lots in question to be of such
quality that it could be shipped prior to the grant of the ‘349 Patent, the enalapril
maleate delivered to Apotex could not be said to be in existence for purpose of
the statutory immunity. Only when it is deemed to be of proper quality could
the enalapril maleate be considered to be purchased or acquired by Apotex
within the meaning of that section.
the present case, therefore, Apotex cannot be said to have purchased or
acquired the Delmar Batches until they obtained title to them. If the Delmar
Batches were of a finished product, title would have passed to Apotex and
Apotex could then claim the statutory benefit. However, that is not the case
here. At trial, Dr. Dickinson, President of Delmar, testified that they were
not satisfied that the Delmar Batches met the description of the lisinopril
Apotex sought to purchase. The lisinopril had not yet been isolated as a solid
and still had to undergo purification steps followed by drying, before it could
be released as a finished product. These steps were eventually undertaken but
it was not until October 23, 1990 and November 7, 1990 that the Delmar Batches
were packaged and ready for delivery.
a result, title could not pass to Apotex until the product was in a deliverable
state (i.e. October 23, 1990 and November 7, 1990). By that time, the ‘350 Patent was already
granted to Merck (October 16, 1990) and Apotex’s right to reap the benefit of
section 56 was already extinguished.
Exemption for Lots under Compulsory Licence
claimed the benefit of a compulsory licence granted to Delmar while certain
compulsory licence provisions were in force under the Act. Although
compulsory licences granted after December 20, 1991 were terminated,
transitional provisions in the Patent Act Amendment Act, 1992, S.C.
1993, c. 2 (Amendment Act), provide that rights under licences granted
after December 20, 1991 would continue until February 14, 1993:
12(1) Every licence
granted under section 39 of the former Act on or after December 20, 1991
shall cease to have effect on the expiration of the day preceding the
commencement day, and all rights or privileges acquired or accrued under that
licence or under the former Act in relation to that licence shall thereupon
be extinguished.
(2) For
greater certainty, no action for infringement of a patent lies under the Patent
Act in respect of any act that is done before the commencement day under
a licence referred to in subsection (1) in accordance with the terms of that licence
and sections 39 to 39.17 of the former Act.
12.(1) Toute
licence accordée au titre de l’article 39 de la loi antérieure le 20 décembre
1991 ou après cesse d’être valide à l’expiration du jour précédent la date d’entre
en vigueur et les droits et privilèges acquis au titre de cette licence ou de
la loi antérieure relativement à cette licence s’éteignent.
(2) Il ne peut
être intenté d’action en contrefaçon d’un brevet sous le régime de la Loi
sur les brevets à la date d’entrée en vigueur, au titre d’une licence
visée au paragraphe (1) et conformément aux articles 39 à 39.17 de la loi
antérieure ou à cette licence.
held a compulsory licence (Delmar Licence) under which it manufactured batches
of lisinopril. Some of the batches were produced and sold to a Panamanian
company prior to February 14, 1993 (the Commencement Day). These batches were
then sold to Apotex well after the Commencement Day. The current issue is
whether Apotex could take the benefit of the Delmar Licence despite the fact
that the lisinopril was acquired after the extinguishment of the licence.
As with
the construction of the ‘340 application, Hughes J. would have held in favour
of Apotex had he not been bound by precedent. In his view, the licence, even if
extinguished, still ran with the goods made before the licence was
extinguished. However, he concluded that he was bound by an earlier decision
of this Court dealing with a very similar licence granted to Delmar for the
manufacture of enalapril where the Court concluded that Apotex was precluded
from raising a compulsory licence defence because the argument had previously
been rejected and no special circumstances had arisen that would permit
re-litigation of the issue. He wrote:
Since the
Federal Court of Appeal in Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co. (2002) 19
C.P.R. (4th) 163 supra in a decision involving the same parties, Apotex
and Merck, in respect of a compulsory licence identical in terms with that at
issue here, involving a patent which arose from the same parent application (‘340)
as the ‘350 patent here, has decided that Apotex was prevented from
re-litigating the issue of the licence, I am compelled to say likewise. Apotex
cannot, now, raise the ‘350 compulsory licence as a defence to infringement.
now argues that no form of estoppel was ever raised by Merck and Astra in any
pleading and no argument was ever advanced at trial to suggest that it was
estopped from asserting that the subject lots were exempt from infringement. Therefore,
it was not open to Hughes J. to make a finding on a point not raised in the
pleading and where no evidence had been provided.
will first deal with Apotex’s assertion that since no form of estoppel was ever
plead by the Merck and Astra, Hughes J. erred in relying on res judicata
as to the issue of the Delmar Licence. In the text, The Law of Evidence in
Canada (Markham: Butterworths Canada Ltd., 1999), Sopinka states that it is
well established that estoppel by res judicata must be pleaded. The
leading statement on the necessity to plead res judicata is an ancient
Supreme Court of Canada decision, Cooper et al. v. Molsons Bank (1896),
26 S.C.R. 611, where it was stated by Chief Justice Strong that:
Under the system of
pleading introduced by the Judicature Act, it has been decided that res
judicata as a defence, or as a reply to a counter claim, must be
specifically pleaded.
agree with Apotex that it was not open to Hughes J. to raise and decide this
unpleaded issue. Accordingly, the Judge was incorrect in determining
that Apotex was barred as a result of issue estoppel from relying on the Delmar
Licence. Although
Justice Hughes dismissed this exemption on the ground of res judicata,
he still went on to state that:
Should a
higher Court wish to consider this issue afresh, my view is that the licence,
even if extinguished, still runs with goods made before the licence was
extinguished. As stated in Eli Lilly, supra, this affords a good
defence to infringement.
In my respectful opinion, Hughes J. was
wrong in making such a finding.
Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co, [2003] 1 F.C. 242 (C.A.), this Court
considered the law with respect to the rights inherent in patented material
purchased from a licenced vendor. Apotex argued that the Supreme Court in Eli
Lilly and Co. v. Apotex Inc., [1998] 2 S.C.R. 129 (hereafter Eli Lilly) changed the
law with respect to this issue. Apotex asserted that Eli Lilly stood
for the proposition that use rights exist in rem, and are not
consequently affected by extinguishment of the compulsory licence under which
the goods were sold.
a review of Iacobucci J.’s decision in Eli Lilly, this Court held that
Apotex’s reasoning was erroneous. Iacobucci J.’s reasons only disclose that
sale of licenced material by a licencee to an unlicenced purchaser passes the
right to do with the material as the purchaser sees fit without fear of
infringement, subject at all times to explicit restrictions in the licence
itself. Iacobucci J. never addressed how the consequences of the statutory
extinguishment of the licence affect the licencee or any unlicenced purchaser.
On this basis alone, Eli Lilly was found to be distinguishable.
Eli Lilly did not change the law that a licensor’s legal rights
extinguish with the licence itself, and any use following that extinguishment
would be subject to a potential action for infringement. I would agree with
Merck and Astra that the Delmar licence did not run with the goods, and
therefore, any rights that Apotex may have had, extinguished on the expiry date
of the licence. Although my
analysis on this issue differs from that of Hughes J., our conclusions are the
same; specifically, that Apotex cannot rely on the Delmar Licence. On that
basis, I would dismiss this ground of appeal.
Does the Limitation Period bar any lawful
Hughes J.
found Apotex was able to rely on the ‘regulatory use’ exemption provided by
subsection 55.2(1) of the Act (Post Oct 1/89), and the common law ‘fair
dealing’ exemption as defences to infringement. However, he held that because
those defences were not pleaded until Apotex amended its defence and counterclaim
on January 26, 2006, the exemptions applied only to the six years prior to the
pleading amendment.
Section 39
of the Federal Courts Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.F-7 (FCA) provides for
a six year limitation period where the action at issue is not confined to one
39(1) Except as
expressly provided by any other Act, the laws relating to prescription and
the limitation of actions in force in a province between subject and subject
apply to any proceedings in the Federal Court of Appeal or the Federal Court
in respect of any cause of action arising in that province.
(2) A
proceeding in the Federal Court of Appeal or the Federal Court in respect of
a cause of action arising otherwise than in a province shall be taken within
six years after the cause of action arose.
Sauf disposition contraire d'une autre loi, les règles de droit en matière de
prescription qui, dans une province, régissent les rapports entre
particuliers s'appliquent à toute instance devant la Cour d'appel fédérale ou
la Cour fédérale dont le fait générateur est survenu dans cette province.
(2) Le délai
de prescription est de six ans à compter du fait générateur lorsque celui-ci
n’est pas survenu dans une province.
1993, section 55.01 of the Act (Post Oct 1/96), has provided a
limitations provision that reads as follows:
No remedy may be awarded for an act of infringement committed
more than six years before the commencement of the action for infringement.
55.01 Tout
recours visant un acte de contrefaçon se prescrit à compter de six ans de la
commission de celui-ci.
Hughes J.
found that Apotex’s manufacture and sale of lisinopril took place in a number
of provinces and therefore provincial limitations periods referenced in
subsection 39(1) were not applicable. However, it is not clear whether he chose
a six-year limitation period on the basis of subsection 39(2) of the FCA
or section 55.01 of the Act:
The Patent
Act now contains specific provisions as to limitations. Section 55.01
provides that no remedy may be awarded for an act occurring more than six years
previous. The Federal Court Act (sic) R.S.C. 1985, s.39 provides
that if no other limitation period is provided, provincial limitation periods
apply where activity is confined to a single province, otherwise the period is
six years. While Apotex's tablet manufacturing business is located in Ontario, it obtained
material from Quebec and from abroad, it sells across Canada and exports
product. No one
province can
be said to be uniquely involved. The six year limitation period is appropriate.
In my
view, on a plain reading of both subsection 39(2) of the FCA and section
55.01 of the Act, neither is applicable to limit the Apotex defences of
infringement. Subsection 39(2) of the FCA refers exclusively to the
time limit imposed upon a plaintiff to bring a proceeding and it makes no
mention of a time limit for raising a defence. Similarly, the wording of section
55.01 of the Act is also straightforward: ‘no remedy may be awarded for an
act of infringement committed more than six years before the commencement of
the action for infringement.’ Clearly, these limitation periods apply only to a
plaintiff alleging infringement and not to a defendant.
in my view, Hughes J. erred in limiting Apotex’s exemption from infringement to
the six years prior to when Apotex amended its pleadings. No limitation period
applies to any lawful exemptions claimed by Apotex.
VII. Issues on Cross-Appeal
Issue 1: Is Apotex entitled to the
regulatory use exemption under section 55.2(1) of the Act?
55.2(1) of the Act (Post Oct 1/89), reads as follows:
55.2(1) It is not
an infringement of a patent for any person to make, construct, use or sell
the patented invention solely for uses reasonably related to the development
and submission of information required under any law of Canada, a
province or a country other than Canada that regulates the
manufacture, construction, use or sale of any product.
Il n’y a pas contrefaçon de brevet lorsque l’utilisation, la fabrication, la
construction ou la vente d’une invention brevetée se justifie dans la seule
mesure nécessaire à la préparation et à la production du dossier
d’information qu’oblige à fournir une loi fédérale, provinciale ou étrangère
réglementant la fabrication, la
construction, l’utilisation ou la vente d’un produit.
primary ground of appeal here is that subsection 55.2(1) exempts only uses of
the patented product prior to market entry and necessary to obtain a NOC. Once
the generic, such as Apotex, enters the market, they argue that the exemption
no longer applies.
I do not
agree. On a plain reading of subsection 55.2(1) it is clear that the provision
is not limited to pre-market regulatory approval. In Bristol-Myers Squibb
Co. v. Canada (Attorney General), [2005] 1 S.C.R. 533, the Supreme Court of
Canada held that after abolishing the compulsory licensing regime, Parliament’s
desire to facilitate the entry of generic drugs into the market immediately
after the expiry of a patent motivated the enactment of subsection 55.2(1).
However, nowhere does the Supreme Court of Canada say that this was the only
motivation behind subsection 55.2(1). Moreover, had Parliament intended to
limit the application of that subsection to a NOC context, it would have
limited the exemption to materials required for compliance with laws relating
to NOCs, rather than the broader reference to any law of Canada, a province or
a country other than Canada that regulates the manufacture, construction, use
or sale of any product.
In support
of their submission, Merck and Astra also argue that subsection 55.2(1) is an
exemption from the primary purpose of the Act, which they say is to
protect the exclusive rights of a patentee, and therefore should be strictly
construed. Again, I do not agree. In Apotex Inc. v. Wellcome Foundation,
[2002] 4 S.C.R. 153 (S.C.C.) at paragraph 37, that Court held that patent law
seeks to find a balance between encouraging innovation and sharing the products
of innovation with the public, rather than simply seeking to protect the
A patent, as
has been said many times, is not intended as an accolade or civic award for
ingenuity. It is a method by which inventive solutions to practical problems
are coaxed into the public domain by the promise of a limited monopoly for a
limited time. Disclosure is the quid pro quo for valuable proprietary
rights to exclusivity which are entirely the statutory creature of the Patent
in Harvard College v. Canada (Commissioner of Patents), [2002] 4 S.C.R.
45, the Supreme Court of Canada also acknowledged that the manner in which
Canada has administered its patent regime reveals that the promotion of
ingenuity has at times been balanced against other considerations. Subsection
55.2(1) is, accordingly not an exemption from the purpose of the Act,
but is an integral part thereof by seeking to balance the rights of patentees
with those of the public. Accordingly, I can see no basis for strictly
construing subsection 55.2(1) as Merck and Astra suggest.
Merck and Astra
also submit that because none of the samples taken by Apotex were actually
submitted to any regulatory body, Apotex is not entitled to rely on the
subsection 55.2(1) exemption. However, the wording of subsection 55.2(1) does
not support this submission. Any samples which are reasonably related to the
development and submission of information under legislation or regulations are
exempt by the provision. It does not limit the exemption to information
actually submitted.
summary, Hughes J. did not err in his conclusion that subsection 55.2(1)
applies to exempt Apotex from infringement with respect to incoming raw
material and finished products stored by Apotex in the event they are required
for future reference in accordance with regulatory governmental requirements.
Issue 2: Is Apotex entitled to the
common law fair dealing exemption?
Merck and
Astra argue that the Judge erred in law in finding that a fair dealing
exemption to infringement exists, apart from the narrow exemption recognized in
Smith Kline & French Inter-American Corp. v. Micro Chemicals Ltd., [1972] S.C.R. 506 (hereafter Micro
Chemicals), namely, that the experimental use defence only
operates in the context of compulsory licencing where the uses are bona fide.
Further, it is said that the Judge overlooked the fact that the activities at
issue were conducted to further Apotex’s business interests and was therefore,
commercial in nature.
also rely on a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada in Monsanto Canada
Inc. v. Schmeiser, [2004]
1 S.C.R. 902 (hereafter Monsanto). In that case, the
Court considered the word ‘use’ in section 42 of the Act. The provision
reads as follows:
42. Every
patent granted under this Act shall contain the title or name of the
invention, with a reference to the specification, and shall, subject to this
Act, grant to the patentee and the patentee's legal representatives for the
term of the patent, from the granting of the patent, the exclusive right,
privilege and liberty of making, constructing and using the invention and
selling it to others to be used, subject to adjudication in respect thereof
before any court of competent jurisdiction.
42. Tout
brevet accordé en vertu de la présente loi contient le titre ou le nom de
l’invention avec renvoi au mémoire descriptif et accorde, sous réserve des
autres dispositions de la présente loi, au breveté et à ses représentants
légaux, pour la durée du brevet à compter de la date où il a été accordé, le
droit, la faculté et le privilège exclusif de fabriquer, construire,
exploiter et vendre à d’autres, pour qu’ils l’exploitent, l’objet de
l’invention, sauf jugement en l’espèce par un tribunal compétent.
Court ultimately rejected an approach to infringement litigation that has
regard to whether the defendant has benefited or profited from the activity.
In doing so, it determined that use is not restricted to profitable uses, but also
extends to all acts that otherwise further an infringer’s business interests.
and Astra submit that this approach is consistent with the test applied in the
United States Courts (see Madey
v. Duke University
(2002), 64 USPQ 2d 1737 (Fed. Cir. (C.A.)). In the United
it has been held that the profit or non-profit status of the user is not
determinative. One must also have regard to whether the act is in furtherance
of the alleged infringer’s business and is not for amusement, to satisfy idle
curiosity, or for a strictly philosophical inquiry.
I reject
this assertion that the Micro Chemicals exception is limited and only
applies as an adjunct to the grant of compulsory licences. Although the
grant of a compulsory licence was at issue in Micro Chemicals, certainly
it did not form the basis of the exemption. Moreover, the case Frearson v.
Loe (1878), 9
Ch. D. 48, was relied on
by the Supreme Court in Micro Chemicals, and in that case, the grant of
a compulsory licence was not at issue. In my analysis, all that is required is
that the infringing product was made merely by way of bona fide experiment, and
not with the intention of selling and making use of the product in the
commercial market.
and Astra argue in the alternative, that if an exemption does exist at law,
apart from a right to apply for a compulsory licence, such an exception should
be strictly limited. In this respect, they urge the application of the United
test. They allege that so long as the act is in
furtherance of the alleged infringer’s
legitimate business, and is not solely for amusement, to satisfy idle curiosity
or for a strictly philosophical inquiry, the act does not qualify for the very
narrow and strictly limited experimental use defence.
the Supreme Court of Canada in Micro Chemicals, the Judge was called
upon to determine whether Apotex’s use in making the patented substances was
not for profit, but rather to establish that it could manufacture a quality
product in accordance with the specifications disclosed in the application for
patent. In this case, Hughes J. found that there had been use of lisinopril in
ongoing research and development of alternate formulae, alternate techniques
for tablet making and the like. On the present record, I am inclined to agree
with Hughes J. that this ongoing research should be exempt as it meets the test
in Micro Chemicals, particularly, because Apotex was trying to establish
if it could manufacture a quality product.
any event, even if this Court applied the United States test in this case, I am
satisfied that Apotex’s research was used to satisfy their curiosity as to
whether they could in fact manufacture a product with the specifications
disclosed in the application of the ‘350 Patent.
it is submitted that once the user had proceeded beyond the experimental and
testing phase and has taken steps to manufacture, promote and sell the product,
the fair dealing exception no longer applies. While this proposition is true,
Hughes J. did not find that this occurred with the use of lisinopril in the
development of alternate formulae and alternate techniques for tablet making.
Since he was in the position, as trial judge, to examine the evidence, he
should be accorded
deference as to this finding of fact.
Accordingly, I can see no reason to interfere with his decision to exempt such
lisinopril from infringement under the regulatory use exemption provided for by
subsection 55.2(1) of the Act.
It is well
established that this Court must show considerable deference to trial judges’
choice of remedy and should only interfere where the trial judge has committed
an error of law or principle (Doucet-Boudreau v. Nova Scotia (Minister of Education) [2003] 3 S.C.R. 3 at
paragraph 87).
Hughes J.
determined that certain remedies for infringement should be awarded to both
Merck and Astra. These remedies are as follows:
(1) Damages, the quantum of which
were to be determined upon a reference;
(2) Apotex, its directors,
officers, employees, agents and all those under its direction or control were
enjoined from further infringement of the ‘350 Patent during its term
commencing as of the 26th day of May 2006. Apotex was required effective
that date to commence keeping an account of all lisinopril products it acquired,
used, or sold since the delivery of his Reasons and was to place all funds
received in respect of such products in a separate trust account subject to
further order.
(3) Apotex was also required to
deliver up to Merck and Astra or destroy under oath all lisinopril products in
its possession as of and after May 26, 2006 except for those exempted.
However, Apotex could retain certain lisinopril products for use in accordance
with the lawful exemptions or for use after the expiry of the ‘350 Patent if it
provided an accounting and gave an undertaking to place all sums received in a
trust account subject to further order.
(4) Pre-judgment interest, not
compounded, was allowed on the award of damages at the average annual rate
established by the Bank of Canada as the minimum rate at which it makes short
term advances to the banks listed in Schedule I of the Bank Act, R.S.C.
1985, c. B-1;
(5) Post judgment interest was
allowed bearing the annual rate of five per cent not to be compounded; and
(6) Costs were to be spoken to.
Hughes J.
refused their request for an award of profits and for so-called elevated
damages thirty per cent above normal.
Issue 3: Whether Merck and Astra are
entitled to a delivery up or destruction order?
Merck and
Astra now argue that in allowing Apotex the option of retaining lisinopril
products, Hughes J. created a de facto stockpiling exception, allowing
Apotex to immediately resume sales from stockpiled lisinopril once the ‘350
Patent expired. They point to Canada’s obligations under the Trade Related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS), 1869 U.N.T.S.
299, and the fact that in response to an unfavourable report on Canada’s
compliance with TRIPS by the World Trade Organization Panel on Canada – Protection
of Pharmaceutical Products – Parliament repealed subsections 55.2(2) and (3) of
the Act. Those subsections had allowed third parties to manufacture and
store patented pharmaceuticals six months before the expiry of the relevant patents,
in a practice known as stockpiling.
As Apotex
correctly points out, those subsections effectively deemed infringing conduct
to be non-infringing and were directed to third parties who would sell the
stockpiled goods after patent expiry for their own benefit. In the present
case, however, Apotex was permitted to retain only the infringing product that
Hughes J. found to be exempt under subsection 55.2(1) and the fair dealing
At paragraph
113, supra, I already noted that once a user has proceeded beyond the
experimental and testing phase, the fair dealing exception no longer applies.
Moreover, at paragraph 104, supra, I found that the only lisinopril
product exempt under subsection 55.2(1) is in respect of incoming raw material
and finished products stored by Apotex in the event they are required for
future reference in accordance with regulatory requirements. Therefore, in my
analysis, I would direct that all such lisinopril product not used for exempt
purposes must be delivered up to Merck and Astra, or destroyed under oath.
I would
add that this modified delivery up or destruction order seems to be just the
type of reasonable limit on an patentee’s exclusive rights contemplated by
Article 30 of TRIPS:
Article 30 - Exceptions
to Rights Conferred
Members may
provide limited exceptions to the exclusive rights conferred by a patent,
provided that such exceptions do not unreasonably conflict with a normal
exploitation of the patent and do not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate
interests of the patent owner, taking account of the legitimate interests of
third parties.
Article 30 - Exceptions aux droits conférés
Les Membres pourront prévoir des
exceptions limitées aux droits exclusifs conférés par un brevet, à condition
que celles-ci ne portent pas atteinte de manière injustifiée à l'exploitation
normale du brevet ni ne causent un préjudice injustifié aux intérêts
légitimes du titulaire du brevet, compte tenu des intérêts légitimes des
A second
argument is that Hughes J.’s delivery-up or destruction award was not a remedy
available to him. It is argued that subsection 20(2) of the FCA limits
the Court’s ability to grant remedies to those known to common law or equity
and that Hughes J.’s award goes beyond the normally recognized remedy. In
addition, Merck submits that Hughes J.’s award is contrary to the purpose of a
destruction or delivery-up award.
I do not
agree with Merck’s interpretation of subsection 20(2) of the FCA. The
subsection reads as follows:
20(2) The Federal
Court has concurrent jurisdiction in all cases, other than those mentioned in
subsection (1), in which a remedy is sought under the authority of an Act of
Parliament or at law or in equity respecting any patent of invention,
copyright, trade-mark, industrial design or topography referred to in
paragraph (1)( a).
20.(2) Elle a compétence concurrente dans tous les
autres cas de recours sous le régime d'une loi fédérale ou de toute autre
règle de droit non visés par le paragraphe (1) relativement à un brevet
d'invention, un droit d'auteur, une marque de commerce, un dessin industriel
ou une topographie au sens de la Loi sur les topographies de circuits
Section 20
falls under the section of the FCA entitled “Jurisdiction of Federal
Court” and is concerned with the Court’s jurisdiction to hear and decide
intellectual property matters. Nothing therein suggests that it is intended to
limit a judge’s creativity in fashioning appropriate remedies.
I can agree with Hughes J. to the extent that Apotex is permitted to retain
exempted lisinopril product only. All other lisinopril product is to be
delivered up or destroyed under oath by December 31, 2006, in order to comply
with Canada’s obligation under TRIPS.
Issue 4: Monies held in trust by
argues that Hughes J. erred in ordering that monies received by Apotex as of
April 26, 2006 be paid into a trust account established by Apotex. Instead,
Merck argues that the Judge should have ordered that the monies be paid into
It follows
from my analysis above that since Apotex cannot sell any of the exempt
lisinopril products it retains, there is no need to decide whether money should
be paid into court, or whether a trust account established by Apotex is sufficient.
In the present circumstances, any monies presently held in trust should be
subject to an accounting and paid to Merck and Astra by December 31, 2006.
Issue 5: Are Merck and Astra to be
afforded an election between profits and damages?
a patentee has successfully demonstrated infringement, the Court has the
discretion to grant the patentee’s choice of remedies pursuant to section 57 of
the Act. If a judge thereby refuses the award of an accounting of
profits, damages are available pursuant to section 55. There is no presumption
that the patentee is entitled to an election, rather a trial judge has complete
discretion in deciding whether or not to grant this equitable remedy (see AlliedSignal Inc. v. Du Pont Canada Inc. (1995), 61 C.P.R. (3d) 417
(F.C.A.)); Apotex Inc. v. Merck & Co. et al. (1996), 70 C.P.R. (3d) 183
Merck and
Astra claim Hughes J. erred in refusing to allow them to elect an accounting of
profits, rather than damages, as a remedy for Apotex’s infringement. Their
argument is premised on two alleged errors. First, they argue that in reaching
this conclusion, Hughes J. relied on two irrelevant factors: the pace of the
litigation and their failure to compete with Apotex’s infringing products.
Secondly, if this Court finds those factors to be relevant, they further assert
that they were not responsible for the slow pace of the litigation and that
they did in fact compete with Apotex.
respect to the first argument concerning irrelevant factors, the parties have
not pointed to any authority precluding the Court from considering these two
factors or enumerating the factors that must be considered. In Beloit Canada
Ltd. v. Valmet-Dominion Inc. (1997), 73 C.P.R. (3d) 321 (F.C.A) (hereafter Beloit),
this Court held that it was within the discretion of the trial judge to take
into consideration the equitable results of the election of an accounting of
profits based on the complexity and length of proceedings among other
considerations. In other cases, the Court noted that other panels have
identified circumstances under which an accounting of profits may reasonably be
refused, such as excessive delay and misconduct on the part of the patentee.
However, nowhere does the Court say that these are the only
factors that might reasonably be considered.
In Lubrizol
Corp. v. Imperial Ltd. (1992), 45 C.P.R. (3d) 449 (F.C.A.) (hereafter Lubrizol),
this Court at page 474 approved the decision of a trial judge who considered
the time taken by the plaintiff to commence the action and whether the
infringing products competed with those of the plaintiff’s:
The award of
the option of an election of profits is, in any event, clearly discretionary …
As a general
rule, an appellate court will not interfere with the exercise of a discretion
by a trial judge unless the judge has proceeded upon some erroneous principle,
or some misapprehension of the facts, or where the order is not just and
reasonable. (Friends of the Oldman River Society v. Canada (Minister of
Transport) (1990), 68 D.L.R. (4th) 375 at p. 400, [1990] 2 F.C. 18, 5
C.E.L.R. (N.S.) 1 (C.A.).)
authorities support the view that a plaintiff’s delay in initiating an action
is a proper ground for refusing the election of an accounting of profits. In my
view, delay in prosecuting an action once the action has been initiated has the
same effect as a delay in bringing the action and therefore, should likewise be
an appropriate ground for refusing the election.
Nor have
the parties pointed to any authority that a plaintiff’s attempt to compete is a
relevant consideration in awarding or refusing to award an accounting of
profits. In arguing that their failure to compete with Apotex should not be a
relevant consideration, Merck and Astra point to the fact that by competing
they would drive down Apotex’s profits, thereby reducing the amount they would
be able to recover from Apotex on account of profits. With respect, I do not
find that argument persuasive. Had they made efforts to compete aggressively
against Apotex, it is not certain that Apotex would have lowered prices or
would have earned profits less than those already earned. Moreover, while the
profits earned by Apotex on account of a decrease in market share might have
been lower had they attempted to compete, Merck and Astra would themselves be
earning profits in place of Apotex’s lost profits.
summary, because the Courts have not settled conclusively on the factors that
must be taken into account and because a trial judge has considerable
discretion in determining whether an accounting of profits should be awarded, I
cannot conclude on this record that this Court should interfere with the
Judge’s holding on the basis that he considered irrelevant factors.
Two other
collateral arguments bear comment. During oral argument, counsel indicated
that there were over seventy-two pre-trial motions and other proceedings over a
ten year period which on its face would indicate a highly contested proceeding
and no undue delay. However, on closer inspection, there was a great deal of
inaction during the first three years of this litigation that consequently lead
to a status review hearing followed by the long and contentious series of
motions. Accordingly, on this record, I cannot conclude that Hughes J. erred
in finding that Merck and Astra left this action to proceed in a leisurely
On the
issue of their failure to compete, Astra concedes that it stopped competing.
Merck, on the other hand, points to affidavit evidence used in Apotex’s
subsequent and unsuccessful attempt to stay the judgment of Hughes J., which
indicates that Merck did in fact set prices closer to those of Apotex. In my
view, this evidence should have been placed in front of the Judge below and I
choose to ignore it on the basis that Merck has not proceeded with due
summary, Merck and Astra do not have a prima facie right to an account
of profits as the case law is clear that the choice between the two remedies
cannot be left entirely to the successful plaintiff. In conclusion, given that the decision to
award an accounting of profits is a discretionary decision, which is entitled
to deference, Merck and Astra have not, in my analysis, shown that this Court
should depart from the Judge’s refusal to allow them to elect between and an
accounting of profits and damages.
Issue 6: Pre-Judgment Interest
36(2) and (5) of the FCA grant complete discretion to Hughes J. to award
pre-judgment interest at any rate that he considers reasonable in the
circumstances. The Judge granted pre-judgment interest on the award of
damages at the average annual rate established by the Bank of Canada. Merck
and Astra had been seeking the average annual bank rate plus 1.5%, or in the
alternative, a fixed rate of 5.75% with interest compounded to reflect modern
commercial reality.
Merck and
Astra now argue that Hughes J. erred by ordering a rate of
pre-judgment interest that is too low to properly account for commercial
reality. Instead, it should be set at five per cent per annum, the minimum
rate set out in section 3 of the Interest Act, R.S.C. 1985, c.I-15.
That provision provides that whenever any interest is payable by the agreement
of parties or by law, and no rate is fixed, the rate of interest shall be five
per cent per annum. Moreover, compound interest is said to be necessary to
properly compensate them and to prevent Apotex from receiving a windfall
36(5) permits the Court to consider the conduct of the proceedings or any other
relevant consideration in determining the entitlement to and the rate of
pre-judgment interest. That subsection states:
36(5) The Federal
Court of Appeal or the Federal Court may, if it considers it just to do so,
having regard to changes in market interest rates, the conduct of the
proceedings or any other relevant consideration, disallow interest or allow
interest for a period other than that provided for in subsection (2) in
respect of the whole or any part of the amount on which interest is payable
under this section.
36.(5) La Cour
d'appel fédérale ou la Cour fédérale, selon le cas, peut, si elle l'estime
juste compte tenu de la fluctuation des taux d'intérêt commerciaux, du
déroulement des procédures et de tout autre motif valable, refuser l'intérêt
ou l'accorder pour une période autre que celle prévue à l'égard du montant
total ou partiel sur lequel l'intérêt est calculé en vertu du présent
discretion as to the appropriate rate and period for which interest will run is
said to assist the court in controlling the litigation process and to avoid
inappropriate compensation (see Wellcome Foundation Ltd. v. Apotex Inc. (1992), 40 C.P.R. (3d) 361 at
366 (F.C.T.D.)).
In this case, Hughes J. found that Merck and Astra ‘essentially threw in the
towel and left this action to proceed in a leisurely fashion.’ It seems
obvious to me that the Judge was considering subsection 36(5) when he exercised
his discretion and set the pre-judgment interest rate as set out above.
would also note that section 3 of the Interest Act is applicable only
when there is no provision made in an applicable statute or in an agreement and
no mechanism is provided by which a rate can be fixed. That section reads as follows:
Whenever any interest is payable by the agreement of parties or by law, and
no rate is fixed by the agreement or by law, the rate of interest shall be
five per cent per annum.
3. Chaque fois que de l’intérêt est exigible par
convention entre les parties ou en vertu de la loi, et qu’il n’est pas fixé
de taux en vertu de cette convention ou par la loi, le taux de l’intérêt est
de cinq pour cent par an.
follows that the application of the Interest Act in this case depends
upon the occurrence of two factors, namely, that interest be payable by law and
that no rate of interest is fixed by law.
respect to the issue of whether the rate of interest is here fixed by law, the
words ‘fixed by law’ should be given a liberal construction (see British Pacific Properties
Ltd. v. British Columbia (Minister of Highways & Public Works), [1980] 2 S.C.R. 283). In
essence, whether
a statute under which interest is payable prescribes the rate or whether the
rate is remitted to a judge for determination, the rate ultimately awarded
arises under law and is said to be ‘fixed by law.’ Section 3 of the Interest
Act, therefore, does not apply to the present case and Hughes J. correctly fixed
the interest rate accordingly. I am satisfied that he did not err when he
awarded pre-judgment interest at the average annual rate established by the
Bank of Canada.
respect to whether interest should be compounded, paragraph 36(4)(b) of the FCA
provides a complete answer. It states:
Interest shall not be awarded under subsection (2),
(b) on
interest accruing under this section
36.(4) Il n’est
pas accordé d’intérêts aux termes du paragraphe (2),
(b) sur
les intérêts accumulés aux termes du présent article;
Hughes J. did not err in refusing to award compound interest.
Issue 7: Post Judgment Interest
It is
that the post judgment interest rate should mirror the pre-judgment interest
rate (i.e. the average annual bank rate plus 1.5%), or in the alternative, a
fixed rate of 5.75%. Furthermore, an award of compounded post-judgment
interest would allow full compensation when the award is finally paid and would
discourage Apotex from delaying payment of the judgment award.
same considerations apply here as were relevant to pre-judgment interest. An
award of compound interest and the rate of interest is completely discretionary
and are matters that are to be weighed by the Judge. I can see no basis to
conclude that Hughes J. erred in awarding simple post judgment interest in this
Issue 8: Whether Astra is entitled to
elevated/exemplary/punitive damages?
ground of appeal is advanced solely by Astra. Merck and Astra had sought
elevated, exemplary and/or punitive damages as Apotex had sold product beyond
the prior acquired inventory to which it was limited under the NOC. The Judge
declined to grant such an award on the basis that the matter had not been
expressly pleaded.
182(a) of the Federal Court Rules, SOR/98-106, states that every
statement of claim shall specify the nature of any damages claimed. In Whiten
v. Pilot Insurance Co., [2002] 1 S.C.R. 595 (hereafter Whiten) the Supreme
Court considered whether punitive damages were properly pleaded. In rendering
the decision for the Court, Binnie J. held that one of the purposes of a
statement of claim is to alert the defendant to the case it has to meet, and if
at the end of the day the defendant is surprised by an award against it that is
a multiple of what it thought was the amount in issue, there is an obvious
punitive or exemplary damages must be pleaded. Astra asserts, however, that
only after other damages are awarded are they required to present evidence on
the subject of punitive damages. In asserting such a proposition, they rely on
Lubrizol Corp v. Imperial Oil Ltd. (1996), 67 C.P.R. (3d)
1 (FCA). In that case, the Court had to determine whether exemplary
damages should be awarded. In doing so, Stone and Linden JJ.A. held that the
Court cannot decide whether exemplary damages are required until after it
decides whether the general damages were insufficient for punishment and
deterrent purposes. In other words, the Court must first assess the general
my view, this case merely states that the Court will not turn its mind to a
consideration of punitive or exemplary damages until all other damages are
awarded. It is noteworthy that in Lubrizol, the Statement of Claim had
pleaded for exemplary or punitive damages and counsel's opening address at
trial referred to the claim for exemplary damages. Since such damages were
pleaded, it was open to the Court in Lubrizol to decide whether or not
they should be granted.
can find no basis to conclude that Hughes J erred in failing to award punitive
or exemplary damages in the circumstances of this case.
VIII. Conclusion
The appeal
should be allowed in part on the issues of the limitation period for exemptions
and estoppel and the judgment of Hughes J. on those issues should be set
aside. The cross-appeal should be allowed in part on the issues of stockpiling
and monies held in trust, and the judgment of Hughes J. on those issues should
be set aside.
On the
appeal, Merck and Astra were largely successful and are therefore, entitled to
their respective costs to be taxed at the upper level of Column IV for one
senior and one junior counsel each. On the cross-appeal, Apotex was largely
successful, and are therefore, should be entitled to its costs to be taxed at
the upper level of Column IV for one senior and one junior counsel only.
“I agree.
A.M. Linden J.A.”
“I agree.
J. Edgar Sexton J.A.”