Docket: T-22-13
2014 FC 1070
Ottawa, Ontario, December 19, 2014
Honourable Madam Justice Gleason
version of Judgment and Reasons issued November 12, 2014)
The applicants, Teva Canada Innovation and Teva
Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. [collectively, Teva], seek an order pursuant to
section 6 of the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations,
SOR/93-133 [the PMNOC Regulations] to prohibit the Minister of Health [the
Minister] from issuing a Notice of Compliance [NOC] to the respondent, Apotex
Inc. [Apotex], for approval to sell a generic version of rasagiline, a drug
used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
Teva markets rasagiline under the brand name
AZILECT in two forms, 0.5 mg and 1.0 mg rasagiline mesylate tablets. It owns
two Canadian patents in relation to rasagiline that are listed on the Patent
Register established under subsection 3(2) of the PMNOC Regulations: Canadian
Patent 2,232,310 [the 310 Patent] and Canadian Patent 2,174,449. Only the 310
Patent is at issue in this proceeding. It was published on April 10, 1997 (but
claims a priority date to September 20, 1995, due to an earlier filing in
Israel). The 310 Patent was granted on January 8, 2008 and will expire on
September 18, 2016.
Apotex filed an Abbreviated New Drug Submission
with the Minister seeking NOCs for 0.5 and 1.0 mg rasagiline mesylate tablets
branded as APO-Rasagiline [the Apotex Products]. On November 20, 2012, Apotex
served Teva with a Notice of Allegation [NOA] with respect to the 310 Patent
and 0.5 and 1.0 mg rasagiline tablets in which it asserted that the Apotex
Products would not infringe the 310 Patent and that the 310 Patent was invalid.
Teva initiated this prohibition proceeding on
January 4, 2013. It asserts only Claims 2 and 31 of the 310 Patent against Apotex
and says that the Apotex Products infringe these Claims and that the 310 Patent
is valid. Teva thus requests that the Minister be prohibited from issuing NOCs
for the Apotex Products until the 310 Patent expires.
As the Minister has not yet issued an NOC to
Apotex, it seeks to have details of its formulation redacted in the public
version of these Reasons to protect its commercial interests. I believe it
appropriate to redact those details of the Aptoex formulation that are not
essential to understanding these Reasons. However, these details will be
revealed in Apotex’ Product monographs if it is granted an NOC and markets the
Apotex Products. Accordingly, if and when the Minister issues an NOC to Apotex
for the Apotex Products, Apotex shall advise the Court within 48 hours of
receipt of the NOC and the redactions shall be removed from the public version
of these Reasons.
The 310 Patent is entitled “Stable Compositions Containing [Rasagiline]” and
discloses that the stability of rasagiline formulations can be significantly
improved by the addition of large amounts of “pentahydric
or hexahydric alcohols”. The specification refers to three of these
alcohols as being “typically” used in making the
invention to which the 310 Patent pertains, namely, mannitol, sorbitol and
xylitol. The examples contained in the 310 Patent disclose test results for
stability studies conducted with mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol. No test
results are reported in the 310 Patent for any other alcohol nor is any other
alcohol coming within the class of pentahydric or hexahydric alcohols mentioned
in the 310 Patent.
Claims 2 and 31 of the 310 Patent are
composition claims and extend to compositions that include at least 60% by
weight of a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol. Claims 2 and 31 of the 310
Patent are dependent on Claim 1. The three Claims provide as follows:
1. A pharmaceutical composition in
tablet form comprising an amount of R(+)-N-propargyl-1-aminoindan or a
pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, and at least one alcohol selected
from the group consisting of pentahydric and hexahydric alcohols.
2. The pharmaceutical composition of
claim 1, wherein said at least one alcohol comprises at least 60% by weight of
the total composition.
31. The pharmaceutical composition of
claim 2, wherein the composition comprises 1.56 mg of the pharmaceutically
acceptable salt of R(+)-N-propargyl-1-aminoindan.
The Apotex Products contain more than 60% weight
of an alcohol that is commonly called [ ] .
The sole issue that arises with respect to
infringement of the 310 Patent by Apotex in this application is whether [
] is a “pentahydric” or “hexahydric
alcohol”. Teva’s expert witnesses opine that it is; Apotex’ experts
opine the opposite.
For the reasons detailed below, I prefer the
evidence tendered by Apotex and accordingly have concluded that [ ] is
not a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol. I have thus determined that Apotex’
non-infringement allegation is justified and that this application for prohibition
will be dismissed, with costs.
The Experts
Teva filed evidence from three experts, Dr.
Jerry Atwood, Dr. Steven Byrn and Dr. Norman Weiner.
Dr. Atwood is Professor and Chairman of the
Department of Chemistry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He holds a B.S.
degree in Chemistry and Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Chemistry. He has published
hundreds of articles and has consulted widely for industry in the fields of
pharmaceutical chemistry and polymer chemistry, including in relation to the
formulation of pharmaceuticals. He has given expert evidence previously in
several proceedings, almost always on behalf of patentees. His mandate was to
provide an opinion related to patent construction and infringement.
Dr. Byrn is a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at
Purdue University, where he was the Head of the Department of Industrial and
Physical Pharmacy. He has published over 160 articles and is the past Chair of
the FDA Pharmaceutical Sciences Advisory Committee and the U.S. Pharmacopeia
Chemistry 5 Expert Committee. He has consulted widely for pharmaceutical
companies and has given evidence on many occasions previously, likewise
virtually always for patentees. His mandate was to provide an opinion related
to construction and infringement.
Dr. Weiner is an Emeritus Professor of Pharmacy
at the University of Michigan. He has over 45 years experience in the
pharmaceutical field, particularly in pharmaceutical chemistry and drug
delivery systems. He has authored or co-authored more than 170 publications and
has consulted for many companies regarding physical and chemical stability of
raw materials and solid dosage forms. His mandate was to provide an opinion
relating to construction, infringement, and invalidity (insufficiency,
ambiguity, obviousness and utility).
Apotex filed evidence from two experts, Dr.
Harold Hopfenberg and Dr. Anthony Palmieri.
Dr. Hopfenberg is a Professor Emeritus of
Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering and Director Emeritus of the
Kenan Institute for Engineering, Technology & Science at North Carolina
State University. He has an S.B., an S.M. and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering.
He has consulted in industry and has served on the editorial boards of various
journals. His mandate was to provide an opinion related to patent construction,
utility, obviousness, ambiguity, insufficiency, and infringement.
Dr. Palmieri is a registered pharmacist and a
faculty member at the Department of Pharmaceutics at the University of Florida,
College of Pharmacy. He has a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics and has worked at the
university’s Office of Technology Licensing. He has authored over 80
publications and has served on the steering committee for the Handbook of
Pharmaceutical Excipients. He has consulted for pharmaceutical companies and
has previously provided evidence on behalf of both innovator and generic
companies. His mandate was to provide an opinion related to construction,
utility, obviousness, and infringement.
The Matters the Parties and their Experts Agree
In reviewing the facts relevant to the issue of
whether the Apotex Products infringe the 310 Patent, I commence by reviewing
the relevant factual matters that are not in dispute.
In this regard, the parties and their experts
concur that alcohols are organic compounds that have at least one hydroxyl
group (i.e. a group comprised of an oxygen and hydrogen atom, represented by
the formula -OH) and no other carbon-oxygen functional group with a higher
order of precedence in the chemical nomenclature system (see in this regard the
Affidavit of Anthony Palmieri III, sworn November 19, 2013 [Palmieri affidavit]
at para 67 Applicant’s Record [AR], p 1810; Affidavit of Dr. Harold Hopfenberg
sworn November 19, 2013 [Hopfenberg affidavit] at para 30 AR, p 1499; Affidavit
of Dr. Jerry Atwood sworn August 16, 2013 [Atwood affidavit] at paras 26 and 27
AR, p 57; Affidavit of Dr. Stephen Byrn sworn August 19, 2013 [Byrn affidavit]
at paras 21-22 AR, p 210; Affidavit of Dr. Norman Weiner sworn August 19, 2013
[Weiner affidavit] at paras 22-23 AR, p 274).
There also is no dispute that the term “pentahydric” refers to five hydroxyl, or “-OH” groups, and that the term “hexahydric” refers to six hydroxyl groups (Palmieri
affidavit at para 68 AR, pp 1810-1811; Hopfenberg affidavit at paras 30 and 49,
AR, pp 1499 and 1505; Atwood affidavit at para 22 AR, p 56; Byrn affidavit at
para 20 AR, p 210; Weiner affidavit at para 22 AR, p 274).
It is likewise undisputed that mannitol,
sorbitol and xylitol are simple, straight chain sugar alcohols that contain
five (in the case of xylitol) or six hydroxyl groups (in the case of mannitol
and sorbitol) (Palmieri affidavit at para 69 AR, p 1811; Hopfenberg affidavit
at paras 31- 32, AR, pp 1499-1500; Atwood affidavit at para 23 AR, p 56; Byrn
affidavit at para 22 AR, pp 210-211).
The parties likewise agree that the chemical
formulae and molecular structures of mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol are as
follows (Palmieri affidavit at para 189 AR, p 1851; Hopfenberg affidavit at
para 31 AR, p 1500; Byrn affidavit at para 25 AR, p 213; Weiner affidavit at
para 25 AR, p 275):

The parties further agree that [ ] is
an alcohol that[ [
It is similarly undisputed
that the chemical formula for [ ] is [
(See in this regard Palmieri affidavit at
para 168 and 189 AR, pp 1843 and 1850-1851; Hopfenberg affidavit at para 60,
AR, p 1509; Byrn affidavit at paras 24-26 AR, pp 212-213; Weiner affidavit at
paras 24-25 AR, p 275, as corrected by cross-examination at Questions 192 and
193 AR, p 2567).
As is apparent from the foregoing, the [
There is also no dispute that [ ] is
now a relatively commonly-used pharmaceutical excipient. However, it was not as
commonly-used by pharmaceutical formulators in April 1997, the date the 310
Patent was published.
Finally, the parties and their experts are in
substantial agreement regarding the attributes of the notional skilled person,
from whose vantage point the 310 Patent is to be construed. They concur in this
regard that the skilled person is a pharmaceutical formulator with practical
experience. This person would have a master’s, doctoral or, perhaps, a
bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, organic chemistry, pharmacy,
pharmaceutics, pharmaceutical chemistry, medicinal chemistry, or a related
field and experience working as a formulator. Moreover it is not disputed that
the skilled person would not necessarily be an expert in chemical nomenclature,
but the parties agree that he or she would have learned about naming
conventions applied by chemists in undergraduate chemistry courses (see in this
regard: Palmieri affidavit at paras 25 and 57 AR, pp 1800-1801 and 1808;
Hopfenberg affidavit at paras 17 and 27, AR, pp 1495 and 1498-1499; Atwood
affidavit at para 11 AR, p 53; Byrn affidavit at para 15 AR, p 209; Weiner
affidavit at para 21 AR, p 274; Teva memorandum at para 37 AR, p 2813; Apotex
memorandum at para 37; Respondent’s Memorandum [RM], para 26).
The Points in Dispute
I turn now to the points in dispute. The parties
diverge on several points, but only one of them is material to the infringement
issue, namely, what is meant by the terms “pentahydric
and hexahydric alcohols”.
Teva asserts that a skilled person would
understand these terms to include any alcohol molecule that contains five or
six hydroxyl groups or any alcohol molecule that contains an alcohol moiety
(i.e. an identifiable portion of a molecule) that contains five or six hydroxyl
groups. Teva thus says that [ ] is a [ ] alcohol
because there are [ ] hydroxyl groups on the alcohol moiety
[ ]. In
other words, Teva and its experts contend that for purposes of classifying the
type of alcohol that [ ] is, the skilled
person would count only the [ ] hydroxyl groups on the alcohol moiety of
the molecules [ ].
Apotex and its experts,
on the other hand, assert that the skilled person would understand pentahydric
and hexahydric alcohols to include only those alcohols comprised of molecules
that contain a total of five or six hydroxyl groups. They thus contend that the
skilled person would count all the hydroxyl groups in a molecule for purposes
of classifying it and, accordingly, that the skilled person would understand [
] is not pentahydric [or hexahydric] alcohol. They therefore say that the
Apotex Products do not infringe the 310 Patent as they do not contain a
pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol.
Principles Applicable to Claims Construction
In assessing the parties’ respective positions
on this issue, the first step to be undertaken is the construction of the
relevant Claims in the 310 Patent. The case law teaches in this regard that
construing the claims in a patent is the necessary first step in an
infringement analysis as the claims define the invention and the limits of the
monopoly conferred by a patent (see e.g. Whirlpool Corp v Camco Inc.,
2000 SCC 67, [2000] 2 S.C.R. 1067 at para 43 [Whirlpool]; Free World
Trust v Electro Sante Inc., 2000 SCC 66, [2000] 2 S.C.R. 1024 at para 31 [Free
World Trust]; Pfizer Canada Inc. v Canada (Minister of Health), 2005
FC 1725, 144 ACWS (3d) 938 [Pfizer 1] at para 10; Novo Nordisk Canada
Inc. v Cobalt Pharmaceuticals Inc., 2010 FC 746, 86 CPR (4th) 161 at para
89; Alcon Canada Inc. v Cobalt Pharmaceuticals Company, 2014 FC 149, 117
CPR (4th) 323 [Alcon v Cobalt] at para 18).
The principles of claims construction are
well-settled and were laid out by the Supreme Court in Whirlpool and Free
World Trust. There, the Court indicated that patent claims are to be
construed in an informed and purposive manner, with the claims being read in
the context of the patent as a whole through the eyes of a person of ordinary
skill in the art (or skilled person). Justice Hughes aptly summarized these
principles in Pfizer 1 at paras 32-53. He restated those principles in Hughes
& Woodley, Patents, 2nd ed, looseleaf (Canada: LexisNexis Canada Inc,
2005-2014) at 310-11 [Hughes & Woodley] as follows:
(1) Who construes the claim?
The Court construes the claims, not
an expert witness.
(2) When are the claims construed?
At the outset, before deciding issues
of infringement and validity.
(3) As of what date are the claims
As of the date of publication, except
for patents issuing from applications filed before October 1, 1989, in which
case it is the date of issue and grant.
(4) What are the criteria for
The claim must be given a purposive
construction. It is an objective exercise as to what a person skilled in the
art would have understood the inventor to mean.
(5) What resources may be used for
The claim is to be read in the
context of the rest of the specification, assisted by an expert witness, in
order to understand the context of the invention described and the particular
meaning of terms used in the patent. The expert is not to displace the Court in
the role of the person who is to interpret the claims.
(6) Through whose eyes is the
construction made?
Through the eyes of the ordinary
person skilled in the art. An ordinary person is one who operates on the basis
of common knowledge in the trade, possessing ordinary skills and without any
special “in house” knowledge.
(7) What is to be made of the
resulting construction?
The literal meaning of the claim may
be expanded or limited. There may be a self-inflicted wound committed by the
inventor in drafting the claim.
(8) A finding of ambiguity is to be
avoided if at all possible.
Here, as noted, the sole construction issue that
is relevant to infringement is how the terms “pentahydric
alcohol” and “hexahydric alcohol” are to
be construed as Claims 2 and 31 of the 310 Patent include compositions
including at least 60% by weight of such alcohols.
The Experts’ Evidence on Construction
Turning first to Teva’s experts, their evidence
establishes that, prior to formulating their opinions on construction, each was
given a copy of Apotex’ NOA and portions of Apotex’ ANDS by counsel for Teva.
Thus, before they formulated their opinions on construction, each Teva expert
was aware that the Apotex Products contained [ ] and that the party
who wished to retain them took the position that the Apotex Products infringed
the 310 Patent.
Their affidavits moreover reveal that the Teva
experts undertook the construction of the terms “pentahydric
or hexahydric alcohols” with [ ], the allegedly infringing
substance, in mind.
More specifically, Dr. Atwood offers in his
affidavit a definition of the terms “pentahydric”
and “hexahydric” and an explanation for what
constitutes an “alcohol” but does not specifically say what the skilled person
would understand the terms, when used together, to mean, except with reference
to [ ].
He states as follows in this regard:
22. “Penta” and “hexa” refer to five
and six, respectively.
26. The term “alcohol” generally
refers to an organic molecule having at least one hydroxyl (-OH) group,
although the term “alcohol” is also generally used to refer to the hydroxyl
group itself.
Then, after discussing nomenclature and sugar
alcohols generally, he states as follows:
29. In addition to mannitol, sorbitol
and xylitol (the polyols exemplified in the 310 Patent), other sugar alcohols
have been approved for use in the food and pharmaceutical industries. [
] is classified as a sugar alcohol. It is a [
30. The skilled person would
understand that although glucose contains five hydroxyl groups [
glucose is not considered to be an “alcohol” or “polyol” because it also
contains an aldehyde group. This is a simple matter of nomenclature taught in
undergraduate organic chemistry classes. However, because [ ] is
considered to be an “alcohol” that contains a [
] the skilled person would clearly understand [ ] to be included
within the group of pentahydric and hexahydric alcohols contained in the 310
Drs. Byrn and Weiner’s affidavits (which are
very similar to each other on the construction point) offer a more fulsome
construction for the terms “pentahydric”, “hexahydric” and “alcohol”,
but also tie their construction of these terms in the 310 Patent to [
Dr. Byrn says as follows:
20. “Pentahydric” would be understood
to refer to five hydroxyl 9-OH) groups. “Hexahydric” would be understood to
refer to six hydroxyl groups.
21. The term “alcohol” would be
understood to be an organic compound having at least one hydroxyl group on the
alcohol moiety or alcohol molecule but which does not contain carbon-oxygen
functional groups such as carboxylic acids, aldehydes, or ketones.
He then goes on to discuss [ ] and
concludes as follows on the issue of construction of the terms used in the 310
28. A skilled person would understand
that when a compound contains a polyhydric moiety and a sugar moiety,
determining whether it is a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol is done on the
basis of the number of hydroxyl groups on the polyhydric moiety. The skilled
person would not include the –OH groups attached to the glucose moiety in
determining the class of polyhydric alcohol to which it belongs.
29. [
Similar reasoning and language are contained in
paras 21 to 26 of Dr. Weiner’s affidavit.
On cross-examination, all three Teva experts
confirmed that they reviewed portions of Apotex’ ANDS and NOA and were aware
that the Apotex Products contained [ ] before they formulated their
opinions on construction (Atwood affidavit at para 7 AR, p 51-52,
Cross-examination Questions 314-317 AR, p 2253; Byrn affidavit at para 11 AR, p
208; Byrn Cross-examination Questions 221 and 321 AR, pp 2467, 2468 and 2473;
Weiner affidavit at para 10 AR, p 271, Cross-examination Questions 117-120 AR,
pp 2562-2563).
Apotex’ experts, on the other hand, were never
given a copy of the Apotex NOA and were given portions of the Apotex ANDS only
after they had formulated their opinions on construction. This is made clear in
their affidavits.
Dr. Hopfenberg says as follows at paras 10 to 13
of his affidavit:
10. Mr. Richard Naiberg of Goodmans
LLP, counsel for Apotex Inc. (“Apotex”), provided me with a copy of Canadian
Letters Patent No. 2,232,310 (“310 Patent”, a copy of which is attached as
Exhibit 2), and the documents referenced in the 310 Patent, as follows: GB
1,003,686 (“GB 686”, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 3) and WO 95/11016
(“WO 016”, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 4).
11. Mr. Naiberg then asked me to:
(a) Examine the 310 Patent and state
my opinion as to:
(i) Who is the person of ordinary
skill in the art to whom the 310 Patent is addressed?
(ii) How would the person of ordinary
skill in the art at April 10, 1997 understand the disclosure of the 310 Patent
and claims 2 and 31 thereof? And
(iii) Would the person of ordinary
skill in the art understand the 310 Patent to promise any specific useful
property or properties for its subject matter, and if so identify it or them.
(b) Provide some background
information about the subject matter of the 310 Patent, as would have been
known to the person of ordinary skill in the art as of April 10, 1997.
12. After forming my opinions with
respect to these matters, I was provided with a copy of what I am advised by
Mr. Naiberg is an excerpt from Apotex’s Abbreviated New Drug Submission (“ANDS
excerpt”, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 5) for Apo-rasagiline.
13. I was asked by counsel to review
the ANDS excerpt and answer the following question: Is Apo-rasagiline a
pharmaceutical composition that falls within the scope of claim 2 and/or claim
31 of the 310 Patent?
Likewise, Dr. Palmieri deposes as follows at
paras 19 to 21 of his affidavit:
19. Counsel provided me with copies of the
following documents:
a) Canadian Letters Patent No.
2,232,310 (the “310 patent”), a copy of which is attached as Exhibit “C”
b) The documents cited in the 310
patent, namely GB 1,003,686 (“GB686”) and WO 95/11016 (“WO11016”), copies of
which are attached as Exhibits “D” and “E”, respectively.
20. Counsel then asked me to provide my
opinion on the following questions:
a) Who is the “skilled person” to
whom the 310 patent is addressed?
b) What would the skilled person
understand the 310 patent to be describing as of April 10, 1997?
c) What would the skilled person
understand claims 2 and 31 of the 310 patent to cover as of April 10, 1997?
d) What, if anything, would the
skilled person understand the 310 patent to be promising in respect of the
utility of its subject matter?
e) If the 310 patent promised any
specific utility, was this utility demonstrated prior to September 18, 1996?
f) If the 310 patent promised any
specific utility, did the inventors have and disclose in the patent a factual
basis and line of reasoning for a sound prediction of this promised utility?
g) Do claims 2 and 31 of the 310
patent cover compositions that do not have the promised utility, if any?
h) Do claims 2 and 31 of the 310 patent
include compositions that were not indicated to have been invented or disclosed
in the patent?
i) What would the skilled person
understand by the term “stable” as it was used in the 310 patent?
j) Does the 310 patent teach the
skilled person how to prepare compositions that meet the promised utility, if
k) Are there any differences between
the inventive concept of each of claims 2 and 31 of the 310 patent and the
common general knowledge/state of the art as of September 20, 1995 that the
person to whom the 310 patent is addressed, without viewing the 310 patent,
would have needed to exercise inventive ingenuity to overcome?
21. After providing my opinion on these
questions, counsel provided me with a copy of portions of Apotex’s Abbreviated
New Drug Submissions (“ANDS”) for its Apo-Rasagiline product, which are
attached to my affidavit as Exhibit “F”. Counsel asked me to provide my
opinion as to whether the Apo-Rasagiline product falls within claims 2 and/or
31 of the 310 patent?
Thus, neither of the Apotex experts was aware
that [ ] was contained in the Apotex Products when they formulated
their opinions on how to construe the terms in the 310 Patent.
Their opinions on construction, not
surprisingly, make no reference to [ ]. Dr. Hopfenberg offers the
following as to how he believes the skilled person would interpret the terms “pentahydric and hexahydric alcohols” in the 310
30. An alcohol is an organic compound having
at least one hydroxyl (-OH) group. Alcohols may contain more than one –OH
group, in which case they are known as polyhydroxyl or polyhydric alcohols or
polyols. Polyhydric alcohols may also be identified more specifically according
to the number of hydroxyl (-OH) groups in the molecule. Polyhydric alcohols
with five –OH groups are called pentahydric alcohols; those alcohols with six
–OH groups are called hexahydric alcohols.
49. As discussed above, the person of
ordinary skill in the art understands the term “pentahydric or hexahydric
alcohols” to be a polyhydric alcohol having five or six –OH groups,
respectively. Since the inventors specifically reference and exemplify those
polyhydric alcohols that have five or six hydroxyl groups and no others, the
person of ordinary skill in the art would not understand claim 1 (or claims 2
or 31) to include any polyhydric alcohols have a greater than six or less than
give hydroxyl groups.
50. The person of ordinary skill in the art
would assume that the specification of the pentahydric and hexahydric alcohols
was intentional and that polyhydric alcohols with more than six or less than
five hydroxyl groups would not function in the same way to achieve the same
improved stability as promised for pentahydric or hexahydric alcohols. Thus,
the skilled person understands that no other polyhydric alcohol can be
substituted for a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol in the formulations of
claim 1 of the 310 Patent.
Dr. Palmieri, for his part, says as follows:
67. An alcohol is a molecule that contains a
carbon atom to which is attached a hydroxyl (-OH) group, namely an oxygen atom
(O) attached to a hydrogen atom (H). The hydroxyl group (-OH) is the functional
group that defines the compound as an alcohol.
68. The term “pentahydric” would refer to an
alcohol having 5 hydroxyl (-OH) groups and the term “hexahydric” would refer to
an alcohol having 6 hydroxyl (-OH) groups. “Typically” says the patent, “the
alcohol used in accordance with the invention is a member selected from the
group of mannitol, xylitol and sorbitol.
69. The skilled formulator would understand
that mannitol, xylitol and sorbitol are each closely-related, simple, straight
chain alcohols that share similar properties and uses in formulations.
70. Mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol have very
similar structures. Mannitol and Sorbitol each consist of a chain of 6 carbon
atoms with a single hydroxyl group (-OH) on each carbon atom and have the
[same] chemical formula and the same molecular weight (182.17 g/mol). Xylitol
has 5 carbon atoms with a hydroxyl group (-OH) on each carbon atom with a
somewhat lesser molecular weight (152.15 g/mol).
126. The term pentahydric or hexahydric
alcohol has the meaning ascribed to this term above. The skilled formulator
would understand the phrase “comprising at least 60% by weight of the total
composition” to mean that the weight of the at least one pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohol makes up about 60% of the total tablet. For example, if the
total tablet weight is 100 mg, then the weight of the pentahydric or hexahydric
must be at least about 60 mg.
Both Apotex experts were provided with the
Apotex ANDS for purposes of formulating their opinions on infringement. Drs.
Hopfenberg and Palmieri offer the opinion that [ ] is not a
pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol because it contains [ ] hydroxyls, all
of which must be counted for purposes of classification. They both also offer
critiques of the views expressed by the Teva experts.
In this regard, Dr. Hopfenberg points out a
disagreement between the Teva experts. He notes that Dr. Atwood offered a
different interpretation from Drs. Byrn and Weiner, and tied his construction
to the number of carbon atoms in the molecule or moiety as opposed to the
number of hydroxyls. Dr. Hopfenberg expresses the view that this is an error. It
appears that Dr. Hopfenberg is correct in this assertion as all the other
experts for both sides concur that the relevant atoms for purposes of
classifying something as a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol are the hydrogen
and oxygen atoms that comprise the hydroxyl groups. Indeed, Teva did not seek
to defend Dr. Atwood’s reference to carbon as being correct.
Dr. Hopfenberg also offers in his affidavit an
extract from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Compendium of Chemical Terminology to counter the construction offered by
Teva’s experts. He states as follows at paras 65 to 68 of his affidavit:
65. However, Dr. Weiner’s description
overlooks the important distinction between a molecule and a moiety. The person
of ordinary skill in the art understands that an alcohol is a complete molecule
and a moiety is part of a molecule.
66. The IUPAC defines “moiety” as follows:4
In physical organic chemistry moiety
is generally used to signify part of a molecule, e.g. in an ester R1COOR2
the alcohol moiety is R2O. The term should not be used for a small fragment of
a molecule. [emphasis added]
67. This statement, from the IUPAC “Gold
Book”, indicates that a molecule containing a moiety that is a remnant of an
alcohol (because a hydrogen atom is “subsumed” in the formation of the ester)
is not understood to be an alcohol. Rather, the molecule is understood to be an
68. The person of ordinary skill in the art
reading the 310 Patent would understand that the claim terms “pentahydric alcohol”
and “hexahydric” alcohol” refer unequivocally to entire, individual molecules,
and not to a selected “part of a molecule” that contains a pentahydric or
hexahydric moiety.
The other Apotex expert, Dr. Palmieri, makes
reference in his affidavit to two patents for other substances in support of
his view that [ ] is not a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol.
The first of these is U.S. Patent 3,234,151 [the
U.S. 151 Patent], issued in February 1966 for products produced from lactositol,
[ ] The 151 Patent states that lactositol is the “trivial or common name of the nonahydric alcohol
obtained by the reduction of lactose under nonhydrolyzing conditions. Its
proper chemical name is 4-O-β-D-galactosyl-D-glucitol” [emphasis added]
(Exhibit “M” to the Palmieri affidavit, Applicant’s Application Record, AR, p
In his affidavit, Dr. Palmieri provides the
chemical structure for lactositol as follows:

The other patent to which Dr. Palmieri refers in
his affidavit is U.S. Patent 6,204,300 [the U.S. 300 Patent]. It was issued on March
20, 2001 and filed on January 29, 1999 (with a foreign priority date of February
6, 1998). The U.S. 300 Patent pertains to low resistance urethane foam, which
is made in part from a polyol (or alcohol with multiple hydroxyl groups). The 300
Patent describes the alcohols that may be used to make the invention in the
following terms:
The alcohol that may be used as the
initiator includes monohydric or polyhydric alcohol including monohydric
alcohol such as methanol or ethanol; dihydric alcohol such as ethylene glycol
and propylene glycol; trihydric alcohol such as glycerine and
trimethylol-propane; tetrahydric alcohol such as pentaerythritol; hexahydric
alcohol such as sorbitol; and octahydric alcohol such as saccharose. (Exhibit N
to Palmieri affidavit AR, p 2195)
In his affidavit, Dr. Palmieri provides the
chemical structure for saccharose as follows:

Dr. Palmieri opines that because lactositol and saccharose
[ ] contain alcohol groups but are classified
based on the total number of hydroxyls in the molecule, [ ] cannot
be a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol. He opines that, just as is done with lactositol
and saccharose, one must count all the hydroxyl groups in [ ] for
classification purposes. When one does this, according to Dr. Palmieri, one
must conclude that [ ] is a [ ] and not a
pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol.
Dr. Palmieri also makes another point in his
affidavit, saying that the skilled formulator would appreciate that [
] is quite different in structure from mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol as it
contains a greater number of reactive hydroxyl groups. He therefore offers the
view that [ ] would not be seen by the skilled person as coming within
the group of pentahydric or hexahydric alcohols because there is no reason to
believe that [ ] would function the same way as the alcohols named in
the 310 Patent. He buttresses this argument with reference to the entries for [
] in the 2006 edition of the Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, R.C.
Rowe, P.J. Sheskey, S.C. Owen, ed, 5th ed (Chicago: Pharmaceutical
Press, 2006) [the Handbook], noting that [ ] was not contained in
earlier edition of the Handbook and that the 2006 extract does not list
sorbitol, mannitol or xylitol as substances related to [ ].
Teva’s Objection to Additional Evidence Offered
by Dr. Palmieri
Teva argues that the U.S. 151 and 300 Patents as
well as the [ ] extract from the 2006 version of the Handbook, and all
references to them in Dr. Palmieri’s affidavit, are inadmissible because they
were not mentioned in Apotex’ NOA. It submits that the case law of this Court
and of the Federal Court of Appeal establishes that a respondent in this sort
of application cannot rely on any fact, document or argument that was not
disclosed in its NOA, relying in this regard on AB Hassle v Canada (Minister
of National Health and Welfare) (2000), 7 CPR (4th) 272, [2000]
FCJ No 855 at paras 21-24; Bayer Inc v Cobalt Pharmaceuticals Co, 2013
FC 1061, 121 CPR (4th) 14 [Bayer] at paras 34-37; Alcon Canada Inc v
Apotex Inc, 2014 FC 791, [2014] FCJ No 952 at paras 75 and 94-95; Alcon
v Cobalt at paras 14 and 135; Merck & Co. v Pharmascience Inc.,
2010 FC 510, 85 CPR (4th) 179 [Merck v Pharmascience] at para 96; Pfizer
v Canada, 2008 FC 500, 167 ACWS (3d) 984 [Amlodipine] at para 88;
and Bristol-Myers Squibb Canada Co. v Mylan Pharmaceuticals ULC, 2012 FC
1142, 107 CPR (4th) 75 at para 63. As the U.S. 151 and 300 Patents and the
extract from the 2006 version of the Handbook were not mentioned in Apotex’
NOA, Teva says they should be struck from the record and ought not to be considered
by me.
Not surprisingly, Apotex disagrees. While
recognizing that the case law and subsection 5(3)(a) of the PMNOC Regulations
do require a party to disclose all facts and arguments it intends to rely on in
its NOA, Apotex argues that an exception to this requirement has been
recognised in those situations where a respondent is replying to arguments made
by the applicant in their evidence. It points in this regard to the decisions
in AstraZeneca AB v Apotex Inc., 2005 FCA 183, 39 CPR (4th) 289 [Omeprazole
1]; Pfizer v Novopharm, 2005 FCA 270, 141 ACWS (3d) 636 [Pfizer 2];
Fournier Pharma Inc. v Canada, 2004 FC 1718, 136 ACWS (3d) 349 [Fournier];
Merck v Alcon, [2000] FCJ No 785, 8 CPR (4th) 87 [Merck
Frosst]; and AstraZeneca AB v Apotex Inc., 2004 FC 313, 33 CPR (4th)
97 [Omeprazole 2], where respondents were allowed to file materials to
address unanticipated arguments made by the applicants or their experts. Apotex
says that it is merely countering Teva’s position that [ ] is a
pentahydric alcohol, which is characterized as a “fantastical
argument” and not something that it could have anticipated. Apotex thus
asserts that its situation is on all fours with those in Omeprazole 1, Pfizer
2, Fournier, Merck Frosst, and Omeprazole 2 and
therefore says that the disputed documents are properly before me.
I disagree with Apotex, and in spite of the
colourful language used by its counsel to describe Teva’s position, do not
believe Teva’s arguments were unanticipated. In this regard, the 310 Patent claims
an invention centred on the alleged stabilizing properties of pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohols when combined with rasagiline. Apotex asserted in its NOA
that its Products did not infringe the 310 Patent, and when it made this
assertion knew that its Products contained [ ]. It therefore was
asserting that [ ] is not a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol. Apotex
staked this position out in its NOA where it stated:
No claim of the 310 Patent will be infringed
by the making, constructing, using or selling of APO-Rasagiline tablets since
APO-Rasagiline tablets will not contain an alcohol selected from the group
consisting of pentahydric and hexahydric alcohols. More specifically,
APO-Rasagiline tablets will not contain mannitol, xylitol and sorbitol or any
other pentahydric and hexahydric alcohol, as these terms would be understood by
a person skilled in the art of the 310 Patent. (AR, p 1150)
Thus, Apotex’ case, from the inception, involved
the assertion that [ ] is not classified as a pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohol. The defence of Teva to the opposite effect is one that
Apotex clearly had to anticipate as it is only if [ ] is such an
alcohol that the 310 Patent would be infringed.
The disputed documents are directed toward
proving that [ ] should not be classified as a pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohol. This is precisely the position that Apotex advanced in its
NOA. It therefore follows that the disputed documents ought to have been
disclosed in the NOA: they are material evidence in support of an issue that
Apotex was well aware of when it drafted its NOA.
As Teva correctly notes, the case law recognizes
that by virtue of subsection 5(3)(a) of the PMNOC Regulations, a party seeking
an NOC through the filing of an ANDS must disclose in its NOA the material
facts, arguments and documents it intends to rely on so as to allow the
patentee the opportunity to make an informed decision as to whether to seek a
prohibition order. Because commencing such a proceeding may expose the patentee
to damages under section 8 of the PMNOC Regulations, both this Court and the
Federal Court of Appeal have held that a respondent in an application such as
this cannot seek to rely on material documents that were not disclosed in its
NOA, in circumstances where it possessed sufficient information when it filed
the NOA to know that the documents would be relevant to its position.
For example, in Bayer, Justice Hughes
stated at paras 34-37:
It has been firmly established by the Court
of Appeal that the second person, a generic such as Cobalt, has an obligation
in its Notice of Allegation to raise all the facts and legal arguments upon
which it relies in support of its allegations. It cannot craft new arguments,
or raise new allegations or new facts or new prior art documents not set out in
the Notice of Allegation. (AB Hassle v Canada (Minister of National Health
and Welfare) (2000), 7 CPR (4th) 272, at paras 21-24; Proctor &
Gamble Pharmaceuticals Canada, Inc v Canada (Minister of Health), 2002 FCA
290, at paras 21-26.
While this may seem draconian since,
undoubtedly, new matters may be raised as experts are consulted and evidence
emerges, it is equally draconian for the first person who decides to institute
proceedings to face shifting allegations and facts. The process is in need of
change, but no interested person seems to be pressing for that change.
As matters stand now, the Court must reject
arguments based on facts or documents not set out in the Notice of Allegation
nor can the Court address new allegations.
I repeat the words of Stone JA in AB
Hassle, supra where he wrote at paragraph 21 that the Notice of Allegation
must set forth the legal and factual bases for the allegations in a
sufficiently complete manner so as to enable the first person (here Bayer) to
assess its course of action in response to the allegations.
In Merck v Pharmascience, he added (at
para 96):
In this sense, the Notice of Allegation is
like a pleading. Once a second party has taken a position as to fact or law, it
cannot be seen to resile from that position. This is particularly so since a
Notice of Allegation cannot be amended once Court proceedings have been
While it is true that the case law recognises an
exception to the disclosure requirement where the respondent is replying to
unexpected arguments made by the patentee in its evidence, contrary to what
Apotex argues, the situation here is markedly different from those cases where
this exception was found to be applicable. In each of Omeprazole 1 and 2,
Pfizer 2, Fournier and Merck Frosst, relied on by Apotex,
the applicants raised new arguments regarding infringement that were more than
merely responsive to the claims made in the NOA because they raised new factual
For example, in Omeprazole 1, Pfizer 2
and Fournier, the applicants argued that the respondents’ products
might have degraded, thereby creating compounds that fell within the scope of
the disputed claims. This was a new, positive defence to an allegation of
non-infringement and not an issue that the respondents could have anticipated.
Likewise, in Omeprazole 2, the applicant, in a use claim, raised the
assertion that the respondent was instructing patients or doctors to use the
allegedly infringing product for a use claimed in the patent, through wording
in the product monograph, thereby raising new assertions that the respondent
was not required to anticipate. Similarly, the evidence filed by the applicants
in Merck Frosst, regarding the nature of gels, was new and not purely a
denial of the position staked out by the respondents in their NOA.
Here, on the other hand, Teva’s expert evidence
to the effect that [ ] is a pentahydric alcohol is merely responsive
to Apotex’ claim that it is not. Accordingly, this case does not fall within
the exception to the disclosure requirements noted in Omeprazole 1 at
para 11; Pfizer 2 at paras 16-18; Fournier at para 60; or Merck
Frosst at para 11.
Thus, the disputed documents ought to have been
disclosed by Apotex in its NOA. Because they were not so mentioned, the
disputed documents and all references to them in Dr. Palmieri’s evidence must
be struck from the record. I have accordingly not considered them in making
this decision.
VIII. Assessment of the Parties’ Respective Positions on the Construction
of the Terms “Pentahydric or Hexahydric Alcohols”
Having determined what portion of the expert
evidence on the construction issue is properly before me, I turn next to the
assessment of that evidence. Both parties make several arguments as to why
their experts’ evidence ought to be preferred.
Teva’s arguments regarding why its experts’
evidence should be preferred
Teva argues that I should prefer its expert
evidence because its experts’ knowledge of chemical nomenclature, which is at the
heart of the construction issue, is superior to that of Apotex’ experts. It
also suggests that the independence of Drs. Hopfenberg and Palmieri should be
questioned because the opinions they offered on other issues are so erroneous
that I ought to conclude both were functioning as advocates for Apotex’
position rather than as independent experts.
The opinions in question involved two issues:
first, the interpretation of the words “at least 60% by weight” in Claim 1 of
the 310 Patent by both Drs. Hopfenberg and Palmieri and, second, the
interpretation of Claim 31 of the 310 Patent mentioned by Dr. Hopfenberg in
paragraph 52 of his affidavit.
With respect to the former point, both Apotex
experts offer the view in their affidavits that the words “at least 60% by weight” in Claim 1 should be
understood as meaning approximately 60% or more by weight, which would result
in Example 1 in the 310 Patent falling within the scope of Claims 2 and 31.
This Example arguably does not demonstrate the alleged stabilizing effect of
pentahydric or hexahydric alcohols on rasagiline solutions, which in turn may
suggest that the Patent fails for lack of demonstrated or soundly predicted
utility. Teva argues that interpreting the unambiguous phrase “at least 60%” to include compositions including 58.9%
alcohol so as to include Example 1 within the scope of Claim 1 is a
results-driven conclusion that can only be explained by Dr. Hopfenberg and Dr.
Palmieri’s desire to support Apotex’ positions. It says that this
interpretation is not supportable and, indeed, is contradicted by the decision
in Eli Lilly and Co. v Apotex Inc., 2009 FC 991, 80 CPR (4th) 1 at paras
155-156, where Justice Johanne Gauthier indicated that the words “at least” are clear and unambiguous and mean what
they say, namely, no less than the mentioned amount.
In terms of the second interpretative issue, Dr.
Hopfenberg stated in para 52 of his affidavit that the person of ordinary skill
in the art understands Claim 31 of the 310 Patent to cover any composition having
at least 1.56 mg of rasagiline. The Claim, however, does not use the words “at least” and, rather, is limited to compositions
having this amount of rasagiline. Teva thus says that Dr. Hopfenberg misspoke
in para 52 of his affidavit and, indeed, so admitted during his
cross-examination (at Question 348, AR, p 2669). It argues that this should
undercut his credibility.
As for the relative expertise of the Apotex
experts, Teva notes that Dr. Hopfenberg has only authored two papers in the
last twenty years and suggests he now works primarily as a legal consultant,
noting he has previously testified on Apotex’ behalf. As for Dr. Palmieri, Teva
notes that he has only a formulator’s knowledge of chemistry and suggests that
he admitted on cross-examination that he would defer to those with the type of
expertise possessed by the Teva experts to determine the correct nomenclature
for a chemical and, thus, deferred on the very interpretive issue that is at
the centre of the infringement claim.
Apotex’ arguments regarding why its experts’
evidence should be preferred
Apotex contests these arguments, noting that the
alleged lack of independence was not put squarely to its experts on
cross-examination and, accordingly, cannot be now asserted by Teva due to the
rule in Browne v Dunne (1893), 6 R 67 (UK, HL). That rule requires a
party seeking to impugn a witness’ credibility by calling independent evidence
to put the evidence to the witness on cross-examination (see in this regard
Alan W. Bryant, Sidney N. Lederman and Michelle K. Fuerst, eds, The Law of
Evidence in Canada, 4th ed (Markham, ON: LexisNexis, 2014 (Sopinka) at p.
Apotex also says that even if the positions
advanced by its experts on the impugned interpretive issues surrounding “at least” are without merit, that is no reason to
disregard the rest of their evidence as the case law is replete with examples
of situations where expert testimony is rejected on one point but accepted on
others. It points to AstraZeneca Canada Inc. v Apotex Inc., 2014 FC 638,
[2014] FCJ No 671 [Omeprazole 3] at paras 235 and 321 as an example of a
situation where this occurred.
Apotex also submits that a review of the
cross-examinations of Drs. Atwood and Byrn demonstrates that both were unduly
combative and failed to concede obvious points without repeated questioning.
Apotex argues that I should infer a lack of objectivity or independence from
this attitude, especially in light of the fact that Drs. Atwood and Byrn have
almost invariably provided opinions on behalf of patentees. It therefore argues
that I should prefer the evidence of its experts.
Apotex further asserts that Teva and Dr. Atwood
conceded that [ ] was not a pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol in the
context of a motion they brought to obtain further information about the Apotex
Products. In his affidavit filed in support of that motion, Dr. Atwood said
that it was necessary for him to obtain disclosure regarding all the contents
of the Apotex Product for purposes of his infringement opinion as [ ]
may degrade and, if this occurs, would produce mannitol and sorbitol. He
concluded as follows in para 17 of that affidavit:
Information in Apotex’ ANDS which discloses
the identity and quantity of the impurities in the [ ] used in Apotex’
rasagiline product, as well as information on the identity and quantity of the
impurities in Apotex’ rasagiline product itself, would be necessary and
important to assess Apotex’ allegation that its rasagiline product does not
infringe the claims of the ‘310 Patent and in particular the allegation that
its proposed rasagiline product will not contain mannitol, xylitol and sorbitol
or any other pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol.
Apotex argues that this is effectively a
concession by Teva and Dr. Atwood that in the absence of such degradation, the
Apotex Products do not infringe the 310 Patent by merely containing [
] as otherwise, one cannot say that the additional disclosure was necessary to
determine if the Apotex Products infringe the 310 Patent. Apotex notes that at
the point Teva requested the additional disclosure it knew the Apotex Products
contained [ ]. It argues that the request for additional disclosure
thus was premised on the belief that [ ] was not a pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohol as otherwise, no additional information would have been
required by Teva to determine if the Apotex Products infringed the 310 Patent.
Apotex asserts that the position taken by Teva
regarding the necessity of obtaining further disclosure should lead me to apply
the doctrine of election or approbation and reprobation, which would estop Teva
from arguing that [ ] is a pentahydric alcohol. It asserts in this
regard that the situation is on all fours with that in Apotex v AstraZeneca
Canada Inc., 2012 FC 559, 215 ACWS (3d) 722 [Omeprazole 4],
where my colleague, Justice Hughes, found this equitable doctrine prevented the
respondent from taking the position that Apotex was a “second
person” within the meaning of the PMNOC Regulations, when it had adopted
the opposite position in earlier proceedings.
In the alternative, if I do not agree, Apotex
asserts that, at the very least, I should interpret the evidence given by Dr.
Atwood as undermining his credibility as he failed to disclose the position he
now takes regarding the classification of [ ] in his earlier
affidavit filed in support of the disclosure motion. Apotex asserts that there
either was a failure of candour by Dr. Atwood in his earlier affidavit or his
current views on the nature of [ ] were formulated later, thereby
demonstrating the tenuous nature of his opinion.
In addition to the foregoing, Apotex makes three
other arguments in support of its submission that its expert evidence ought to
be preferred.
It first argues that the care it took to “blind” its experts to the contents of its Products
when they formulated their opinions on construction should result in their
being granted greater weight as they could not be results-driven, in contrast
to the Teva experts. Apotex asserts in this regard that the required principles
of claims construction, as laid out by the Supreme Court of Canada in Whirlpool
and Freeworld Trust, mandate that the construction exercise
should be carried out uninfluenced by knowledge of the invention claimed in the
patent. Apotex argues that only its experts proceeded in this fashion whereas
the Teva experts did not. It says that this is an important reason to prefer
its experts’ evidence, as, indeed, my colleague Justice Rennie recently held in
Omeprazole 3.
Secondly, Apotex asserts that counsel for Teva
improperly interfered with its cross-examination of Dr. Atwood in cutting off
questions related to Dr. Atwood’s affidavit filed in support of its motion for
disclosure that were equally pertinent to his affidavits filed in support of
Teva’s prohibition application. Apotex asserts that this is a further reason
why I should disregard or give less weight to Dr. Atwood’s evidence.
Finally, Apotex submits that the construction
offered by its experts makes much more sense in light of the wording of the 310
Patent. It argues in this regard that the specification speaks to the addition
of “alcohols” to the mixture to produce the
claimed invention and that, when used in this sense, an alcohol must mean the
entire molecule as one cannot add a moiety or part of a molecule to a mixture.
It argues that the term “alcohol” as used or
incorporated in Claims 1, 2 and 31 must be given a similar meaning and
accordingly must mean the entire substance to be added. It thus says that the
terms “pentahydric or hexahydric” must modify
the term alcohol (taken to mean the entire substance) and, therefore, that its
interpretation is to be preferred.
While I find some of the arguments advanced by
Apotex unconvincing, I do prefer the evidence given by Apotex’ experts as to
the construction of the terms “pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohol” for five reasons.
The first reason I prefer Apotex’ position flows
from the wording of the 310 Patent, itself, and from the analysis of it given
by the Apotex experts. In this regard, as the case law teaches, the
construction exercise is to be carried out from the point of view of the
skilled person to whom the patent is addressed. As noted, in this case, that
person is a skilled formulator, with a university degree in a field related to
chemistry, chemical engineering or pharmacy. I agree with Drs. Palmieri and
Hopfenberg that the skilled person would read the 310 Patent with a view to
understanding what ingredients are to be included in the formulation to produce
a stable rasagiline formulation and that when read in this sense, the term “alcohol” would be understood as denoting a substance
because the 310 Patent states at several points that what is to be added to the
composition is an “alcohol”. This can only be a
substance as opposed to a moiety as one can only add a substance to the
composition. That the term “alcohol” means the
substance to be added to the composition is evident from the way the term “alcohol” is used in the specification at several points.
For example, it provides:
The patent further discloses the use of the
subject compounds in admixture with a variety of substances including various
alcohols such as a benzyl alcohol, stearyl alcohol, and methanol.” Lines 14-16
AR, p 12
In accordance with the invention it was
surprisingly found that the stability of formulations comprising PAI can be
significantly improved by the incorporation of relatively large amounts of
certain alcohols. Lines 8-10 AR, p 13
…there is provided a pharmaceutical
composition comprising…at least 60% by weight of at least one alcohol being a
member selected from the group of pentahydric and hexahydric alcohols. Lines
11-17 AR, p 13
Preferably the composition comprises at
least 70% of said at least one alcohol. Lines 20-21 AR, p 13
I further concur with Apotex that the meaning to
be given to the term “alcohol” in Claims 1, 2
and 31 must be the same as the meaning given to the term “alcohol” as used elsewhere in the 310 Patent. There
is no reason to interpret the terms differently and every reason to interpret
them in a similar fashion as the entire Patent makes clear that the inventors
mean the same thing when they refers to an “alcohol”
in the specification and the Claims. Thus, when the term “alcohol” is used in Claim 1 and 2 (and incorporated
by reference into Claim 31 through its reliance on Claim 2), the term “alcohol” means a substance.
I further agree with Apotex that the terms “pentahydric or hexahydric”, as used in both the
Claims and the specification, modify the term “alcohol”
and thus refer to the entire substance. Therefore, the required five or six
hydroxyls must exist in the entire substance and not only in a part of the
molecule. I therefore concur with Drs. Palmieri and Hopfenberg when they
conclude that the skilled person would understand the terms pentahydric and
hexahydric alcohols, as used in the relevant Claims as “unequivocally
meaning” the entire molecule and not a part or moiety of a molecule.
As noted by the Apotex experts, this
interpretation is further supported by the fact that the only alcohols referred
to in the 310 Patent as coming within the scope of the class of pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohols are those which contain 5 or 6 hydroxyls in the entire
This interpretation is also supported in my
view by the IUPAC definition of “moiety” cited
by Dr. Hopfenberg at para 66 of his affidavit, which distinguishes between the
nomenclature for a substance and a moiety. From this definition it is clear
that a substance may be an alcohol and may also contain an alcohol moiety, or
may be another type of compound, such as an ester, and still contain an alcohol
moiety. Thus, when one uses the term “alcohol” to denote the entire substance,
one is required to consider all the hydroxyls included on the entire molecule
as Dr. Hopfenberg opines.
Secondly, I agree that the manner in which the
experts were retained and instructed in this case provides a reason to prefer
the evidence of the Apotex experts over that of the Teva experts. Because they
did not know what alcohol Apotex had used in its Products when they conducted
their construction exercise, their interpretation was undertaken in accordance
with the direction from the Supreme Court of Canada, requiring that the construction
exercise be uninfluenced by concerns over infringement or invalidity. The Teva
experts, on the other hand, conducted their construction of the terms with a
view to the potentially infringing substance. This is evident from the terms of
their affidavits, which indicate that the molecular structure of [
] was factored into the construction exercise.
Like Justice Donald Rennie found in Omeprazole
3, I believe that in this case as well, the fact that the allegedly
infringing substance was disclosed to the Teva experts before they conducted
their construction of the Claims means their interpretation is to be afforded
lesser weight. At para 321 of that decision, Justice Rennie wrote:
First, Apotex’s experts’ disbelief in a fear
of racemisation facing the skilled chemist is more credible because its experts
more closely emulated the perspective of the skilled person. Drs. Jacobsen and
Danheiser (for Apotex) had mandates that allowed them to opine on the state of
the art, in the words of the Supreme Court of Canada, “viewed without any
knowledge of the alleged invention as claimed” (Sanofi-Synthelabo Plavix,
at para 67), while both Drs. Davies and Armstrong (for AstraZeneca) did not.
More specifically, the Apotex experts were “blinded” from the 653 for their
initial reports addressing whether and how the enantiomers of omeprazole could
be obtained. By contrast, Dr. Davies has given extensive evidence in prior
esomeprazole litigation, while Dr. Armstrong, to a lesser extent, has also
addressed the ‘653 patent in a prior case.
Similar reasoning pertains in this case.
On this point, I disagree with Teva that all
that counsel did when it provided its experts with extracts from the Apotex
ANDS and NOA at the outset was to alert them to the issues that were relevant
and thus to focus their analyses on “where the shoe
pinches”. Teva argues in this regard that the case law recognises that
arguments and evidence need to be directed to the point in dispute or, “where the shoe pinches”, relying on Shire Biochem
Inc. v Canada (Minister of Health), 2008 FC 538, 67 CPR (4th) 94 at para 22
[Shire Biochem]. However, the decision in Shire Biochem does not
stand as authority for the proposition that it is proper to construe a patent
with the infringing substance in mind, but, rather, only for the common sense
notion that to be useful evidence and arguments in a case must be directed
toward the issues that arise. Teva could easily have directed its experts’
attention to these issues by posing the question whether the terms “pentahydric or hexahydric alcohols” as used in the
310 Patent would connote a molecule or a moiety to the skilled person, without
alerting the experts to the fact that the potentially infringing substance was [
Thus, the way in which the experts were
instructed and retained in this case provides a second reason to prefer the
evidence of Apotex’ experts.
Thirdly, I find that the fact that Dr. Weiner’s
affidavit sets out incorrect diagrams for [ ], in erroneously
depicting the carbon-hydroxyl bonds at para 25 (AR, p 275) by reversing their
stereochemistry, undercuts his credibility. This is not a mere typographical
error as counsel for Teva argues. Nor does the fact that this affidavit was
penned by counsel (who presumably mis-copied the diagrams) lessen this error;
if anything it makes it more telling as in such circumstances the expert
witness must be doubly circumspect to ensure the accuracy of the material that
is being placed before the Court. This provides a further reason for according
lesser weight to Dr. Weiner’s affidavit.
Fourthly, the fact that Dr. Atwood misspoke at
para 29 of his affidavit and defined a hexahydric alcohol as a 6-carbon alcohol
undercuts his credibility as this assertion is contradicted by all the other
experts who concur that a hexahydric alcohol is one with six hydroxyl groups.
[100] Fifthly, I concur with Apotex that counsel for Teva improperly
prevented counsel for Apotex questioning Dr. Atwood on points that were
material to his opinion. In this regard, counsel refused to allow Dr. Atwood to
answer questions directed towards Dr. Atwood’s state of mind when he prepared
the affidavit he filed in support of Teva’s disclosure motion. Such questions
are relevant to the strength of Dr. Atwood’s opinion on construction and to
when he developed the view that [ ] is not a pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohol, which issue is at the heart of the dispute between the
parties in respect of infringement. The refusals were as follows:
348 Q. You knew the structures of the
compounds? I think you just told me that you drew these?
A. I did.
349 Q. Knowing the name of the
compounds, the structures of them, you still considered it was necessary to
have information—further information—to assess Apotex’ allegation?
A. Yes. I
wanted to have as complete information as possible with regard to this
constituent, which was [ ].
350 Q. In fact, you said that was
necessary. That’s what you so swore to our court.
A. Yes, to give
a complete and full evaluation.
351 Q. Oh, no, I don’t think you said
that. You said it was necessary, right?
A. I said it was
necessary. I’m pointing out that the report which I subsequently have in front
of us is as complete and accurate as I could make it. I needed the information
which is requested in this particular affidavit in order to be able to produce
the final document.
352 Q. In your April 2013 affidavit you
do not give the opinion that [….] in Apotex’ tablet is a pentahydric or
hexahydric alcohol?
REF DR. KLEE: You’re not going to
cross-examine Dr. Atwood on this affidavit.
353 Q. I take that refusal. You did
not offer the opinion that [ ] were
pentahydric alcohols?
REF DR. KLEE: Refused
354 Q. You didn’t offer the opinion
that Apotex’ tablets infringe any claim to the 310 because they contain the [
REF DR. KLEE: Refused
[101] In my view, Teva’s refusal to allow Dr. Atwood to answer these
questions renders Dr. Atwood’s testimony less valuable as was held in somewhat
similar circumstances in Pfizer Canada Inc. v Apotex Inc., 2005 FC 1421,
43 CPR (4th) 81 at para 90 and AstraZeneca AB v Apotex Inc.,
2007 FC 688, 60 CPR (4th) 199 [Omeprazole 5] at para 67. Moreover,
Apotex was not required to move to compel answers to these questions,
particularly in an application such as the present which is to be heard in a
summary fashion. Apotex, therefore, is entitled to rely on the improper
refusals in support of its argument to accord lesser weight to Dr. Atwood’s
evidence (see, in this regard, Smithkline Beecham Pharma Inc. v Apotex Inc.,
[1998] FCJ No 1412, 83 ACWS (3d) 178 at paras 5-6; Indcondo Building
Corporation v Steeles-Jane properties Inc., [2001] OJ No 3316, 14 CPC (5th)
117 (Ont Sup Ct) at para 7).
[102] Thus, for these reasons, I prefer the evidence of Apotex’ experts
over that offered by Teva’s experts on the interpretive issue that is relevant
to infringement in this case, namely, what is meant by the terms “pentahydric or hexahydric alcohols” incorporated into
Claims 2 and 31 of the 310 Patent.
[103] It is evident, therefore, that I am unconvinced by several of the
other arguments made by the parties regarding why I should prefer the evidence
of their experts.
[104] As concerns Teva’s arguments in this regard, the alleged errors made
concerning the interpretation of the words “at least”
in the 301 Patent do not mean that I must discount the other evidence offered
by the Apotex experts. As Apotex argues, even if they were mistaken in their
interpretations on this point, this would not undermine their experts’
credibility completely as their testimony may well be accepted on some points
but rejected on others. I moreover note in this regard that if the Apotex
experts erred on this point, it is a much different error than the one made by
Dr. Byrn, as theirs involved an interpretation that Teva challenges whereas in
Dr. Byrn’s case he signed off on an affidavit drafted by counsel that contained
a fundamental error in the representation of the chemical substance at the heart
of this litigation.
[105] In addition, at least in the case of Dr. Palmieri, the alleged
weakness in his interpretation and the suggestion that he was acting as an
advocate for Apotex as opposed to fulfilling the role of an independent expert
was not put to him on cross–examination. While not, strictly speaking, a
violation of the rule in Browne v Dunne, the failure to cross-examine
on these points undercuts Teva’s argument regarding Dr. Palmieri’s lack of
[106] Nor am I convinced by Teva’s assertions regarding the alleged lack
of expertise of Drs. Palmieri and Hopfenberg. The fact that Dr. Hopfenberg has
acted frequently as an expert witness and has published very little in the past
several years does not necessarily disqualify him from providing relevant and
reliable expert evidence. Moreover, his training and fields of study are
related to the issues that arise in this application, and I therefore reject
the attack on his expertise.
[107] Likewise, I find the attack on Dr. Palmieri’s expertise to be unconvincing.
Contrary to what counsel for Teva asserts, Dr. Palmieri did not concede during
cross-examination that he lacked expertise to provide reliable testimony on the
issues covered in his affidavit, and counsel for Teva has stretched his
testimony far beyond what was said. In this regard, the questions asked and
answers given on this point during his cross-examination were as follows:
321 Q. … I’d like to return, though, to
the maltitol entry.
A. Maltitol
322 Q. The maltitol solution entry, yes.
Thank you. And I’d like you to confirm for me that the synonym for maltitol known
as alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-1,4D-glucitol is the same?
synonym for the entry of maltitol solution describes it as 1,4-D-glucitol,
whereas the entry in the USP for [ ], but…
323 Q. So there’s the possibility that
the [ ]?
A. I’m not
certain. As a formulator, I’m not certain.
324 Q. You’re not an expert in
A. I have a
formulator’s understanding of chemistry.
325 Q. But you don’t have particular
expertise in the chemistry and nomenclature of compounds?
A. That is
326 Q. And you would defer to someone
who was a chemist—
what purpose?
For—I hadn’t completed my question.
Please complete it.
327 Q. You would defer to someone who
was an expert in chemistry when it came to identifying a compound such as this
and determining the conventional nomenclature?
What do you mean by conventional? And again, I said, when I interrupted you,
when I thought you were finished, for what purpose and what context are you
talking about?
nomenclature that’s conventional for chemists, naming compounds and putting
them into entries such as these ones that we’ve been reviewing.
a formulator, I concern myself with common or trivial names. If I wanted to
confirm that one chemical name was the same as another chemical name, I would
defer to my chemistry nomenclature expert.
328 Q. The term [ ] is
not a common term in use in the literature that a formulator reads?
A. The
term—well, the phrase [ ] is not a common term, is not something
that a formulator uses in their everyday work. However, it’s quite clear, I
think, to a formulator that [ ] would mean [
]. (AR, p 2731)
[108] In the forgoing exchange, Dr. Palmieri says only that he would defer
to a chemist on issues of nomenclature in the context of confirming if a
trivial name was equivalent to the formal name for a compound. The questions
were moreover posed in connection with maltitol, a different compound from that
at issue here. Thus, the passage cannot be read as constituting an admission by
Dr. Palmieri that he would defer to a chemist to confirm what the skilled
person would understand by the terms “pentahydric and
hexahydric alcohols”. His testimony on the construction issue as set out
in his affidavit is therefore not shaken by this exchange, contrary to what
Teva argues.
[109] I also find two of the arguments made by Apotex unconvincing. In
this regard, in the first place, I am unconvinced by the generalized attacks on
Drs. Atwood and Byrn’s credibility levied by Apotex. The mere fact that they
have almost always testified on behalf of patentees does not render their
evidence inherently unreliable as was noted by Justice Snider in Teva Canada
Ltd. v Apotex Inc., 2013 FC 141, 109 CPR (4th) 1 at para 36, cited by Teva.
Nor can I infer a hostile attitude from a bare review of the transcript, as
counsel for Apotex would have me do. While there are several points in the
cross-examination of each expert where it appears that each was unduly reticent
to provide answers, I am unprepared to find them to be uncooperative in the
absence of an ability to evaluate their viva voce testimony.
[110] Secondly, the attacks made by Apotex on Dr. Atwood based on the
prior affidavit he swore in the context of the disclosure motion are without
merit. Contrary to what Apotex asserts, the positions taken by Teva and Dr.
Atwood on that motion are not incompatible with the positions advanced on this
application. As Teva correctly notes, the disclosure motion might have led to
discovery of additional grounds of infringement, but this is not incompatible
with the arguments made in this application. Thus, Teva is not estopped from
making these arguments.
[111] Thus, I am persuaded by most of Apotex’ arguments and for the
foregoing reasons, prefer the evidence of Drs. Palmieri and Hopfenberg to that
given by Drs. Atwood, Byrn and Weiner in respect of the manner in which the
terms “pentahydric or hexahydric alcohol” as
incorporated into Claims 2 and 31 of the 310 Patent, are to be construed. I
therefore find the terms “pentahydric and hexahydric
alcohols” to mean alcohols that are comprised of molecules having five
or six hydroxyls, or in the words of Dr. Palmieri:
67. An alcohol is a molecule that contains a
carbon atom to which is attached a hydroxyl (-OH) group, namely an oxygen atom
(O) attached to a hydrogen atom (H). The hydroxyl group (-OH) is the
functional group that defines the compound as an alcohol.
68. The term “pentahydric” would refer to an
alcohol having 5 hydroxyl (-OH) groups and the term “hexahydric” would refer to
an alcohol having 6 hydroxyl (-OH) groups. (AR p 1810).
[112] As counsel for both parties noted, infringement in this case is
determined by the construction given to the terms “pentahydric
and hexahydric alcohols”. As I have construed those terms to mean
alcohols that contain in total five or six hydroxyl groups, it follows that the
Apotex Products do not infringe the 310 Patent as they contain only [ ]
more than 60% by weight, and the [
]. Therefore, the Apotex Products do not infringe the 310 Patent and this
application for an order in the nature of prohibition must accordingly be
[113] Given this determination, it is not necessary for me to address the
other arguments advanced by the parties concerning validity and, indeed, both
concurred that I ought not to do so by way of obiter dicta.
[114] Thus, for these reasons, this application will be dismissed.
[115] Both parties agreed that costs should follow the event based upon
the formulation that has been applied by Justice Hughes in cases of this sort
(see e.g. Apotex Inc. v Syntex Pharmaceuticals International Ltd., 2009
FC 494, 76 CPR (4th) 325 at para 88; Eli Lilly Canada Inc. v Apotex Inc.,
2008 FC 142, 63 CPR (4th) 406 at para 188 [Raloxifene]; and Pfizer
Canada Inc. v Pharmascience Inc., 2013 FC 120, 111 CPR (4th) 88 at para
[116] I agree and accordingly have determined that Apotex is entitled to
its reasonable costs assessed at the mid-point of Column IV of Tariff B to the
Federal Courts Rules, SOR/98-106. Reasonable fees shall include a second
counsel for attendance at the hearing. Expert fees are awarded but may not
exceed fees of senior counsel for equivalent time involvement. Fees or
disbursements for attending or defending cross-examinations shall be limited to
one counsel, including for costs of travel. If applicable, business class
airfare is reasonable, but only for trans-Atlantic flights. The parties shall
attempt to agree on quantum of costs. Should the parties be unable to agree,
they may refer this matter to an assessment officer.
[117] Finally, I want to express my thanks to counsel for both parties for
the helpful nature of their submissions.